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适合小学生玩室内游戏适合小学生玩室内游戏 培训游戏大全(9个) 1、《西天取经》游戏(培养意志毅力) 主持人邀请,人上场,等分成甲乙两组,先由甲组当取经队,,人分别扮演不同的角色:,、唐僧用单脚打坐,合掌;,、孙悟空手搭凉棚抬起左膝;,、沙和尚向后抬起,条腿做挑担状;,、猪八戒左臂曲肘撑头,右腿屈膝搭在右大腿上,身体稍后倾做睡懒觉状。乙组都当妖怪。游戏开始,主持人“,、,、,、„„”有节奏地数数(击掌),乙组的又喊又叫:“妖怪来了~妖怪来了~”并去挑逗甲组的人(但不能推碰拉触)。甲组的人坚持不动,一旦有人失去平衡双脚落地就算失误。接着两组互换...
适合小学生玩室内游戏 培训游戏大全(9个) 1、《西天取经》游戏(培养意志毅力) 主持人邀请,人上场,等分成甲乙两组,先由甲组当取经队,,人分别扮演不同的角色:,、唐僧用单脚打坐,合掌;,、孙悟空手搭凉棚抬起左膝;,、沙和尚向后抬起,条腿做挑担状;,、猪八戒左臂曲肘撑头,右腿屈膝搭在右大腿上,身体稍后倾做睡懒觉状。乙组都当妖怪。游戏开始,主持人“,、,、,、„„”有节奏地数数(击掌),乙组的又喊又叫:“妖怪来了~妖怪来了~”并去挑逗甲组的人(但不能推碰拉触)。甲组的人坚持不动,一旦有人失去平衡双脚落地就算失误。接着两组互换角色,游戏继续。哪组坚持不倒的时间长哪组为胜。 2、乘公共汽车(培养反应敏捷性及社会公德) 邀请一位口齿清楚的同学,有表情地朗读下面一则小故事,要求参赛者听见“站”字坐下,听到“坐(包括“座”)”站起来,每位参赛者后面站一位手持纸棒的工作人员,每做错一次就朝头上猛敲一下,最后,挨敲的次数最少者,还要回答一个文明礼貌的小问题,答得好的为优胜。 有一次,小明和妹妹乘公共汽车。上车后,小明发现一个空座位,他丢下妹妹赶紧跑过去坐下。这时,过来一位老奶奶,她扶着拉手,站在小明身边。妹妹对小明说:“哥哥,你看你,你坐着奶奶站着,多不好啊~你赶快站起来,让奶奶坐吧~”小明挨了批评,心里很不高兴,赌气说:“你让我站着,我就偏不站,我要坐嘛~”老奶奶听了笑笑说:“没关系,你坐吧,我不坐。”妹妹站在小明身旁气得噘起了小嘴,说:“你真不懂礼貌,我再也不愿站在你旁边了~“这时,汽车到站了,那位老奶奶下了车。望着老奶奶远去的身影,小明的心里很不是滋味,他觉得自已是错了,情不自禁地站起来,悄悄地离开了那个座位,嘴里自言自语地说:“哎,怎么搞的,坐和站,站和坐,坐坐站站,站站坐坐,坐站坐站,站坐站坐,坐站站坐,站坐坐站,到底是站还是坐,今天我怎么糊涂了~” 3、小鸡出壳 在地上分散布置若干张大废报纸,给四名参赛者每人发一支记号笔。主持人发令后,参赛者先在一张报纸上画一个大鸡蛋,接着马上在蛋的中间撕个口子,将自己的头部、肩膀、躯干和下肢从口子钻过,如果不撕破蛋边线,就算成功地孵出一只小鸡,否则为失误退出局。成功者可立即再画再钻,在规定的时间内,孵出小鸡多者为胜。 12、猜领头人 游戏方法:点一猜领头人的学生到室外,教师指这一学生为领头人,在轻音乐或学生的唱歌声中全班学生在领头人不断变化动作中,由猜领头人的学生开始猜领头人,可猜三次,如猜中,领头人则表演一个节目或唱一支歌,三次未猜中则由猜领头人的学生来表演 游戏要求:领头人可做刷牙、洗耳恭听、洗手、吹喇叭、拉二胡等动作,不断变换,全班学生立即跟着变,全班学生要遵守游戏规则,不得暗示或指点告诉猜领头人的学生,领头人也可以由教师自己来做。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 14、画足球场地 游戏方法:全班分成人数相等的若干小组,教师发令后各小组第一人跑向黑板画足球场的第一条线,将笔交给同组的第二位学生,第二位学生也画一条线,如此类推,依次进行,看哪一组的足球场最先画好。 