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神农架的中英双语导游词神农架的中英双语导游词 Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Shennongjia. I am pleased toserve as your guide today. Now we’re going to pay a visit to Shennongjia. Shennongjia is located in the junction of Sichuan and Hubei. An administrative division was established here in 1...
神农架的中英双语导游词 Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Shennongjia. I am pleased toserve as your guide today. Now we’re going to pay a visit to Shennongjia. Shennongjia is located in the junction of Sichuan and Hubei. An administrative division was established here in 1970, covering a total area of over 3 ,253 square kilometers, two-thirds of which is covered by forests. About 79,000 people live here and the major ethnic groups living in the area are Han Chinese and the Tujia and Hui national minorities. Do you know the origin about Shennongjia? What kind of stories are there? Now let me tell you.In ancient times, the Shennongjia region was covered by a vast ocean. Then the Orogeny Uplift of the Yan and Himalayan mountains occurred, and the Ba mountains extended eastward from the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau. The Ba Mountains are highest in the north and lowest in the south. Their average elevation is 1,500 meters, and over 20 peaks are more.than 2,500 meters above sea level. The tallest peak is 3,105 meters high and is called the first peak in central China”. At an elevation of 398 meters, the Southwest Pillar River is Shennongjia’s lowest point, so elevation difference between the area’s high and low points is 2,707 meters. Shennongjia has a long history going to the Paleolithic period. When early man first settled this area. It is said Emperor Yan and shennong taught the first people living here how to build houses, find herbs, a farm the land, so the area called shennongjia. Jia means a peak of a mountain in Chinese. Shennongjia initially referred to a particular peak ,but now is the name for the entire shennongjia forest areas. Shennongjia is also one of the birthplace of Bachu culture, in the 1980s the folk songbook and mythic epic tale, Darkness, was discovered in shennongjia. This landmark archeological find helped explain ancient Chinese 上一篇英语: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词下一篇英语: 没有了查 看更多关于旅游英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词 锦绣中华民俗村的中英双语导游词 桂林漓江的中英双语导游词 象鼻山的中英双语导游词 故宫的中英双语导游词 鼓浪屿的中英双语导游词 views on the universe, along with the origins of human society in china. Do you know about any names regarding the Shennongjia area? It is a very prestigious Right ! That’s it, the Central Roof. This is because at 3,105 meters above sea level, Shennongjia’s highest peak is the tallest point in Central China. Hence it is called the Middle Kingdom’s Central Roof. We all know that Shennongjia is a primitive forest, which has variety of insects, fish, animals and birds, as well as lots of endangered flora and fauna. why? It is because Shennongjia has both geographical