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电信iptv基本维修方案及机顶盒密码电信iptv基本维修方案及机顶盒密码 IPTV 中国电信股份有限公司 浙江分公司网运中心 2011.2 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline...
电信iptv基本维修方案及机顶盒密码 IPTV 中国电信股份有限公司 浙江分公司网运中心 2011.2 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 1 前言 2011年根据紧密围绕公司的发展战略和工作重心,支撑前移,进一步强化IPTV的服务支撑体系的运维要求,以加强省NOC、市NOC和装维人员的联动 ,共同提升服务质量为目的,此文收集日常故障案例,问题分析方法,希望以此给IPTV各线维护人员带来帮助,提高故障解决率,降低故障解决时间、缩小故障影响范围,给IPTV在新一年的大力发展打下坚实的基础。 《IPTV典型案例》在以后的维护工作中会不断更新,希望大家给予意见和补充,逐步完善,不断积累。 2 装维问题分析 2.1 UT平台 在接到IPTV用户的故障申告时,根据用户提供的账号信息(一般为宽带账号),在系统中查询到用户IPTV相关的信息,根据业务账号确定用户为华为平台的用户还是UT平台的用户。根据目前的规则,UT平台的业务账号为11位的纯数字账号。此外,还可以在电话中和用户确认使用的机顶盒型号,来再次核实用户的IPTV接入平台。常见的UT平台的机顶盒型号有:1088L、1088L+、1088L-SD、1110B、1078,1110B2等。 然后和用户确认机顶盒到电视之间的连接线以及网线是否已正确连接,指导用户先做重启机顶盒和调制解调器(ADSL接入)的操作,如果故障现象依旧存在,则参考下列的预处理步骤,对故障进行处理。如果用户反映的问题不属于下列问题中的任何一种,可直接派分局上门处理。 1) 尚未进入EPG首页面,在登录过程中出现故障 UT机顶盒在登录过程中有四个步骤,通过进度条表现出来为7%或35%、52%、83%及98%: 第一个步骤为7%或35%,这个阶段是机顶盒的PPPOE拨号阶段,这个阶段出现故障,说明在网络接入上有问题;停留在7%是1088L、1088L-SD、1088L+的的盒子,而停留在35%的盒子类型是1110B、1110B2、1078 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 第二个阶段是52%,是机顶盒本身载入软件的阶段,这个阶段出现问题,基本可以判定机顶盒出故障,需要更换; 第三个阶段是83%,这个阶段出现问题,最有可能是机顶盒在IPTV后台之间的通信及认证上存在问题,需要逐一排查具体原因; 第四个阶段是98%的阶段,到了这个阶段之后,就表明机顶盒已经通过了IPTV平台的户名/密码认证,但是在获取EPG界面的时候出现故障,出现这种情况的时候,最大的可能就是IPTV平台的EPG服务器出现故障。 1、机顶盒拨号7%或35%无法通过 ?故障原因: ?无法与BAS建立连接(PC拨号测试678) ?用户名/密码错误(PC拨号测试691) ?机顶盒故障 ?故障预处理步骤: 1.1、普通家庭用户 ?如果用户为非纯装IPTV用户,首先确认用户的宽带是否能够正常使用,如果宽带不能正常使用,则参照普通宽带障碍处理。如果用户宽带正常,则转入下列处理步骤。 ?如果条件允许,指导用户使用PC机,用IPTV的拨号账号进行拨号测试,通过错误代码判断故障原因。 ?如果PC拨号出现678错误提示,则表示故障原因为线路不通。如果为普通ADSL接入,则考虑线路同步是否有问题。如果LAN/EPON等接入方式,则考虑到LAN交换机/ONU交换机之间的线路是否畅通。可直接派单到分局处理。 ?如果PC拨号出现691错误提示,则表示用户名/密码错误,或者是账号的精绑参数不正确。首先查询平台,确认用户的IPTV拨号账号的用户名/密码是否正确,如果用户名/密码不正确,可告知用户正确的用户名/密码,让用户再次进行拨号测试。如果在确认用户名/密码正确的前提下,可通过HP后台查看用户IPTV账号的精绑参数是否正确(如果开通HP后台权限的话)。也可致电数据监控网管让数据监控岗查看用户账号的精绑参数是否正确。 ?如果PC拨号测试正常,而通过机顶盒拨号出现7%的故障,基本判断为机顶盒本身问题。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 1.2、酒店等行业用户 ?