

2017-09-20 50页 doc 179KB 38阅读




[三年级英语]弗兰肯斯坦[三年级英语]弗兰肯斯坦 简 介     或以个悲而恐怖的故事拍成的影要比世界上由简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 任何其他故事拍成的影都要多。什有多的人喜它,因简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 当我第一次到它,它就好像是出自我梦中的一。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   是一个古老的故事,也是一个新的故事。它简简“”简简简简简简简简简简简简古老是因它作于一百五十多年以 前,那的科学展才起简简简简简“”简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,它新是因弗肯斯坦的也就是我今天所...
[三年级英语]弗兰肯斯坦 简 介     或以个悲而恐怖的故事拍成的影要比世界上由简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 任何其他故事拍成的影都要多。什有多的人喜它,因简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 当我第一次到它,它就好像是出自我梦中的一。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   是一个古老的故事,也是一个新的故事。它简简“”简简简简简简简简简简简简古老是因它作于一百五十多年以 前,那的科学展才起简简简简简“”简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,它新是因弗肯斯坦的也就是我今天所面的步。 科学予我力量去改造世界,但力量也可能与我作并简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我。弗肯斯坦造了一毁 个新的人,他比任何其他人都要巨大和壮然而弗肯斯坦控制不了他,个怪物强毁——简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 了弗肯斯坦所的一切。今天的科学家正在造着巨大的机器、和武器,他声称简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 些西我有益简简简——简简简简简简简简简但我能它,   简简?雪莱,1797—1851,是多利代的一位重要作家。她的丈夫是英格最著名简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 的人之一简——珀西?比希?雪莱。           1     ‘Captain: Something is moving on the ice,Look over there:’   The sailor stood at the top of the mast, high above the Captain, His hand pointed away from the ship, across the miles of ice that covered the sea,   The Captain looked to the north, where the sailor was pointing, He saw something coming fast towards the ship across the ice, He put his telescope to his eye, and through it he could see the shapes of ten dogs pulling a sledge over the ice, He could also see the driver of the sledge—a huge figure,much bigger than a man,   The sledge came nearer and nearer to the sea, Soon it was only a quarter of a mile from the ship,No one needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the driver,   Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice and disappeared, At that moment another sledge appeared, It, too,was moving fast, and was clearly chasing the first sledge, This driver was a smaller figure, more like an ordinary man,Faster and faster the dogs ran,then the second sledge also disappeared behind the mountain of ice,   Two hours passed, The sledges did not appear again, Nothing moved on the ice, Soon night came, and in the night there was a storm, In the morning,the sailors saw that great pieces of ice were floating round the ship,Suddenly the sailor on the mast shouted again:   ‘Captain, I can see a man on the ice,’   The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that was floating near the ship, A man was sitting on the ice, and near him was a broken sledge, The man was nearly dead from cold and could not walk, The sailors carried him carefully onto the ship, and took him to the Captain, who said:   ‘Welcome to my ship,I am the Captain and my name is Robert Walton,’   ‘Thank you, Captain Walton,’ the man said,‘My name is Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein,’   Then he fainted and said no more,   Two days passed before the man was strong enough to talk and then the Captain asked him to tell his story,   ‘I am trying to catch someone,’ said Frankenstein,‘That is why I have come so far north on the ice,’   ‘We saw you following someone,’ the Captain said,‘He was huge, much bigger than a man, We saw his sledge just in front of you on the night before the storm,’   ‘I am pleased you all saw that huge figure,’ Frankenstein said,‘Perhaps that will help you to believe my story,’   During the days, while the Captain worked on the ship,Frankenstein wrote down his story, and each evening he read what he had written to the Captain,   Here is Victor Frankenstein's story,   1     船,有西在冰面上移:瞧那儿,“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”   那个船高高地站在船的桅杆上。他的手指着离简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 船数英里以外覆盖着大海的冰面。   船朝那个船指示的北方望去。他看有个西正穿冰面、快速地朝船靠近。他把简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简筒望凑近眼前并透它看有十只狗在冰面上拉着一只雪橇。他看到雪橇的那个人简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简——那是一个巨大的身躯,比常人要大得多。   雪橇离水面越来越近,很快它便离船只有1,4英里之遥。在已不需借助简简简简简简简望便可看那个乘雪橇的人的大的身躯了。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   突然那个雪橇到一个冰山的后面消失了。就在那,另简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 一雪橇出在眼前。它也在急着,并且然是在追逐简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 那第一雪橇。雪橇的人身形小些,更像个普通人简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 狗跑得越来越快,接着第二雪橇也消失在了冰山的后面。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   两小去了,雪橇再也没有出。再没有西在冰上简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 移。不久夜降了,上起了一暴。早上,船看简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 到船的周都漂浮着巨大的冰。突然,桅杆上的船又喊了起来:简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   船,我看冰上有一个人。“简简简简简简简简简简简简”   那个船正指着漂近船的一浮冰。有个人正坐在冰简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 上,他的身旁有一坏了的雪橇。那个人快要死了并且走不简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 了路。船小心地把他扶上了船,并把他到船跟前。船道:简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   迎您到我的船上来。我是船,叫伯特“简简简简简简简?沃。简简简”   您,沃船。“简简简简简”简“简简简简简简简简那个人道,我的名字叫弗肯斯坦,克多?弗肯斯简简简 坦。”   然后他就昏去,不再什了。简简简简简简简简简简   两天后,个男人方才恢来能了,船他自己的故事。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简   我要尽力抓一个人,弗肯斯坦道,“”简简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简就是我什要到的北方的 冰面上来的原因。”   我看了你在追赶什人。“简简简”简简“简简简简简船道,他很大,比常人要大很多。我在暴的 前夜看他的雪橇就在你的前面。简简简简简简简简简简简简”   我很高你都到了那个然大物,“简简简简”简简“简简简简简简简弗肯斯坦道,那也能帮助你相 信我的故事。”   白天,船在船上工作,弗肯斯坦写起了他的故事简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 简简简简简简简简简上他便把写的西念船听。   下面就是弗肯斯坦的故事。简简简简简简简简     2     I was born in Switzerland, in the town of Geneva, My parents loved each other very much, and I learnt from the example of their love,I learnt that to love and to be patient are the most important things in the world,   My mother hoped to have a daughter after I was born, but for five years I was the only child, And then my mother found a sister for me,She was helping a family in which there were five children, They were very poor,and the children were thin and hungry, One of the children was a little girl, with golden hair and blue eyes Her name was Elizabeth, My mother took the little girl into our family,and Elizabeth became the daughter that my mother had always wanted, As I grew older, my love for Elizabeth became stronger all the time,   Later my mother had two other sons, Ernest and William,A young woman called Justine came to live in the house to help my mother with the children, We loved her as much as she loved us,   The years passed happily, and we had everything that we needed, At school I met another very fine person, His name was Henry Clerval, and he was very clever, My family also liked him very much, so he was a welcome visitor to our house,   I studied very hard at school,I wanted to know the secrets of life, and, most of all, I wanted to know how to make living things,I read all the books that I could find,One day,some thing happened that added a new idea to the ideas that I already had,I was fifteen at the time, and we were on holiday in the mountains, There was a wild storm, and with it came the most frightening thunder and lightning that I had ever seen in my life, About twenty metres in front of our house was a great tree,Suddenly a huge fork of lightning hit the tree,After a few seconds, there was nothing left of it except a black piece of wood two metres high, The lightning had destroyed it,   I saw how strong electricity was, I began to read all the books that I could find about electricity and its terrible power,   简简简简克多的故事始了   2     我出生在瑞士的日内瓦城。我父母彼此相简简简简简简简简简简简简至深,而且我以他的心简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简榜。我懂得了去他人和富有耐心是世界上最重要的事情。   在生下我后,我母简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简希望再生一个女儿,但在五年之中我都是唯一的孩子。后来我母简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我找了一个妹妹。她那在一个有五个孩子的家庭里帮忙。他非常,孩子都又瘦又。其中一个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简孩子是一个金黄、有一色的眼睛的小女孩。她名叫伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白。我母把那个小女孩到了我家,于是伊莎白便成了我母盼简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简增。望已久的女儿。随着年的俱增,我伊莎白的与日   后来我母简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简又生了两个儿子:欧内斯特和威廉。有个名叫斯简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简汀的年女子来我家帮我母照看孩子。我像她我一地她。   简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简月快地流逝着,我有所需要的一切。在学校里我遇简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了另外一个非常好的人,他的名字叫亨利?克勒沃,人非常简简简简简简明。我的家人也非常喜他,所以他是我家简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简受迎的客人。   我在学校学得很刻苦。我想要知道生命的奥秘,而且我最想知道的便是如何制造有生命的西。我了我能简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简找到的一切籍。有一天生了一件事情,它我新的简简简简简简简简简简启。我那15简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,我正在山中度假。那天有一暴雨,其的是我平生简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的最吓人的雷霆和。在我的房子前面二十米有一棵大。突然一个叉状简简简简 简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简几秒中了大。之后,那了它。棵大便只剩下毁两米高的一黑木。摧   我看到了的力量有多大。我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始我能找到的有及其可怕力量的一切简简简籍。     3     For seventeen years my life was very happy, Then the first sad thing happened, My mother became very ill,and soon she knew that she was dying, Just before she died,she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room, She held our hands and said:   ‘My children, I am very happy because you love each other,and because one day you will get married, Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth, Will you take my place in the family, my dear, I can die happy if you will look after them when I have gone,’  My mother died, and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly Elizabeth was brave and helped us, her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother's death,   The time came for me to go to university,I did not want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go, It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry Clerval would not let him go to university with me, And so I had to go alone,   On my first day at the university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest scientists in the world, He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university, He ended his talk by saying:‘Some of you will become the great scientists of tomorrow, You must study hard and discover everything that you can, That is why God made you intelligent—to help other people,’   After the professor's talk,I thought very carefully,I remembered the storm when I was fifteen, I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree,I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life,I decided to work on these two things, I did not know then that my work would destroy me and the people that I loved,   I started work the next day, I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist,   The professor helped me very much, and other important scientists who were his friends helped me,too, I was interested in my work and I did not take one day's