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精神专科医院建设标准精神专科医院建设标准 ,征求意见稿, 2009年 北京 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the e...
精神专科医院建设 ,征求意见稿, 2009年 北京 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 目 录 第一章 总则 第二章 建设规模与项目构成 第三章 建筑面积指标 第四章 规划布局与建设用地 第五章 建筑标准 第六章 主要经济技术指标 附件 精神专科医院建设标准条文说明 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 2level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expe powe 第一章 总 则 第一条 为规范精神专科医院建设~提高精神专科医院项目决策水平和工程建设管理水平~合理确定建设规模~满足精神专科医院基本功能需要~提高投资效益~促进精神卫生事业健康发展~制定本建设标准。 第二条 本建设标准是精神专科医院建设项目投资的重要制度~是合理确定项目建设水平的全国统一标准~是编制、评估和审批精神专科医院工程项目的重要依据~是对建设项目全过程监督检查的尺度。 第三条 本建设标准适用于精神专科医院的新建、改建和扩建工程项目。 第四条 精神专科医院的建设~必须遵守国家有关法律、法规和国家有关卫生工作的政策~正确处理需要与可能、现状与发展的关系~做到布局合理、规模适宜、功能适用、装备适度、流程科学、运行经济、安全环保。 第五条 精神专科医院的建设~应符合区域卫生规划、医疗机构设置规划和当地城乡建设总体规划的要求~充分利用现有卫生资源和基础设施~避免重复建设。 第六条 精神专科医院的建设~应对院区进行总体规划~根据需要和投资可能~一次或分期实施。 第七条 精神专科医院的建设~除执行本建设标准外~应符合国家现行的有关标准、规范和定额、指标的。 第二章 建设规模与项目构成 第八条 精神专科医院的床位规模~宜分为70-199床、200-499床、500床及以上三种类型。 第九条 精神专科医院的床位规模应根据其服务人口数量、精神卫生资源和精神卫生服务的需求进行综合平衡后确定。满足重性精神疾病急性期服务需要的床位规模宜为每万人1.48张。 第十条 精神专科医院建设项目构成包括房屋建筑、场地和附属设施。其 ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi 3ious environment for the development.inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is tt guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi 中房屋建筑主要包括急诊、门诊、住院、医技、工娱、保障、行政管理和院内生活等设施用房,场地包括道路、绿地、室外活动场地和停车场等,附属设施包括污水处理、供电、垃圾收集等。 第十一条 承担医学科研、教学及预防保健任务的精神专科医院~还应包括相应设施。 精神专科医院配套设施的建设应坚持专业化协作和社会化服务的原则~充分利用城市公共设施。 第三章 建筑面积指标 第十二条 精神专科医院急诊、门诊、住院、医技、工娱、保障、行政管理和院内生活用房等设施的床均建筑面积指标~宜符合表1的规定。 2 表1 房屋建筑面积指标 (m/床) 建设规模 70-199床 200,499床 500床及以上 建筑面积指标 58 60 62 第十三条 精神专科医院各组成部分用房在总建筑面积中所占有的比例~宜符合表2的规定。 表2 各功能用房占总建筑面积的比例,%, 规模 70-199床 200,499床 500床及以上 部门 急诊部 0 2 2 门诊部 12 12 13 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 4level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expe powework, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control 住院部 54 54 52 医技科室 14 12 14 工娱疗室 4 4 3 保障系统 8 8 8 行政管理 4 4 4 院内生活 4 4 4 注:使用中~各类用房占总建筑面积的比例可根据实际需要适当调整。 第十四条 精神专科医院内预防保健用房的建筑面积~应按编制批准的每 2位专职预防保健工作人员20m增加建筑面积。 第十五条 承担医学科研任务的精神专科医院~应以副高及以上专业技术 2人员总数的70,为基数~按每人32m的标准增加科研用房建筑面积。 第十六条 医学院校的附属医院、教学医院和实习医院的教学用房配置~应符合表3的规定。 2表3 精神专科医院教学用房建筑面积指标,m/床, 医院分类 附属医院 教学医院 实习医院 面积指标 1.6,2 0.8 0.5 第十七条 配套建设机动车和非机动车停车设施的~其面积另行增加。具体数量和建筑面积指标~按建设项目所在地区有关规定执行。 