

2017-09-20 34页 doc 136KB 80阅读




不锈钢保温杯行业新标准不锈钢保温杯行业新标准 GB????-20?? 不锈钢真空杯执行标准 1 范围 本标准规定了不锈钢真空杯(瓶、壶)的术语和定义、产品分类、要求、试验方法、检 验规则、标志、包装、运输及贮存。 本标准适用于存放冷热水、饮料等液体的不锈钢真空杯、瓶、壶等日用器具(以下简称 “产品”)。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适 用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志 GB/T 22...
不锈钢保温杯行业新 GB????-20?? 不锈钢真空杯执行标准 1 范围 本标准规定了不锈钢真空杯(瓶、壶)的术语和定义、产品分类、要求、试验方法、检 验规则、标志、包装、运输及贮存。 本标准适用于存放冷热水、饮料等液体的不锈钢真空杯、瓶、壶等日用器具(以下简称 “产品”)。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适 用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志 GB/T 223 钢铁产品分析方法 GB 251 评定沾色用灰色样卡 GB/T 2828.1 计数抽样检验程序第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样 GB/T 2829 周期检验计数抽样程序及表(适用于对过程稳定性的检验) GB/T 3280 不锈钢冷轧钢板 GB 4806.1 食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 GB/T 3922 纺织品耐汗渍色牢度试验方法 GB/T 5009.60 食品包装用聚乙烯聚苯乙烯聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T 5009.64 食品用橡胶垫片(圈)卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T 5009.81 不锈钢食具容器的卫生标准的分析方法 GB 6675 国家玩具安全 GB 9684 不锈钢食具容器卫生标准 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 不锈钢真空杯、瓶、壶(stainless steel vacuum flask、bottle、pot) 产品是用于存放冷热水、饮料等液体,具有保温(或保冷)功能,主体采用不锈钢材料加工成型的真空日用器具。 3.2 主体(body) 产品的真空构造部分,由内胆和外壳等组成。 3.3 内胆 (inner) 产品主体中与内容物直接接触的内层部分。 3.4 外壳 (outer) 产品主体中用于连接内胆的外层部分。 3.5 内塞(lower stopper) 独立于产品盖子,用于密封器具口部,具有阻(控)水、保温功能的部分。 requirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fire-fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause GB????-20?? 3.6 口径(calibre) 内胆口部的最小内径。(见附录A) 3.7 容量(capacity) 产品装满水,经原盖(塞)密封后,水的实际装载体积。 3.8 公称容量(nominal capacity) 产品或包装上所明示的容量。 4 产品分类 4.1 产品按造型及使用功能分为:不锈钢真空杯、不锈钢真空瓶、不锈钢真空壶(见附录A)。 4.2 产品按密封形式分为:有内塞、无内塞。 4.3 产品规格以公称容量表示,单位为升或亳升(L/ml)。 5 要求 5.1 材料 5.1.1 通用要求 产品所选材料在可预见的使用条件下,不应释放出任何可能对健康有害的物质或对任何有机组织产生不良影响的成分。 5.1.2 主体材料材质及卫生要求 a5.1.2.1 产品内胆应选用GB/T3280中规定的12Cr18Ni9、06Cr19Ni10不锈钢材料。卫生要求应符合GB 9684标准规定。 产品外壳应选用奥氏体型不锈钢材料,并符合表1中规定的各项理化指标。 表1奥氏体型不锈钢理化指标 项 目 指 标 铅(以Pb计),mg/L4%乙酸浸泡液中? 1.0 铬(以Cr计),mg/L4%乙酸浸泡液中? 0.5 镍(以Ni计),mg/L4%乙酸浸泡液中? 3.0 镉(以Cd计),mg/L4%乙酸浸泡液中? 0.02 砷(以Asb计),mg/L4%乙酸浸泡液中? 0.04 注:浸泡条件均为煮沸30min,再室温24h。 5.1.3 辅助材料材质及卫生要求 a5.1.3.1 与液体直接接触的所有金属附件,应选用GB/T3280中规定的12Cr18Ni9、06Cr19Ni10 不锈钢材料。 产品所采用的橡胶制件应符合GB4806.1的要求。 产品所采用的塑料制件均应符合相应国家卫生标准的要求。 产品表面涂层卫生要求应符合GB 6675中4.3条的规定。 5.2 容量 产品容量偏差允许在公称容量的?5%以内。 sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re2 GB????-20?? 5.3 保温效能 5.3.1 有内塞产品的保温效能不低于表2规定。 表2 有内塞产品的保温效能 单位:? 