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攀岩英语 攀岩英語大補帖 A Abseil, to【下降】 用繩子下降,美國人通常都叫 Rappelling。 Descending by sliding down a rope. Americans usually call this rappelling. Adze【下降】 冰斧一端平切的部份。 The flat cutting end of the ice axe head. Aid climbing【人工攀登】 不論用任何方法來達到登頂的目地的攀登方 式, 在美國叫六級的攀登。 Moving up a rock us...
攀岩英語大補帖 A Abseil, to【下降】 用繩子下降,美國人通常都叫 Rappelling。 Descending by sliding down a rope. Americans usually call this rappelling. Adze【下降】 冰斧一端平切的部份。 The flat cutting end of the ice axe head. Aid climbing【人工攀登】 不論用任何來達到登頂的目地的攀登方 式, 在美國叫六級的攀登。 Moving up a rock using fixed or placed protecting as a means of progression (and not just for protection). Also known in the US as sixth class climbing. Aider【繩梯】 繩梯,用於人工攀登的工具,這個字可能是 有人不會拼法文字 trier造成的。 Webbing ladder used for aid climbing. The word was probably coined by someone who couldn't spell the french word trier. Aid route【人工攀登路線】 只能用人工攀登的技術來爬的路線 。 Route that can only be ascended using aid climbing techniques Alcove【凹台】 岩壁上凹陷處形成平台,可供確保之用。 【法語】凹室閨房】 A belay ledge that is surrounded by vertical rock on all sides. Alpine butterfly 【阿爾卑斯蝴蝶結】 Butterfly knot. AMS【高山症】 一種急性的高山症(問醫生就知道) Acute mountain sickness. (Ask your medical doctor.) Anchor【固定點】 用來固定將繩子固定在岩壁上的定點。爬 To p r o p e一定要用到。 A n c h o r可以是波特 b o l t s、扁帶S l i n g、岩釘、C a m s等⋯。各種 形式。 Point where the rope is fixed to the rock. Arete【山脊】 A narrow (more or less - but often more less than more - horizontal) ridge. Ascenders【上昇器】 一種裝備,也叫 J u m a r s, 利用繩子來上昇。 Devices (e.g. Jumars) to ascend a rope. ATC【制動器】 Black Diamond所生產的制動 器,可用來確保。 'Air Trafic Controller', belaying device made by Black Diamond. Avalanche【雪崩】 Lots of snow or ice sliding down a mountain. B Bail, to 【放棄】 放棄攀登或登頂,因為天氣變壞了。 To give up on a rock climb or a summit attempt because of bad weather coming in. 1 1 someone do the climb already classifies as 'previous knowledge'. Big wall【大峭壁】 長距離的岩壁,可能要爬好幾天以上。 Rock climb that is so long and sustained that a normal ascent lasts several days. Biner【鉤環】 鉤環的簡稱。 Short for Karabiner Birdbeak 【裂隙鉤】 人工攀登裝備:一種似釘又似 鉤的鉤子,用來鉤住薄裂隙, 也可以用釘的。 A tiny hooked piton manufactured by A5. It is similar to the old Chouinard "Crack'n up", except that it only has a single side and that it is intended to be hammered in if necessary. Bivouac【營地】 在攀登途中很不舒服的睡覺地方。 Or short, bivi. An uncomfortable sleeping place in the middle of a route. Blue ice 【藍冰】 密度高的冰,潮濕並且混合氣泡。 Very dense ice with a watery hue and few air bubbles. Bolt【波特】 一般通稱B o l t s的東西,其實包括三個部份; 打入岩壁中的螺釘叫 b o l t,螺帽叫 n u t,俗 稱耳朵的部份叫 h a n g e r。b o l t e d也可以做動 詞來用。例句:This route has been bolted. 這 條路線已經打 bolt了! Bomber 常用來表示一個固定點或把手點非常堅固。 Used to indicate that something is exceptionally solid, e.g. an anchor, a hold. See also bombproof. Bombproof 對固定點絕對正確的一種誤解。 The illusion that an anchor is infallible Bong 【大岩釘】 一種幾乎絕跡的寬岩釘, 現已經被大形岩楔取代。 