第十八条 根据建设项目所在地区的实际情况~需要配套建设采暖锅炉房和人民防空设施的~应按有关规定另行增加建筑面积。 第四章 规划布局与建设用地 ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi t guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi 5ious environment for the development.inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is t 第十九条 精神专科医院选址应符合下列要求: 一、应具备较好的工程地质条件和水文地质条件。 二、周边宜有便利的水、电、路等公用基础设施。 三、应环境安静、远离污染源和易燃易爆物的生产和贮存区、高压线 路及其设施。 第二十条 精神专科医院的总体布局应符合下列要求: 一、功能分区合理~洁污流线清楚~避免交叉感染。 二、建筑布局合理、紧凑~内部流线科学便捷~管理安全方便~减少能耗。 三、病房、诊疗室等主要医疗用房应处于相对安静的位置。 四、根据不同地区的气象条件~合理确定建筑物的朝向~充分利用自然通风与自然采光~为患者和医护人员提供良好的诊疗和工作环境。 地、道路用地、绿第二十一条 精神专科医院的建设用地~包括建筑物用 化及活动用地、堆晒用地,用于燃煤堆放与洗涤物品的晾晒,和医疗废物与日产垃圾的存放、处置用地。床均建设用地指标应符合表4的规定。 2表4 精神专科医院建设用地指标 (m/床) 建设规模 70-199床 200,499床 500床及以上 用地指标 108 105 105 第二十二条 承担医学科研任务的精神专科医院~应以副高及以上专业技 2术人员总数的70,为基数~按每人30m的标准另行增加科研设施的建设用地。 2承担教学任务的精神专科医院应按每床6m另行增加教学设施的建设用地。 第二十三条 精神专科医院机动车和非机动车停车场的用地面积~应在床均用地面积指标以外~按当地的有关规定确定。 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi 6level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expe powework, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 第二十四条 精神专科医院的绿地率应符合当地有关规定。 第五章 建筑标准 第二十五条 精神专科医院的建设~应贯彻适用、安全、经济和在可能条件下美观的原则~按照经济水平和地域条件合理确定。 第二十六条 精神专科医院建设应符合国家环境保护、建筑节能的相关法律、法规和标准。 第二十七条 精神专科医院医疗业务用房应符合医院感染预防与控制的基本原则。 第二十八条 精神专科医院的建设应符合国家《城市道路和建筑物无障碍设计规范》及当地无障碍设施建设的有关规定。 第二十九条 精神专科医院房屋建筑耐火等级和消防设施的配置应遵守国家建筑设计防火规范的有关规定。 第三十条 精神专科医院宜为单层或多层建筑。各类用房应符合国家结构安全及抗震设防的有关规范规定。主要建筑的结构形式应考虑使用的灵活性和改造的可能性。 第三十一条 精神专科医院的建筑装修和环境设计应清新、典雅、朴素~应有利于患者康复~体现精神卫生临床医学的专业特点。 第三十二条 精神专科医院的业务用房应选用坚固、安全的与设备。 第三十三条 精神专科医院的院区管网~应采用分区专线供应。主要建筑物内~应设置管道井并按需要设置设备层。主要管道沟应便于维修和通风~应采取防水措施。 第三十四条 精神专科医院的供电设施应安全可靠~宜采用双回路供电。不具备双回路供电地区应设置自备电源。院区内应采用分回路供电方式。 第三十五条 精神专科医院的供水设施应安全可靠~供水水质应符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》。 ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi ious environment for the development.inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is tt guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi 7 第三十六条 精神专科医院宜配置与其建设规模和业务技术、行政管理工作相适应的信息系统、通讯系统和安全技术防范系统。 第三十七条 精神专科医院应配置准确、简洁、完善、清晰、醒目的标识系统。根据需求设置中英文对照标志。 第三十八条 精神专科医院应设置安全可靠的医用气体供应系统。 第三十九条 精神专科医院应建设污水、污物处理设施。污水水质应满足《医疗机构水污染物排放标准》中有关医院污水排放的规定。污物处理应满足《医疗废物管理条例》有关规定。废弃物和生活垃圾的分类、归集、存放与处置应遵守国家有关环境保护的规定。 第六章 主要经济技术指标 第四十条 精神专科医院的投资估算~应按国家现行有关规定编制。在评估或审批可行性研究报告时~急诊部、门诊部、住院部、医技科室等设施的平均建安工程造价~可按建设地区相同建筑等级标准和结构形式住宅平均建安造 2倍测算。 