holiday during the next two years, I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short,   After two years I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was better than anything in the university, My machine would help me answer the most important question of all, How does life begin, Is it possible to put life into dead things, To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death,I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them, In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead,Day after day, month after month, I followed death,It was a dark and terrible time,   Then one day, the answer came to me, Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life, I knew that I could put life into a body that was not alive,   I worked harder and harder now, I slept for only a short time each night, and I did not eat much food,I wrote to my family less often, But they loved me and did not stop writing to me,They said they understood how busy I was, They did not want me to stop work to write or to see them, They would wait until I had more time, They hoped to see me very soon,   The professors realized that I was doing very important work, and so they gave me my own laboratory, There was a small flat above the laboratory, where I lived, and sometimes I stayed inside the building for a week and did not go out,   Above the laboratory I built a very tall mast, It was 150metres high, and higher than the tallest building in the city,The mast could catch lightning and could send the electricity down to my machine in the laboratory, I had never forgotten the lightning that had destroyed the tree, There had been so much power in the electricity of that lightning, I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead,   I will say no more than that, The secret of my machine must die with me, I was a very clever scientist, but I did not realize then what a terrible mistake I was making,   3     在17年的生命程简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简中我都很幸福。后来第一件悲的事生了。我母病简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简得很害,不久她便知道自己将不久于人世。就在她去世之前,她把伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白和我叫到她的房。她抓住我的手道:  “简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简孩子,你彼此相并且将会婚,我因此非常高。家里的个人都很你,每简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伊莎白。你愿意取代我在家中的位置简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,的,如果你在我走后能照他,我将会走得很幸福。”   我母简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简死了,我都非常心,因我非常她。伊莎白很勇敢并帮着我,她那简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简甜美的微笑在母死后的那些不快的日子里我来了一些快。简简简简简简简简简简简   到了我上大学的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简候了。我不想离我那悲的家,可我都简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简知道我去。离也是很的,因我的好朋友克勒沃的父母不他和我一起去上大学。我只能简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简独自一人去了。   大学的第一天我遇到了我的老沃得简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简曼教授,他是世界上最大的科学家之一。他我简简简简简简简简“简简简简简简简简简所有你中的一些人始大学生活的学生做了一次精彩的演。他在束:将成明天的科学家。你简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简示你所能示的事物。就是上必努揭揭力学并且去帝什了 你简——”去帮助他人。智慧   教授演简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简后,我行了非常真的思考。我想起了我15简简简简简简简简简的那暴雨。我得那次的是简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了那如棵何摧的。我想利用去帮助人,我毁简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简想去示揭生命的奥秘。我决心去从事两工作。我当没有想到我的工作会毁了我有我所的人。简简简简简简简简简   第二天我就简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始了工作。我工作非常努力,我和沃得曼教授不久便意简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简到我可以通学成一名出色的科学家。   教授帮了我很多的忙,那些是教授的朋友的、重要的科学家也帮助我。简简简简简简简我我的工作很简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简感趣,在接下来的两年里我没有休一天假。我没有回简简简简简简简简简简简简简简家,家里写的信也非常短。   两年后我了很多的事物并简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简建造了一台比大学里的任何机器都好的科学机器。我的机器能帮助我回答最重要的。简简简简简简简简简简生命是如何始的,可以把生命注入无生命的西中去,要简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简回答有生命的些我首先得了解死亡。我得从他死、的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简生命离人体的那一刹那起简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简行察。在医院里和大学里,我察着垂死的人和已死的人。日简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简一日、月一月,我都在跟踪死亡。那是黑暗和恐惧的日子。  后来有一天我得到了答案。我突然简简简简简简简简简简简简简确信自己懂得了生命的奥秘我知道我能将生命注入一个无生命的身体中去。   在我工作越来越简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简天上我只睡很短努的,力。吃的西也每很少。我家里写的信更简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简加少了。但是家里的人我,他没有停止简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我写信。他他理解我有多忙。他不想我停止工作而去他写信或是去看望他。他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简愿意等到我有简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的候再。他希望很快到我。   教授意简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简到我在从事一重要的工作,因而了我一 简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室。室的上面有一个小的套房,我就住在里面,有简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简候我一个星期都呆在那座建筑物里不出去。   我在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室的上方建起了一个很高的杆子。它有150米高,比全城最高的建筑物都要高。那个杆子能简“简”简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简捕并把送到我室的机器上。我从未忘摧 毁那棵简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的。那次中的曾有那大的力量。我相信 我可以利用无生命简简简简简简简简简简简简简的西注以生命。   我不想再多什了。我的机器的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简秘密必随我一起消亡。 我是个很简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简明的科学家,可我那没有意到我在犯多可怕的。     4     In my laboratory I made a body, I bought or stole all the pieces of human body that I needed, and slowly and carefully, I put them all together,   I did not let anybody enter my laboratory or my flat while I was doing this awful work, I was afraid to tell anybody my terrible secret,   I had wanted to make a beautiful man, but the face of the creature was horrible, Its skin was thin and yellow, and its eyes were as yellow as its skin, Its long black hair and white teeth were almost beautiful, but the rest of the face was very ugly,   Its legs and arms were the right shape, but they were huge,I had to use big pieces because it was too difficult to join small pieces together, My creature was two and a half metres tall,   For a year I had worked to make this creature, but now it looked terrible and frightening, I almost decided to destroy it,But I could not, I had to know if I could put life into it,   I joined the body to the wires from my machine, More wires joined the machine to the mast, I was sure that my machine could use electricity from lightning to give life to the body, I watched and waited,Two days later I saw dark clouds in the sky, and I knew that a storm was coming, At about one o'clock in the morning the lightning came,My mast began to do its work immediately, and the electricity from the lightning travelled down the mast to my machine, Would the machine work,   At first nothing happened, But after a few minutes I saw the creature's body begin to move,Slowly, terribly, the body came alive, His arms and legs began to move, and slowly he sat up,   The dead body had been an ugly thing, but alive, he was much more horrible, Suddenly I wanted to escape from him, I ran out of the laboratory, and locked the door, I was filled with fear at what I had done,   For hours I walked up and down in my flat, At last I lay down on my bed, and fell asleep, But my sleep was full of terrible dreams, and I woke up suddenly, The horrible thing that I had created was standing by my bed, His yellow eyes were looking at me, his mouth opened and he made strange sounds at me, On his yellow face there was an awful smile, One of his huge hands reached towards me…   Before he could touch me, I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs into the garden, I stayed there all night, but I could not think clearly,I was afraid, And when morning came, I went out into the town and began to walk about,   I did not notice where I was walking, but soon I came to the station, A train from Geneva had just arrived, and the passengers were leaving the station, One of them ran towards me when he saw me, It was my dear friend Henry Clerval,   He was very pleased to see me, He took my hand and shook it warmly,   ‘My dear Victor:’ he said,‘What a lucky chance that you are here at the station, Your father, and Elizabeth and the others, are very worried about you, because you have not visited them for a long time, They ask me to make sure that you are well, And I have very good news, My father has agreed to let me study at the university, so we shall be able to spend a lot of time together,’   I was very happy to hear this news, and for a moment I for-got my fears,I took Henry back to my flat and asked him to wait outside while I went in to look, I was afraid that the creature was still there, But he had disappeared,At that time I did not think of other people, and what the creature could do to them,I took Henry into the flat and cooked a meal for us,But Henry noticed how thin I was,and that I was laughing too much and could not sit still,   Suddenly he said:‘My dear Victor, what is the matter with you,Are you ill, Has something awful happened,’   ‘Don't ask me that,’ I cried, I put my hands over my eyes,I thought I could see the horrible creature there in front of me, I pointed wildly across the room, and shouted:‘He can tell you, Save me: Save me:’ I tried to fight the creature,but there was nothing there, Then I fainted and fell to the floor,   Poor Henry: I do not know what he thought, He called a doctor and they put me to bed, I was very ill for two months,and Henry stayed and looked after me, His loving care saved me from death,   I wanted to go home and see my family as soon as possible,When I was well enough,I packed my clothes and books,All my luggage was ready, and I was feeling very happy when the postman arrived with some letters,One of the letters ended my short time of happiness,   4     我在我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室中造了一个人体。我所需要的人体各部 分均是我来或来的,然后我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简慢而心地把它拼凑到了一起。   在干简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简可怕的工作,我没有任何人入我的室和 我的住简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简。我不敢告任何人我那可怕的秘密。   我曾想造一个漂亮的男人,但个家简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伙的非常可怕:皮又薄又黄,眼睛同皮简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简一黄。黑的和白色的牙倒也漂亮, 上的其余部分却很丑陋。   它的腿和胳膊的形状是的,但它简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简太大了。因拼接小片的人体太困简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了,我只得用大片的去拼接。我造的个西2.5米高。   我曾简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简制造个西工作了一年,在它却看上去恐怖 吓人。我几乎要决定毁了它。但我做不到。我必知简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简道我是否能将生命植入其中。   我把那个身体同我机器上的那些接起来。更多的再把机器简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 和杆子简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简接起来。我确信我的机器可以用那个身体生 命。我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简察着、等待着。两天后我看到天上有了云,知道将有一暴简简简简简简简简简简简简雨来。大在凌晨1点简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了一下。我的杆子立即 始工作,通杆简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简子到了我的机器上。机器会管用,   起先没有简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简生什。但是几分后我看那个西的躯体在。