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德国申根签证在职证明德国申根签证在职证明 德国申根签证在职证明 德国申根签证在职证明电话T:传真F:地址Add:TO: The Embass Of German in ShanghaiDear Visa Setion Offier,We, 公司英文名 称,sho our great respet for our embass.We hereb onfirm that MrMrs 姓名拼音has been emploed b our pan as a 职位名称 sine 入职日期.HisHer monthannual salar is 5,...
德国申根签证在职证明 德国申根签证在职证明 德国申根签证在职证明电话T:传真F:地址Add:TO: The Embass Of German in ShanghaiDear Visa Setion Offier,We, 公司英文名 称,sho our great respet for our embass.We hereb onfirm that MrMrs 姓名拼音has been emploed b our pan as a 职位名称 sine 入职日期.HisHer monthannual salar is 5,000RMB. No, he has been permitted to take a vXXtion from Sept 16 to Sept 25 and during this time he ill visit the EMO exhibition and take a journe to German.All the expenses inluding travel, board and lodging, and an misellaneous expenditure ould be borne b 费用承担者 himself.We ould be ver grateful if ou ould approve hisher visa as soon as possible.Thank ou in advane.Sinerel ours,Signature: 签字人姓名拼音in our pan. HisHer annual ine is RMB XXXX (写 年薪) after tax. HeShe ill be travel in Europe from 出发日 月年 to 返程日月年 to take a holida. All expenses of hisher journe and sta in Europe and hisher medial ill be paid b himselfherself. We hereb ensure that heshe ill pl ith the las and regulations of our ountr and e bak in time. HeShe ill take the same position in our pan. Please kindl grant her the neessar visa.Thanks.写单位名称(盖章)HR Diretor: 打印人事部经理 名字 人事部经理手工签名Date:注意:工作证明:要用单位的 公文纸打印。至少要2份原件。学生学籍和放假证明证明:最好用学 校公文纸打印,学校领导不签字,找老师签字也可以,关键要盖学校 的公章。学生学籍和放假证明(办理德国申根签证用)证 明兹证明 xx-x ,女,出生日期x年xx月xx日,从xx 年 9 月 1 日至今就 读于我校。现为我校xxxx班学生。我校同意该生在暑假期间随 母亲XXXX女士赴德国等欧洲国家旅游,我校暑假放假时间xx-xx年 xx月xx日至xx月xx日,活动期间该生的安全及其他相关事宜由本 人、家长及活动组织者负责。活动结束后我们希望该生按时返回国内, 继续回本校学习。XXXX市XXXX中学201X年XX月xX日校长签名: 联系电话:XXXXXXXX学校地址:Certifiation月 日, 年To German Visa Appliation CentreTo hom it ma onernDear Sir or Madam,We hereb onfirm that xx-x, female(male),as born on 日-月-年.She has been studingfulltime in our shool sine 日-月-年.She is no in lass xx,first grade of junior middle shool.Our summer voation ill be from 日-月-年 to 日-月-年.We agree 学生名字拼 音(跟护照的必须一致) take a travel to German and other European ountries ith her mother, MS.家长名字 during the summer voation. All the osts of this trip ill be paid b her parents. She ill ontinue studing in our shool upon her returning to China on shedule.Yours sinerel,Headmaster:Shool name: Tel:Add: Street, Distrit,Cit德国申根签证在职证明 XXXXXXXX 公司Beijing XXXXXXX o.LTDNo.x Jingouhe Road, Haidian Distrit,Beijing, P.R.China 北京市海淀区金沟河路x号 Tel电 话:+86 10 XXXXXXXX Fax传真:+86 10 xx-xxx-xxxE-mail电子邮件 xx-xxx-xxx-xTO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr. Zhan San orks in BEIJING HANCH CO.,LTD. His Salar is RMB 8000 per month. He is invited to German from 07th Apr to 12th Apr 201X for the purpose of business trip of hannover CID and visit Siemens fator.All the expenses inlude air tikets; transportation, amodation and health insurane ill be overed b Siemens Ltd., China.He ill e bak on the shedule and still ork in our pan after the visit in German.Name Date of Birth Passport-No. PositionZhang San NOV. 22 1978 xx-xxx-xxx Manerger of Projet DepartmentHome Address:Room 2587 Bld 2 North No.1,Communit, Beiuan ,Chaoang Distrit, Beijing.Your kind approval of this appliation ill be highl appreiated.Best Regards,Tel: xx-xxx-xxx-xCompan Address: Bld23,Jingouhe Road No.X,Haidian Distrit,Beijing,China Compan Name:BEIJING XXXXXXXX CO.,LTD.德国申根签证在职证明 To Whom It Ma Conern,This is to ertif that Mr. Yang Bin is emploed b Orient Huaxia Venture Capital Co.,Ltd as president sine 2000. His monthl salar is RMB 30000.We understand that he is planning a trip to Frane invited b ****** for 15 das from 15th April 201X to 30th April 201X. All ost of tour expense ill be paid b himself.We also guarantee that he ill abide the loal las, and e bak to China on the shedule.We should be grateful if ou ould kindl issue an entr visa to failitate his trip to FRANCE.Yours Sinerel,HR Representative:Orient Huaxia Venture Capital Co., Ltd
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