价的1.5, 第四十一条 建设工期按国家关于建筑安装工程工期有关定额执行。 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 8level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expe powework, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control 附件 精神专科医院建设标准条文说明 第一章 总 则 第一条 本建设标准编制目的。精神卫生问题是重要的公共卫生问题和突出的社会问题~已经成为我国和国际社会的共识。精神疾病共有10大类72小类近400种。其中~重性精神疾病,以精神分裂症、双相障碍、偏执性精神病、分裂情感障碍为主,患者病情重~发病时具有一定社会危害性~疾病的致残率较高。根据调查显示~我国重性精神疾病患者约1600万。2004年世界卫生组织公布~我国2002年全国的总体疾病负担(DALYs)中~神经、精神疾病和自杀导致的疾病负担达到了20.3%~已经超过了五分之一。 长期以来我国没有精神专科医院建设标准~在精神专科医院建设过程中缺少科学的指导~项目建成后不能满足使用要求的现象较为普遍。在对全国390所精神医院的调查问卷、部分医院现场调查以及对国外部分精神卫生机构建设 指导今后精神专科医院建数据的基础上~结合我国实际~制定了本标准~ 设工作。 第二条 本建设标准的作用。本建设标准是为项目决策服务的统一标准,在技术、经济、管理上起宏观管理作用~具有很强的政策性、实用性~是编制、评估、审批精神专科医院建设可行性研究报告的重要依据~也是有关部门审查工程项目初步设计和监督检查建设标准的重要尺度。 第三条 本建设标准适用范围。 第四条 精神专科医院的建设必须与项目所在地区社会经济发展相适应~同时要根据当地实际情况~处理好需要与可能、现状与发展的关系~力求使精神专科医院建设在规模、功能、装备、建设水平等方面达到比较合理的水平。精神专科医院建设工作应依法进行~必须遵守国家有关经济建设的法律、法规和精神卫生事业发展的政策~增强科学性~避免盲目性、随意性。 第五条 精神专科医院建设工作要同时符合区域卫生规划、医疗机构设置 ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi 9ious environment for the development.inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is tt guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi 规划和当地城乡建设总体规划要求~核心是科学设置机构、合理确定规模、避免重复浪费。 第六条 精神专科医院建设~应该首先科学制定总体发展建设规划~并经有关部门批准后~再根据实际需要和财力、物力等条件~一次或分期实施。这是总结50多年来医院建设的经验和教训。其目的在于控制浪费、随意建设导致布局不合理、流程不科学、运行不经济等违反管理科学和医院自身发展规律的不正确做法。严格执行本条规定~按照规划进行建设~将使医院始终保持适度的规模、合理的布局、科学的流程和良好的环境。 第七条 本条规定了本建设标准与现行有关标准、规范和定额、指标规定之间的关系。 第二章 建设规模与项目构成 第八条 考虑到精神专科医院的特殊性和现状~规模不宜过大~因此本标准将500床作为上限~原则上不鼓励建太大规模的精神专科医院。规模过小则不能形成规模效益~管理、运行成本相对较大~因此将70床作为下限。本建设标准根据精神专科医院病床数量的多少~将其建设规模划分为70-199床、200-499床、500床及以上三种类型。在实际工作中~如有床位规模小于70床的精神专科医院可参照本标准执行。 第九条 本条规定了确定精神专科医院床位规模的原则。根据卫生部2006年对全国精神卫生资源配置研究~满足患有重性精神疾病急性住院治疗需要的床位规模~全国精神科病床每万人设置1.48张。 第十条 本条阐明了精神专科医院房屋建筑的功能构成~即精神专科医院的全部业务用房由急诊部、门诊部、住院部、医技科室、工娱疗室、保障系统、行政管理和院内生活用房等八部分功能用房组成。这些功能用房的有机组成~保证了医院的正常运行。承担预防保健、教学及科研任务的精神专科医院~还应相应增加建筑面积。 第十一条 由于精神专科医院的规模普遍不大~如果将医院办成小而全的机构~附属设施全部独立设置~势必增加建设、管理和运行成本。为此~提倡 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expe powework, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 10level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 附属配套设施尽量利用社会化服务。 第三章 建筑面积指标 第十二条 本条规定了以急诊部、门诊部、住院部、医技科室、工娱疗室、保障系统、行政管理和院内生活用房等八项功能用房为基本参数确定的精神专科医院床均建筑面积指标。 本建筑面积指标通过如下方式进行了对比研究而确定: 1.根据目前国内精神专科医院的现状及临床医学的发展~按70-199床、200-499床、500床及以上三种类型规模编制建筑~从而测算出建筑面积指标。 