游戏要求:可在黑板上用粉笔,也可用圆珠笔或铅在纸上画,每人只能画一根线如“口”必须画四笔,教师评判最快且画得最好的小组为胜。 16、乒乓球 游戏方法:全班分成若干组(每组7——8人为宜)。游戏开始,由本组的任一同学说“乒”,相邻的下一位学生说“乓”,在下一位相邻的学生说“球”,说“球”的学生,在说“球”的同时,要用手指准确的指向本组的任何学生,被指的学生要快速说“乒”。当然,说“球”的学生也可以用手指向本人,但也要快速说“乒”。以下循环反复。 游戏要求:吐字清晰,衔接快速,如果没有快速接上的,被视为失败,将被罚做俯卧撑五个。 18、大,小西瓜 ——8人为宜),由本班的任一位学生游戏方法:全班分为若干组(每组7 开始说,“大西瓜或小西瓜”,如说“大西瓜”,双手必须比作小西瓜的样子;如说“小西瓜”,双手必须比作庞大西瓜的样子。接下来相邻的下一位学生要和上一位说的相反,例如,前一位学生说的是“大西瓜”,下一位学生必须说“小西瓜”以次循环反复。 游戏要求:说的和做的必须是相反的,并且不能和前一位学生说的相同。再者,两手比的“西瓜”形状至少要同肩宽,这将被视为“小西瓜”;两手相触比的“西瓜”形状,被视为“大西瓜”。如和上面不相符的视为失败,罚做俯卧撑五个。 19、可以玩“官打认贼”,就是在四张纸上分别写上“官”,“打”,“认”,“贼”,然后四个人每人抓一张,抓到“认”的要猜出谁是抓到“贼”的,如果认对了就由抓到“官”的人来下令轻打还是重打,打几下,由抓到“打”的人来打;如果认错了,那每一个人都打人两下。 还有抓尺子,快乐大本营玩过的,一个人拿着尺子让它竖直往下掉,另一个人迅速抓住,抓得越下面表示年龄越小(是真是假不知道,不过是游戏而已,别太认真了),不过可以测出你的反应能力。 ? 你来我往的推手游戏 时间:5,10分钟 人数:不限 道具:无 概述:这是一个无需任何道具(并且具有竞争性的快速游戏 目的:使队员彼此对抗 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 准备: 1(每名队员选一个搭档。 2(各组搭档要双脚并齐,面对面站立,距一臂之隔。 3(两人都伸出胳膊,四掌相对。整个游戏过程中,不允许接触搭档 的其他部位。 4(每对搭档的任务是尽量让对方失去平衡,以移动双脚为准。未移 动的一方将积一分。如果双方都失去平衡,均不得分。若队员触 摸到对方身体的其他部位,则扣除一分。 5(让搭档们准备好后大喊一声“开始!”。 讨论(举例):各组的优胜者是谁?为什么? 游戏过程中什么办法最有效? 这个游戏告诉我们在竞争中应该讲究什么技巧? 如何将这个游戏和我们的实际工作联系起来? 安全及提示: 1(要求队员不能快速推对方。 2(各组的获胜者继续结对,开始下一轮淘汰赛。重复下去,直到诞 生总冠军为止。 金鸡独立 这回可是真的成语接龙了。但是每位参加游戏的人脚下要放一张报纸(或者半张足矣),当在规定时间内接不上成语时要把脚下的报纸对折,然后再站上去,主持人重新开头出一个成语让后面的人继续接,到最后就会出现有人“金鸡独立”来接成语。直到最后,脚一直保持在报纸上的人胜出。(今年是鸡年,我突发灵感想出来的) ? 让孩子灵牙利齿的小游戏 广播电台 玩法:家庭每个成员作为一个广播电台,如:奶奶广播电台、爸爸广播电台,孩子电台以他自己的名字命名。一位家长打电话,当拨到豆豆电台时,豆豆电台就播放歌曲、相声、讲新闻等节目。这样每A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 天练习,可促使孩子语言表达能力得到提高。 益处:培养孩子口齿清楚、态度大方,有表情地讲述故事和朗诵诗歌。 