advantages and a fine natural environment. In particular, it has maintained its primitive and pristine state, enabling many very rare animals and plants to live here. In addition, shennongjia contains many plants and herbs used in producing many kinds of medicine. Finally,shennongjia has the world’s only intact mid-latitude subtropical forest ecosystem, making a unique global tourist attraction. The area thus richly deserves to be named the“ Green Pearl” ,“ Natural Botanical and “Biological Haven”, ‘Species Gene pool”, “ Natural History Museum” , a cool kingdom. Shennongjia is currently seeking to fully exploit its rich tourist resources by building a sauna, constructing hiking and bike paths, encouraging rock climbing rafting, fishing and other popular tourist attractive。 shennong Altar Well, my friends, we are now at the Shennong located in the southern ShennongLjia scenic tourism area. Although it occupies less than l square kilomenter, the Altar is an attractive structure and is, surrouned 上一篇英语: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词下一篇英语: 没有了查 看更多关于旅游英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词 锦绣中华民俗村的中英双语导游词 桂林漓江的中英双语导游词 象鼻山的中英双语导游词 故宫的中英双语导游词 鼓浪屿的中英双语导游词 by beautiful natural scenery. And the Shennong Altar is at the core of the Shennongjia scenic area and is a place where the Chinese people commemorate ancestors and worship God. Do you know why we commemorate Emperor? Because he was the first person who domesticated cattle and also found many herbs able are people of life-threatening diseases. The stage on both sides and the lawn we now are modeled on those at the royal palace. The path was reserved for the emperor, while the paths were used by his officials. The number 9 in ancient times was considered to be the largest number, so the number of the stages on both sides is multiple of that number. Below step is the sacrificial altar where Chinese people can worship their ancestors. Shennong Peak After leaving the Shennong Altar, we will go to Shennongjia peak. It is located in west a scenic area and is called the “central roof” ,as it is the highest point in central China,105 meters above sea level. Fengjingya We have now arrived at the Fengjingya, which was originally named Badongya, and is known as “the Shennong’s perfect scenic spot”. Standing at an altitude of 2 ,800 meters, Fengjingya is full of special and beautiful scenery, and this visual feast is accentuated by the area’s abrupt weather changes. You can look around now and see for yourself. The Banbi Rock Well, we have arrived at the Banbi Rock, which attract visitors with its primitive appeal and stone forests. Thick stands of arrow bamboo surround Banbi Rock and form a natural barrier.Legend has it that Shennongjia “wild men” often make fleeting appearances in these bamboo groves.Traces of these “wild men”, such as hair,excrement, bamboo nests, are often found there. Study of their hair cell structure indicates tha 上一篇英语: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词下一篇英语: 