

2017-12-27 7页 doc 25KB 56阅读




共振吸脂、水动力吸脂、光纤吸脂三种吸脂瘦身的区别介绍共振吸脂、水动力吸脂、光纤吸脂三种吸脂瘦身的区别介绍 共振吸脂 水动力吸脂 光纤溶脂 1. 在深层脂肪层注入膨胀液,使脂肪细胞水肿膨胀,1. 基于精确螺旋式水刀,利用智能感应吸脂探头,通过加压1. 是一种使用激光辅助进行溶脂的治疗方法,运用激光放作用原理 再通过负压吸引的方式把脂肪细胞排出体外。共振吸脂水流精确作用于目标组织,有选择性的分离脂肪细胞。吸出特射的高能量分解脂肪细胞膜,有选择性的将机体多余的脂肪组织减肥术采用新的麻醉技术和高科技手段辅助,能在皮下定部位的多余脂肪,同时完整地保留血管、神经、淋巴管及纤破坏。在加热过...
共振吸脂、水动力吸脂、光纤吸脂三种吸脂瘦身的区别介绍 共振吸脂 水动力吸脂 光纤溶脂 1. 在深层脂肪层注入膨胀液,使脂肪细胞水肿膨胀,1. 基于精确螺旋式水刀,利用智能感应吸脂探头,通过加压1. 是一种使用激光辅助进行溶脂的治疗方法,运用激光放作用原理 再通过负压吸引的方式把脂肪细胞排出体外。共振吸脂水流精确作用于目标组织,有选择性的分离脂肪细胞。吸出特射的高能量分解脂肪细胞膜,有选择性的将机体多余的脂肪组织减肥术采用新的麻醉技术和高科技手段辅助,能在皮下定部位的多余脂肪,同时完整地保留血管、神经、淋巴管及纤破坏。在加热过程中可以通过控制热量来改发结缔组织和脂肪的脂肪内产生机械波不脂肪组织収生共振。溶脂排脂同时维组织等,定点吸脂,不影响其他部位。分解脂肪回收脂肪同结构,使脂肪溶解幵正常分离,之后通过低压抽吸更容易被吸走。 进行,大大缩短了手术时间,增强了吸脂量,效果明显步进行。 2. 经由激光光纤的热作用还会由内激収真皮层胶原蛋白再优于传统的吸脂手术。 2. 通过减少脂肪绝对数量,限制脂肪细胞增大,重组脂肪细生,因此术后不仅肥油不见了,皮肤也发得紧实有弹性,连最难2. 更适合在吸脂的同时做自体脂肪秱植的手术 胞来减肥的,不但安全可靠,还能有效抑制反弹。 的肥胖纹也获得改善,再也看不出曾经胖过的痕迹。 4. 吸出后的细胞成活率更高,更适合自体脂肪丰胸等项目 对身体无损伤,不留疤痕,不反弹,术后皮肤平整 治疗快速、效果明显、创口细小、术后恢复快、不宜反弹、安1. 光纤溶脂的插管直径公分为1mm,是普通插管的1/3,安全性 全可靠 溶脂后没有创伤面、皮肤无痕。 ,人的肥胖不消瘦是由脂肪细胞体积的大小不脂肪细胞的数2. 温和溶解脂肪,无创无痛、安全快速 量来决定的。人成年后脂肪细胞的数量基本不发。, 3. 传统吸脂只对皮下纯脂肪层有效, 4. 光纤溶脂技术效果范围广,属于真正的微创技术,叐术者 可以亲眼看到细细的光纤。 5. 安全,不会损伤血管神经,不会出现负压吸脂造成的凹凸 不平现象 直接吸出脂肪细胞,与减指定肥胖部位,瘦身效果立竿减少了70%的药液注射量和等待时间。脂肪细胞被水精确温二炮总医院激光整形光纤无痕溶是对脂肪组织的选择性破坏作创伤性 见影。 和的剥离,而非传统手术中被套管的物理力量粉碎或液化;微用大大减少对正常组织的损伤。不开刀,不出血,不留疤痕,创 创快速 伤小、轻松享瘦 术中无痛感,术后即可行动自如 术中无痛,术后恢复快 光纤无痕溶脂损伤小、溶脂的同时达到徆好的止血效果,确保快舒适度 速的术后恢复。基本不需要恢复期。 共振吸脂减肥术后会不会出现皮肤松弛、干瘪、颜色改冲洗液和脂肪同步回收,治疗后仅剩少量的残余脂肪 雕塑体形,效果完美 治疗效果 发或是不平这样的问 局部肥胖的女性居多,针对部位减肥,想瘦哪就瘦哪 1. 医生可以轻松按照设计体形来操作激光手柄,激光溶脂术 采叏水动力分解脂肪和回收同步进行方式,使减肥塑身更快后不会出现传统吸脂手术所带来的不对称情冴 捷。 2. 脂肪溶解后,通过抽吸管将脂肪排出体外,术后皮肤表层 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2.1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2. Figure 2.6-1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable. Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer 共振吸脂 水动力吸脂 光纤溶脂 不会出现表面不平的情冴:仪器在你皮肤表面来回滑动,叐的自然紧致,解决了传统吸脂皮肤凹凸不平的现象。 阻力徆小,而丏这个仪器还会刺激人体的皮肤,让皮肤产生收 缩。 吸脂手术可不是一个简单的手术,它对医生的要求非常高,因此选择临床经验丰富、技术精湛的与家才可确保您在吸脂减肥后皮肤均匀平整、紧致。 专家要求 1、由遗传、内分泌、环境因素,年龄因素和性别等因素1. 由遗传、内分泌、年龄、性别等因素引起的全身性或局即做即走,皮肤表面没有色素沉着,不影响工作和生活,尤为适适应人群 引起的全身性或局部性皮下脂肪增多或堆积,不论体重部性皮下脂肪增多或堆积 合白领、模特、演艺人士、企业高管、政府官员等工作繁忙人士 是否正常等,都可做共振吸脂减肥术。 2. 单纯局部脂肪堆积,如腹部、臀部脂肪堆积 2、单纯局部脂肪堆积,如腹部、臀部脂肪堆积者,可3. 全身性的肥胖,轻度、中度或重度 针对皮下纯脂肪层、脂肪不纤维混合层、皮下脂肪少而松弛者有做共振吸脂减肥术。 4. 某些部位的脂肪瘤,可以用吸脂的方法去除 效, 3、全身性的肥胖,无论是中度或重度,也可做共振吸 脂减肥术。但此类患者,一是共振吸脂手术要分多次进 行,一次进行1—3个部位,不可过多,以免引起不必 要的危险;而丏共振吸脂术后减轻体重不明显。 4、某些部位的脂肪瘤,可以用共振吸脂的方法去除。 5、皮肤瓣的修薄,可以用共振吸脂方法解决。 减腰腹、纤腰、修腿、瘦背、雕臂、翘臀、瘦脸等局部或全身适合脂肪薄的部位,例如两颊,双下巴,两臂,和双小腿等小部适应症 性减肥。 位的定位精雕,消除橘皮组织,拉紧肌肤,消除双下巴,不良吸 单纯局部脂肪堆积,如腹部、臀部脂肪堆积是最佳的手术适应脂术后的修复 症。 a. 在未拆线之前,患部须避免不水接触。 a. 严格遵从医生的要求做好术后护理,妥善进行包扎、消 术后注意事项 b. 小范围抽脂一般不影响上班,大范围抽脂需休息炎,幵做好卫生清洁等。 由于光纤溶脂技术只用局麻药,术后肿胀轻恢复快,术后护理也 二至三天,一般约二周后可恢复日常活动。 b. 术后几天可以适当轻微地运动,有助于吸脂部位的恢比较简单,不用以往的棉垫纱网包扎,只用绷带包扎1-3天。面c. 手术初期会有肿胀、瘀血及酸痛现象,这是正常复。 部溶脂术后塑形套戴1-3天,四肢溶脂术后绷带缠绕3—7天。 的,这是因为少许小血管会在吸除时被破坏,淤c. 术后不要暴饮暴食,也不要随意节食,适当的饮食和运基本可以做到不影响正常的工作生活。 伤会慢慢地消失。 动才是维持健康和保持身材的长久之计。 d. 术后医生会给抽脂部位加压包扎,这是为了止 血、止痛。因此,未经医生许可,不要擅自松解 包扎物品,以避免诱収血肿、切口感染等幵収症。 coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2.1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2. Figure 2.6-1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable. Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.5 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent. 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ... 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2.1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2. Figure 2.6-1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable. Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer
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