一、捆绑过关(适用:团队协作) 简述:藉着被绑在一起来完成数件任务 人数:不限 场地:不限 道具:绳子或其他可以绑的东西 适合全部的人 游戏方法: 1. 分组,不限几组,但每组最好二人以上。 2. 每一组组员围成一个圈圈,面对对方。老师帮忙把每个人的手臂与隔壁的人绑在一起。 3. 绑好以后,现在每一组的组员都是绑在一起的,老师想些任务要每组去完成。 题目例子: 吃午餐;包礼物;完成个美术作品;帮每个组员倒水等。 二、合力吹气球 简述:藉着分工合作来完成任务 人数:每组限六人 场地:不限 道具:准备每组各六张签,上写: 嘴巴;手(二张);屁股;脚(二张)汽球(每组一个) 适合全部的人 游戏方法: 1. 分组,不限几组,但每组必须要有六人。 2. 老师请每组每人抽签。 3. 首先,抽到嘴巴的必须藉着抽到手的两人帮助来把汽球给吹起(抽到嘴巴的人不能用手自已吹起汽球);然后二个抽到脚的人抬起抽到屁股的人去把汽球给坐破。 五、比长短 简述:每队派出一人比不同的单位 人数:不限 场地:不限 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 适用范围:适合刚认识或不认识的人 游戏方法: 1. 分组,不限人数,至少要二组。每组五人以上。 2.老师宣布要比的小组,然后每组派出一位他们认为会赢此小组的人。 3. 等被派出的人都出来后,老师再说比什么。 4. 计算每次比完的输赢即可。 题目例子: 这个游戏的题目就是要想越不会被大家猜中的越有趣~ 比长:比手臂;比上衣;比头发„ 比短:比手指头;比裤子或裙子„ 比高:比声调;比手抬起来的高度„ 比大:比眼睛;比手掌„ 比多:比身上饰物;比穿的衣服;比身上的扣子„ 题目必须在看到被派出的人之前想好~ 六、超级大头贴 简述:用不同的是非问题猜出头顶上的 人数:最少十人 场地:室内 适用范围:适合熟悉团体中人物的朋友们 游戏方法: 1. 分组,每组人数不限 2. 每组派出一人面对面坐在中央(中间可放一张椅子) 3. 老师在宣布题目后,分别把二张答案放在出来的两人头上。这两人只能 看到对方头上的答案,但不能看到自已头上的。 4. 当老师说开始时,二人可以开始问问题猜自已头上的答案,但必须先拍 打放在中央的椅子或地板来做抢"问"。问的问题也只能问是非题。 5. 队员可在旁边帮忙回答,但不能问问题或讲答案出来。 6. 每队有三十秒到一分钟的时间来问问题(看题目难度而订),有三次(看 题目难度而订)的机会猜答案。 7. 每一轮派不同的人上来猜不同的题目,直到所有的题目被猜完。 8. 可看每组猜对的数目来算分数,输的队必须接受处罚。 题目例子: 这个游戏的题目不一定只能猜人物。可适团体中的熟悉度来出题目。每个题 目必须要有二个答案。比如:团体中最爱唱卡拉ok的人,;孔子学生的名字, A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 九、虎克船长 简述:藉着游戏来多认识旁边人的名字 人数:不限 场地:不限 适用范围:刚认识或不认识的人 游戏方法: 1. 全部的人围成圈圈,先搞清楚坐在两旁人的名字。 2. 由其中一人开始,说自已的名字二次,然后再叫另一人的名字。 3. 被叫到的人两边的朋友必须马上说:“嘿咻~嘿休~”和做出划船的动作。 4. 接着再由被叫到的人接着叫别人的名字(如 2),直到有人做错或做错三次(随意~) 题目例子: 可以先全部的人自我介绍再开始这个游戏。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204
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