首先确定酒店等行业用户的故障范围,是整个酒店都出现7%的故障现象,还是部分楼层,或某一个机顶盒出现故障,在工单中写明故障范围。 2、机顶盒拨号52%过不去 ?故障原因:机顶盒载入软件出错。 ?故障处理步骤:更换机顶盒。 3、机顶盒拨号83%过不去 ?故障原因: ?用户接入线路出现丢包,机顶盒与IPTV后台之间的通信出现故障。 ?业务账号用户名/密码错误(无法通过IPTV-USC服务器的认证) ?DNS域名无法解析 ?业务账号与机顶盒的绑定错误 ?机顶盒故障 ?故障处理步骤: 3.1、普通家庭用户 ? 如果机顶盒进度条到了83%的时候,提示“连接服务器超时”。由于83%的故障原因较复杂,首先确认域名地址UTSIMS1.ITV.HZ.ZJ.CN是否正确,确认机顶盒中的域名配置正确无误。 ?如果机顶盒进度条到了83%的时候,提示“重新输入业务账号/密码”,可通过系统查看用户的IPTV业务账号及密码,业务帐号密码一般是111111或123456,另可通过工单系统日志确认开户密码准确或重置业务帐号密码。 3.2、酒店等行业用户 ?酒店等行业用户的故障可参考普通家庭用户的处理方式。 ?一般情况下,整个酒店的机顶盒都出现83%故障的可能性较低,如果出现了这种情况,则基本上可以判断酒店的上联线路上有严重的丢包现象或者是酒店交换机未开启DNS域名解析功能,或者IPTV平台的USC服务器出现故障, ?部分酒店房间的机顶盒出现83%的故障,则可完全参照普通家庭用户的处理方式。一般情况下,可以直接派分局上门处理,做更换机顶盒后基本可以修复故障。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 4、机顶盒拨号98%过不去 ?故障原因:机顶盒无法获取EPG首页面,可能为机顶盒故障或IPTV平台的EPG服务器故障。 ?故障处理步骤:如果为单个用户故障,更换机顶盒;如果为大面积故障,直接派网运处理。 2) 成功登陆后,在收看过程中出现故障 1、收看时出现马赛克现象 ?故障原因: ?普通家庭用户 ?片源故障 ?用户内部网络故障 ?用户线路故障,线路带宽不足,线路拥塞或丢包。 ?酒店等行业用户 ?片源故障 ?酒店内部网络故障 ?酒店接入交换机到局端交换机之间的链路故障(线路拥塞或丢包)。 ?故障预处理步骤: ?判断是否是片源故障,如果只有某一个单独的直播频道或者影片出现卡及马赛克现象, 其它的频道或者影片都正常,可以派单到分公司操作维护中心进行协查,分公司操作维 护中心确认是片源问题,可派单到省NOC协调上海文广处理。 2、点播时出现“无信号” 在这里首先介绍一下IPTV平台的“拉片”机制:现网的IPTV(UT)平台,是一种分布式的平台,分为CMS/HMS/EMS三级架构。一般情况下,普通用户都是由EMS直接提供服务,EMS平台存储的片源占全部片源的60%。当用户进行点播时,如果本地EMS平台有片源的话就会由本地EMS节点的片源直接为用户进行服务。当用户点播的片源在本地没有存储的时候,平台就会启用“拉片”机制,去上一级存储100%片源的节点(HMS节点)拉片。operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 在拉片时,会出现“无信号”提示,正常情况下,1到2秒钟后,就会继续正常播放,这是UT平台本身的一种机制,在现在的情况下,无法改变。 如果当出现“无信号”后1到2秒后可以继续正常收看点播节目时,该现象属于正常的“拉片”现象,可为用户进行解释。如果当出现“无信号”后,无法继续进行播放,IPTV界面返回到上一级目录或者跳转回首页面。,当出现这种情况时,最可能原因如下: ?故障原因:用户的接入网出现断线重拨过程,或IPTV平台的某存储ME板卡出现故障,导致读取片源时出现故障。 ?故障预处理步骤:无论是家庭用户还是酒店行业用户,均派分局上门处理。 3、用户表示某一个直播频道无法收看 ?故障原因: ?文广的直播频道出现问题,该频道的接入存在问题 ?机顶盒不支持该直播频道编码 ?城域网的频道接入存在问题 ?故障预处理步骤:如为单个用户故障,则与用户确认具体哪个频道无法收看,联系分公司操作维护中心确认该频道是否正常,如果分公司操作维护中心确认该频道的接入情况正常,则转分局上门处理。如分公司操作维护中心确认该频道存在节目源的问题,派单到省NOC协调上海文广处理。 2.2 华为平台 在接到IPTV用户的故障申告时,根据用户提供的账号信息(一般为宽带账号),在系统中查询到用户IPTV相关的信息,根据业务账号确定用户为华为平台的用户还是UT平台的用户。