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校园实用英语有声口袋书局-[doc]校园实用英语有声口袋书局-[doc] Teacher’s English Pocket book 1 Teacher’s English Pocket book Teacher’s English Pocket Book 校園實用英語有聲口袋書 2 Teacher’s English Pocket book 局 長 序 E世紀的今天,英語已成為一種國際性語言,也是不同文化的人們溝通時最常使用的一種工具。想要學好英語,最有效的方法就是多聽、多說、多讀、多寫,只要一有機會就多多接觸,勇於開口、樂於使用、常常練習,唯...
校园实用有声口袋局-[doc] Teacher’s English Pocket book 1 Teacher’s English Pocket book Teacher’s English Pocket Book 校園實用英語有聲口袋書 2 Teacher’s English Pocket book 局 長 序 E世紀的今天,英語已成為一種國際性語言,也是不同文化的人們溝通時最常使用的一種工具。想要學好英語,最有效的方法就是多聽、多說、多讀、多寫,只要一有機會就多多接觸,勇於開口、樂於使用、常常練習,唯有如此才會有精通英語的一天。 臺北市自91學年度起,國小全面實施英語教學,針對兒童學習能力與需求,培養其學習英語的興趣及良好的學習態度,增進其日常生活英語聽、說、讀、寫之溝通能力,以及對多元文化的瞭解,擴展其世界觀與人生觀。為了能達成此英語教學的目標,本局陸續規劃多元內涵與方式的英語教學進修研習,期待持續提升教師教學專業知能,以確保英語教學最佳的品質,讓我們的孩子都能快樂而有效的學習英語。 為了符合老師們教學上的需求,並提供教師們英語教學進修研習的另一種教材,本局特別邀請國小英語教學輔導團協助編輯此「校園實用英語有聲口袋書」,希望能成為老師們在英語教學上,既方便攜帶又可自行學習的參考用書與途徑。無論您是英語教師或是級任老師,是入門新手的資淺教師或是經驗豐富的資深教師,這本書都可以成為您教學上的好幫手。 本書包含「校園對話篇」、「愛的叮嚀篇」、「格言篇」、「讚美與鼓勵篇」及「祝福篇」,主要是針對國小校園中常用詞彙的英語說法做有系統的介紹。書中所用的英語詞句都是經過輔導團英語老師及指導教授的仔細討論、反覆推敲,並由臺北市立師院美籍教授Shed 3 Teacher’s English Pocket book Maechtle校對,同時邀請Shed教授偕同錄製精緻的CD以方便讀者反覆收聽對照書本學習,所以對國小教師及學習者皆具有相當高的參考價值。 最後,要特別感謝臺北市立師院詹偉佳教授的悉心指導、臺北市長春國小及英語教學輔導團的用心規劃與製作,期盼老師們能充分運用本書,讓教學與生活結合,而孩子們學習英語能更有興趣、更有信心、更有成效。 臺北市政府教育局局長 吳清基 謹識 2004年8月 4 Teacher’s English Pocket book 主 編 序 國小英語教育成功的關鍵就在於教師資源。唯有最常與孩子們接觸的教師們做了最好的教學準備,引發孩子們的學習興趣,誘導孩子們的學習動機,才能培育優秀而具競爭力的國際公民。 臺北市全面實施國小英語教學之後,各校無論是在教學環境的建置、教學設備的充實、教師專業知能的研習及教學活動的設計等,都非常用心的規劃,普遍呈現多元豐富而蓬勃發展的景象。當然,在學校全面的努力下,孩子們的英語能力也普遍提升不少。 然而,針對一般級任教師、任教英語課程的教師或對英語教學有興趣的老師們,我們想提供一種校園實用的英語教材資源,做為教師個人進修或教學參考之用,所以編輯的這一本書。希望當學生們開始學習應用英語時,老師們既可與他們同步學習、共同成長,又可使用本書的教材內容與學生對話,激發學生練習英語的機會。 本書將分成五部分,第一部分「校園對話篇」是針對教師教室管理、上下課用語、生活保健及清潔用語,提出範例與介紹,第二部分「愛的叮嚀篇」是以一學年上、下學期所經歷的月份為順序,包含老師對學生的關懷慰問用語及當月份特殊節慶的常用語,第三部分「格言篇」是以常見的格言為主,輔以簡短的對話來加深讀者的印象與記憶,第四部份「讚美鼓勵篇」是以老師讚美學生所常用的語句為主,期盼老師們能多使用、多鼓勵學生,第五部分 5 Teacher’s English Pocket book 「祝福篇」是以校園中師生、同儕與朋友間常用的祝福語為主,經由彼此真心誠意的祝福,校園中將充滿溫馨與歡樂。 這是一本工具書,也是一本進修書,我們可以「現學現用」,隨時找出相關的實用句應用於課堂上,增進教學的附加價值,我們可以「精研細讀」,配合CD逐頁閱讀、覆誦練習,有助於英語口語達能力的提升,我們可以「參考摘用」,小巧輕薄、中英對照、雙色套印的設計,方便攜帶、收藏與使用。 本書的出版要特別感謝臺北市立師院英語教學系主任詹偉佳教授的用心指導、臺北市立師院美籍教授Shed Maechtle協助校對與CD錄製、國小英語輔導團的好夥伴沈佩玲老師、章菁老師、楊珩老師及賴素卿老師共同參與撰稿與編輯。期盼透過我們的努力與分享,對各位的教學能有些微的助益,大家一起來愉快的學習英語。 臺北市長春國小校長 王慧珠 謹識 2004年8月 6 Teacher’s English Pocket book Contents 目次 Fore 序言 2 Part I On Campus 校園對話篇 9 Classroom Management 教室管理 10 Expressions for the Classroom 上課用語 18 Expressions for Recess 下課用語 25 Expressions for Health Conditions 生活保健 28 Expressions for the Washroom 廁所用語 31 Part II Caring Messages 愛的叮嚀 33 September Messages 九月小語 34 October Messages 十月小語 37 November Messages 十一月小語 40 December Messages 十二月小語 43 January messages 一月小語 46 February messages 二月小語 49 March messages 三月小語 52 7 Teacher’s English Pocket book April messages 四月小語 54 May messages 五月小語 57 June messages 六月小語 60 Part III Proverbs 格言篇 63 二十則 There are twenty proverbs in the section. Part IV Praise and Encouragement 讚美鼓勵篇83 五十四句 There are fifty four expressions of praise and encouragement in this section. Part V Wishes 祝福篇 93 三十句 There are thirty expressions of good wishes in this section. 8 Teacher’s English Pocket book Part I On Campus 校園對話篇 Classroom Management教室管理 Hand in your homework to your group leader now. 現在把回家功課交給各組組長。 Please hand in the communication notebooks. 請交聯絡簿。 Turn on/off the light. 把燈打開/關掉。 Please turn on the food warmer at ten o’clock. 