An almost extinct species of extra wide pitons. Now, large chocks are usually used instead. Bootie【遺留的裝置】 先前的隊伍所留下的裝置,像螺釘、凸輪 (Friend)等等。 Gear (nuts, cams, etc.) that was left behind on a climb by the previous party. Boulder, to【抱石】 一種不用繩子的攀登方 式,攀登的高度不高,足 以讓攀岩者安全的跳下。 Climbing unroped on boulders or at the foot of climbs to a height where it is still safe to jump off. Bounce【墜落地面】 從一定的高度墜落地面,通常足以致命。 To crater from an extreme height. Usually lethal. Bowline【稱人結】 航海用的繩結,必須加 上一個單結才可在攀岩 上使用。 Sailing knot (not to be used for climbing, 2 3 Barn door, to【開門】 當同時失去手點與腳點,使手腳在同一側, 造成攀岩者身體旋轉的現象,就像是開門一 樣。 To lose the foot and hand holds on one side of the body. Usually causes the climber to swing like a barn door. Base camp 【基地營】 攀登的活動大本營。 The lowest and largest fixed camp on a major ascent (or multiple ascents in the same area). Belay, 【確保】 用繩子保護攀岩者。 to To secure a climber. Belay Betty and Belay Bob【攀岩情 侶檔】 情侶兩人都迷上攀岩,相互為對方確保 。 The girl or boyfriend of an addictive rock climber. Belay station 【確保位置】 一個安全的位置,包含固定點、繩子及確保 者。 A safe stance consisting of an anchor, a rope, and a belayer (aka "the belay") Belayer【確保者】 此人最大的功能就是可以保護攀登者的安 全。 The person at the belay station securing the climber. "Belay on" 【確保完成】 攀登的口號,當確保者已經完成確保準備, 等待攀登者開始爬時,就要喊: " B e l a y o n "!英國人怕會搞混,所以喜歡用 " C l i m b when ready". When the belayer is ready to belay the climber up, he yells "Belay on". (At least in the US, "belay on" would only confuse the hell out of a British climber who prefers to hear "Climb when ready"). "Below"【落石!】 英式英語:用來警告他人小心有東西掉下 來,美式英語用" R o c k "或"falling rock"來表 示。 Used in Britain to warn for impending impact with objects coming from above (e.g. falling rock). "Rock" in the US. Bent gate karibiner【彎口的鉤環】 鉤環的開口是彎的,使繩子可 以比較容易掛入。 Karibiner with the gate bent to accept the rope more easily. Not uncontroversial. "Berg Heil !" 德語:登頂時用來慶祝用的話。 A German greeting at the summit. Beta 有關攀登的資訊,Running beta or auto beta 就是有人告訴你該怎樣爬。 例句:Can you please shut up with that running beta, I want to find out myself. 請不要告訴我該怎麼爬,我會找出自己的方 法。 Insider information about a climb. Running or auto beta is someone telling you how to do the moves as you go Beta flash 以先鋒攀登的方式來爬完一條路線,沒有任 何墜落,但是可能看過別人爬過或事先有別 人提供的資訊或提示你難關要怎麼通過,反 正“事先知情”的資訊都可歸類在內。 Leading a climb with no falling or dogging, but with a piece of previous knowledge hints on how to do those crux moves. Even seeing bolt的通稱 bolt nut hanger that make excellent hand or footholds on granite, etc. Chimed【沒力了!】 筋疲力盡。例句: "This climb has got me chimed." 我已經爬得筋疲力盡了。 Exhausted. "This climb has got me chimed." Chimney【煙囪】 一種大的裂隙,寬度可容納攀岩者的身體。 A wide crack that accomodates (most of) the body of the climber. Chimney,to【煙囪爬法】 一種用來克服煙囪地形的技 巧,通常會用到背部、腳、 手臂、頭或身體的其它部 位。 A climbing technique used to conquer chimneys. Usually requires the use of the back and feet, arms, head and other body parts. Chipped hold【人為把手點】 用鎚子或鑿子鑿出來的把手點,是一種低能 的行為。 