根据目前的规则,UT平台的业务账号为11位的纯数字账号;华为平台的业务账号为12位的纯数字账号。此外,确认使用的机顶盒型号,来再次核实用户的IPTV接入平台,常见的华为平台的机顶盒型号有:EC1308、EC2108等。然后,和用户确认机顶盒到电视之间的连接线以及网线是否已正确连接,指导用户先做重启机顶盒和调制解调器(ADSL接入)的操作,如果故障现象依旧存在,则参考下列的处理步骤。 根据用户的报障信息最好能够问到一些很明显的出错信息描述,例如是“网络帐号密码错误” 、“PPPOE拨号失败” 、“机顶盒认证失败” 、 “您的账号密码不存在或者用operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 户账号密码错误,请拨打10000号咨询” 、“网页无法打开” 、“没有找到域名记录” 、不停的弹出“用户登陆,用户账号、用户密码”界面 等,这样比较容易引导用户配合进行初步的故障定位,争取在前台解决用户原因引起的故障。 具体如下: 故障现象 详细描述 机顶盒开机后提示 “用户登陆,用户账号、用户密码“ 、或者 “机顶盒认证失败” 或者“您的帐号不存在或用户帐号/密码错业务账号认证失败 误,请输入正确的用户账号和密码,如果该问题频繁的出现,请 拨打中国电信客户服务热线10000号咨询” 机顶盒开机后提示“网络账号不正确,请重新输入,请重新输入提示网络帐号密码错误 网络账号,用户账号、用户密码” ;或者停留在“网络登陆失 败”的界面。 提示“PPPOE拨号失败,请按菜单键重新拨号” 或者停留在“网提示PPPOE拨号失败 络登陆失败”的界面。 提示没有找到域名记录 机顶盒开机后提示“没有找到域名记录” 机顶盒开机并通过用户认证后提示“网页无法打开” ,重启后提示网页无法打开 还是同样的提示 其它的故障现象选项都不能准确反映的,例如点播节目时提示其他错误提示 “系统服务器繁忙”等,则选此项。 可显示菜单但节目无法 可正常显示菜单,但点击具体的节目时出错 播放 播放节目出现以下几种现象:有声音无图像;有图像无声音;图播放节目没有图象或声 像黑白,没有彩色,黑屏(无声音无图像,但没有出错信息),音 等等。 节目图象和声音不同步 播放节目出现图像滞后声音,或者声音滞后图像的情况。 播放节目时不连贯,偶尔或经常出现停顿现象,严重时会在停顿 一段时间后提示包含错误代码的出错信息;不连贯或者停顿,按播放图像不连贯 照不连贯的程度,分为以下几种:偶尔,例如几天内出现一、两 次;经常,例如一个晚上出现几次;频繁,例如一个晚上很有规operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 律的几秒钟、十几秒钟、几分钟一次;定期,某个时间段,例如 白天正常,晚上不连贯、停顿比较严重,等等。按照用户感受来 分,包括可以忍受、不可忍受等等。 1) 尚未进入EPG首页面,在登录过程中出现故障 华为平台机顶盒在登录过程中有四个步骤,通过进度条表现出来就是8%、36%、77%及85%: 第一个步骤就是8%的步骤,这个阶段是机顶盒的PPPOE拨号阶段,这个阶段出现故障,说明在网络接入上有问题;第二个阶段是36%,是机顶盒本身正常加载应用程序模块的阶段,这个阶段出现问题,可以判定机顶盒加载模块失败,需要更换机顶盒;第三个阶段是77%,是机顶盒正常加载系统参数模块的阶段,这个阶段出现问题,则需要重新更换机顶盒;第四个阶段是85%的阶段,系统启动后登陆EPG首页的阶段,若这个阶段出现问题,则是机顶盒在获取EPG界面的时候出现故障,需要根据机顶盒提示来进行定位。 1、机顶盒硬件故障 ?故障现象: , 机顶盒前面板的所有灯都不亮,按后面板电源键不能开机。 , 机顶盒power灯亮,开机没有输出。 , 机顶盒power灯亮,开机有开机画面显示,但是一直停在开机画面,不显示启动进 度条,不显示任何ip地址,不显示任何连接方式以及启动过程。 ?故障处理步骤: 解决遇到以上三种现象,安排返修。 2、开机登录进度8%,网络接入失败~ ?故障处理步骤: , 画面上如果有网线断开的小图标提示,请排查网线是否完好,网络是否通畅; , 画面上如果有网线断开的小图标提示,并且通过更换机顶盒检测到网线与网络完 好,可以判断为机顶盒网口故障。 , 画面上没有网线断开的小图标提示,派分局上门处理。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 3 、开机登录进度36%和77%过不去 ?故障原因:机顶盒载入软件和系统配置参数出错。 ?故障处理步骤:更换机顶盒 4、开机登录进度85%, 始终无法跳转到指定页面 ?