

2017-10-16 11页 doc 34KB 18阅读




一月一主题安全教育一月一主题安全教育 安全教育“一月一主题”主要内容 九月活动主题:入学教育 一、要求 结合本校实际,分析校园常见安全案例,开展新生入学的安全教育。 二、具体内容 1、组织引导学生观看安全教育“开学第一课”电视节目。 2、组织全体学生《小学生日常行为守则》,学习本校安全管理有关规定和校规校纪,学校安全制度以及学校安全“十不准”。学习本班班规、条约。 3、组织内宿生学习有关内宿生管理制度。 4、深入了解新生情况,结合新生常见的心理困惑,开展心理健康教育,使新生尽快适应新的环境。 5、开展9.18防空知识教育活动...
一月一主题安全教育 安全教育“一月一主题”主要内容 九月活动主题:入学教育 一、要求 结合本校实际,分析校园常见安全案例,开展新生入学的安全教育。 二、具体内容 1、组织引导学生观看安全教育“开学第一课”电视节目。 2、组织全体学生《小学生日常行为守则》,学习本校安全管理有关规定和校规校纪,学校安全以及学校安全“十不准”。学习本班班规、条约。 3、组织内宿生学习有关内宿生。 4、深入了解新生情况,结合新生常见的心理困惑,开展心理健康教育,使新生尽快适应新的环境。 5、开展9.18防空知识教育活动,并开展9.18防空疏散演练。 7、开展“维护健康,拒绝零食”教育活动。 十月活动主题:消防安全教育 一、要求 加强对师生进行消防安全教育,把消防法规和消防知识纳入教育培训,通过多种途径使师生了解应知应会的消防知识,掌握消防器材的正确使用方法。提高师生的消防to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 安全意识和事故防范能力。 二、具体内容 1、组织学生学习消防法律、法规和消防知识。 2、组织学生学习安全用火、用电常识。 3、组织学生学习预防煤气中毒常识。 4、教会学生领会公共场所的安全疏散路线图。知道本校安全疏散通道。 5、教会学生使用灭火器。 6、组织学生开展防踩踏疏散演练。 十一月活动主题:自救自护教育 一、要求 教育学生树立自救自护观念,培养自救自护意识,掌握自救自护知识,提高自救自护能力,妥善应对各种危险。 二、具体内容 1、组织学生学习掌握防治烫伤、电灼伤、一氧化碳中毒、中暑、骨折、流血、溺水等方面的自救自护知识。 2、预防遭遇暴力或不法分子敲诈等方面的自救常识。 3、组织学生开展自救自护演练活动。 十二月活动主题:冬季安全教育 一、要求 1、针对冬季天气特点,提醒学生防寒保暖,预防感冒,防滑防摔。 2、围绕“12.4”全国法制宣传教育日,开展系列安全 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated l rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies.-diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antipathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, rd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; nontreat nd identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis andent; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, atreatmes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causto and evy chronic nephritis2 法制教育活动,向师生普及法律常识,培养师生法律意识、法治观念。 二、具体内容 1、组织学生学习防寒保暖、预防感冒等知识。 2、组织学生学习掌握有关安全用火、用电取暖的常识。教育学生注意开窗,预防一氧化碳中毒。 3、围绕“12.4全国法制宣传教育日,开展安全方面的法制教育活动,向师生普及法律常识。 4、开展“崇尚科学、反对邪教”教育活动。 一月活动主题:寒假前安全教育 一、要求 放假前,学校要集中对学生进行一次全面的安全教育。另外,学校还要给家长发放书面材料,提示学生假期安全注意事项,提醒家长注意加强监护。 二、具体要求 1、教育学生出行要遵守交通规则,注意出行安全。 2、教育学生不要到不安全的地方玩耍。如:不到施工场地、野外、河边、水柜等地方玩耍。 3、教育学生不抽烟、喝酒、不参加赌博。 4、警惕被偷、被骗、被抢。 5、注意饮食卫生。 6、教育学生防范烟花爆竹伤害。 7、教育学生阅读健康有益书籍,拒绝非法出版物。文 he cases number requirements disease rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-ar disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antitubul s and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renaland peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indicationdialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, -onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non ary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and; urin, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent applicationnction; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosisto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological fuspecies acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis3 明上网,防止沉迷网络游戏。 二月活动主题:寒假期间安全教育 与家长(监护人)保持联系,提醒家长加强学生安全监护,要求学生返校时,假期生活情况。其他内容不详讲。 三月活动主题:卫生安全(饮食安全)教育 一、要求 1、针对春季特点,围绕“全国中小学生安全月教育活动”,积极开展安全运动。 2、有针对性地对学生进行常见传染病预防知识教育,培养学生良好的卫生习惯。 二、具体内容 1、根据上级部门安全月活动,制订本校的安全月活动方案,并认真开展安全月的各项活动。 2、宣传预防常见传染病知识。 3、教育学生平时养成良好的个人卫生习惯。要求学生做到勤换衣服,勤洗澡。养成饭前便后要洗手卫生习惯。 4、教育学生注意饮食卫生,拒绝 “三无“食品。不饮生水。 5、教育学生不采食野果、野茹。 6、有有组织地开展火灾应急疏散演练。 四月活动主题:交通安全教育 一、要求 rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies.-diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antipathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, rd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; nontreat nd identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis andent; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, atreatmes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causto and evy chronic nephritis2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated l4 开展交通安全教育系列活动。普及交通常识,让学生知道有关乘车安全、骑车安全、行走安全的注意事项和应急常识。教育师生牢固树立遵守交规、文明出行的意识。 二、具体要求 1、学习交通法规知识。 2、学习有关乘车安全、骑车安全、行走安全等注意事项和应急常识。 3、教育学生不乘坐“三无”车、船。 4、与学生签订安全行车责任书。 五月活动主题:防溺水防震减灾教育 一、要求 坚持预防为主的方针,在教育学生增强安全意识上狠下功夫。针对我镇多数学校学生生活在龙滩库区的现状,采用多种形式,教育学生提高预防溺水意识,使其自觉远离危险地区。 二、具体内容 1、做好水上安全教育工作。教育学生不在无监护人或老师的带领下私自下水游泳,不擅自与同学结伴游泳,不到无安全保障的水域游泳。在上学与放学途中不要下湖(河)、池塘、沟渠等戏水玩耍。 2、教育学生在上学途中遇到山洪时如何避险。 3、教育学生学会预防和掌握应对水中抽筋、人工呼吸等应急救护技能,学会科学合理的应急、求助、报警的方 ar disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antitubul s and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renaland peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indicationdialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, -onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non ary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and; urin, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent applicationnction; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosisto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological fuspecies acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritishe cases number requirements disease rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-5 法。教育学生掌握游泳卫生知识。 4、通过致家长一封信等方式,要求学生家长(监护人)加强监管,防止发生溺水事故。 5、开展城地震科普和应急避险知识教育。 6、有针对性地组织师生开展一次防震紧急疏散逃生演练。 六月活动主题:毒品预防教育 一、要求 围绕“禁毒宣传教育月”活动,结合“‘6.3’虎门销烟日”、“‘6.26’国际禁毒日”,积极开展针对性强、形式多样、富有实效的禁毒宣传教育活动。帮助学生培养和确立“珍爱生命,拒绝毒品”的意识,养成健康、文明的生活方式。 二、具体内容 1、落实小学五年级至高中二年级“禁毒知识两堂课”教育工作。 2、学校要因地制宜地采取课堂渗透、集中讲授、观看音像资料、阅读相关书籍、举办专题讲座、进行知识测试等形式开展教育。 3、开展毕业班学生考前心理辅导工作。 七月活动主题:暑假前期安全教育 暑假前的安全教育大致与寒假的安全教育相同。不多讲。 rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies.-diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antipathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, rd; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted ca-ment; nontreat nd identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis andent; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, atreatmes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causto and evy chronic nephritis2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated l 6 八月活动主题:暑假期间安全教育 暑假期间的安全教育大致与寒假的安全教育相同。在此省略。 以上安全教育一月一主题的内容,各校各位教师可采用以下方法开展安全教育工作。 1、教师讲授法。 2、请专业人员开展专题讲座法。 3、组织学生观音像资料。 4、出版黑板报。 5、发放安全教育资料。 6、开展演练和实际操作学习技能。 species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritishe cases number requirements disease rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and t-ar disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant antitubul s and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renaland peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indicationdialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, -onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non ary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and; urin, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent applicationnction; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosisto and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological fu7
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