A hold created with a hamer and chisel by a moron uncapable of doing the climb as it is. Chock【岩楔】 岩楔的總稱,凡是靜態的、 有鐵絲或細繩的岩楔都稱 C h o c k,是一種保護裝備, 同時也可稱為nuts, stoppers, wires, rocks等等。 Generic reference to the family of passive wired protection devices, also called nuts, stoppers, wires, and rocks. Chockstone【石楔】 石頭卡在裂隙或煙 囪之 中。 A stone wedged between a crack, a chimney, etc. Choss【很爛、很脆的岩壁】 在澳大利亞, c h o s s的意思是很爛、很脆的 岩壁,你幾乎可以將把手點帶回家。在英國 choss是裂隙中的植物或泥土。 In Australia, this means poor rock (you can take all the holds home...). In the UK, choss is dirt and vegetation found in cracks (or Munge in the US). Chute【峽谷】 很陡的峽谷,這個字是法國字。 A very steep gully. The word chute is french for fall and refers to the rockfall that is very common in a chute. Cirque【冰斗】 山中的盆地。 A deep and steep-walled basin on a mountain usually forming the blunt end of a valley. From the French word for circus. Class【級數】 A number designating the overal technical level of a route. The first number in the YDS designates the class of the climb. Clean 沒有墜落或吊著的攀登。 Climbing without falling or dogging. Clean Aid climbing without hammering. 沒有使用到岩鎚來鎚的人工攀登。 Clean,to 從路線移除支點 ( p r o ),通常是由後攀者來 做的工作。 To remove the pro from a route. Usually done by the follower. 4 5 unless backed up with a second knot) Brain bucket【岩盔】 一種保護頭部的帽子,也叫 helmet。 Aka helmet. That all important hard shelled thing that covers our (second?) most valuable asset. Bucket 【大把手點】(水桶) 很大的把手點,意思是大的跟水桶一樣,在 英國叫"jug"。 A large hold (Aka "jug", esp. in UK) Buildering 【攀登建築物】 To climb buildings C Cam【活動岩楔】 活動岩楔的總稱,只要是附有彈簧的岩楔都 可以叫C a m,像是 friends, camalots, aliens, TCUs等等。 Generic reference to the family of spring loaded camming devices (SLCD) such as friends, camalots, aliens, TCUs, etc. Also refered to as springs Campus 一種在訓練板上所做的動態動作,只有用到 手臂的力量。 A dyno executed using the arms only. Comes from the campus board where the people who do this move get the muscle to do it. Campus board【訓練板】 一種訓練板,用來訓練 d y n o和指力的東西,也 叫 training board。 A wooden training board with finger ledges that is used for training dynos and finger power. Caribiner 【鉤環】 在美國也寫成 Karibiner。 The alternative American spelling of the word Karibiner. Chalk【吸汗粉】 一種神奇的粉末,可以使攀岩者的手即使流 汗也能抓住把手點,而不會滑動,俗話說得 好:「有粉走遍天下,無粉吋步難行」。 Magic powder that makes the hands stick to even the smoothest rock. Chausey 岩石的條件很差、很爛,也可拼成chossy。 Poor rock conditions. Also spelled chossy. Cheese grater, to 在斜板岩墜落而擦傷手、膝或臉。 To slide down a slab while scraping the knees, hands, and face. Chest harness【胸式吊帶】 一種狀似胸罩的吊帶,必須與腰式吊帶同時 使用。 Bra-like looking harness (to be used with waist harness) Chickenhead【雞頭】 在花崗岩或其它岩質所擠出形狀像是雞頭的 岩塊,形成很好的手點或腳點。 Sometimes phallic shaped, protruding lumps 內 角 或 外 角 , 在 英 國 corner都是指內角。 Inside corner (see dihedral) or outside corner. In the UK, a corner is always an inside one. Couloir 【小峽谷】 陡峭的小峽谷,可能重積有冰雪。 A steep gully which may have snow or ice. Crab【鉤環】 鉤環的簡稱。 