請在十點啟動蒸飯箱。 Class leader, go find your science teacher. 班長,去請你們自然老師來。 Say hello to your teachers when you see them. 見到師長要打招呼問好。 9 Teacher’s English Pocket book Did you do your cleaning job? 你們做清掃工作了嗎, Go to the General Maintenance Office. The food warmer doesn’t work.蒸飯箱壞 了,去總務處登記。 The light is out. 電燈壞了。 The fan doesn’t work. 電扇壞了。 The sink is stopped up. 洗手臺堵住了。 The faucet is leaking. 水龍頭在漏水。 10 Teacher’s English Pocket book Rest your head on the desk for a moment. 趴在桌上休息一下。 Cover your mouth when you cough. 咳嗽時遮住嘴巴。 It’s lunchtime. Wash your hands first. 午餐時間到了,先洗手。 Don’t talk with your mouth full. 嘴裡有食物不要講話。 Don’t forget to brush your teeth. 別忘了刷牙。 It’s naptime. Take a nap. 午休時間到了。趴下來休息。 11 Teacher’s English Pocket book Pack up your books. 把書收進書包。 Clean your desk and tidy your drawer. 把桌子抽屜收乾淨。 Push your chair in. 把椅子靠攏。 Please be quiet in the hallway. 在走廊上要安靜。 What do you have for next period? 你們下一節上什麼課, What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜歡的科目是什麼, 12 Teacher’s English Pocket book What subjects are you good at? 你擅長哪些科目, How many students are there in your class? 你們班上有幾個學生。 What lesson are you on in Mandarin Chinese? 你們國語上到哪一課, When is the mid-term examination? 期中考是什麼時候, The class is interesting. 這節課很有趣。 You are responsible for cleaning the sink. 你負責清理洗手臺。 13 Teacher’s English Pocket book You help clean the blackboard. 你幫忙清理黑板。 You are in charge of cleaning the windows. 你負責擦窗戶。 You have to take out the trash. 你倒垃圾。 You are responsible for mopping the floor. 你負責擦地板。 You help clean the hallway. 你幫忙掃走廊。 You are in charge of straightening up the desks and chairs. 你負責排桌椅。 14 Teacher’s English Pocket book You have to wipe off the desks and chairs. 你擦桌椅。 Put the brooms and mops back. 把掃把和拖把排好。 Put the mops on the mop racks. 把拖把放到拖把架上。 You’re doing the recycling. 你負責資源回收。 15 Teacher’s English Pocket book Cleaning supplies 清掃用具, brooms dustpans 掃把 畚斗 mops buckets 拖把 水桶 rags brushes 抹布 刷子 garbage bag trash can 垃圾袋 垃圾桶 16 Teacher’s English Pocket book Expressions for the Classroom上課用語 It’s time for class. 上課時間到。 Stand up. 起立。 Take a bow. 敬禮。 Take your seat. 坐下。 Please look at the board. 請看黑板。 Please turn to page ten. 請翻開第十頁。 17 Teacher’s English Pocket book Repeat after me. 跟著我重複一遍。 Pardon? 請再說一遍。 Could you repeat that? 請你再重複一遍好嗎, Please spell the word “book”. 請拼出book這個字。 Write it on the board, please. 請寫在黑板上。 Point to the word “cat”. 請指出cat這個字。 18 Teacher’s English Pocket book Read it aloud together. 一起朗讀出來。 Let’s go. 開始。 Raise your hands. 把手舉起來。 Hands down. 把手放下。 Let’s count. 我們來數一下。 Quiet, please. 請安靜。 19 Teacher’s English Pocket book May I go to the restroom? 我可以去洗手間嗎, Put your pen/pencil down. 把筆/鉛筆放下。 Don’t talk. 別講話。 Don’t shout. 別喊叫。 Keep your voices low. 小聲一點。 Line up. 排好隊。 20 Teacher’s English Pocket book Don’t cut the line. 別插隊。 Go back to your seat, please. 請回座。 I need five volunteers. 我需要五個自願者。 Any volunteers? 有沒有人自願, Whose turn is it? 輪到誰了, Who’s next? 誰是下一個, 21 Teacher’s English Pocket book Next time we’ll meet in the Science Lab. 下次在自然教室上課。 English Classroom 英語教室 Music Room 音樂教室 Computer Lab 電腦教室 Audio-Visual Room 視聽教室 Arts and Crafts Classroom 美勞教室 Calligraphy Classroom 書法教室 22 Teacher’s English Pocket book Next period we’ll meet at the basketball court. 