口径(mm) 容量分类 (L) ,34 ?34,,39 ?39,,44 ?44,,54 ?54,,74 ?74 ,0.3 ?35 ?33 ?31 ?28 — — ?0.3-,0.4 ?40 ?38 ?36 ?33 ?30 ?28 ?0.4-,0.6 ?45 ?43 ?41 ?37 ?34 ?32 ?0.6-,0.9 ?50 ?48 ?44 ?41 ?38 ?34 ?0.9-,1.2 ?56 ?53 ?50 ?47 ?44 ?40 ?1.2-,1.5 ?61 ?58 ?55 ?52 ?49 ?45 ?1.5-,1.8 ?64 ?61 ?58 ?55 ?52 ?48 ?1.8 ?65 ?63 ?61 ?58 ?55 ?51 注:有内塞的产品测温时间为24 h。 5.3.2 无内塞产品的保温效能不低于表3规定。 表3 无内塞产品的保温效能 单位:? 口径 (mm) 容量分类 (L) ,34 ?34,,54 ?54,,74 ?74,,94 ?94,,110 ?110,,125 ,0.4 ?42 ?40 ?38 ?35 ?33 ?31 ?0.4,,0.6 ?44 ?42 ?40 ?39 ?35 ?33 ?0.6,,0.9 ?48 ?46 ?44 ?41 ?38 ?36 ?0.9,,1.2 ?54 ?52 ?49 ?46 ?42 ?40 ?1.2,,1.5 ?56 ?54 ?52 ?50 ?48 ?45 ?1.5,,1.8 ?57 ?56 ?55 ?53 ?50 ?47 ?1.8 ?58 ?57 ?56 ?55 ?53 ?50 注:无内塞的产品测温时间为6 h。 5.3.3 保温效能按6.4试验后,应分别达到表2和表3的要求。 5.4 耐冲击性 按6.5试验后,产品应无漏水、裂纹和破损等影响使用的缺陷,且保温效能仍符合表2和表3的规定。 注:采用非螺纹旋合结构密封的产品无无漏水要求。 5.5 密封盖(塞)及热水异味 按6.6方法进行试验,盖(塞)和热水应无明显异味。 ropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rehandling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation andtreat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written rec3 GB????-20?? 5.6 橡胶制件的耐热水性 按6.7试验后,不得发粘,外观应无明显变形。 5.7 手柄和提环安装强度 按6.8试验后,应无损坏。 5.8 背带强度 按6.9试验后,背带及连接处不得有滑脱、断裂现象。 5.9 背带色牢度 按6.10试验后,背带色牢度应符合GB 251中规定的3级以上要求。 5.10 密封性 按6.11密封性试验后,达到无热水渗漏。 5.11 涂层的附着力 按6.12试验后,涂层应保留92个以上的棋盘格数。 5.12 表面印刷文字和图案的附着力 按6.13试验后,印刷文字和图案应无脱落。 5.13 密封用盖(塞)的旋合强度 按6.14试验后,产品盖(塞)应不滑牙。 5.14 使用性能 活动部件安装牢固,动作灵活,功能正常。 5.15 外观 5.15.1 产品外表面色泽均匀,不允许有裂纹、缺口,焊接处应光滑,无毛刺。 5.15.2 产品内表面应平滑均匀,无明显划痕、坑点和变形。 5.15.3 各部件颜色均匀,表面无毛刺,无明显划伤。 5.15.4 印刷文字和图案清晰完整。 5.15.5 电镀件不应露底、起皮、生锈。 5.15.6 产品标志应端正、清晰、完整,并符合8.1.1标志要求。 6 试验方法 6.1试验条件 6.1.1 试验设备包括: a) 规格为900?600?30mm硬质木板两块; b)冲击试验用支架一个; c) 回流冷凝装置一套; d)0-100kgf?cm扭力机一台; e)精度为0.1?的数显测温仪一台; f)精度为1.5?的热电偶温度计一只; g)精度为1g的电子秤一台; h)玻璃胶带粘着力10?1N/25mm胶带; sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re4 GB????-20?? i)游标卡尺、圈尺、秒表、砝码、刀具、剪子、挂绳、钳工工具。 6.2 金属材料不锈钢化学成份按GB/T223钢铁产品分析方法规定进行检验。 6.3 容量测定 a)将空的带盖(塞)产品放在衡器上称质量为G。 1 b)将产品内注满常温水,用原盖(塞)密封,称其质量为G. 2 c)按公式(1)计算其容积V : V = (G-G) / ρ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„(1) 21 式中:G—产品质量;单位为千克(Kg) 1 G—产品带水质量;单位为千克(Kg) 2 V—容积;单位为升(L) ρ—水的密度,取1 Kg/L 6.4 保温效能试验 产品敞口在规定环境温度(20??5?)下,保持30 min以上,装入沸水至密封盖(塞)下端。在产品内实测温度达到95??1?时,立即旋紧密封。在同样环境条件下,经过24 h或6 h后,测定产品内水温。 6.5 耐冲击性试验 包括坠落冲击试验和摆动冲击试验,按附录B试验方法进行。 6.6 密封盖(塞)及热水异味试验 将产品用40?~60?的温水清洗干净后,装满90?以上的热水,旋紧盖(塞)放置30 min后,分别检查盖(塞)和热水。 如有争议,以五名检查人员中至少有三人的相同判断为准。 6.7 橡胶制件耐热水性试验 按照附录C试验方法进行。 6.8 手柄和提环安装强度试验 按照附录D试验方法进行。 6. 9 背带强度试验 按照附录E试验方法进行。 6.10 背带色牢度试验 按GB/T3922试验方法进行。 6.11 密封性试验 在产品内装入50%容量的90?以上热水,经密封后,口部向上,以1次/S的频率、 500mm的幅度,上下挥动10次,检查有无漏水。 注:采用非螺纹旋合结构密封的产品不做此项试验。 6.12 涂层附着力试验 2用切割刀具以30?