那简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简具躯体慢而怕人地活了。他的胳膊和腿始移,而且他慢慢地坐了起来。  那个无生命的躯体本来就可怕,而在成简简简简简简简简简简简简简简活的就更加恐怖了。突然我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简想逃。我跑出室并且上了。我我所做的一切充了恐惧。  有好几个小我都在我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简房里走来走去。最后我躺倒在床上并睡着了。可是梦着我,我便简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简猛然醒了来。我所造的那个可怕的西正站在我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简床。他的黄色的眼睛正看着我。他的嘴简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简着并我出奇怪的声音。他的黄色的上露出可怕的笑容。他的一只大手伸向了我……   没等他碰到我,我便跳下床冲到了楼下的花园里。我整个上都简简简简简简简呆在那儿,只是思简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简已不清楚了。我很害怕。等到早上,我便走出花园到城里去并始四逛悠。  我没注意我在什地方走,但不久便到了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简火站。好从日内瓦来了一趟火简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,乘客正走出站。其中一位到我后便朝 我跑了来。原来是我的好简简简简简简简简简简简简简朋友亨利?克勒沃。   他到我很高。他抓简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简住我的手情地握了起来。   我的克多:“简简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简他道,你在站儿真是巧极了。你父、伊简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简莎白有其他人都非常你担心,因你很久没有探望他了。他我来看看你的身简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简体是否好。另外我有个好消息。我父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简已同意我上大学学,我就能有好多 呆在一起了。”   我听了个消简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简息后很高,并且有一儿都忘了我的恐惧之感。我把亨利简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简回我的公寓并他在外面等着以便我能去看一看。我害怕那个家伙简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简在那儿。但是他已不了。那我没有想到其他人以简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简及那个家伙会他怎。我把亨利屋里并我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简做了吃的。然而亨利注意到了我有多瘦削我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简笑得太多,也不能安静地坐着。   他突然道:简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我的克多,你怎啦,你生病了,生了什可简简简简简简简简简”怕的事情了,   我个,“简简简”简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我喊道。我用手捂住眼睛。当我想我能看那个可怕的家伙正在我的面前。我简简“简”他能似地指向屋子,并且喊道:告你。我救救我:救救我:想去同那个家伙搏斗,但那儿什也没有。然后我就去,简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简倒在了地板上。   可怜的亨利:我不知道他当是简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简怎想的。他叫了个医生并且一起把我扶到了床上。我大病了两个月,亨利一直留下来照简简简简简简简简简我。他那充意的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简理把我从死亡那儿救了回来。   我想尽快回家去我的家人。在我恢得简简简简简简简简简简简简简简壮后,我便收拾起强足 衣服和简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简籍。我的行李都已准好了,但是正当我无比高简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我送来了几封信。其中的一封束了我短的快光。     5     The letter was from my father in Geneva, and this is what he wrote:   My dear Victor,   I want you to know before you arrive home that an awful thing has happened,Your dear youngest brother,William,is dead, He was murdered, It happened last Thursday evening when Elizabeth and I and your two brothers, Ernest and William, went for a walk outside the city, William and Ernest were playing, William had hidden from Ernest, and Ernest asked Elizabeth and me to help find William, We all began to search for him, but we couldn't find him, We searched all night, At five in the morning I found him, He was lying on the grass, white and still, I could see the marks of fingers on his neck—the murderer had strangled him,   Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck,On the chain was a very small picture of your mother,We all think that someone murdered William to steal the gold chain,Poor Elizabeth is terribly unhappy at William's death, She thinks he died because she let him wear the chain, Hurry home, my dear Victor, You are the only one who can help Elizabeth, and we all need you,   With all our love,   Your Father   Henry helped me to catch the train, The journey seemed very long, and it was late at night before the train reached Geneva, I decided to spend the night in a village outside the town and go home early in the morning, I wanted to see the place where William had died,   As I started my walk, a storm broke and lightning lit the sky, The police had put posts round the place where the murderer had strangled William,so I found it easily,I cried sadly as I stood there, My poor brother had been a kind and happy boy, and we had all loved him,   Again the lightning lit the sky, and I saw a huge figure standing in the rain, When I saw it, I knew at once what it was,It was the creature that I had made,   What was he doing there,But although I asked myself the question, I knew the answer, He had murdered my brother, I was sure that I was right,   I decided to try and catch him,But as I moved, he ran to wards the mountains, He ran much faster than any man, He climbed the mountain easily, reached the top, and disappeared,   I stood there in the dark and the rain, and knew that I had created a monster, And he had murdered my brother,   5     信是我父从日内瓦简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简写来的,下面就是他写的:       我的克多:简简简简简简简   在你到家之前我想简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简你知道所生的一件可怕的事情。你的 小弟弟威廉死了。他是被简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的。件事生在上个礼拜四,那我和 伊莎简简简简简简简简简。威廉同欧内白以及你的两个斯特弟弟欧内斯特和威廉正在城外散步 当正简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简玩耍。威廉从欧内斯特那儿藏了起来,于是欧 内斯特要我和伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白帮着找威廉。我都找了起来,但没 能找到他。我简简简简简简简简简找了一整夜。早晨5点简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我找到了他。他躺倒在草地上,色白,身子一也不。我能看出他简简——是凶脖子上的手指印手勒死了他。   伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白曾他把她的一根金子戴在脖子上。子上有一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简非常小的、你的照片。我都是有人了取那条金子简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简而死了威廉。可怜的伊莎白威廉的死非常心。她他的死是因她他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简戴了那条子。赶快回家吧我的克多。只有你能帮助简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伊莎白,并且我都需要你。 我都你:简简简简简 你的父简       亨利帮我上了火简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简。旅途似乎非常漫,火到达日内瓦之前已是简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简深夜了。我决定在城外的一个村子里夜,然 后清晨再回家。我想看看威廉死去的地方。   在我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始行,暴了一暴雨,划亮了天空。警察步已在威廉被凶手勒死的地方上了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简木,我很容易地找到了那儿我站在那儿心地简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简哭泣着。我可怜的弟弟一向是个善良而快的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简孩子,并且我都很他。   又一次简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简照亮了天空,我看雨中站着一个巨大的 人。当我看,我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简立就知道那是了。那是我造的那个家伙。   他在那儿干什,尽简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简管我在自己个,却已知道了答案。是他死了我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简弟弟。我敢肯定我是的。   我决心要抓住他。但在我走,他朝山上跑去了。他比任何简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 人都跑得快。他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简松地爬着山,到了山并且消失不了。   我在黑暗中站着并淋着雨,知道自己造了一个怪物。是他死了我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简弟弟。     6     At first I decided to tell the police my story, But would they believe me, I had been very ill, When the police learnt about my illness, they would think the monster was just one of my bad dreams, I decided that I could not tell anybody,   I went home to my family and they were very pleased to see me, Then they told me that the police had found the murderer, Perhaps you will think that this was good news,but I have not told you who the police had arrested,   As I went into the house,I noticed that one person did not come to meet me, It was Justine,the young woman who looked after the children and who was like a sister to us, And it was Justine that the police had arrested,   A few days after the murder, the police had searched the house and had found the gold chain in Justine's coat pocket,Everyone in the family knew that Justine had not murdered William, I knew who the murderer was, but I could not tell anyone, We were sure that Justine would be free after the trial, because nobody could believe that she was a murderer,But we were wrong,   The trial did not go well for Justine, There were a number of strange facts that were difficult to explain, and the judge decided that she was the murderer, The punishment for murder was death, We argued and cried, We said she could not murder anyone, But nothing could change the judge's order,   So I got up early and went to the judge's house and told him about the monster, He did not believe me, He thought I was lying in order to save Justine's life,   In the prison Justine waited quietly for death, We spent many hours with her, and she spoke calmly and kindly to us,She was happy because we believed that she had not killed William, And she was almost looking forward to death, be cause then she would be with William and our dear mother in a place of peace,   Her love and gentleness added to my great unhappiness, I knew she was going to die because of me, I knew my brother had died because of me, I had brought nothing but sadness and misery to my family,   I took a boat and went out on Lake Geneva, Why didn't I end my life then, Two things stopped me, My father was old and another death would probably kill him, And I had to stay alive—to keep my family safe from the monster,   Fear for my family and hate for my monster were with me day and night, I became ill again, and Elizabeth's love could not help me, I needed o escape for a while—to leave my unhappiness behind me,So I went to walk alone in the Alps, I hoped the wild beauty of the mountains would help me,   Slowly I became calmer among the beautiful mountains, I learnt to sleep again, and for days I did not see anybody, Then one morning I saw a figure coming towards me faster than any man could go, It jumped easily over the rocks and I saw with horror the monster that I had created, On his face was a look of deep sadness, but also of evil, At first I could not speak because I hated him so much, But at last I said:   ‘You are an evil creature, I shall kill you if I can, because you have killed two people that I love,’   The monster's yellow eyes looked at me,‘I am the unhappiest creature in the world, but I shall fight for my life,’ he said,‘I am bigger and stronger than you, but I will not start the fight, I shall always be gentle to you because you are my king and creator, You made me, and you should love me and be kind to me, like a father, William and Justine died because you did not love me, Why did you create me if you were not ready to love me,’   ‘We are enemies,’ I said,‘Leave me now,or let us fight until one of us is dead,You are a murderer, How can I be kind to you,’   ‘You say I am a murderer,’ the monster said,‘but you want to kill your own creature, Isn't that wrong,too, I ask you to do one thing for me—listen,Come with me to a warmer place, and listen to my story,Then you can decide,’   I thought carefully about what he had said,It was true that I had given him life but I had not given him love,I decided to go with him and listen to his story,   He took me to a mountain hut where he lit a fire, We sat down by the fire and he began to tell me his story,   6     起先我打算把我的故事告简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简警察,但他会相信我,我一直都生着病。如果警察了解到我的病情,他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会那个怪物只是我的一个简简简简简简梦而已。