Short for Karibiner. Crack, in rock【裂隙】 岩壁上的裂縫,寬度從手指寬到身體的寬度 都可以稱為Crack。 A gap or fissure in the rock varying in width from nail to bodywidth. Crag【峭壁】 Name for a (small) climbing area. Crampons【冰爪】 一種同來在冰上行走的足 部工具,有尖釘,可以踢 進硬冰之中。 Very pointy footware use to walk glaciers or climb ice. Crank, to To pull on a hold as hard as you can, and then some. Crater, to【火山口、彈坑】 墜落後撞到地面。 To fall and hit the ground, 例句: "I almost cratered" 我差點撞到地 面!。 Crevasse 冰河表面的裂隙。 A crack in the surface of a glacier. Crimper 【小把手點】 非常小的把手點,僅容指 尖,在英國叫 crimp。 A very small hold that accepts only the finger tips. In the UK, this is just called a crimp. Crux【難關】 路線中的困難點 。 The hard bit. 例句:Where is the Crux(of the route)? 這條 路線最難的是在哪裡? cwm【冰斗】 威爾斯話的cirque The Welsh word for cirque. D Daisy chain 【繩鍊】 人工攀登工具:一種縫 成或結成的連續繩圈。 A sling sewn (or tied) with numerous loops, used as an adjustable sling in aid climbing. Deadpoint【死點】 用動態的動作抓到下一個把手點,但是只抓 到最小的位置,並沒有抓到最好的位置。通 常當你抓到deadpoint時,也就是快Fall了。 A dynamic move where the next hold is grabbed at the very top of the motion (if you lunge upwards, that is just before you start falling again). By grabbing a hold in its 'deadpoint', you place the smallest possible loads on the holds. Death wobbles 【發抖】 因膽怯而發抖的腳。 The eery sensention of jittery legs. Aka to Elvis 6 7 Cliff【峭壁】 A vertical piece of rock good for climbing (see also Crag). Cliffhanger【絕壁鉤】 並不是 Wolfgang Gllich(沃夫 岡.孤立)和 Ron Kauk,(朗. 考)跟史特龍所拍的【顛瘋戰 士】,而是一種小鉤子,用來掛 在岩壁上的小點,在懸岩下作 業時可以將身體拉近岩壁,也 叫天鉤。 Not just a silly film with Wolfgang Gllich and Ron Kauk, but also the name for a small hooking device used to aid climb up small ledges and pockets. Climb, to 【攀登】 攀登口令 Climb, 攀登口令 "Climbing" 【攀登】 攀登口令:當確保者喊完 "Belay on"後就要 喊"Climbing" What the climber shouts after the belayer screams "Belay on". 攀登口令的是—— 攀登者:準備攀登!(on belay) 確保者:確保完成!(belay on ) 攀登者:開始攀登!(Climbing) 確保者:攀登!(Climb) Climbing gym【人工岩場】 人造的岩壁,由於攀岩比賽的 推廣,人工岩場現在已經獨立 於自然岩場攀登之外,發展成 為一種單項運動。 The second best thing to real rock . Climbing shoes【岩鞋】 攀岩用的鞋子。 Shoes made of sticky rubber that would have fit you comfortably when you were ten. Climbing wall【人工岩牆】 英式英語叫:climbing gym. The British word for a climbing gym. "Climb when ready"【確保完成】 英式英語:相等於"Belay on" The British equivalent of "Belay on". Clip, to 【掛鉤環】 一個保護安全動作: 當攀登途中;將身上 的主繩掛入可開口的 鉤環中 。 The reassuring action of putting the rope through a karabiner (that is attached to a piece of pro). Clove hitch【雙套結】 一種實用而簡單的繩結,可 以用來綁固定點,也可以打 在鉤環上。 A useful, easily adjustable climbing knot usually used to tie the rope into a karibiner. Col【峽谷】 山或岩壁間的裂口,形成的通道。 A steep, high mountain pass. Cord【細繩】 細的靜態繩(5.5或6mm)。 Thin static rope (5, 5.5 or 6 mm) Corner【岩角】 繩鍊連結吊帶 opposite of smearing. Elvis, to【發抖】 這個名稱來自E l v i s牛仔褲火災英雄救美的黏 土廣告。 To have a sewing maching leg. Named after "Elvis, the King", who suffered from this this problem when singing before a crowd of screaming women. Etrier【繩梯】 人工攀登用具:帶子或繩子 做成的梯子。 (Pronounce with a french accent). Webbing ladder used for aid climbing. Also known as 'aider'. F Face climbing【岩面攀登】 沒有裂隙的攀登。 Not crack climbing. Fall, to【安全墜落】 一種動態的落陸,通常是抱石者的撤退動 作,這是非致命的墜落 。 A dynamic retreat from a climb (free-solo rappel). Note that it is never the fall that kills, it's the landing. "Falling"【墜落⋯!】 當攀岩者快墜落時所要大喊的口令。 Yelled when a climber is (about to) fall. Fall factor【墜落率】 墜落的距離除以所給的繩子的長度,所得到 的數值。 The length of the fall divided by the amount of rope paid out. Feet【腳點】 Figure 8【8字環】 一種下降/確保用的裝備, 外形像8。 Metal rappelling/belaying device shaped like an 8. Figure of eight【8字圈結】 一種常用的繩結 。 Very popular and solid tie-in knot. Fingerlock【指裂隙擠塞】 一種有自虐傾向的爬岩技 巧,將手指插入岩隙中, 然 後 扭 轉 手 指 。 Masochistic technique to twist and wedge the fingers into a crack. Fisherman's knot 【漁人結】 一種簡單的繩結,用來 連接兩條繩子,但雙漁人結比較受歡迎。 Simple knot to tie two ropes together. The double fisherman knot, however, is more popular. Fixed pro【固定的保護點】 攀登中所用到固定 的支點,像是波特 ( b o l t s )、岩釘、綁在岩壁的扁帶,或是固定 的支點、拿不下來的都可叫 Fixed pro。 Bolts, rings, pitons, stuck nuts and cams and other piece of unremovable pro that may be found on a climb. Use at your own risk. Flake 一片很薄的岩塊,它與主岩面分離。 A thin bit of rock that is detached from the main face. 8 9 or the sewing machine. Descender【下降器】 一種用來下降的裝置。 Device used for rappeling. Dihedral【內角】 美國的術語:意思是內角岩壁。 The US term for an inside corner (Aka "open book"). "Dirt me"【讓我下來!】 美國俚語;意思與'Lower me'很接近。 US slang which means as much as 'Lower me'. Dog (to dog a move)【吊死狗】 運動攀岩術語:攀登路線時,在無法克服之 處,吊著一直試到克服為止。 Climbing, lowering, climbing again till a certain move is made (the usual mode of ascent...). Double fisherman's knot【雙漁人結】 一種很堅固的繩結,用來 將兩條繩子或扁帶連接在 一起所用到的繩結。 Solid knot used to tie two ropes or pieces of webbing together (Aka grapevine knot). Double rope【雙繩】 一種繩子的操作技術,將兩條繩子當成一條 繩子來使用,通常是使用半繩。 Same as a half rope. Also the technique using two half ropes. Downclimbing【下攀】 是一種比較困難的下降方式。 Descending the difficult way. Dry tool,to 【乾式工具】 常用於冰、雪、岩混合攀登的地形中,使用 冰攀工具來爬昇一段地區。 To ascend a section of rock using ice tools - very common in mixed climbing. Dude【攀岩者】 攀岩者的通稱。 Generic name for a climber (in the US). Dynamic belay【動態確保】 一種確保的方式,在嚴重的墜落時允許將繩 子滑落一些距離,動態確保可以有效的緩和 墜落的衝擊力。但是操作不當也可能致命。 A belay method in which some rope is allowed to slip during severe falls. A dynamic belay can severely reduce the impact force from a serious fall, but can also severely kill you if not done properly. Dyno【呆!】 動態的動作,用來抓距離較遠的點 。 Dynamic movement towards a distant hold. E EB 一種岩鞋的廠牌 A legendary brand of sport climbing shoes - started the free climbing revolution. Edge 岩面上銳利的小把手點。 A sharp edge on a rock face. Edging 一種腳的技巧,用岩鞋的邊緣來踩非常小的 踏足點的踩法。 Foot technique where one uses the edge of the climbing shoe to stand on small footholds. The Grade【級數】 攀登一條路線的危險性以數字方式表示(不 要把 r a t i n g與 G r a d e搞混,r a t i n g是指攀登所 需的技術難度),在英國 g r a d e的意思是包含 grade與rating。 