下一節在籃球場上課 tennis court 網球場 volleyball court 排球場 dodge ball court 躲避球場 gym 體育館 playground 遊戲場 track and field 田徑場 23 Teacher’s English Pocket book Expressions for Recess下課用語 Students on duty please clean the board. 請值日生擦黑板。 Do me a favor. 幫我一個忙。 Is there anything I can help you with? 有什麼我可以幫忙的是嗎, Allow me. 讓我來。 Cut it out. 別鬧了。 Where’s the nearest restroom? 距離最近的廁所在哪裡, 24 Teacher’s English Pocket book Let’s go play. 我們出去玩吧, I still have things to do. 我還有事要做。 After you. 你先請。 Lock the door, please. 請把門鎖好。 Step outside for a minute. 你出來一下。 I’m going to the Security Office. 我要去警衛室。 25 Teacher’s English Pocket book School Offices處室名稱 Principal’s Office 校長室 Academic Affairs Office 教務處 Students Affairs Office 訓導處 General Maintenance Office 總務處 Counselor’s Office 輔導室 Health Center 健康中心 Library 圖書館 26 Teacher’s English Pocket book Expressions for Health Conditions 生活保健 I don’t feel well. 我覺得不舒服。 I feel dizzy. 我覺得頭暈。 I have a headache. 我頭痛。 I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。 I have a sore throat. 我喉嚨痛。 I’m nauseous. 我想吐。 27 Teacher’s English Pocket book I have diarrhea. 我拉肚子。 I have the cramps. 我經痛。 My nose is bleeding. 我流鼻血。 My asthma is acting up. 我氣喘發作。 My arms hurt. 我手痛。 My legs hurt. 我腳痛。 28 Teacher’s English Pocket book I need to go to the nurse. 我需要去保健室。 I have a fever. 我發燒。 Are you having a fever? 你發燒嗎, Did you take your temperature? 你量過體溫了嗎, It’s about thirty-nine degrees Celsius. 攝氏39度。 29 Teacher’s English Pocket book Expressions for the Washroom 廁所用語 It stinks. 好臭。 It smells. 有臭味。 Is anyone in there? 裡面有人嗎, The door lock is broken. 門鎖壞了。 The toilet is stopped up. 馬桶不通。 Please flush after use. 用完請沖水。 Don’t throw toilet paper/sanitary napkins into the toilet. 勿將衛生紙/衛生棉丟入馬桶內。 30 Teacher’s English Pocket book Part II Caring Messages 愛的叮嚀 September Messages 九月小語 It’s the first week of school! Have fun in learning! 開學第一週! 學習快樂! Find someone whose birthday is in September. Say “Happy birthday” to him/her. 找出九月生日的壽星,向他說生日快樂 Put on a smile! 隨時微笑 Wear (Put on) something you like tomorrow. 明天穿著你喜歡的衣服 Wear your favorite color clothes to school. 明天穿你喜歡的顏色衣服來學校 Give a hand to your friends. 幫助你的朋友 31 Teacher’s English Pocket book Help those who needed. 幫助需要幫助的人 Smile! Your smile brightens up your day. 笑一笑吧! 你的笑容讓自己一天都亮了起來 Care for people around you. 關心週遭的人 Take time to listen to your friend. 花時間聆聽朋友說話 Think before you act. 三思而後行 Please write your name on all your new books. 請在新書上寫上名字 32 Teacher’s English Pocket book Go to bed early and get up early. 早睡早起 What’s for lunch? 午餐吃什麼呢? Write “Thank you” cards to all your teachers! September 28 is Teacher’s Day. 九月二十八日是教師節,寫卡片給你的老師 Wish your teachers “Happy Teacher’s Day!” 祝福你的老師 “教師節快樂” Sharing makes the world a better place. 分享讓世界更好 Be a friend and you will make friends. 想交朋友先當個好朋友 33 Teacher’s English Pocket book October Messages 十月小語 Find someone whose birthday is in October. Say “Happy birthday” to him/her. 找出十月生日的壽星,向他說生日快樂 Think of one thing you can do to help your family. Then, do it! 想一件可以幫忙家人的事然後去做 Say something nice to your classmates. 對同學說說好話 No one can take away your happiness except you. 除了你自己沒有人可以帶走你的快樂 No one can make you unhappy except you. 除了你自己沒有人可以讓你不快樂 You are your own boss. Be a good boss! 你是自己的主人 當個好主人 34 Teacher’s English Pocket book Be happy. 要快樂喔! Be nice to yourself. 對自己好 Do one good thing today. 今天做一件好事 Help a friend today. 今天幫一個朋友忙 October tenth is Double Tenth Day. Happy Birthday to R.O.C. 十月十日是雙十節 祝中華民國生日快樂 Have the courage to say “No” to bad things. 