首页 > 中国移动无线宽带(业务介绍、套餐资费、办理、常见问题及处理方法)


2018-04-11 20页 doc 259KB 20阅读




中国移动无线宽带(业务介绍、套餐资费、办理、常见问题及处理方法)中国移动无线宽带(业务介绍、套餐资费、办理、常见问题及处理方法) 中国移动无线宽带 在中国移动校园无线宽带覆盖范围内(热点标识CMCC-EDU),使用支持WIFI功能的笔记本电脑、手机、PDA等终端设备,以无线方式高速接入互联网,即可畅享无线宽带生活。 精彩游戏、在线电影、冲浪聊天……摆脱"线"制,随时随地高速上网,不限流量更畅快~ 短信方式开通帐号,足不出户手机付费,动动手指就能尽享贴心服务,方便更快捷~ 更有移动G3手机独家支持WIFI功能,手机登录无线宽带网络,享受极速冲浪体验。 截止至目前,校园无线宽带覆盖...
中国移动无线宽带(业务介绍、套餐资费、办理、常见问题及处理方法) 中国移动无线宽带 在中国移动校园无线宽带覆盖范围内(热点标识CMCC-EDU),使用支持WIFI功能的笔记本电脑、手机、PDA等终端设备,以无线方式高速接入互联网,即可畅享无线宽带生活。 精彩游戏、在线电影、冲浪聊天……摆脱"线"制,随时随地高速上网,不限流量更畅快~ 短信方式开通帐号,足不出户手机付费,动动手指就能尽享贴心服务,方便更快捷~ 更有移动G3手机独家支持WIFI功能,手机登录无线宽带网络,享受极速冲浪体验。 截止至目前,校园无线宽带覆盖热点如下,您可拨打10086或登录下"服务与支持"栏目获取校园无线宽带覆盖热点。 套餐资费介绍 收费标套餐包月费 包含校园内指定区域的WLAN时长 准 校园无线宽带10元/40个小时 10元套餐 月 校园无线宽带20元/100个小时 20元套餐 月 校园无线宽带40元/250个小时 40元套餐 月 超出套餐外的资费:校园内指定区域超出套餐部分按0.02元/分钟计费 备注:每月500元封顶,每月限40G流量。 套餐办理方式介绍 用校园WLAN业务首先需要办理套餐后方可使用,具体办理方式包括以下两种: 1.营业厅办理:您可携带有效身份证件到移动营业厅办理相关套餐,办理成功后系统自动给您下发密码提示短信。 2.短信营业厅办理:您还可以通过短信方式进行业务办理,发送短信指令到10086.具体指令代码参考如下: 指令名指令代码 称 开通套开通10元套餐:KTEDU40 开通20元套餐:KTEDU100 开通40 餐指令 元套餐:KTEDU250 变更套变更为10元套餐:BGEDU40 变更为20元套餐:BGEDU100 变 餐指令 更为40元套餐:BGEDU250 取消套QXEDUTC 餐指令 取消业QXEDU 务指令 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 修改密XGEDUMM?原密码?新密码(注:?表示空格) 码指令 重置密CZEDUMM 码指令 备注:开通套餐当月生效;变更套餐次月生效 常见问题及处理办法 1、使用条件 (一)用户所处区域有中国移动无线宽带信号覆盖(热点标识CMCC-EDU); (二)用户电脑有支持WIFI功能的无线网卡并且正确安装驱动程序; (三)用户有已开通且未欠费的账号。 2、上网操作 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 3、常见故障及处理办法 (一) 故障类型一 故障描述: 在网络列表中无法搜索到移动无线宽带网络信号(热点标识CMCC-EDU) 处理办法: 步骤一:首先确定笔记本的无线网卡开关已经打开,并且无线网卡工作能正常工作 步骤二:若是XP系统,按下述程序操作: 1、鼠标右键点击"我的电脑"选择"服务",点开后在右边找到并双击"Wireless Zero Configuration"; 2、将启动类型改为"自动",点击"应用"再右键点击服务状态下面的"启动",然后点击"确定"; Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 3、点击"开始",>"设置",> "控制面板",>"网络连接",右键单击"无线网络连接"选择"属性",图框中有三个选项卡,分别是"常规"、"无线网络配置"和"高级",进入"无线网络配置"选项卡,在"用Windows配置我的无线网络设置"前的框中打勾,并将常用的一个网络设定为"首选网络"然后点击"确定"后再重新刷新网络列表。 