A number denoting the seriousness of a route (not to be confused with the rating of climb, which describes the technical difficulty). In Britain, however, the word grade means both grade and rating. Grapevine knot【漁人結】 一種用來連接兩條 繩子的繩結基本上 是由兩個單結所組 成的,登山常使用的是雙漁人結。 Fisherman's knot. Grease, to 沒有辦法抓住一個下滑的把手點,可能是因 為留汗、乳酸過多、或沙子,在一些已經爬 爛的路線常可見到。 Not being able to hold on to a particularly slick hold, due to the presence of sweat, lactic acid or sand. Not uncommon in overused crags Grodle【讚嘆聲】 攀岩用英語,有敬畏、驚歎、很酷的意思。 Climbing English for awesome or cool. Grounder【墜落地面】 墜落時繩子並沒有吸收全部的力量,而一部 份力量由地面吸收,可能會受傷。 A fall where the kinetic energy is not absorbed by the rope and pro, but rather by mother earth itself. Can hurt badly. Grigri【確保器】 Petzl所生產的一種確保器。 Nifty but somewhat controversial belaying device made by Petzl. Gripped 【緊張】 因恐懼而麻痺,並且方寸大亂。 Paralyzed with fear and utterly confused. Gully【小峽谷】 寬而淺的峽谷。 A wide, shallow ravine on a mountainside. Gumbie【菜鳥】 也拼成Gumby,經驗不足或初學的攀岩者。 Also spelled Gumby. An inexperienced or new rock climber. H Half rope【半繩】 主繩的直徑在8 . 5 m m∼9 m m之間,當先鋒攀 登時同時使用兩條繩子。 A rope of 9 or 8.5 mm that has to be used together with a second rope when leading a climb. Handjam【手擠塞】 一種爬裂隙的技巧,也是 一種有點自虐的技巧。 Slightly masochistic technique where the hand is wedged into a crack. Handle【把手】 大的香蕉形把手點,抓到了可以用來跟旁觀 者打招呼。 Big banana-shaped hold often found in indoor gyms. Great for waving hello to admiring bystanders. It may sound bizarre, but I've never seen one of those outdoors... Hangdog, to【拖死狗爬法】 See Dog. 11 Flapper【破皮】 在手上撕裂的一小片皮,並有血包;通常發 生在,很用力的抓點,但地心引力贏了。 A piece of skin torn off your hand that creates a bloody wound. Usually happend when holding on too hard when gravity is winning. Flared 裂隙或煙囪的兩邊並 沒有平行,而卻聚集 在一瑞的岩石。 A crack or chimney with sides that are not parallel, but instead form two converg i n g planes of rock. Flash, 以先鋒攀登的方式爬完一條路線,沒有任何 墜落,而先前也未曾爬過。下列兩種方式都 可稱為F l a s h:第一種是o n - s i g h t(當攀岩者 從來沒爬過這條路線或看別人爬過)第二種 是b e t a(當攀岩者事前有和道爬這條路線的 相關知資訊或看別人爬過) to To lead a climb with no falls or dogging and with no previous attempts on the climb. Two variations exist: the onsight flash (where the climber has never seen the climb before) and the beta flash (where the climber has studied the climb before or has seen someone do the climb). See there. Following【跟隨】 先鋒攀登以外的攀登都叫做Following。 Not leading a climb. Free climbing【自由攀登】 徒手攀登,只用手、腳來攀岩,其它工具只 是用來保護攀登者,而非用繩子來前進的。 Moving up a rock using only hands, feet, and natural holds. Ropes and pro are only used for protection of the climber and not for progression. Free solo【獨攀】 徒手攀岩不用繩索來確保,你墜落你就就掛 了! Free climbing while using no ropes for protection. You fall - you die. Friend【朋友】 一種攀登工具,原本是一種產 品名稱,後來變成第類工具的 通稱,有凸輪,可用來撐住裂 隙,保護攀登者的安全,現在 也 可叫 作 Camalots, TCU's, Quads, Aliens, Big Dudes等等 ⋯ 。 