故障原因: , 用户接入线路出现丢包,机顶盒与IPTV后台之间的通信出现故障 , 机顶盒设置的认证地址输入错误 , 业务账号用户名/密码错误(无法通过认证服务器认证) , DNS域名无法解析 ?故障处理步骤:如果为大面积故障,直接派网运处理 、机顶盒POWER灯亮,开机有开机画面显示,并且有启动进度显示,最后进度条停在5 启动100,的画面,画面有IP地址提示 ?故障原因:该现象属于机顶盒软件故障 ?故障处理步骤:通过手工升级机顶盒软件版本 6、提示网络帐号密码错误 ?故障现象:开机后提示“网络账号密码错误”或者弹出“请输入网络账号,用户账号, 用户密码”界面。 ?故障原因:该现象属于机顶盒宽带拨号问题 ?故障处理步骤:检查ITV宽带线路及帐号 7、提示PPPOE拨号失败 ?故障处理步骤: 步骤一:检查Modem是否同步(判断方法:同步灯是否正常;ADSL是否能上网),若不同步,则按照ADSL的故障处理流程处理,若同步,则转入步骤二处理。 步骤二:重启ADSL Modem和机顶盒,观察故障是否依然存在: operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. (1) 如果故障消失,可能由于用户ADSL Modem或机顶盒问题导致无法接入iTV; (2) 如果故障依然存在则转入步骤三处理; 步骤三:检查Modem与机顶盒之间的网线是否正常,具体可以查看分别连接到机顶盒和Modem的网口的灯是否亮,若不亮,则尝试更换modem上其它的端口,若有条件的话则更换一根好的网线,重启机顶盒后询问故障是否依然存在: (1) 如果故障消失,可能由于机顶盒与Modem之间的接线问题导致无法接入iTV; (2) 如果故障依然存在,则转入步骤四处理; 步骤四:检查ADSL和iTV的网络连接方式,如果使用了路由器或者具备路由功能的Modem、交换机等,先去掉路由,断开电脑,单一个机顶盒直接接Modem,重启机顶盒后观察故障是否依然存在: (1) 如果故障消失,可能由于用户内部的网络使用了路由功能的网络设备,导致无法正常接入iTV; (2) 如果故障依然存在,转步骤五。 步骤五:如果条件允许,指导用户使用PC机,用IPTV的拨号账号进行拨号测试,通过错误代码判断故障原因。 ?如果PC拨号出现678错误提示,则表示故障原因为线路不通。如果为普通ADSL接入,则考虑线路同步是否有问题。如果LAN/EPON等接入方式,则考虑到LAN交换机/ONU交换机之间的线路是否畅通。可直接派单到分局处理。 ?如果PC拨号出现691错误提示,则表示用户名/密码错误,或者是账号的精绑参数不正确。首先查询平台,确认用户的IPTV拨号账号的用户名/密码是否正确,如果用户名/密码不正确,可告知用户正确的用户名/密码,让用户再次进行拨号测试。 如果在确认用户名/密码正确的前提下,可通过HP后台查看用户IPTV账号的精绑参数是否正确(如果开通HP后台权限的话)。也可致电数据监控网管让数据监控岗查看用户账号的精绑参数是否正确。 ?如果故障依然存在,则将故障现象定为“提示PPPOE拨号失败”,向XXX部门派单处理,并按规定定时询问督促后端处理部门处理情况,当后端部门回单后根据处理结果准确填写故障现象及故障原因。 8、业务账号认证失败 ?故障现象:提示机顶盒认证失败;或者提示“您的帐号不存在或用户帐号/密码错误, operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 请输入正确的用户账号和密码,如果该问题频繁的出现,请拨打中国电信客户服务热线10000号咨询” ?故障处理步骤: 步骤一:确认提示是“用户登陆,用户账号,用户密码” (如下图界面),里面没有“宽带帐号”或者“网络账号”的字眼,若是,则转步骤三,否,则按网络账号密码错处理。 步骤二:请用户重启机顶盒,观察故障是否依然存在, (1) 如果故障消失,则由于用户机顶盒问题导致无法接入iTV; (2) 如果故障依然存在则转入步骤四处理; 步骤三:指导用户输入业务账号(例如157##########,密码######,业务帐号为iTV拨号帐号中间13位数字) (3) 如果故障消失,则由于机顶盒的业务账号密码设置错误导致无法正常接入iTV;如果故障依然存在,则可能帐号属性存在,需要后端检查处理。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 2) 成功登陆后,在收看过程中出现故障 1、收看时出现马赛克现象 ?故障原因: ?普通家庭用户 ?片源故障 ?用户内部网络故障 ?