我决定不去告任何人。   我回到家里,家人都到我而高。接着他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简告我警察已找到了凶手。你也简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会是个好消息,但是我没有告你警察抓的是。  在我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简屋,我注意到有个人没有来我。那就是斯 汀,就是曾照看孩子简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简并像姐妹一待我的那个年女孩。而警察逮捕的就是斯简简简简汀。   在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简案生了几天之后,警察搜了房子并在斯汀的外衣口袋里找到了那条金简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简。家里人都知道斯汀没有害威廉我清楚凶手是,但是我不能简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简告任何人。我确信判后斯汀将会被放简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的,因没有人相信她是凶手。但是我了。   简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简判斯汀不利。有多以解的奇怪象,但法官定她就是凶手。的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简乃是死刑。我又申又哭喊着。我她不可能任何人。但没什能改简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简法官的判决。   于是我一大早便起床到法官的家中并告简简简简简简简简简简简简他有那个怪物的事情。他不相信我。他我是了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简救斯汀而在撒。   斯简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简汀在里安静地等着死去。我同她呆了好几个小,她简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简从容而温和地同我。她我相信不是她 害了威廉而高。她简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简几乎在期盼着死去,因那她就可以在一个安宁的地方同威廉和我的在一起了。简简简简简简简简简简简   她的心和简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简温柔加重了我那巨大的痛苦。我知道她将因我而死去。我知道我弟弟已因我而死。我我家里来的只有悲和简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简苦。  我乘船去了日内瓦湖。我那什没有简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简束自己的生命呢,那是因两件事情。我父已年,再有人死很可能简简简——简以便我的家人会要了他的命。并且我必活着免遭怪物的害。   家人的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简担和怪物的痛恨日夜扯着我。我再一次病倒了,伊莎白的也帮不了我。我需要逃避一简——简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简子去将心抛后。因此我便独自一人去阿简简简简简简简简简简简卑斯山散步。我希望群山的野之美能帮助我。   在美简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的山中我慢慢地平静了些。我又学会了安心去睡,并且有好几天我都没有任何人。后来的一天早简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简晨我看有个人朝我走来,比任何人走得都要快。在其简简简简简简简简简简简简简松地跳岩石之,我便恐惧地看了我所造的那个怪物。他的上简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简露出深深的悲,但也着简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简邪。起先我不出来,因我太恨他了。但是最后我道:   你是个“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简邪的西。如果我做得到的,我便会了你的,因你已简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”害死了我的两个人了。   怪物的黄色的眼睛看着我。我是世界上最不“简简简简简简简简简”幸的人了,但是我得我的生命而斗。他道,简“简简简简简简简简简简简简然我比你大,又比你壮,但我不强会挑起斗的。我将永温柔地简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简待你,因你是我的国王和我的造者。你既然造了我,那就我并简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简善待我,就像一个父那。威廉和斯 汀的死是因你不我。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简既然你没有打算我那又什要造 我呢,”   我是人。“简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我,上我离,否就我搏斗到我中的 一个死去简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”止。你是个人凶手,我怎会待你好呢,   你我是一个人“简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简怪物道,然而你凶手,却要死你自己造的生物。不也是 的,我你我简简简——听着。跟我到一个做一件事暖和些的地方去并且听听我的故事。然后 你就可以做出决定了。”   我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简真地考了他所的。我了他生命却没有他, 简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简是事。我决定跟他走并听听他的故事。   他我到了一他已简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简生了火的山茅屋。我着火坐 下后,他便简简简简简简简简简简始起了他的故事。     7     After I had left the laboratory, I escaped into the country outside the town, I soon felt hungry and thirsty,and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river, I drank from the river and then lay down and went to sleep,   At first my eyes and ears did not work very well,but after a while I began to see and hear clearly,   One day, snow began to fall, Of course, I had never walked in snow before, and I found that it made my feet very cold, I realized that I needed food and a place to get warm,Soon I saw a small hut where an old man was cooking his breakfast over a fire, When the old man saw me, he shouted loudly and ran away as fast as he could, I did not understand what the man was doing, but I wanted to be near the fire, So I sat down in the warm, and ate the man's breakfast, Then I walked across empty fields for some hours until I reached a village, I went into one of the houses, but there were children inside, They began to scream when they saw me, and their mother fainted, The whole village came to see what was the trouble, Some of the people ran away when they saw me, but the others shouted and threw stones at me,They wanted to kill me, I was badly hurt, but I escaped and ran into the open country,   Later, I found an empty hut, which was built against the wall of a small house, I was afraid to go into the house after what had happened in the village, so I hid in the hut, There I was safe, and could escape from the cold, and hide from people who wished to hurt me,   And then I found that there was a small hole in the wall between the hut and the house,Through this hole I could see in to the room next to the hut, Three people lived in the house—a beautiful girl, an old man, and a young man,   Day after day I watched the three people,I saw how kind they were to each other, I wanted so much to go into the house and be with them, but I knew I must stay in the hut, I could not forget how the village people had hurt me when I tried to go into the house there,   Each night, after the people in the house had gone to bed,I stole some of their food for myself, But soon I realized that the old man was blind, And I realized too that often the three of them did not have enough to eat,I saw the two young people put extra food on the blind man's plate, although they were hungry themselves,   When I saw that,I stopped stealing their food,Their life was already hard enough, so I went back to the wild fruit in the woods, I tried to help them in other ways, too,During the night I cut firewood for them, and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day, I was very happy to see how much this pleased the young man,   After a while I began to understand some of the noises that the people made to each other, The first words that I under stood were words like ‘fire’, and‘bread’, I also learnt that the three people called each other by names, The girl was Agatha, the young man was Felix, and the old man was called Father, I tried to make the noises that they made, and slowly I began to speak,   The two young people were very beautiful, One day I saw my own face in the water of the river, It was a terrible face,I understood why people were frightened, why they shouted and threw stones, I knew then that I could not let these beautiful people see me, They would be frightened by my horrible face and body,   Summer was coming, and I continued to watch and learn, I also continued to help the two people and their father, and did many jobs for them in the night, They were always surprised in the morning when they saw what I had done, I heard them talk about the ‘good creature’ who did these‘wonderful’things,   But the family were often sad, and I wished I could make them happy,I looked forward to the time when I could speak well enough to talk to them, And I was happy because I was sure I would soon have three good friends,   怪物的故事   7     我离简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,我室后,便逃到了城外的。不久我便渴感到又又 的第一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简食物是我在河的上找到的果子。我喝了河里的水,然后躺倒睡着了。   简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始我的眼睛和耳不大灵便,但了一会儿我就能看清楚、听明白了。   有一天,天下起了雪。当然,我以前从未在雪中走,我它我的简简简简简简简简简简简双脚 感非简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简常冷。我意到我需要食物和住取暖。我很快 便看到了一个小茅舍,里面有个老人正在火上做早。当那个老人看到我,简简简简简简简简简简简 他大声喊叫了起来并以自己最快的速度跑了。我不简简简简简简简简简简简简简明白个老人在干 什,但是我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简想靠近火堆。于是我暖暖和和地坐下并 吃了个人简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简做的早餐。然后我在空的田野中走了好几 个小,简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简直到到了一个村庄。我走了其中的一家房子, 可是里面有几个孩子。他到我后便简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简尖叫起来,他的母也倒 了。全村的人都来看简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简生了什事情。有些人到我后便跑了, 但另外一些人喊叫起来并朝我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简扔石。他想要死我。我 得很重,可是简简简简简简简简简简简简简简逃脱了并跑了野之中。   后来,我找到了一个空茅屋。它是靠着一个小屋子的一堵简简简简简简简而建起来的。 在那个村子里简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简生了那事之后,我不敢屋,因而便藏在 茅屋中。我在那儿是安全的,并且可以避寒,可以简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简逃避那些想要害我的人。   接着我在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简茅屋和那房屋之的之有一个洞。通个洞我可以看茅屋隔壁的房简——简简简简简简简简。有三个人住在那个屋子里一个漂亮的女孩,一个老人,有一个年人。   我一天天地简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简察着三个人。我看到他之是多密。我非常想屋简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简去加入他的行列,但我清楚我必呆在茅屋里。我想走那个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简屋子忘不了村民是怎害我的。   天上,在每简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简屋子里的那三个人睡下之后,我便把他的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简食物来自己吃。然而不久我就意到那个老人是个瞎子。并且我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简意到那三个人常常食不裹腹。我到那两个年人常那个老简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简盲人的子里多放些食物,尽管他自己在挨。   看到些后,我就不再他的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简食物了。他的生活已简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简苦的了,于是我便重新靠林里的野果生。我尽力想一些其他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简法帮助他。上我他砍柴火,暗中把它添在那个年小简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伙子白天砍的柴火中。我很高看到能如此取悦于那个年人。   不久我简简简简简“简”简简“简火始懂得了那些人彼此之出的一些声有面音了。我最初理解的是像 包”简简简简简“”的。我了阿加莎解到那三个人彼此之称呼的名字。那个女孩叫,那个小伙子叫“”简“简”简简简简简简简简简简简简菲力克斯,而那老人叫父。我努力去他出的声音,于是慢慢地简简简简简简始了。   那两个年人很漂简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简亮。有一天我从河中看我自己的。 那是可简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简怕的。我明白了人什会害怕、什会喊叫并扔石简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的原因。那我才知道我不能些漂亮的人看 我,他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会因我那可怕的和身体而惊恐的。   夏天近了,我在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简察和学。我也在帮助那两个人和他的父,并且在上简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简他干很多活儿。他早上看到我所做的事情后是感到很惊奇。我听到他那个做了简“”“”些好事的好人。   可是家人常不。我希望我能他高。我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简期盼着我能学会简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简而同他交的那一刻。我也很高,因我 确信不久我便会有三个好朋友了。     