Trade name for the original camming devices, now also available as Camalots, TCU's, Quads, Aliens, Big Dudes, etc. G Gate【鉤環開口】 鉤環可以打開的部份。 The part of the karibiner that opens. Gerry rail 一種大的足以讓較資深的攀岩者來使用的把 手點。 A hold large enough for the most senior climbers. God-save-me【謝天謝地】 一種特大的把手點,抓到了會自然而然地鬼 叫一番,也可叫作bucket。 The type of hold one lunges for hoping it will be the perfect bucket. "Got me?"【醒來!】 當你在攀登時,確保者卻不專心。叫醒確保 者,警告他你快要給他點“重量”了! A wake up call for the belayer, used to warn her that you are about to put some weight on the rope. 10 Harness【安全吊帶】 一種可以象徵你是攀岩者 的服裝。 Piece of clothing that identifies you as a climber. The coolness factor can be significantly enhanced by hanging things from the harness that go cling. Haul bag【拖帶】 一種大的袋子,用來運送 食物、或其它裝備,爬大 峭壁時用的,也叫 pig。 L a rge and robust bag used to haul food, water, climbing gear, sleeping bag, television, satelite dish, and other essential equipment that is required, up a big wall. Also know as "the pig". Headwall 山勢很陡的一面。 Where the face of a mountain steepens dramatically. Helmet【岩盔】 一種塑膠製品,用來保護頭 部,以防落石擊中。 Solid plastic device that can sometimes protect the head from falling stones or impact (Aka a brainbucket). Herbish【噓聲】 grodle的反義字。 The opposite of grodle. Not all that awesome. Hex【六角岩楔】 一種六角形的岩楔,全名是叫 作 Hexentrix。 Short for Hexentrix. A type of nut with an excentric hexadiagonal shape. Works for wedging (as a nut) but also for camming. Hueco【︶形把手點】 微笑把手點,這個名稱起源於德州的抱石區 Hueco Tanks。 A beautifully shaped pocket with a positive lip named after these increabible features found at the Hueco Tanks bouldering area in Texas. HMS Karibiner【大嘴巴鉤環】 一種寬的口的鉤環,可以用義 大利半結來確保,又稱梨形鉤 環 。 是 出 自 德 國 的 術 語 'Halbmastwurfsicherung'。 with one wide side used for belaying with a munter hitch (aka pearabiner). From the German term for munter hitch belay: 'Halbmastwurfsicherung'. Hold【把手點】 任何可以抓的住的點。 Anything that can be held on to. Horn【牛角】 尖形的把手點,很好抓但當固定點並不是很 好。 Spike of rock that can be for a great hold or not so great protection. The same as a chickenhead. I Ice axe【冰斧】 一種冰攀用的工具。 Device used for ice climbing, glacier crossing, or scaring away burglars. Ice screw【冰樁】 一種冰攀用的保護工具,看起來像 是大的b o l t,上面有螺紋,可以栓 入硬冰之中。 A protection device for ice climbing. Looks like a large bolt that can be screwed in hard ice. Italian hitch【義大利半結】 又稱 Munter hitch knot或 H M S knot。 Munter hitch knot or HMS knot J Jam, to【擠塞】 一種裂隙的爬法,將身 體某部份塞入裂隙中。 Wedging body parts in a crack. Jug【大把手點】 非常大的把手點,是 jug handle的簡稱,在 美國稱"bucket"。 Very large hold (short for jug handle) (Aka "bucket" in the US). Jugs【上昇】 大峭壁的術語,各種形式的上昇技術的通 稱。 Big wall lingo for Jumars or any other type of ascenders. Jug, to【上昇】 大峭壁的術語。 To jumar up a line (big wall lingo). Jumar【猶馬上昇器】 一種上昇設備。 A type of rope ascending device. Jumar, to【上昇】 使用上昇器上昇。 To ascend a rope using ascenders. K Karabiner【鉤環】 在美國
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