2.对比现状医院情况~对测算指标进行验证、调整。 按床位规模分类精神专科医院床均建筑面积指标 表1 床位规模 70床以下 70-199床 200-499床 500床及以上 平均 2面积指标,m/床, 60.28 52.42 51.17 30.03 45.40 按医院等级分类精神专科医院床均建筑面积指标 表2 医院等级 省级 地市级 县级 平均 2面积指标,m/床, 42.38 45.9 51.17 45.40 按建筑方案测算精神专科医院床均面积指标 表3 床位规模 70床 150床 200床 300床 500床 2面积指标,m/床, 58.26 58.4 60.71 60.56 62.45 从国内调查结果来看~我国目前精神专科医院的床均建筑面积指标较低~ ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is tt guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi 11ious environment for the development. 与国外及建筑方案测算的差距较大。结合医院现状~适当调整确定本标准的床均建筑面积指标数据。 第十三条 本条规定了八项功能用房在精神专科医院总建筑面积中所占比例。该比例可根据地区和医院的实际需要作适当调整。 第十四条 本条规定专职预防保健人员应在床均建筑面积指标之外另行增加建筑面积。 第十五条 本条规定科研用房确定原则。 第十六条 根据目前我国临床医学教育体制~精神专科医院会承担一定比例的教学任务。经调查~精神专科医院每床配置约5名学生的教学任务。根据原国家教委、卫生部、国家中医药管理局发布的《普通高等医学院校临床教学基地管理暂行规定》~确定了床均建筑面积指标之外增加用于教学的建筑面积指标。 第十七条 本条明确了建设机动车和非机动车设施增加建筑面积的规定。 第十八条 本条明确了建设采暖锅炉房和人民防空设施增加建筑面积的规定。 第四章 规划布局与建设用地 第十九条 精神专科医院选址要求。 第二十条 总平面布局的要求。 第二十一条 床均建设用地指标。 根据2006年对196所精神专科医院的建筑规模指标的分析显示~床均用地 2面积指标为119.86m。 精神专科医院现状床均用地面积指标 表4 床位规模 70床以下 70-199床 200-499床 500床及以上 平均 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi 12level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expe powework, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 床均用地面积指127.83 235.32 132 69.76 119.86 2标,m/床, 数据显示精神专科医院的用地指标与精神卫生医疗工作特点相适应~需要一定的室外活动空间及良好的绿化环境。从总体看~床位数与用地面积成反比~体现出床位多的医院集约用地以及大中城市用地紧张的客观情况。 从节约用地的角度~综合考虑功能需求~确定精神专科医院的用地指标。 第二十二条 规定了承担教学科研任务的精神专科医院配置用地面积的指标。 第二十三条 明确了机动车和非机动车停车设施用地面积的确定办法。 第二十四条 本条规定了绿化用地要求。 第五章 建筑标准 第二十五条 本条明确了精神专科医院建筑标准应遵循的基本原则。 第二十六条 本条明确了精神专科医院环境节能的要求。 第二十七条 本条明确了精神专科医院控制院内交叉感染的要求。 第二十八条 本条明确了精神专科医院无障碍设施建设的要求。 第二十九条 本条明确了精神专科医院的建筑防火和消防设施的要求。由于医院工作性质和工作对象的特殊性~防火和消防工作尤为重要。从医院的设计、建设到使用、管理~每个环节都应高度重视这项工作~并应制定突发火灾时的紧急灭火和疏散方案~确保消防安全。 第三十条 本条对建筑层数、结构安全和形式提出了要求。从患者在突发事件情况下的迅速转移和运行经济需要出发~医院建筑不宜建设高层。将医院建成为最安全、最牢固、群众最放心的公共服务场所已经成为汶川地震灾害发生以后全社会和国家的要求~因此~要遵循国家相关结构和抗震设防规定~保 ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi 13ious environment for the development.inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is tt guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi 证建筑安全。结构形式的灵活性和改造可能性体现了医疗服务需求和发展方向。 第三十一条 本条明确了精神专科医院建筑装修和环境设计方面的原则要求。 第三十二条 本条明确了业务用房建设选用材料和设备的基本要求。精神疾病患者存在肇事、肇祸或自残可能性~因此在医疗场所建设必须具备足够的安全性~尽可能消除安全隐患~为患者、家属及医护人员提供一个安全的场所。 第三十三条 本条明确了院区和建筑物内管网建设要求。实践证明~对蒸汽、冷热水和冬季供暖采用分区专线供应的方法~既便于日常的维修与管理~又可以节约能源。 