8     One day in summer a lady on horseback rode up to the house and knocked on the door, She had dark hair,and was very beautiful, The family were all very pleased to see her, I soon learnt that her name was Sophie,   She could not speak the family's language, and each evening Felix taught her some words, This was a very great help to me, because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before, Felix taught Sophie from books about what had happened in the world in the past,So I learnt about the Greeks and Romans,and about Christ, and about the first white men in America and the sad story of the Indians, I could not understand why men who knew all about good and evil could hate and kill each other,   I learnt other things too, I learnt that people think it is very important to have money and to come from a good family,I learnt of the love between mother and father and child, And I realized that I had no family, The more I learnt, the more I thought,and the more unhappy I became,   Soon I discovered who Sophie was, The two families had met in France after Sophie and her father arrived there from Turkey, their own country, Sophie's father was put in prison by the French, but Felix and his father helped him to escape and leave France, When the French discovered this,Felix and his family lost all their lands and money, and had to leave France for ever, Now I knew why they were so sad, and why they were poor,   But that was not all, Sophie and Felix loved each other, and Sophie's father had promised that they could marry,Then,when he learnt that Felix had lost all his money, he broke his promise, But Sophie loved Felix very much,so she took some money and escaped from her father to search for Felix,   I had learnt to love these good people and I could not wait another day to introduce myself, I decided to speak first to the father, because he was blind, and would not be frightened by my terrible face and body,   One day the three young people went for a walk while the old man rested, When they had gone, I went to the door of the house and knocked on it,   The old man told me to enter, and to sit down,   ‘Thank you,’ I said,‘I am a traveller, and I'm tired and sad, I have no family or friends, The people that I want to have as my friends have never seen me,If they don't take me into their home, I shall be alone in the world,’   ‘Don't be so sad,’ the old man said,‘You will find that the hearts of men are full of love, If these friends are good people, they will welcome you,’   ‘They are kind, and the best people in the world,’ I said,‘But when they meet me, they may not see a kind creature who has helped them, Instead they may see a monster, and they will hate me,’   ‘That mustn't happen,’the old man said,‘My family and I have had our difficult times, and we'll help you,’   ‘You are a very good man,’ I said,‘and if you help me, I shall be able to live with my friends and enjoy their love,’   At that moment I heard the young people returning from their walk,I caught the old man's hand, and cried,‘Now is the time:Save me and help me: You and your family are the friends that I am talking about,’   Then the door opened, and in came Felix, Sophie, and Agatha,Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw me,Agatha fainted, and Sophie ran out of the house,Felix ran forward and pulled me away from his father,He threw me to the ground and hit me again and again with his heavy stick,I did not lift a hand against him,I did not want to hurt him—or any of them, My heart was heavy, and all hope left me, I ran out of the house and later returned silently to my hut, Nobody saw me,   8     夏季的一天,一位女士简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简跑到了那所房子并敲了敲。她有 一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简黑,人很漂亮。那家人到她都很高。我不久了解到她的名字叫菲。   她不会简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简个上都要那个家庭的教每她言,几个菲力克斯 简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简。我大有帮助,因我可以知道以前我不懂的多的意思。菲力克斯照着简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简本教菲个世界上去生的事情。于是我了解到了希腊人和人,有简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简基督,有于美洲的第一批白人及印第安人的悲惨故事。我不能明白那些明白善简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的人什要互相仇恨和残。  我也了解到了的事简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简情。我了解到人有和好的家庭出身是非常重要的。我了解到了父母及孩子之的。我并且简简简简简简简简简简简简意到我是没有家庭的。我了解得越多便想得越多,从而也越心。简简简   不久我便知道了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简菲是什人。在菲和她父当初从她的祖国土耳其到达法国后,他两家便相了。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简菲的父被法国人投简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了,但菲力克斯和他父帮他逃离了法国。法国人简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了件事情之后,菲力克斯和他家便失去了所有的土地和,得简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简永久地离法国。在我明白了他什那悲以简简简简简简简简简简简及他什。   但是不是简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简全部真相。菲和菲力克斯彼此相,菲的父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简也曾答他可以婚的。后来,在他了解到菲力克斯已失去了所有的后便简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简背弃了自己的言。然而菲非常菲力克斯,于是她便拿了些简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简从父那儿逃来找菲力克斯。   我已学简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会去些好人并再也忍不住要去介我自己了。我决定先和那个父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,因他是瞎子,不会被我那恐怖的面容和身体吓倒。  一天,那三个年人出去简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简而老人,在家,散休息。他走后,步我便走到房屋的前并简简简简简简简简敲响了它。   老人我去并坐简简简简简简简简下。   您,我道。“简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简简简我是个旅行者,我又疲又心。我没有家庭或朋友。我想和他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简交朋友的那些人从未我。如果他不接受我、把我其家的一的,我就简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”会孤独于世的。   不要悲。“简简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简那个老人道,你会人的心中都充了。如果简简简简简简简简简”些朋友是好人,他就会迎你的。   他很“简”简“简简简简简简简简简简我道,可是当他善良,是世界上最好的人,遇我,他就看不出我是一个曾帮助他的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简善良的人了。相反,他会看到一个怪物,并且他简简简简简”会恨我。   不“简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会老人道,我和我家的。曾度苦的日子,我会帮助你的。”   你“”简“简简简简简简简简简简简真是个好人。我道,如果你肯帮助我,那我就能同我的朋友生活在一起并享受他的了。简简简简简”   就在那,我听到那些年人简简简“简简简来。我抓住老人的手并在正是步散哭喊道:候:救救我,帮帮我:你和你的家人就是我所的简简简简简简简”朋友。   接着了,简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简菲力克斯、菲有阿加莎走了来。他看到我上都充了恐惧的神色。阿加莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了去,菲跑出了屋子。菲力克斯跑上前来,把我从他父手中拽。他把我摔倒在地并用沉重的棍棒不停地打我。我没有手。我不简简——简简简或想着他者他中的任何人。我的心情很沉重,所有的希望都破简简简简简简简简简简简简了。我跑出了屋子并在些简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简候悄悄地返回到我的茅屋中。没人看到了我。     9     Isat in my dark hut, and felt both angry and sad, One half of me wanted to hurt the people who had hurt me,The other half of me still loved them, In the end I decided to try to speak to the old man again, I fell into an unhappy sleep,but when I woke in the morning, the family had gone, They had left the house during the night,   I knew the name of only one other person, Although I had seen you, Frankenstein, for only a few moments, I knew that I belonged to you,When I had left your house,I had picked up a small bag, There was a book in the bag, and I could now read it, From it I learnt my creator's name and address,You had made me, but why had you not looked after me, and saved me from this pain and unhappiness, I decided to go to Geneva, to find you,   One day as I was travelling, I saw a young girl running along the side of a river, Suddenly she fell into the water,I jumped into the river, fought against the fast moving water,and brought her back to land, While I was doing this, the girl's father, who was looking for her, reached us,He was carrying a gun,and when he saw me,he fired,The bullet hit my arm and broke it, I fell to the ground in great pain, and the man and the girl ran into the woods as fast as they could,and left me,   The bullet was deep in my arm, and I lost a lot of blood,After some days my arm began to get better, but I became sadder and angrier than before, I had saved the girl's life, and how did they thank me, With a bullet in the arm:I began to realize that there was no happiness for me in life, Hate grew stronger in me every day ,Hate for you, my creator, who had made me,   Two months later, I reached Geneva, That evening I hid among some trees outside the town, and went to sleep, But I woke when a little boy ran into my hiding place, I thought I would catch the child and make him my friend before he was old enough to be frightened of my terrible face,I caught the little boy, but when the child saw me, he covered his eyes with his hands and screamed loudly,   ‘Let me go, you monster,’the child shouted,‘Let me go,or I will tell my father, Mr Frankenstein,He will call the police,and they'll punish you,’   ‘Frankenstein:’I shouted,‘You belong to my enemy, the man that I want to hurt,’   The child fought and screamed, and I put my hand round his neck to stop him shouting,In a moment, the child lay dead at my feet,I looked down at his body, and was pleased with what I had done, I knew that the death of this child would hurt you,Victor Frankenstein,my creator,   Then I saw something bright round the child's neck, It was a gold chain,and on the end of it was a picture of a very beau tiful woman,I knew that a beautiful woman would never smile at me, and I wanted to run into Geneva and kill as many people as I could,But I stopped myself,and went to look for an-other hiding place,Soon I found a hut, which seemed to be empty,but when I entered I saw a pretty young woman asleep on the floor, I hated her because she was pretty,So I put the gold chain into one of her pockets, and then, before she could wake up, I ran away,I knew the police would think that she had killed the little boy,   9     我坐在黑暗的小茅屋里,感到既怒简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简又悲。我一方面想去害那些简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简害我的人,另一方面却又仍然着他。最后我决定再去着简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简同那个老人一。我躺倒后心地睡着了,在早上醒来简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简却那家人已走了。他是在夜里离的。   我当只简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简知道另外一个人的名字。弗肯斯坦,尽管当我只到你一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会儿工夫,但我知道我是属于你的。在我离你的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简房子,我曾起一个小包。包里有一本,简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简在我能懂它了。我从中了解到造我的人的姓名和地址。你造了我,但什你没有简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简照料我并把我从的痛苦和心之中拯救出来呢,我决心去日内瓦找你。   一天,在旅行简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,我看有个小女孩正沿着河跑。她突然掉到了水里。我跳到水里同激流搏斗,把她到了简简简简简简简简简简简简岸上。在我做件事简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,女孩的父来到了我身,他正在找她。他着一把,在看到我后便了。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简子打中了我的胳膊并打断了它。我着巨大的疼痛倒在了地上,而那个男人和那个女孩简简简简简简简简简简简以最快的速度跑了林,把我撇在了一。简简   子简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简在我的胳膊中打得很深,我失了很多血。几天后我的胳膊始好起来,但我比以前更心、更简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简怒了。我救了那个女孩的命,他是怎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简感我的呢,用一子射我的胳膊里:我始到我的生命中没有幸福可言。我心中的仇恨一天比一天强烈。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简仇恨是你、我的造者的。  两个月后,我到了日内瓦。那天上我到简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简城外的几棵中并且睡着了。但是在我醒来有个小简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简孩跑到了我藏的地方。我想我可以抓住那个小孩以便在他大到简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简害怕我那令人恐怖的之前同他交个朋友。我抓住了那个小男孩,但当那个孩子看到我,他简简简简简简简简用双手捂住了并大声简简简简简简简简简简尖叫了起来。   “简简”“简简简简简简简简简简简简放那个我,你个怪物。孩子嚷道,放我,不然我就要告我父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简弗肯斯坦先生了。他会叫警察来,而且他会你的。”   弗肯斯坦:“简”“简简简简简简简简简简简简我大喊道,你属于我的人,我想要害的那个男人。”   那个小孩一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简搏斗一叫喊,我于是用手卡住他的脖子以阻止他叫喊。了一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会儿,那个孩子便倒在我的脚下死了我俯简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简着他的尸体,我所做的事感到高。我知道个孩子的死会害你,克多?弗简肯斯坦,我的造简简简简者。   后来我看简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简孩子的脖子上有个亮的西。那是一条金,它的末端有一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简非常漂亮的女人的照片。我知道漂亮女人是不简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简会朝我微笑的,于是便想跑到日内瓦去尽量多死几个人。然而我阻止了自己的行简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,并去找的藏之。