有勇氣向不好的事情說不 35 Teacher’s English Pocket book Make yourself proud. 讓自己感到驕傲 October twelve is Columbus Day. He is a great explorer. What are your dreams? 十月十二日是哥倫比亞日,他是一個偉大的探險家。你有什麼夢想呢? Giving is the best gift you can give. 給予是你能給的最好的禮物 Care for the plants and animals around you. 照顧身邊的動物與植物 Care for your books and personal belongings. 好好照顧自己的書本與個人的東西 Boo! Happy Halloween! 萬聖節快樂 36 Teacher’s English Pocket book November Messages 十一月小語 Find someone whose birthday is in November. Say “Happy birthday” to him/her. 找出十一月生日的壽星,向他說生日快樂 Say “Thank you” to those who helped you. 向幫助過你的人說謝謝 Say “Thank you” to those who are nice to you. 向對你好的人說謝謝 Say “Thank you” to those who play with you. 向和你一起玩的人說謝謝 Say “Thank you” to those who take care of you. 向照顧你的人說謝謝 Put on your favorite clothes tomorrow. 明天穿自己最喜歡的衣服 37 Teacher’s English Pocket book Bring a jacket with you to school. It might get cold. 天氣可能轉涼 帶件夾克去學校 Show your love to your parents. 向父母表示你對她們的愛 Tell your friend what you like to do when you were little. 告訴你的朋友你小時候喜歡做什麼 The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving. 十一月第四個星期四是感恩節 Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩節快樂 Give thanks on Thanksgiving. 在感恩節時感恩 38 Teacher’s English Pocket book November is football season. Go play football with your friends or watch it on TV. 十一月是美式足球季 和朋友去打打足球或者看看電視足球賽 stNovember 21 is World Hello Day. Say hello to everyone you see! 十一月二十一日是世界哈囉日 向每個你看到的人說聲 Hello! Do you do sports? What’s your favorite sport? 你運動嗎 你最喜歡的運動是什麼? Exercise does your body good. Move your body! 運動對身體好 現在開始動吧 Do warm up exercise before you do sports. 運動前要先暖身 Keep a balance diet. 均衡飲食 39 Teacher’s English Pocket book December Messages 十二月小語 Find someone whose birthday is in December. Say “Happy birthday” to him/her. 找出十二月生日的壽星,向他說生日快樂 Do something nice to one of your classmates a day. 每天對一位同學做好事 Love yourself. 珍愛自己 Love one another. 彼此相愛 Forgiveness makes you a happier person. 原諒讓自己更快樂 Treat people the way you like to be treated. 用自己希望被對待的方式待人 40 Teacher’s English Pocket book thDecember 25 is Christmas. “Merry Christmas to you!” 十二月二十五日是聖誕節 祝你聖誕快樂 It’s the end of the year. List the things you want to change for the New Year. 一年即將終了 列出你希望新的一年改變的事 Happy New Year! 新年快樂 What’s your New Year’s resolution? 你的新年新希望是什麼? Dress warm! It’s getting cold. 穿暖點! 天氣變冷了 Show someone you care. 展現出你關心 41 Teacher’s English Pocket book Show your best effort in everything you do. 無論做何時都盡力去做 Use your time wisely. Plan ahead! 聰明的時間管理 事先做好計畫 Make a list of your friends and write them Christmas cards. 列出自己的朋友名單 並寫聖誕卡給他們 Time waits no one. Live to the fullest. 時間不等人 現在就活出豐盛的生命 Make a list of things you want to do for the new year. And think how you are going to make them happen. 列出你希望新的一年想要做的事 想想你可以怎麼實現 Be the best you can be for the new year. 新的一年做最好的自己 Send your love to people around you. Care for them now. 把愛傳給身邊的人 現在就開始關心他們 42 Teacher’s English Pocket book January messages 一月小語 Happy New Year! 新年快樂 Do you have any plan for the new year? 你新年有新計畫嗎, What’s your new year resolution? 你的新年計畫是什麼, Be tidy. 保持整潔。 Finish your homework everyday. 每天要完成回家作業。 Remember to turn in your homework. 記得要繳回家作業。 43 Teacher’s English Pocket book Help each other. 同學間要互相幫助。 You did great on your test. 你考試考得很好。 You make a progress on the test. 你考試有進步。 Keep trying. 繼續嘗試。 It’s time to pass out the award. 