用户线路故障,线路带宽不足,线路拥塞或丢包。 ?酒店等行业用户 ?片源故障 ?酒店内部网络故障 ?酒店接入交换机到局端交换机之间的链路故障(线路拥塞或丢包)。 ?故障处理步骤: ?首先判断是否是片源故障,如果只有某一个单独的直播频道或者影片出现卡及马赛克现象,其它的频道或者影片都正常,检查片源情况。 ?在确认非片源故障后,检查接入网络。 2、点播时出现“无信号” ?故障原因:用户的接入网出现断线重拨过程,导致读取片源时出现故障。 ?故障预处理步骤:无论是家庭用户还是酒店行业用户,检查接入网络。 3、用户表示某一个直播频道无法收看 ?故障原因: ?文广的直播频道出现问题,该频道的接入存在问题 ?机顶盒不支持该直播频道编码格式 ?城域网的频道接入存在问题 ?故障预处理步骤:如为单个用户故障,则与用户确认具体哪个频道无法收看,联系分公司操作维护中心确认该频道是否正常,如果分公司操作维护中心确认该频道的接入情况正常,则转分局上门处理。如分公司操作维护中心确认该频道存在节目源的问题,可派单到省NOC协调上海文广处理。 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 3 典型案例 3.1 机顶盒黑屏 , 现象描述:机顶盒在新装过程中出现黑屏 故障原因: 1、 该机顶盒地址段未在平台测配置对应的调度策略 2、 装机人员使用宽带账号拨号接入IPTV平台或者业务帐号输入错误 , 现象描述:机顶盒在使用过程中出现黑屏 故障原因: 1、用户采用NAT方式,HW平台下的NAT方式UT盒子不支持,更换成华为盒子后 问题解决 3.2 登录密码错误 , 现象描述:机顶盒无法接入平台,提示“用户名密码错误” 故障原因: 1、 业务账号开户为12位数字,而宁波地市全部开户为tv数字@itv格式,需注意 输入的业务帐号是否正确 2、 前台开户人员在开户时修改了该用户对应的业务密码,非默认“111111”,需要BSS 中修改成默认密码 3.3 直播无法观看 , 现象描述:一部分用户出现点播正常,所有直播都无法观看问题 故障原因: 1、 该用户为组播用户,机顶盒无法接收组播流,检查接入BRAS设备是否开启组播配 置 2、 型号为S8240版本为201的华为FTTH终端存在软件bug,在升级到202版本后解 决组播频道不能正常播放的问题 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected. 3.4 暂无可使用的EPG , 现象描述:新装IPTV时电视屏幕出现“暂无可使用的EPG”出错信息 故障原因: 1、 老ADSL用户加装IPTV,使用了ATM上联的DSLAM端口,PPPOE拨号连线后,获取的 地址不是IPTV域的地址,结果机顶盒无法从EPG服务器获取EPG。让装维人员更换 到支持IPTV的DSLAM端口后,故障排除 2、 有些装维人员设置机顶盒时,在输入用户名时漏掉了后面的域“@itv”,或输入了 普通ADSL帐号,结果PPPOE拨号连线后获取了defaul域的IP地址,无法从EPG 服务器获取EPG 3.5 无彩色图像 , 现象描述:新装用户电视机显示的是黑白,没有彩色 故障原因: 1、 电视机的制式不对,应将电视机的制式调成“自动”或PAL制式。调试方式:A.以 松下等离子(TH-50PV80C)为例:菜单---设置---音像色彩系统---调成自动或PAL 制式---确定。B.有些电视机上有直接的转换按钮。具体操作方法请参见电视机的 使用说明。 、 进入机顶盒设置界面,将机顶盒的输出制式确认为PAL或者NTSC 2 3、 VCD输出对应到电视机上的视频色差分量线端子,更换电视机上的输入端子或更换 有视频色差分量线端子的机顶盒,视频信号走视频色差分量线,音频用机顶盒原配 的音频线输入到电视机 3.6 提示帐号不存在 , 现象描述:机顶盒无法接入平台,提示“帐号不存在” 故障原因: 1、 错误输入业务帐号 2、 此帐号没有在平台开户,帐号在平台不存在 3.7 提示产品未订购 , 现象描述:机顶盒无法接入平台或点播某节目时,提示“帐号不存在” 故障原因: 1、 如无法接入平台直接提示该错误,则该帐号在开户未选择产品包 2、 如该用户基本功能使用正常,在点播某节目时提示该错误,则该用户帐号所订购的 产品包 4. IPTV机顶盒密码 华为的机顶盒进入密码为:8288保存密码为:3008 operation of the device. 