不久我了一个茅屋,它似乎是空的,但当我去后便到一个年漂简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简亮的女人熟睡在地板上。我恨她就因她漂简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简亮。于是我把那条金放到了她的一个口袋中,然后在她醒来之前跑了。我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简知道警察会是她死了那个小男孩的。     10     The monster finished telling me his story, and then he said:   ‘I am alone and miserable, Only someone as ugly as I am could love me,You must make another creature like me, a woman monster to be my wife,’   ‘I shall never make another creature like you,’I shouted   ‘You have done enough evil on your own,’   ‘If you don't help me,I shall make you more miserable than you have ever been in your life,You will wish you were dead,’the monster said,‘But if you make another monster to be my friend, we won't hurt anyone,Be kind to me now,and I will learn to love and be kind,’   I thought long and hard about the monster's words,I felt sorry for him,He was so miserable,Perhaps I should help him,   ‘I shall do what you ask,’I told him,‘But you must promise to live somewhere in the world where nobody lives,You must promise to stay away from other people,’   ‘I promise:I promise:he cried,‘Please start your work,I shall watch you,and when you are ready,you can be sure I will come back,’ He turned and left me,and ran down the mountain,   I went back to Geneva immediately,My family were very worried when they saw me,I was pale and my eyes were wild,I could not forget my promise to the monster, and the awful work that waited for me, But I had to do it,It was the only way to keep my family safe… safe from his murdering hands around their necks,   I needed to study for several months to make a woman monster successfully,I heard that an English scientist had done some useful work,so I decided to go to England, Before I went, my father asked me:‘Are you going to marry Elizabeth,or do you love another woman,Is this why you are so unhappy,’   ‘No, father,’I replied,‘I have always loved Elizabeth,and I want to marry her,But I must do one more piece of scientific work before we can marry,I must go to England to do the work and I want to marry Elizabeth when I return,’   My father and Elizabeth did not want me to go to England alone,because I had been so ill,They spoke to my old friend Henry Clerval,and he was very happy to travel with me,I was pleased that he could come,although I did not want him to discover anything about my horrible work,   Henry and I reached London in early October and stayed there for a few months,I met and talked with English scientists,and learnt many useful things from them,Then Henry was invited to visit some friends in Scotland,I planned to travel with him,but I told him that I wanted to go walking in the mountains alone, Henry was not happy with my plan, but in the end he agreed,   I bought all that I needed for a laboratory, and sent every-thing to Scotland,Henry and I travelled to Edinburgh together,and then I went further north,to find a good place for my laboratory,At last I found the right place on an island off the north coast,It was a wild and lonely place,Only five people lived on the island, so I could work alone, and nobody would discover my awful secret,   There was a large, empty hut on the island,and I brought builders from Scotland to make the hut into a laboratory for me,I showed them how to build my mast,and soon everything was ready for me to start work on the woman monster,   简克多?弗肯斯坦他的故事简简简简简简简简简简简   10     怪物简简简简简简简简简简简简简完了他的故事,然后道:   我“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简孤独而凄惨。只有某个像我一丑的人才会我的。你必另外造像我的一个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”女怪物来当我的妻子。   我“简”“简简简简简简简简简决不会再造一个像你一的人的,我喊道,你自己已干了邪的事情了。”   “简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”如果你不帮我,那我就会你得比你以往任何候都要凄惨。你会求死不得的,怪物,但是简“简简简简简简简简简简简如果你另外造一个怪物当我的朋友,那我就不会害任何人。简简简简简简简简简简”在善待我吧,我也会学着去人并得善良的。   怪物的我力地简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简考了很久。我感到不起他,他是如此痛苦。或我帮助他。简简简简简简简简   我“简”简简“简简简简简简简简简简会照你的去我他道,做,但你得答要呆在没人生活的地方。”   我“简简”“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简答他喊道,你:我答:始工作吧。我会你的,在你准好了以后,你可以肯定我会回来的。他身离了我,并跑”简简简简简简简简简简简简简下了山。   我立即返回日内瓦。我家人到我都简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简非常我担。我色白,眼睛狂。我忘不了我怪物的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简允,有那等着我的可怕的工作。但我必去做。那是保我家庭平安的唯一出路……简简简简简简简简简简简使他不致被怪物的手扼死。   了成简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简功地造一个女怪物我需要几个月的行研究。我了解到有个英国科学家已简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简行了一些有价的工作,于是决定去英国。  在我去之前,我父简简“简简简简简简简简简简简简你是我:打算娶伊莎白,是上了另外一个女人,你是不是因个而简简简简简简简简简简”如此不高,   不是,“”“简简简简简简简简简简简简简爸爸。我回答道,我一直都伊莎白,并且我要娶她。但是在我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简婚之前我必再行一科学工作。我必去英国做那工作而在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”回来后便同伊莎白婚。   我父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简和伊莎白不想我独去英国,因我一直生病。他我的老朋友亨利?克勒沃了,而他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简非常高同我一起去。他能去我很高, 尽管我不想简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简他知道有我那可怕的工作的任何事情。   亨利和我于10月初到达敦简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简并在那儿呆了几个月。我同几个英国科学家了面并简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了,并从他那儿了解到多有用的西。后来亨利被邀去拜简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简几位格朋友。我划同他一起去,但告他我想独自一人在山中散步。亨利我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简划不,但最是同意了。   我了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室所需的一切西,并把所有的西都送到 了格。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简亨利同我一起到了丁堡,然后我朝北走 以便我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室找到合适的地点。最后我在离北部海 岸的一个上简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简找到了合适的地点。那是个荒凉偏僻的地 方。上只有五个人简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简居住,因而我可以独自工作,没有人会我那可怕的秘密。   上有一个大的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简空茅屋,我从格去了建筑工人 以便把茅屋改造成我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室。我指示他如何建杆子,不久所 有我造简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简女怪物的准工作均已就。     11     One evening two months later I was sitting in my lab-oratory,Most of my work was done,and I could finish the woman monster that night,But I wondered if I should finish the work,   Was I making a monster more evil than the first creature,Perhaps a thousand times more evil,How could I know, Perhaps the woman monster would be another murderer,She had not promised to stay away from other people,Perhaps the two monsters would hate each other…and would kill,and murder, and destroy… without end,   As I thought these things,I looked up at the window, Suddenly,in the moonlight,I saw the monster's awful face looking at me,And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil,I knew he would not keep his promise,   I went over to the laboratory table where the new creature was lying,I pulled off the wires that joined her to my machine,I took a sharp knife and cut through the body that I had joined together so carefully,Through the window the monster saw me destroy his woman,With a loud and miserable scream of sadness and lost hope,he ran into the laboratory,   ‘You have destroyed all my hopes of happiness,’he cried,‘You have left me with one feeling—hate…and with one wish—to destroy your happiness,You will be sorry that you were ever born,Remember this:I shall be with you on your wedding night,’   He ran quickly out of the laboratory,and I watched him as he left the island in his boat and sailed away across the sea,   I sat and cried as I thought of the danger to Elizabeth,But I knew that the monster would not visit us until our wedding night,I would not die easily,and I would try to kill him before he could kill me,   The next morning I received a letter from Henry,He told me that he was waiting for me to return,I decided to clear the laboratory and to leave the island on the following day,So I re- turned to the laboratory,where the pieces of the woman monster's body still lay on the floor,I put them all in a large bag with some heavy stones,Then I took the bag to my boat and sailed out to sea,I threw the bag into deep water,and watched it disappear,   I was happier than I had felt for months,I knew I had done the right thing,and now there would be no second monster to follow the first,   I was very tired,and I went to sleep in the boat,I do not know how long I slept,but when I woke up,I was in the middle of a storm, The wind was driving me further out to sea and my boat began to fill with water,I knew I was in great danger,After some hours the storm passed,and I saw land to the south,Soon I could see the beach…and a crowd of people standing and watching me,Their faces were cold and unfriendly,   As I landed,four of the men came towards me and took me by the arms,  ‘We are taking you to Mr Kerwin,the judge,He wants to ask you some questions about the murder of a man here last night,’one of the men told me,   I was sad to hear of the murder,but I did not worry about it,I had been far away at the time,and knew nothing about any murder,It would be easy to explain that,So I went with the men to the large house where Judge Kerwin lived,   11     两个月后的一天上,我坐在了我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室里。我的大部分工作均已完成,那天上我就可以简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简完成女怪物的制作工作了。但是我不知道是否简简简简简简简简简完成工作。   我是否在造一个比第一个家伙更加邪简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的怪物呢,也要邪一千倍。我怎知道呢,也个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简女怪物会成另一个人凶手。她可没有答要呆在离旁人的地方。或那两个怪物会相互仇恨……简简简简简简……简并且会没完没了地凶。、毁害和   我想简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简些事抬望了望窗。突然,在月光下我看那个怪物的恐怖的正看着我。并且在他那简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简黄色的眼中我只看到了仇恨和邪简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简。我知道他是不会遵守言的。   我走到那个新的家伙躺着的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室桌子的旁。我扯了接她和我的机器的。我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简拿起一把利的刀切碎了精心拼起来的那个身体。怪物从窗简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了他的里看我毁女人。于是,随着一声悲 和失望的、凄惨的吼声,他跑了简简简简简简室。   你已了我所有的有“简简简”“简简简简——简毁他幸福的期望,哭喊道,你只我仇留下了一感情恨之感……简——简简简简简简简简简简和一掉愿望毁你的幸福的愿望。你会你来到个世界上而后悔的。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简住一点:在你的新婚之夜我会跟你在一起的。”   他快速跑出简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简室,我看着他划船离海向大海去。   当我想到简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伊莎白构成的危坐下来哭了起来。但是我知道在我的新婚之夜之前怪物是不会“简”简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简造我的。我不会易地死去,而且要在他死我之前法死他。  第二天早上我收到了亨利的一封信。他告简简简简简简简简简简简简我他在等着我回去。我决定清理一下室简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简并在第二天离海。于是我返回室,女怪物的那具身体躺简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简在地上。我把它和一些重的石一起装简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简一个大袋子。然后我把袋子扛到船上并向大海。我把袋子投入深水中,看着它消失了。   我在比好简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简几个月以来感要好些了。我知道自己做了一件事,在不简简简简简简简简简简那第一个的后了。会有第二个怪物步   我非常疲简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,在船上睡着了。我不清楚睡了多,只知道我醒来正在一暴雨之中。把我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简吹向离海岸更的地方,我的船始水了。我明白自己正于极大的危之 中。几个小后暴简简简简简简简……一群雨人正站在那去了,我看往南有地。很快我就看了海 儿看着我。他的简简简简简简简简简简简简情既冷酷又不友好。   