頒獎時間到了。 The first place goes to (Betty). 第一名是(Betty)。 44 Teacher’s English Pocket book This semester is over. 這學期結束了。 Winter vacation is coming. 寒假快到了。 What’s your plan for winter vacation? 你的寒假計畫是什麼呢, Are you going to visit your grandparents? 你要去拜訪(外)祖父母嗎, How long are you going to stay there? 你會在那裡待多久, Have a good time! 祝你玩得愉快, 45 Teacher’s English Pocket book February messages 二月小語 You are taller. 你長高了。 You are one year older now. 你長大一歲了。 Did you have a good time during the winter vacation? 你寒假玩得愉快嗎, Where did you go on your winter vacation? 你寒假去那兒玩, Who did you go with? 你和誰一起去, How did you go there? 你怎麼去的, 46 Teacher’s English Pocket book Happy Chinese New Year! 農曆年快樂, This is the year of the (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig). 今年是(鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬)年。 Did you get red envelopes from your parents? 你爸媽有給你紅包嗎, You can save your lucky money in the bank. 你可以把壓歲錢存到銀行裡。 Hope everyone can do better in the new semester. 希望每個人新學期都表現得更好。 Happy Valentine’s Day! 情人節快樂 47 Teacher’s English Pocket book The chocolate is for you. 這巧克力是給你的。 You can share it with your friends. 你可以和朋友分享它。 You are my sweet heart. 你真是我的小甜心。 There are only 28 days in February. 二月只有28天。 Be my Valentine. 請當我的情人 It’s the beginning of the semester. Have a good start. 學期剛開始! 有個好的開始! 48 Teacher’s English Pocket book March messages 三月小語 Spring is coming. 春天來了。 The flowers are blooming. 花兒都開了。 The birds are singing. 鳥兒在唱歌。 You can go bird watching in the mountains. 你們可以到山裡去賞鳥。 Keep off the grass. 不要踐踏草坪。 The weather is unstable in Spring. 春天天氣不穩定。 49 Teacher’s English Pocket book Bring a jacket with you. 記得帶件外套。 Happy Easter! 復活節快樂, Let’s paint an Easter egg. 我們一起彩繪復活蛋吧, Where is the Easter Bunny? 彩蛋在哪裏? Today is Youth Day. 今天是青年節。 50 Teacher’s English Pocket book April messages 四月小語 Happy Children’s Day! 兒童節快樂。 We are going on a field trip tomorrow. 明天我們要校外教學。 You can invite your parents to go with us. 你可以邀請爸爸媽媽跟我們一起去。 Don’t be late! 別遲到了, Remember to bring water and a hat with you. 要記得帶水和帽子。 Please take a head count, (John). (約翰),請幫老師點一下人數。 51 Teacher’s English Pocket book Here comes the bus. 遊覽車來了。 Get on (off) the bus one by one. 上(下)車一個一個來。 Say “Thank you” to our driver. 跟司機先生說謝謝。 Speak quietly in the museum. 在博物館裡說話要輕聲細語。 April 22nd is Earth Day. 四月22日是世界地球日。 Don’t forget to reduce, reuse and recycle. 別忘了要垃圾減量、資源回收及再利用。 52 Teacher’s English Pocket book We have only one earth. 我們只有一個地球。 Put the trash in the trash can. 把垃圾放在垃圾筒裡。 Preserve energy. 節約能源。 Care for the nature. 愛護大自然。 rdApril 23 is Reading Day . You can share the book with your classmates. 四月23日是閱讀日。你可以和同學分享這本書。 Reading is a good way to learn. 閱讀是一種很好的學習方法。 53 Teacher’s English Pocket book May messages 五月小語 It’s rainy season. 梅雨季節到了 Don’t forget to bring your umbrella or raincoat! 別忘了你的雨傘或雨衣(雨具) Don’t play under the rain. 不要在雨中玩耍 You might get sick. 很容易生病喔! The weather is unstable recently. 最近天氣不穩定 Bring a light jacket with you. 請攜帶薄外套 54 Teacher’s English Pocket book Do you think it will rain? 你覺得會下雨嗎, What’s the forecast for the next week? 下個星期的天氣如何, How’s the weather today? 今天的天氣如何, We can’t go to the playground. 我們不能去操場玩 Too bad. It’s raining now. 真不巧,現在正在下雨 Happy Mother’s Day! 母親節快樂 55 Teacher’s English Pocket book Thank you for raising me. 謝謝您辛苦撫養我 Wish you the best. 祝你好運 Say hello to your mom for me. 