步骤三:若是VISTA或者WIN7系统,则按下述程序操作: 1、 鼠标右键点击"我的电脑"选择"管理",然后选择服务和管理应用程序选中服务,找到并双击"WLAN Autoconfig" Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 2、将启动类型改为"自动",点击"应用"再右键点击服务状态下面的"启动",然后点击" 确定"; 备注:以上设置无误后,仍无法搜索到无线网络,则观察周围用户的使用情况,若其它 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 用户能够正常搜索到无线网络,则需要到电脑硬件商处确认无线网卡是否有问题。如周围用户全都无法搜索到无线网络,则致电10086进行故障申告。 (二)故障类型二 故障描述: 搜索到移动无线网络信号,连接不成功(无法正常获取IP地址) 处理办法: 步骤一:若是XP系统,按下述程序操作: 1、点击"开始",> "控制面板",>"网络连接",右键单击"无线网络连接"选择"属性",在"常规"选项下双击"Internet(TCP/IP)"将方式设为"自动获得IP地址" 步骤二:若是 VISTA系统,按下述步骤操作: 点击"开始",> "控制面板",>"网络和共享中心"- >"管理网络连接",右键单击"无线网络连接"选择"属性",在"网络"选项下双击"(TCP/IPV4)"将方式设为"自动获得IP地址" Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 步骤三:若是WIN7系统,则按如下程序进行: 1、选择网卡 2、进入协议设置 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 3、设置IP地址模式为"自动获得Ip地址": 备注:以上设置无误后,仍无法获取IP地址,则观察周围用户的使用情况,若其它用户能够正常获取IP地址,则需要到电脑硬件商处确认无线网卡是否有问题。如周围用户同样无法获取IP地址,则致电10086进行故障申告。 (三) 故障类型3: 故障描述: 搜索到移动无线网络信号,连接成功,正常获取IP地址,但是登录界面无法打开 处理办法: 步骤一:重新刷新网络列表,对无线网络信号进行重新连接,再次打开登录界面进行 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 登录; 步骤二:查看周围用户的使用情况,若正常,请确认系统相关设置是否正确; 备注:以上设置无误后,仍无法打开登录页面,则致电10086进行故障申告。 (四) 故障类型4: 故障描述: 搜索到无线网络信号,连接成功,正常获取IP地址,登录界面正常打开,用户输入用户名和密码后提示用户被拒绝 ; 处理办法: 步骤一:确认手机是否已经欠费,相关的业务是否已经停止; 步骤二:修改密码,重新登录; 备注:以上设置无误后,仍无法登录,则致电10086进行故障申告。 (五)故障类型5 故障描述: 搜索到无线网络信号,连接成功,正常获取IP地址,登录界面正常打开,用户输入用户名和密码后正常登录,但是在上网的过程中会出现掉线,需要用户重新输入用户名和密码 处理办法: 步骤一:所在位置无线信号被墙壁或者杂物阻挡,或者处于信号弱覆盖区域,换一个信号好的位置进行连接; 步骤二:Windows系统自带连接软件接收能力不够,请尝试使用第三方软件,如"WiFi Hopper"(具体使用方法请查阅软件说明); 步骤三:无线网卡接收能力不够,请尝试更换高质量无线网卡或加装无线增强装置。(加装方法请向专业电脑人员咨询) 备注:以上操作完成后(或条件不具备进行上述操作)仍出现掉线情况,则致电10086进行故障申告。 (六) 故障类型6 故障描述: 搜索到无线网络信号并连接成功,进行下载时其他上网应用出现掉线情况。 处理办法: 下载时占用带宽过大,导致网络拥挤,请更改软件设置,对下载速度进行适当调整,或更换时间进行下载。 四、注意事项 (一) 无线网卡的IP地址需设定为自动获取; (二) 在使用过程中一定不能关闭登录网页,否则需重新登录; (三)如登录后长时间不使用,继续使用时有可能会弹出登录页面,要求重新输入账号密码; (四)使用网络时出现故障,但周围得其他用户均能正常使用,请检查电脑的软硬件及设置; (五)故障受理及咨询请统一致电移动客服热线:10086 —— 天天向上?吧 2012-12-31 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and
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