

2018-02-14 10页 doc 33KB 28阅读




云大英语语言文学硕士研究生培养方案云大英语语言文学硕士研究生培养方案 一、学科专业简介 英语语言文学硕士点于1983年开始招生,1986年获得硕士学位授予权。经过20年的发展已形成稳定的主要研究领域和一支高水平的师资队伍。现有教授7人,副教授9人,其中博士3人,硕士30人,大部分教师分别在美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚等英语国家学习或进修过。主要研究领域有英美文学研究、英语语言与翻译研究和文化研究。英美文学研究在小说、诗歌和戏剧等领域深入展开;英语语言与翻译研究以应用语言学和英汉翻译研究为主;文化研究在跨文化、比较文化和美国研究方面见长。已完成重大课题有美国...
云大英语语言文学硕士研究生培养 一、学科专业简介 英语语言文学硕士点于1983年开始招生,1986年获得硕士学位授予权。经过20年的发展已形成稳定的主要研究领域和一支高水平的师资队伍。现有教授7人,副教授9人,其中博士3人,硕士30人,大部分教师分别在美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚等英语国家学习或进修过。主要研究领域有英美文学研究、英语语言与研究和文化研究。英美文学研究在小说、诗歌和戏剧等领域深入展开;英语语言与翻译研究以应用语言学和英汉翻译研究为主;文化研究在跨文化、比较文化和美国研究方面见长。已完成重大课有美国国务院和云南大学共同资助的“华盛顿州立大学和云南大学校际交流美国研究项目”,包括美国历史、政治、文化、文学、教育等子课题。 二、培养目标 总体目标: 1、掌握马克思主义、毛泽东思想的基本理论和邓小平理论及“三个代表的重要思想,热爱祖国、遵纪守法、品德良好、学风严谨,为适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求努力钻研,积极为社会主义建设服务。 2、掌握英语学科坚实的基础理论和系统的专业知识和宽泛的人文学科知识,具有熟练的口笔头英语表达能力,基本掌握一门第二外语,具有从事教学、科研和外事工作的能力和独立 承担专门技术工作的能力。 3、德、智、体全面发展,思想开放、自信乐观、向上进取、宽容豁达。 专业要求: 1、通过学习和研究掌握专业理论和研究方法;了解本学科学术研究的发展现状和研究前沿;能够准确、得体地运用英语进行专业学术交流;熟练运用第二外语进行阅读和翻译并有一定听说能力。 2、具备独立从事本学科学术研究的能力并善于与其他人合作,形成有较高水平的研究成果。 3、具有较强的实际工作能力、沟通能力和文化适应能力。 三、研究方向 指导教师 学术职称 研究领域 1、英美文学研究 张文力 教授 美国文学 李明强 教授 古典英国文学 罗仕伟 副教授 美国文学 梁红宇 副教授 美国文学 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 骆 洪 副教授 美国黑人文学 2、英语语言与翻译 飞 白 教授 翻译学 梁育全 教授 语法、词汇学 徐覃荪 教授 翻译、文体学 王晋军 教授 语言学 马 玲 副教授 英语教育 3、文化研究 周宝娣 教授 美国文化 刘晓红 教授 比较文化 周真 教授 跨文化交际 杨素珍 副教授 美国西部历史及文学 四、学制及学习年限 一般为3年,不超过5年。 五、培养方式 1、由各培养方向的导师组集体指导该方向的全体学生,根据各人情况制定培养,第二学期再经双向选择确定导师,以便扩大学生对该方向研究领域的了解、增加师生互相了解的机会,加强指导和管理。 在完成培养计划的前提下,可根据需要选修其他课程。 在完成课程学习后应参加中期考核,合格者方可继续学业。 六、学位 1、论文要求 学位论文必须在导师指导下独立完成,要求对所研究的课题有新的见解(包括新资料、新内容、新方法或反映新的发展),有一定学术价值或应用价值。 时间安排 (第三学年9月至次年5月) 开题报告论证 9月15日以前(交文献目录) (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 提交论文提纲 10月15日以前 提交第一稿 1月10日以前 提交第二稿 2月底以前 提交评审稿 3月20日以前(装订4本) 修改、定稿 4月15日以前 打印、装订(20本) 4月底以前 办理相关手续 5月上旬 论文答辩 5月中旬 论文语言及质量 原则上用英文写作,允许有中文例句。按照规定的体例要求行文规范、主题明确、论点清楚、论据充分、论述有力。 七、教学实践和学术活动 1、参与教学实践,经考核合格者得1学分。 2、积极参加学术活动和“研究生学术论坛”活动,并根据规定主讲一次,可得1学分。 八、考核方式 考核分考试和考察,必修课程一律考试,按百分制计分;其余课程可进行考察,按合格、不合格两级记分。 九、课程表 英语语言文学专业硕士学位研究生课程表 开教 课程 课 程 学学课 学 考核类别 备注 名称 门 数 分 时 学方方式 期 式 讲科学社会必 座 考试学位主义理论2 36 1 修 马克思主自论文 公共与实践 课 义理论课 学 课 程 马克思主4 72 2 讲考试文科 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 义经典著座 论文 作选读 自 学 二外(日、讲外国语 4 144 1、2 考试 德、法) 授 西方文化讲考试2 36 2 导论(1) 授 论文 西方文化导讲考试2 36 3 学位论(2) 授 论文 基础4 研究方法与讲考试课 2 36 1 论文写作 授 论文 英语阅读与讲考试2 36 2 翻译 授 论文 英国文学讲考试2 36 1 研究(1) 授 论文 学位 专业英国文学研讲考试2 36 1 课 究(2) 授 论文 (文美国文学研讲考试4 2 36 2 学研究 授 论文 究方 西方文学批讲考试向) 2 36 3 评方法 授 论文 翻译理论讲考试2 36 1 学位与实践 授 论文 专业讲考试语言学 2 36 1 课 授 论文 (语4 讲考试言研翻译学 2 36 2 授 论文 究方 讲考试向) 文体与修辞 2 36 3 授 论文 跨文化交讲考试2 36 1 学位际 授 论文 专业中西文化比讲考试2 36 1 课 较 授 论文 (文4 美国社会与讲考试化研2 36 2 文化 授 论文 究方 美国语言与讲考试向) 2 36 3 文化 授 论文 美国黑人讲考试其它方向专专业选修课 3 2 36 4 文学 授 论文 业课均可为 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 比较诗学与讲考试该方向的选2 36 4 文化 授 论文 修课 讲考试美国文学 2 36 4 授 论文 导师可根据 培养需要, 安排研究生补修课程 由导师定 补修有关课 程,不记学 分。 教学实践 1 考查 学术研讨本人报告次与学术报学术活动 1 考查 数不少于1告次数 次 ? 10次 合计 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94).
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