3.8.1 after pump installation is based on the General provisions, make sure the locating Datum surfaces, lines and points. Installed pump body levelling, aligning the baseline measurements, parts of the line, usually in the following choices: producing flat surfaces of the pump body. Support the sliding parts of the Guide surface. Transmission shaft diameter or exposed to the outside surface of the shaft. End face and peripheral surface of the coupling. pump body as a datum surface, line, point of installation reference line for position and height tolerances shall conform to table 3-3 requirement. Table 3-3 positioning benchmark of surface, and line, and points on installation baseline of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) plane location elevation and other equipment no contact Shi ? 5 ? 5 and other equipment has contact Shi ? 2 ? 1 pump of cleaning and check should meet following requirements: overall factory of pump, in rust guarantee period within, its internal parts should not be demolition, only cleaning appearance. When rust-proof guarantee period or when there are obvious flaws to be, dismantling, cleaning should meet the requirements of equipment technical documentation, when provided, must meet the following requirements: remove internal components should be cleaned, internal parts shall be free from defects. Cooling water pipe should be cleaned internally and ensure unimpeded. Within the pump casing should be cleaned and free from defects. Bearing or bearing shall be in good condition, bearing greases shall be in good condition. Delivery pump cleaning check the dissolution shall meet the following requirements: pump main parts, parts and accessories, faceted and set parts, parts of the face may not have bruises and scratches the shaft surface must not have cracks, defects such as bruising. Cleaning after removal of moisture, and apply grease on the surface of the parts, and the order of installation is good and well protected.
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