由于医院内的管道种类多、线路长~遇有较大故障就须大规模拆装~十分不便~适当加大下水管口径~采取有效的防堵塞措施并设置管道井和设备层~有利于日常的维修、保养与医院的改造和发展。 不少医院的室外管沟不但低矮狭窄~且由于没有采取防水措施~沟内积水严重~不仅腐蚀管线~也不利于维修。应采取有效措施~防止地下水渗入~并便于维修、改造和通风。 第三十四条 本条明确了医院供电设施要求。医院的工作特点要求具备安全可靠的不间断供电条件~宜实行双路供电,来自不同变电站的两路电源,。不具备双路供电条件的医院~应设置自备电源。院区以内应采用分路供电的方式~目的是为了保障设备的安全运转。 鉴于医院工作的特殊性~还宜考虑设置突发供电故障时的备用电源。备用电源应保证医院一定范围内和一定时间段的用电需求。 第三十五条 本条规定了精神专科医院供水要求。 第三十六条 本条明确了精神专科医院应配置与其建设规模和实际工作需要相适应的信息系统、通讯系统和安全技术防范系统的要求。 第三十七条 本条明确了精神专科医院标识系统的要求。完善的标识系统对于分区、分流的认知实现起到重要作用。 I am talking about three points. good, e the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work ofce volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improvresponsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Pea of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department bility and urgency to do volunteer workOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi e powework, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all thrk, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control The mass line is a magic weapon for public security wo 14level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. curityanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public ser of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further exp 第三十八条 本条是关于精神专科医院医用气体供应设施的要求。医院在建设液氧站或制氧机房以及架设管线时~要结合总体规划~为未来发展留有适当的余地。 第三十九条 本条明确了精神专科医院污水、医疗废物和生活垃圾处理设施建设要求。 这些设施应与医疗用房一并规划~同时设计、同时施工、同时使用~保证污水、医疗废物和生活垃圾得到及时有效处理。 第六章 主要经济技术指标 第四十条 本条明确了精神专科医院投资估算的依据。 第四十一条 本条明确了确定建设工期的依据。 ill have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points.work wade a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction ly peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei mresponsible comrades of our county's ear of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department rgency to do volunteer workbility and uOne, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsi 15ious environment for the development.inue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmono contial stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is tt guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of soctional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an importanThe mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the tradi
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