没有了查 看更多关于旅游英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词 锦绣中华民俗村的中英双语导游词 桂林漓江的中英双语导游词 象鼻山的中英双语导游词 故宫的中英双语导游词 鼓浪屿的中英双语导游词 t these creatures are an evolutionary step above advanced primates. In addition to being the home of the ?wild man”, this area is notable for the picturesque boulder on Fengjingya’s northern slope. This boulder hugs the slope, much like a mother hugging a child or lovers whispering to one another. Painters and photographers often spend a few hours to creating works around the boulder. Now we are going to the Banbi Rock and stone forest and have a walk. I we have good luck we may even see one of its ? wild men”. Well, after touring the Banbi Rock and stone forest, our joujney is about to end today. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Welcome to the Shennongjia again. luck! 各位朋友,大家好! 很高兴能成为大家这次旅行的导游。下面请大家和我一起去游览 神农架。神农架地处川鄂交界地带,1970年建立行政区划,面积约为 3253平方千米,其中森林覆盖率达67%,区内居住有汉、土家、回等民 族,人口约7.9万。 大家知道神农架的来历吗?又有些什么样的故事流传其中呢?现 在就让我为大家介绍一下。远古时期,神农架地区还是一片汪洋大海, 是燕山和喜马拉雅造山运动将其抬升为多级陆地,成为大巴东延的余 脉。山脉呈东西走向,山体由南向北逐渐降低。山峰多在海拔1500米 以上,其中海拔2500米以上的山峰有20多座。最高峰神农顶海拔3105.4 米,为“华中第一峰”。西南部石柱河海拔398米,是神农架的最低点,最高点与最低点的相对高差为2707.4米。 神农架的历史十分悠久,早在旧石器时代就开 始有原始人类在此活动,相传炎帝神农氏曾率众在此苔架采药,教人们耕种,故将这里称作神农架。神农架最初只是指一座山峰,到现在则指整个神农架景区。神农架也是巴楚文化的发祥地之一。20世纪80年代,在神农架发现了一部民间唱本《黑暗传》,以解释字宙和人类社会的起源、叙说中国古代史为主要,其特征近似神话史诗,受到学术的重视,也填补了华中地区没有发现过长篇神话史诗的空白。 大家知道神农架还有别的称呼吗?对,有一个分气派的称号——华中屋脊,这是因为神农架中的最高峰——神农顶海拔高达3105.4米,为华中第一高峰,故而有此称号。 大家都知道神农架是一片原始森林,其中有种类繁多的鸟兽虫鱼,而在别的地方见不到的物种在神农架却可以见到,这是为什么呢? 因为神农架凭借其优越的地理位置以及自然环境 ,至今尚较好的保存着原始森林的特有风貌,所以有多种极为珍稀的动物在此繁衍。此外,神农架也是一座规模很大的天然药材库,有中草药两千多种。目前,神农架是我国内陆保存完好的唯一一片绿洲和世界中纬度地区唯一的一块绿色宝地。 它所拥有的在当今世界中纬度地区唯一保持完好 的亚热带森林生态系统,是最富特色的垄断性的世界及 旅游资源 上一篇英语: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于旅游英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词 锦绣中华民俗村的中英双语导游词 桂林漓江的中英双语导游词 象鼻山的中英双语导游词 故宫的中英双语导游词 鼓浪屿的中英双语导游词 。因而神农架也享有了“绿色明珠”、 天然动植物园”、“生物避难所”“物种基因库”、 自然博物馆”和“清凉王国”等众多美誉。 现在神农架凭借其丰富的自然资源及旅游资源,在作为观光度假旅游区的基础上,还开展了森林沐浴行和自行车、攀岩、漂流、垂钓等颇受旅游者喜爱的旅游活动 神农坛 好,各位游客朋友,现在我们已经进入了神农坛 景区,请大家稍做准备,我们马上就要下车去游览。 现在我们所在的神农坛风景区位于神农架旅游区的南部,是神农架旅游的南大门。虽然面积很小,只有0.7平方千米,但整个景区层次分明,自然风光十分优美。 好了,现在我们就来到了神农坛,神农坛是神农架风景区的核心部分,是专供炎黄子孙在此缅怀先祖,祭祀神灵的场所。 大家知道为什么炎帝神农氏受到我们的几年吗,因为他首创牛耕,采药救民,为子孙后代繁荣昌盛,持续发展和进步做出了巨大的贡献。 我们现在所看到的草坪和两边的台阶也是根据过去皇宫的格局所不值,中间为天子所走,左右则是大臣的通道。因为9在古时候被人们认为是最大的数字,故两边的数字全是9的倍数,台阶下面是祭坛,每一位炎黄子孙都可以在此祭拜先祖。 神农顶 离开神农坛,我们就要去神农架的制高点,神农顶风景区,神农顶风景区位于神农架的西部,被称作 华中屋脊,是华中第一高峰,海拔达3105.4米。 风景垭 走过了神农顶,现在我们就到达了风景垭,风景垭原名巴东垭,号称“神农第一绝”,海拔2800米。风景垭风景奇异,气象瞬变,将这风景垭的风光齐聚一体,大家可四处看看。 板壁岩 好了,现在我们已经来到了板壁岩,这里因为有野人出没和奇妙的石林而备受游人注目,板壁岩上下箭竹林漫山遍野,是天然的屏障,据说这一带经常有神农架野人出没,箭竹林中经常发现野人的足迹,如毛发,粪便和猪窝之类。经研究,这种毛发的细胞结构要优于高等领长目动物。此外,箭竹林间,最惹人注目的是北坡的一尊巨石,如母子相偎又如恋人细语,画家和摄影学们往往要在这尊巨石周围花上几个小时来进行创作。 那么现在我们就下车去板壁岩的石林和树丛中走走,运气好的话说不定还能看到野人呢。 好了,游览玩板壁岩之后,我们今天的旅途也就到此结束了,感谢大家的合作,欢迎以后再来游览神农架,祝大家好运。 上一篇英语: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词下一篇英语: 没有了查看更多关于旅游英语的文章网友同时还浏览了: 长江三峡的中英双语导游词 锦绣中华民俗村的中英双语导游词 桂林漓江的中英双语导游词 象鼻山的中英双语导游词 故宫的中英双语导游词 鼓浪屿的中英双语导游词
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