的角度在试验片的印刷涂层面上划深度见底的100个(10?10)1mm的格子,并且在上面粘上宽25mm、粘着力(10?1)N/25mm胶带,然后以与表面成直角的方向一气 handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation andtreat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written recropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re5 GB????-20?? 揭下胶带,计算没有被剥离的、残留的格子的个数。 6.13 表面印刷文字和图案的附着力试验 在文字和图案上面,粘上宽25mm、粘着力(10?1)N/25mm胶带,然后以与表面成直角的方向一气揭下胶带,检查有无脱落。 6.14 密封用盖(塞)的旋合强度试验 对采用螺纹旋合密封的产品,先用手拧紧盖(塞),再在盖(塞)上施加3Nm的扭矩,检查有无滑牙。 6.15 卫生要求试验 a)不锈钢材料的卫生要求按GB/T 5009.81的规定试验。 b)橡胶制件的卫生要求按GB/T 5009.64的规定试验。 c)塑料制件的卫生要求按GB/T 5009.60的规定试验。 d)涂层的卫生要求按GB 6675中附录C的规定试验。 6.16 外观试验 采用手感、目测进行试验。 7 检验规则 7.1 产品检验分出厂检验和型式检验。 7.2 出厂检验按GB/T 2828.1的规定,采用正常检验一次抽样,按每百单位产品不合格品数计算。出厂检验项目、检验水平、不合格分类及接收质量限(AQL)符合表4规定。 表4 出厂检验项目及判别 序检验项目 不合格对应条款 检查水平 接收质量限号 分类 (AQL) 1 保温效能 5.3 2 密封盖(塞)旋合强度 A 5.13 S-2 4.0 3 密封性 5.10 4 密封盖(塞)及热水异味 5.5 5 涂层附着力 5.11 B S-2 6.5 6 表面印刷文字和图案的附着力 5.12 7 使用性能 5.14 8 外观 5.15 C S-2 10 9 标志 8.1 7.3 型式检验按GB/T 2829规定,采用判别水平?的二次抽样方案,卫生要求检验判别 水平?的一次抽样方案,按每百单位产品不合格品数计算。 7.3.1 产品在下列情况之一时,应进行型式检验: a)新产品或老产品转厂生产的试制定型鉴定; b)正式生产后如结构、材料、工艺有较大改变,可能影响产品性能时; sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re6 GB????-20?? c)正常生产时,每一年进行一次型式检验; d)产品停产六个月以上重新恢复生产时; e)出厂检验结果与上次型式检验有较大差异时; f)国家质量监督机构提出进行型式检验要求时。 7.3.2 型式检验的项目、不合格分类、判别水平、容器样本大小、不合格质量水平(RQL) 见表5。 表5 型式检验项目及判别 序不合格容器样本不合格质量项目 对应条款 判别水平 号 分类 大小 水平(RQL) 1 卫生要求 A 5.1.2、? n=3 50 5.1.3、 2 耐冲击性 5.4 3 橡胶制件耐热水性 5.6 4 手柄和提环安装强度 5.7 5 背带强度 5.8 B ? ,=,=3 65 126 容量 5.2 7 保温效能 5.3 8 密封盖(塞)及热水异味 5.5 9 密封性 5.10 10 密封盖(塞)旋合强度 5.13 11 涂层附着力 5.11 12 背带色牢度 5.9 C ? ,=,=3 80 1213 标志 8.1 14 外观 5.15 15 说明书 8.3 8 标志、包装、运输和贮存 8.1 标志 8.1.1 在产品的明显位置上应标有清晰的永久性标志。 a)制造厂名或商标。 8.1.2 包装盒上应有如下标志: a)商标; b)产品名称和规格; c)产品主体材质和保温效能; d)执行标准号和名称; e)企业名称、厂址、联系电话和邮政编码。 8. 1. 3 包装箱上的贮运图示标志应符合GB/T 191的有关规定,收发货标志应符合GB/T 6388 handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation andtreat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written recropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re7 GB????-20?? 的有关规定,并应有如下标志: a)商标; b)产品名称和规格; c)执行标准号和名称; d)企业名称、厂址、联系电话; e)出厂年月 f)数量; g)净重、毛重、体积(长?宽?高); h)怕湿、向上、小心轻放标志。 8.2 合格证 产品合格证应有如下内容: a)商标; b)合格证(字样)及检验员(签名或代号); c)制造日期; d)制造厂名。 8.3 使用说明书 使用说明书应包括如下内容: a)使用前请仔细阅读使用说明书; b)产品主体的不锈钢材料牌号; )使用说明; c d)注意事项: 1)不得存放碳酸饮料(除非生产商明示); 2)不得用于对乳制品或婴儿食品的保温(有细菌繁殖的危险); 3)不得使用微波炉等加热设备对产品进行加温、加热; 4)如生产商未明示不得使用洗碗机清洗。 e)产品执行标准号和名称; f)企业名称、厂址、联系电话和邮政编码 8.4 包装、运输和贮存 8.4.1 包装 产品包装应干燥、完整、清洁,附有使用说明书、合格证。 产品采用塑料包装物应符合GB 4803标准规定。 产品采用瓦楞纸盒包装符合GB/T 6543的规定。 8.4.2 运输 运输时应轻装轻卸,严禁抛掷、翻滚和踩踏。 运输途中应谨防受潮、挤压及雨淋。 严禁与腐蚀性物品同时装运。 8.4.3 贮存 产品应存放在通风、无腐蚀性物品和气体,相对湿度应小于85%的库房中。 产品存放离墙距离保持在200mm以上,离地面距离保持在100mm以上,堆高不超过3m。 sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re8 GB ????-20?? 附录A (资料性附录) 产品的结构型式 A(1 不锈钢真空杯结构型式及部位名称见图A.1。 说明: 1,口径 2,主体 3,底 4,盖 5,密封圈 6,外壳 7,内胆 图A.1 真空杯结构示意图 handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation andtreat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written recropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re9 ?? GB????-20 A(2 不锈钢真空瓶结构型式及部位名称见图A.2。 说明: 1—外盖 2—塞密封圈 3—外套 4—主体 5—口径 6—背带 7—底 8—出水阀 9—内塞 10—内盖 11—密封圈 12—手柄 13—内胆 14—外壳 图A.2 真空瓶结构示意图 sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re10 ?? GB????-20 A(3 不锈钢真空壶结构型式及部位名称见图A.3。 说明: 1,盖 2,口径 3,主体 4,底 5,密封圈 6,手柄 7,外壳 8,内胆 图A.3 真空壶结构示意图 handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation andtreat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written recropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re11 GB ????-20?? 附录B (规范性附录) 产品耐冲击试验方法 B.1 坠落冲击试验 a)将产品装满常温(5?~35?)水并密封,用挂绳垂直悬挂在400mm高处,在静止状态下坠落到经水平固定的厚度为30mm以上的硬质木板上。(图B.1 a) b)再将产品装满常温(5?~35?)水并密封,用挂绳水平悬挂在400mm高处,在静止状态下坠落到经水平固定的厚度为30mm以上的硬质木板上。(图B.1 b) 单位:mm a) 垂直悬挂 b) 水平悬挂 图B.1 坠落冲击试验示意图 sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re12 GB ????-20?? B. 2 摆动冲击试验 将产品装满常温(5?~35?)水并密封,用挂绳固定,保持400mm长度,提起至45?角位置,撞击垂直固定的厚度为30mm以上的硬质木板。(图B.2) 单位:mm 图B.2 摆动冲击试验示意图 treat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written recropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rehandling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation and13 GB????-20?? 附录C (规范性附录) 橡胶制件的耐热水性试验方法 C(1 耐热水性试验 将橡胶制件置于回流冷凝装置的容器中,加热4h后取出,检查有无发粘。另外,在正常温 度下放置2h后,裸眼检查其外观有无明显变形。(图C.1) 1 4 3 2 说明: 1,回流冷凝装置 2,蒸馏水 3,橡胶制件 4,水 图C.1 橡胶制件的耐热水性试验示意图 sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re14 GB????-20?? 附录D (规范性附录) 手柄和提环安装强度的试验方法 D.1 手柄和提环安装强度试验 通过手柄或提环将产品悬挂,将相当于产品满装水(包括所有附件)6倍重量的重物, 按图D.1 所示轻挂在产品上,保持5min,检查手柄或提环。 单位:mm 50至70 重物 图D.1 手柄和提环安装强度试验示意图 ment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authorities on the investigation andtreat ord, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sent to hospitals for emergencyy, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, make a mark and a written recropertgroup after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures to rescue the injured and prting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue measures and rescue leading free prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Department of safety, while repo fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-cell phone 8 and fireation ong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site located