在我登简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,四个男人走向我并抓住了我的胳膊。   我要把你到“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”简简其中法官克文先生那儿去。他要你儿昨生的一案的事, 的一个人告简简简我。   听了那简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简案我很心,但我没有此担心。我那正在 简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,根本不知道什的事。将会容易地解清一点。我 便随那些人去了克文法官住的大屋子。     12     The judge was an old, kind man, but his face was very serious as he looked at me, He asked a number of men to tell me what they had seen and found the night before,   The first man told his story,He and his son were coming home from a long day's fishing,It was a dark night,and on the beach they had fallen over the dead body of a man,They had carried the body to the nearest house,and found that it was a good-looking young man about twenty five years old,There were the marks of fingers round his neck,When they spoke of the marks of fingers,I remembered the murder of my brother and I felt a terrible fear,   The son then told his story,He had seen a boat with a man in it, not far from the beach, He thought it was my boat,A woman had also seen a man in a boat sailing away from the beach,She thought I was the man,   Then I was taken to the room where the dead body lay,How can I tell you what I felt when I saw the body,I put my arms round it and cried:‘What have I done, My friend:My dear friend:’The body was Henry Clerval's,and so now I had destroyed another person,   This third death was too much for me,I fell down in a kind of madness,and they had to carry me from the room, For two months I was very ill and wished only to die,But slowly my madness left me,and my health began to return,At last I was able to speak to Judge Kerwin,and I asked for news of my family,   ‘There is someone here who can answer your question better than I can,’he said,‘Your father arrived a few minutes ago,and is waiting to see you,’   For the first time since Henry's death I felt some happiness,I held out my hands to my father as he came into the room, and he took me in his arms, He gave me the good news that Elizabeth and Ernest were safe and well,   I was really too ill to travel,but I asked my father to take me home immediately,The police had found somebody who had seen me on my island at the time of the murder,and so the judge let me go free,   My father looked after me on the long journey home,and sat with me for every minute,Night after night while I was asleep,I shouted that I was the murderer of William,Justine,and Henry,My father asked me why I said these awful things,I wanted to answer his question,but I could not tell him my terrible secret,He thought that I was still a little mad,   We stayed for a few days in Paris on the way home, and Elizabeth wrote to me at our hotel,This is what her letter said:       My dearest Victor,   I am so happy to know that you will soon be home,But I am afraid that Henry's death is not the only reason for your sadness,Do you still want to marry me, or do you love an-other woman, You must tell me,   I love you,Victor,and I dream of the day when I shall be your wife,But I do not want you to marry me just because your parents wanted it,I can only be happy if you are happy,   Do not answer this letter,Wait until you arrive before you give me your answer,But if you are well,and if I can make you smile,I need nothing more to make me happy, With all my love, Elizabeth       I replied immediately,I told her that I loved her very much and wanted to marry her,   I remembered the monster's promise to be with me on the night of my wedding,Let him come,We would fight to the death on that night, And after that fight,I would either be dead and at peace,or alive and free… free to be happy with Elizabeth,   We arrived in Geneva soon after my letter had reached Elizabeth,It was wonderful to see her again,She ran into my arms and I held her close,She cried when she saw how thin and old I looked,She, too, was thinner because she had worried about me so much,But her gentleness and her love made her as beautiful as ever,   We agreed that the wedding would be in ten days'time,As the day came nearer,I became more and more afraid,I tried to hide my fear,and laughed and smiled as often as I could,Elizabeth knew that I was unhappy, but she was sure she could give me happiness,She looked forward to our wedding,   I began to carry a gun and a knife with me everywhere I went,   12     法官是个善良的老人,但他在看着我简简简简简简简简简简简简简表情非常峻。他叫了好几 个人来告简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我他在前一天上都看到了并了什。   第一个人了他的故事。他和他的儿简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简子了一天的后 正往家里走。那是个黑暗的夜,他在海上简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简被一具男尸倒了。 他把简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简尸体扛到最近的一所房子,那是一个二十五 左右的、面貌英俊的男人。他的脖子上有指痕。当他起指简简简简简简简简简简简痕,我想起了 简害我弟弟的凶手,于是便不寒而栗。   之后,那个儿子简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简起了他的故事。他曾在离海岸不的地方看到上有一个男人的一只船。他那是我的船。一简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简 个女人也曾看到有个男人着一只船朝海里简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简划去。她我就是那个人。   然后我被简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简到尸体停放的那个房。我怎形容我看到那具尸体的感呢,我抱住尸体哭道:我都“简简简”干了什那是啦,我的朋友:我的朋友:亨利?克勒沃的尸体,我又简简简简毁了另一个人的生命。   第简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简三起死亡事件我打太大了。我近乎狂地倒在了地上,他不得不把我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简从房里抬走。我大病了两个月的,一心只简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简想去死。但地我不再狂,身体也始恢了。最后我可以简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简同克文法官并起我家人的情况。   儿有更好的人来“简简简”简“简简简简简简简简简简回答你的。他道,你父几分前来了,正等着看你呢。”   自从亨利死后,我首次感到了些的快。我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简父走屋我朝他伸出了双手,他把我了里。他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简告我一个好消息伊莎白和欧内斯特均健康平安。  我病得在是简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简太重,路也走不了,但我要我父立刻把我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简回家去。警察已到在生有人看我正在上,法官便放了我。  我父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简刻在回都坐在家的漫旅途每每中一直照着我, 我的身。一个个上,我在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简熟睡都大声我是害威廉简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简斯汀和亨利的凶手。我父我什出些可怕的。我想要回答他的,但又不能简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简告他我那可怕的秘密。他我的大仍有些不正常。  回家途中我在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简巴黎逗留了几天,伊莎白我写了封信寄到了旅店。信是写的:简简简简简       我最的克多:简简简简简简简   知道你很快就要回家了我非常高。可是我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简担心亨利的死并不是你心的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简唯一原因。你是仍然想要娶我,是上了另外一个女人,你必告我。  我你,克多,我梦简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简想着成你的妻子的那一天。但是我不希望你只是因你简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简父母的意愿而娶我。只有在你幸福我才会幸福。  不要回信。等你回来再我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简答。但是如果你身体健康或者我能你简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简微笑的,那我就再高不了。 简你的, 伊莎简简简白       我立刻回了信。我告简简简简简简简简简简简简简简她我非常她并想和她婚。   我想起了怪物的要在我的新简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简婚之夜同我在一起的言。就他来吧,我可以在那天上简简简……简自由而拼死搏斗。搏斗之后,我要安祥地死去,要自由地活着幸福地同伊莎白呆在一起。   伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白收到我的信后不久我便到了日内瓦。再到她真是太美好了。她扑到我的里,我地简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简住了她。当她看到 我又瘦削又老简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简哭了。她因一直非常挂我也瘦了。但是 她的温柔和简简简简简简简简简意使她永美。   我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简商定十天后行婚礼。一天越是近,我越是害 怕。我竭力简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简藏我的恐惧之感,尽量露出声笑。伊莎白 知道我不高,但她简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简确信她可以我幸福。她期盼着我的婚礼。   我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始随身携着一把和一把刀子。     13     After the wedding a large number of our friends came to a party at our house, When the party had started,Elizabeth and I said goodbye and left for our honeymoon,We travelled first by boat, and planned to spend the night at a hotel on the other side of the lake, The mountains and the lake were calm and beautiful,and at last Elizabeth and I were together,For the first time for months, and for the last time ever,I enjoyed the feeling of happiness,   In the evening the wind became stronger and soon a great storm broke above us,Every noise frightened me,and I kept my hand on my gun under my coat,I saw the monster in every shadow,Suddenly I realized how terrible the fight would be for Elizabeth,I asked her to go to bed and I decided to search for the monster,I planned to join her when I was sure he was not in or around the hotel,   Elizabeth left me and I searched every corner of the hotel—every dark doorway and staircase,I could not find him,and I began to hope that he had not followed us to the hotel,But suddenly,I heard a loud and terrible scream,   It came from our room,   Then—too late—I understood,The monster had promised to be with me on my wedding night,but he had not planned to kill me,   The scream came again,and I ran to our room,Why did I 72not die there and then,   On the bed, Elizabeth lay still, in the cold sleep of death, I took her in my arms… and saw the marks of the murderer's fingers on her neck,   Other people in the hotel had heard the screams and came into our room, I sent one of them to call the police,The others left me alone with my misery,I held Elizabeth close, and as I held her, I saw the monster watching me through the open window of the room,There was an evil laugh on his face,I pulled my gun from my coat and fired at him, I missed, and he ran from the window and jumped into the lake,The other people heard the noise of the shot and came back into the room, I showed them the place where the monster had jumped into the lake,We searched the edge of the lake,but we could not find him,I returned to our room and lay on the bed next to my dear wife,   Suddenly I had another terrible thought,At this very moment perhaps my father was fighting the monster, with Ernest dead at his feet, I left the hotel and returned to Geneva as fast as I could,My father and Ernest were safe,but the awful news of Elizabeth's death killed my father,He had loved Elizabeth dearly, He be came ill,and after a few days he died in my arms,So the evil monster had brought unhappiness and death to a dear old man who had never hurt anybody,   I do not know what happened next,I think I left the real world, and entered a dangerous world of dreams and madness,Later I found that they had put me in prison because of my madness,   After many months they let me free,I had only one wish—to find and kill the monster,  13     婚礼之后我的大简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简批朋友都来我家聚会。聚会始后,我和伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白向他道了并离度蜜月去了。我首先乘船旅行,并简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简划上在湖岸的一家旅夜。群山和湖泊宁静而美简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,我和伊莎白于合在了一起。我几个月来第一次、也是最后一次享受到了幸福的感简简。   傍刮简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简一个声得更响猛都了,不久来了一大的暴每雨。简简简简简简简简简简简简我恐惧,我一直把手放在外套下面的上。我在个暗都看到了那个每怪物。突然我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简意到搏斗于伊莎白来将会是多恐怖。我她上简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简床睡而我决定去找那个怪物。