請代向你母親問好 I love you forever. 我永遠愛你 Home is where the heart is. 家者 – 心之所在 There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child. - Beecher 世間沒有像親情一樣的愛情或友情 56 Teacher’s English Pocket book June messages 六月小語 What will you do in summer vacation? 暑假你要做什麼呢? Be careful when you go out! 出門請小心 Stay with your mom or dad. 不要離開父母身邊 Wear your hat when it’s too sunny. 請記得戴帽防曬 Watch out your safety. 注意安全 Typhoons often visit Taiwan in summer vacation. 颱風經常在暑假發生 57 Teacher’s English Pocket book Happy Dragon Boat Festival. 端午節快樂 Watch out for your stomach. 小心別吃壞肚子 Don’t eat too much rice dumpling. 別吃太多肉粽 Enjoy your holiday. 好好享受你的假期 Have a nice summer vacation. 祝你有個愉快的假期 What’s your plan for summer? 你有什麼暑假計畫 58 Teacher’s English Pocket book Are you going abroad? 你要出國嗎, Are you going on a trip? 你要出遊嗎, Who are you going with? 誰要跟你一起去, Where are you going on your trip? 你要去哪裡旅行, What will you do on your trip? 你去旅遊要做什麼事呢, Take care of yourself. 保重 59 Teacher’s English Pocket book Part III Proverbs 格言篇 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難之中見真情 Frank: Thank you so much for your help. Peter: Don’t be silly. This is what a friend is for, isn’t it? Frank: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Frank: 謝謝你的幫忙。 Peter: 別傻了,這就是朋友該做的,不是嗎, Frank: 患難見真情。 60 Teacher’s English Pocket book After a storm comes a calm. 否極泰來 Gina: It’s been a terrible week for me. Ella: Cheer up, Gina. After a storm comes a calm. No more bad luck to you now. Gina: I hope so. Gina: 過去這一個禮拜我真是倒楣透了。 Ella: 開心點,否極泰來,一切都過去了。 Gina: 希望如此。 61 Teacher’s English Pocket book Anyway, tomorrow is another day. 來日方長 Tina: Ms. Chen dislikes my artwork. I am so disappointed. Amber: Maybe she is not in a good mood. Anyway, tomorrow is another day. Tina: You are right. What can I say? Tina: 陳老師不喜歡我的作品,我好失望。 Amber: 或許她現在心情不好。來日方長, Tina: 是呀,我能說什麼呢, 62 Teacher’s English Pocket book As you sow, so shall you reap. 種瓜得瓜種豆得豆 Peggy: I’m glad I finally finish the race. Eva: You even won the first place. I think you earned it. Peggy: As you sow, so shall you reap. Peggy: 眞高興我終於完成了這個比賽。 Eva: 你甚至贏得第一名,我覺得是你應得的。 Peggy: 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。 63 Teacher’s English Pocket book Better late than never. 亡羊補牢猶未晚矣 Sue: Oh, how I wish I learned to use computers in school. Vivian: It’s not hard. You can still learn. Sue: Oh! No! I’m too old to learn anything new. Vivian: Better late than never. Sue: 喔,我真希望再學校的時候就學會電腦。 Vivian: 這不難啊,你還是可以學啊, Sue: 喔,我已經太老沒辦法學新的玩意兒。 Vivian: 亡羊補牢猶未晚矣。 64 Teacher’s English Pocket book Constant dripping wears away the stone. 滴水穿石 Tony: I told Larry many times to wash hands before eating, but he still forgot. Carole: Larry is still a kid. He will learn. Constant dripping wears away the stone. Don’t give him up. Tony: I won’t give him up. He is my son, right? Tony: 我跟Larry說了好幾次,飯前要洗手,可是他還是忘記。 Carole: Larry還是個孩子,他會學的,滴水穿石,別放棄。 Tony: 我不會放棄的,他是我兒子,對吧, 65 Teacher’s English Pocket book Easier said than done. 說來容易做來難 Kurt: I told you to read the instruction first. It tells you everything you need to know, ok? Shelly: Don’t rush me. It’s hard to follow the instruction. Hey, easier said than done. Why don’t you read it yourself? Kurt: Ok~ I’ll wait. Kurt: 我早就跟你說要先看手冊,所有你需要知道的都在上面了。 Shelly: 別催我,要照著手冊的步驟很難,說來容易做來難,你怎麼不自己試試 看, Kurt: 好吧,我只好等囉, 66 Teacher’s English Pocket book Every dog has its day. 