commuter car, communicscort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report by Li ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dare: escene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation process. Division of labour f emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue people and property, protect the scue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Deping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong orequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency rehandling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the cause15 GB????-20?? 附录E (规范性附录) 背带强度的试验方法 E(1 背带强度试验 将背带展开至最长处,再通过背带将产品悬挂,用相当于产品满装水(包括所有附件) 10倍重量的重物,按图E.1 所示轻挂在产品上,保持5min,检查背带及其连接处。 单位:mm 50至70 50至70 重物 重物 a) 垂直悬挂 b) 水平悬挂 图E.1背带强度试验示意图 sees on the investigation and handling of accidents., after the accident, organizes the concerned personnel for the causpitals for emergency treatment and treatment in a timely manner. project staff actively support and higher authoritito ho ke a mark and a written record, keep relevant material evidences. Checking the injured injury and degree, injured people sentcue the injured and property, prevent accidents expanded, and to protect the construction site, so much more moving scene, mato reseasures and rescue leading group after receiving the report, immediately organized rescue teams, and take effective measures tment of safety, while reporting to the competent, not later than reported and concealed. accident emergency rescue mfree prompt escalation to corporate security section of the Department, the Depar fighting equipment, first aid kits and other configuration is required. accident report after the accident, project a-ommuter car, communication cell phone 8 and fireted cLi ping Zhang Baohai, Xu Dong is responsible for the site, and others organized the rescue. 8.8.2 emergency program site loca . Division of labour are: escort the wounded spar Zhao Gu Songwei is responsible for, is accountable to the company report byocessand property, protect the scene of the accident, with the company and the higher authorities of the accident investigation pr ping Zhang Baohai Xu Dong of emergency rescue leading group responsible for: production safety accidents timely rescue peoplescue leading group: Ke Xinhua Deputy head: duruilongpeiwenfu members: spar Zhao Gu Songwei Li Derequirements is formulated with site construction production safety accident and rescue measures. 8.8.1 accident emergency re16
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