我打算在确信怪物不在旅简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简及其附近后再回到伊莎白身。   伊莎简简简简——简简简简简简一个白离了我,我角落一个搜了旅黑暗里的每每的和楼梯。我没能找到他,于是便简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始希望他并没有随我到旅来。但是突然我听到了一声可简简简简简简简简简简简简简怕的尖叫。   那是从我的简简简简简简简简简简房里出来的。   于是我明白来了简——简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简但已是太了。怪物曾要在我的新婚之夜跟着我的,但他并未打算要了我。简简简简   尖叫声又一次来,我于是跑到了我的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简房。我什没有在当当地便死去呢,  床上,伊莎简简简……简简简简并看了白静静地躺着,在冰冷中眠。我把她抱在中凶手在她脖子上留下的指痕。   旅简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简里的其他人听到了尖叫声,他走了我的房。我其中的一人去简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简警。其他人走后,留下我一个人在痛苦中煎熬。我地着简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伊莎白,而我抱着她看怪物正透简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简着的窗看着我。他的上挂着邪的笑容。我从外套中拔出朝他了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简火。我没有打中,他从窗跑并跳到了湖里。其他人听到了声便又来到了那个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简房。我将怪物跳湖之指他看。我在简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简湖搜,但没能找到他。我回到房简简简简简简简简简简简简简里躺到我的妻子身旁。   突然我有了另外一个可简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简怕的想法:也我父正在同那个怪物打斗并且欧内斯特已死在他的脚简简。   我离简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简旅并以尽最快的速度赶回了日内瓦。我父和欧内斯特都平安无事,但伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简白死去的噩耗去了我父的生命。他曾深深地着简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简伊莎白。他病倒了,几天之后便死在了我的里。那个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简邪的怪物将不幸和死亡了从未害任何人的我那的老人。简简简简简简   我不知道接下去会生简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简什。我想我当离了的世界而 入了梦幻和简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简狂的危境界。后来我才知道他当因我狂而把我送了。   好几个月之后他简简——简简简简简简简找放了我。我只有一个愿望到并死那个怪物。     14     I decided to leave Geneva for ever,I took all the money that I needed,and left the town,Before I left,I went to visit the place where William,Elizabeth,and my father lay at rest,I stood there and promised them that I would stay alive until I had killed the monster,   A loud,evil laugh rang out through the silent night,Then I heard the monsters's voice:‘It pleases me that you have decided to live, because that is just what I want,’   I ran towards the voice,but I could not catch the monster,I saw him running away, but he ran faster than any man could go—too fast for me to catch, But I followed him,and I have been following him since that day,I shall stay alive until I can catch him,He wants me to live as long as possible,He wants me to feel,day after day,the pain and misery that he has given me,He leaves messages to tell me where he is,He knows that I shall follow him,   I am only happy when I am asleep,I dream that I am with my family, and Elizabeth and Henry,When I am awake,I look forward to my death, to the day when I shall be with them,   In his last message the monster told me that he was going north,He wanted to take me where the cold would hurt me and make me more miserable,I followed him to the cold lands of the north,and bought dogs and a sledge,Until now, he has always left me further and further behind when I chase him,But the dogs were very fast and I was getting closer and closer to him,Soon he was only one day's journey in front of me,He was going towards the sea, and I hoped to catch him before he reached it,The chase over the ice continued for about three weeks,The pain from the cold was very great,and I began to lose hope,I thought I would never catch him,My dogs could not run much further, and one of them died,Then I saw some-thing on the ice in front of me,It was the monster and his sledge,Suddenly I was full of hope again,and I gave a great shout of happiness,   I got closer and closer to him,Then a great storm started,The ice began to break,and the sea carried him away from me,My sledge was broken,and I lost my dogs,I was left on a piece of ice that was becoming smaller all the time,Many hours went by,and then I saw your ship,The rest you know, I ask you,Captain Walton,to chase the monster and kill him,Do not listen to what he says,He knows how to argue,and perhaps you will feel sorry for him,But remember that he is evil,Remember the deaths of William,Justine,Henry Clerval,Elizabeth,my father…and remember me, Victor Frankenstein,   There is no more for me to say,except to thank you,Captain Walton,for your help and kindness,Thank you also for listening to my story,I want you to tell the world that the monster is a danger to everyone,   I know that I have only a few hours left to live,but I can feel my loved ones near me, and I welcome death,   Goodbye,This is the end of Victor Frankenstein's story,   14     我决定永简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简离日内瓦。我上了我所需要的一切用便离了那个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简城市。走之前,我去了威廉、伊莎白有我父简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简的安息之。我站在那儿向他誓我要活到死那个怪物之。   一声响亮而邪简简“你的笑声响决定活下了静静的夜空。接着我听到怪物的声音:去我很高,因正是我简简简简简简简简简简简简”想要的。   我朝声音的方向跑去,但没有抓到他。我看着他跑了,只是他跑得比任何人都快简简简简简简简简简简简简简简——太快了,我没法赶上他。但我跟踪着他,打那天起我一直在跟踪他。我要活到抓住他的那一天。他希望我尽可能活得一些,以便我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简日一日地感受到他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我的痛苦和悲。他我留下口信告我他在什地方。他知道我会跟踪他的。  只有在熟睡简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简我才感到快。我梦我同我的家人、伊莎白和亨利在一起。我醒来便简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简盼望着死去,盼望着和他在一起的那一天。  在怪物留下的最后的一个口信中,他告简简简简简简简简简简简简我他要去北方。他是想把我到简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简寒冷的地方受煎熬,以便我更加痛苦。我跟踪他来到北方寒冷的地方,并且了狗和雪橇。简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简直到在,自打我追赶他的那个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简候起,他就一直把我地甩到后面。可是狗跑得很快,我离他越来越近。不久他便离我只简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简剩下一天的行程了。他在朝大海的方向跑去,而我希望在他到达大海之前抓住他。冰上的追逐持简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了三个星期。寒我来了巨大的痛苦,我始失去信心了。我想我永简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简也想追上他了。我的狗再也跑不了,其中 死了一只。后来我看到在我前面的冰上有个什西。那是怪物和他的雪简简简简简简简简简简简简橇。突然我又简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简充了希望,于是快地大喊了起来。   我离他越来越近。后来刮起了一大的暴。冰简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简始破裂,海水着他我而去。我的雪橇简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简了,狗也都了。我被困在一不断消毁融的冰上。好几个小之后,我看了你的船。接简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简下来的事你都知道了。  我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简求你,沃船,你去追上并死那个怪物。不 要听他什。他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简知道怎解,你可能会同情他的。但你要简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简住他是邪的,要想到威廉、斯汀、亨利?克勒沃、伊莎简简简简简简简简简简简简…白、我父些人的死…简简简简简简有我,弗肯斯坦。   我没有更多要的了,只是我得你,沃船,你的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简帮助和善心,也感简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简你听了我的故事。我想你叫全世界的人都知道那个怪物所有的人来都是个简简简简简简简简简简简简简危。   我知道我只能再活几个小了,但我能简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简感到我所的人离我近了,因而我迎死简简简简简简简简亡的到来。   再。就是克多简简简简简简简简?弗肯斯坦的故事的简简简简简简简简简简简尾。     15     I,Captain Robert Walton,have added this final note to the story,When you have read it, you will know that Victor Frankenstein's story was true,   Victor Frankenstein died a few hours after he had written his last word,I was sad to see him die, because he had become a good friend,But he will not be unhappy or in pain any more,and I am happy for him   We laid his body in a cabin near my own,Later I heard a voice coming from the cabin,I went into the cabin and saw a huge shape standins over the dead body,I knew that the horrible creature which was standing there was Frankenstein's monster,   ‘So I have killed you,too,’the monster said to Frankenstein's body,‘Oh, Frankenstein,forgive me,How I wish you could answer me,’   I went towards him,and said:‘It is too late for Frankenstein to forgive you,He is dead,His pain is ended,’   ‘You do not know how much pain and unhappiness I have felt,’said the monster,‘I knew that I was doing evil things,but I could not stop myself,Do you think I enjoyed killing people,My heart was made for love,like a man's heart,After I killed Henry Clerval,I hated myself,But I could not stop myself from more murder,Frankenstein would not give me a wife, but he hoped to find happiness with a wife of his own,He was not fair to me,But now it is ended,Frankenstein is the last person I shall kill,   ‘I have done all those evil things,but am I the only person who has done wrong,I wanted love and friendship,Think about Felix and his family,who hated me after I had given them love,Think about the man who shot me after I had saved his little girl from the river,But I know that I have done evil,and I hate myself more than you hate me,My own death is near,I shall leave this ship and go north,across the ice,I shall build a great fire,and lie down on it to die,I shall welcome the pain of the fire,because it will help me to forget the pain in my heart,I have felt more pain than Frankenstein,And when the fire has died down,I shall be at peace,’ The monster jumped from the cabin window as he said this,He got into the small boat in which he had reached the ship,The sea soon carried him away, and he was lost in the darkness, 沃船的简简简简简简简   15     我,伯特简简简?沃船已故事简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简加了如下。后,你就会知道克多?弗简 肯斯坦的故事是真简简简的。   克多简简简?弗肯斯坦在写简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简完他最后一个字几小后便死去 了。看到他死去我很心,因他已成了我的好简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简朋友。然而, 他将不再会有心和简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简痛苦了,因此我他而高。   我把他的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简尸体放在了我旁的船里。后来我听到 了从船里出的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简响声。我走那个船,看尸体旁站着 一个巨大的身躯。我知道站在那儿的那个令人恐怖的家伙就是弗肯斯坦的那个怪物。简简简简简简简简简简   一来我把你也了。“简简简”简简简“简简简简简简怪物着弗肯斯坦的噢,弗肯斯坦,尸体道, 原我。我多希望你能简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”回答我。   我走近他道:简“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简弗肯斯坦原你已太了。他已死了, 痛苦已简简简简简”束了。   你不“简”简“简简简简知道我感受到了多少痛苦和悲。怪物,我知道我做的事情是邪的,可是我阻止不了我自己。你我喜人,我的心是而造的,简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简如同一般人的一。在我死简简简简简简简简亨利?克勒沃后,我恨我自己,但是我阻止不了自己去更多简简简的人。弗肯斯坦不肯我一个简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简妻子,他却想着自己找个妻子并从那儿找到幸福。他我不简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简公平。但在件事情已束了弗肯斯坦简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简”将是我死的最后一个人。   我已“简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简做了那多邪的事情,但道只是我一个人的简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简,我需要和友。想一想菲力克斯和他的家人:我了他而他简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简却恨我。想一想那个男人:我从河里救了他女儿而他却朝我。然而我简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简知道我做了邪的事,我因而比你要简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简恨我自己。我的死期已不了。我将离船越冰面简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简往北去。我要生一堆大火,然后躺在上面死去。我将简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简迎烈火所来的痛苦,因它会帮我忘内心的痛苦。我已比弗肯斯坦简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简忍受了更多的痛苦。在烈火熄之,我也简简简简简简简简简”会安宁了。   怪物些简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简从船的窗跳了出去。他上了他曾用来爬上船的那只小船。海水很快把他走,他消失在了简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简简黑暗之中。    
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