三年風水輪流轉 Wendy: I can’t stop laughing. You just looked so funny on the stage. Cathy: Every dog has its day. I just forgot a few lines. Could you please stop this conversation? Wendy: All right. I’m so sorry. Maybe the same thing will happen to me tomorrow as well. Wendy: 我沒辦法停止不笑,你在台上看起來眞得很好笑。 Cathy: 三年風水輪流轉,我只是忘了幾句台詞,你可以不要在談論這個話題了 嗎, Wendy: 好吧,抱歉。搞不好明天我也會出錯。 67 Teacher’s English Pocket book Everything is good for something. 天生我才必有用 Kevin: Congratulation. Your stage performance is outstanding. Jeff: I didn’t know I’m good at that. Well, everything is good for something. I guess I found my strength now. Kevin: 恭喜,你在台上表現得很傑出。 Jeff: 我本來並不知道我還不賴,天生我才必有用,我想我找到我的長處了。 68 Teacher’s English Pocket book It takes two to tango. 一個巴掌打不響 Mike: Mom, Dora hit me. You need to come here right away. Dora: Mom, Mike hit me first. It’s not my fault. Mom: Stop arguing, you two. It takes two to tango. Mike: 媽,Dora打我,你趕快過來。 Dora: 媽,是Mike先打我的,不是我的錯。 Mom: 你們兩個別吵了,一個巴掌打不響。 69 Teacher’s English Pocket book Keep it up. 持之以恆 Rose: Mr. Lin said your English improved a lot. Helen: I was really happy to hear that. Rose: Keep it up. You can be really good. Rose: 林老師說你英文進步很多。 Helen: 眞高興聽到他這摩說。 Rose: 持之以恆,你會很棒, 70 Teacher’s English Pocket book Look before you leap. 三思而後行 May: I just had a fight with my mom. I am going to move out. Linda: Look before you leap. Do you have enough money to rent an apartment? May: Hmm… Maybe I should go home and say sorry to my mom now. May: 我剛剛跟我媽吵了一架。我要搬出去了。 Linda: 三思而後行。你有錢租公寓嗎, May: 嗯,或許我應該回家跟我媽道歉。 71 Teacher’s English Pocket book No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘 一分收穫 Julia: It’s 2:00 in the morning. I can’t believe we are still working on this project. Kelly: I am sure we deserve high mark on this. No pain, no gain. Julia: All right. Let’s see what we will get tomorrow. Julia: 現在是清晨兩點,真不敢相信我們還在為這個計畫忙碌。 Kelly: 我確信我們應得到很好的評價。一分耕耘、一分收穫。 Julia: 好吧,看看明天的結果如何。 72 Teacher’s English Pocket book No sweet without sweat. 先苦後甘 Penny: It takes us forever to finish this homework. Oliver: Smile. No sweet without sweat. Penny: I wonder when it will be. Penny: 作業好像怎麼寫都寫不完。 Oliver: 笑一下,先苦後甘嘛, Penny: 我不知道什麼時候才會等到”甘”, 73 Teacher’s English Pocket book Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Alex: This puzzle is not too hard to finish now. Dad: You are right. After practicing a few times, you can do it very well. Alex: True. Practice makes perfect. Alex: 這個拼圖實在太難了,我沒辦法完成。 Dad: 沒錯,多練習幾次,你就可以做得很好囉, Alex: 真的,熟能生巧。 74 Teacher’s English Pocket book Rome was not built in a day. 羅馬不是一天造成的 Jessica: I’m too fat to wear this beautiful dress. Oh, no! Andy: Rome was not built in a day. You should control your diet. Jessica: That’s right. I need to watch my weight carefully now. Jessica: 我太胖了沒辦法穿這件漂亮的洋裝。 Andy: 羅馬不是一天造成的,你應該節食了。 Jessica: 好吧,我需要注意我的體重了。 75 Teacher’s English Pocket book The first step is always the hardest. 萬事起頭難 Rick: Mom, these blocks kept falling. I can’t make a castle. Mom: Rick, the first step is always the hardest. Just be patient. (5 minutes later) Rick: I made it, mom. Rick: 媽,積木一直掉,我沒辦法蓋城堡。 Mom: Rick, 萬事起頭難,要有耐心。 (5分鐘後) Rick: 媽,我成功了。 76 Teacher’s English Pocket book Two heads are better than one. 三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮 Tom: I don’t know how to solve this problem. What can I do? David: Maybe we should call John. Tom: You are right. Two heads are better than one. Tom: 我不知道要如何解決這個問題。怎麼辦, David: 也許我們可以打電話John. Tom: 沒錯,三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮。 77 Teacher’s English Pocket book Union is strength. 團結力量大 Johnson: Without everyone’s help, we can’t finish this report. Vincent: That’s true. Union is strength. Johnson: 沒有大家的幫忙,我們也沒法完成這份報告。 Vincent: 這是實話,團結力量大。 78 Teacher’s English Pocket book When in Rome do as the Romans. 入境隨俗 Bill: I can’t eat with fork and knife. Do you have chopsticks? Betty: Come on. You are in America. When in Rome do as the Romans. Bill: Well, I guess I just need to get used to them. Bill: 我不會用刀叉吃飯,你有筷子嗎, Betty: 拜託,你現在在美國,要入境隨俗, Bill: 好吧,我想我真的要習慣刀叉吧, 79 Teacher’s English Pocket book Part IV Praise and Encouragement 讚美鼓勵篇 Well done. 做得好 Amazing. 不可思議 Good job. 做得好 Beautiful. 漂亮 You are good. 你真棒 Excellent. 厲害 80 Teacher’s English Pocket book You are smart. 你真聰明 How interesting. 真有趣 You are wonderful. 你真厲害 How nice. 真好 You did it. 你做到了 How sweet. 真棒 81 Teacher’s English Pocket book You made it. 你做到了 Good idea. 好主意 You got it. 你做到了 I like (love) it. 我喜歡 You are right. 你做到了 You can do it. 你做得到的 82 Teacher’s English Pocket book You did a good job. 你做得真棒 Just do it. 放心去做 You did it very well. 你做得真好 You are born with the gift. 你與生俱來 You’ve been good today. 你今天表現得真好 You are talented. 你天生的 83 Teacher’s English Pocket book You’ve done well. 你今天真棒 I have faith in you. 我相信你 That’s great. 做得好 I trust in you. 我相信你 Terrific. 做得好 Not bad. 不錯 84 Teacher’s English Pocket book Splendid. 做得好 Much better. 好多了 (Very) Good. 很棒 Take your time. 慢慢來 Cool. 很酷 Take it easy. 放輕鬆 85 Teacher’s English Pocket book Perfect. 真厲害 Good guess. 猜得好 Magnificent. 真厲害 Never mind. 沒關係 Marvelous. 真厲害 Let me help you. 讓我來幫你 86 Teacher’s English Pocket book Super. 超級厲害 It’s (That’s) ok. 沒關係 Bravo. 真厲害 Come on! Try again. 沒關係!再試一次 Brilliant. 真聰明 Good try. 試得好 87 Teacher’s English Pocket book Sounds like a good idea. 聽起來是一個好主意 You deserve it. 你應得的 Sounds good. 聽起來不錯 I agree. 我贊成 Absolutely. 沒錯 88 Teacher’s English Pocket book Part V Wishes祝福篇 Wish you the best. 祝你快樂 Wish you every success in the future. 鵬程萬里 Best wish. 祝福你 I wish you happy forever. 祝你永遠快樂 May your future filled with joy and happiness. 祝你未來快樂 Good luck (to you). 祝你好運 89 Teacher’s English Pocket book Happy Graduations. 畢業快樂 Have a nice vacation. 祝你有個愉快的假期 I hope you have a bright future. 鵬程萬里 Good luck in all your future plans. 預祝你有個美好的未來 Enjoy your holiday/vacation. 好好享受你的假期 Wish you health and happiness forever. 祝你身體健康 90 Teacher’s English Pocket book I wish you all the luck in the world. 祝你萬事如意 I hope everything is going well with you. 祝你一帆風順 May you get whatever you wish. 祝你一帆風順 May your wish come true. 祝你美夢成真 I hope you get into the school you like. 祝你能進入你想要的學校 God bless you. 上帝保佑你 91 Teacher’s English Pocket book Keep in touch. 保持聯繫 See you later./ So long. 再見 Don’t forget to give me a ring. 別忘了打電話給我 Don’t forget to visit me soon. 別忘了來拜訪我 If you’ve ever dropped by, please come and see me. 如果你經過記得來看我 I’ll miss you. / I’m going to miss you. 我會懷念你的 92 Teacher’s English Pocket book I’ll look forward to seeing you soon. 期待能再見到你 Hope to hear from you soon. 希望能夠有你的音訊 Remember to drop me a line. 記得寫封信給我 I really don’t want to leave you. 我真的捨不得離開你 Thank you for the sweet memory. 謝謝給我一個美好的回憶 Take good care of yourself. 保重 93 Teacher’s English Pocket book 94
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