

2017-09-01 15页 doc 47KB 802阅读




文曲星跟踪测试卷文曲星跟踪测试卷 一(4分)全卷书写分。 二(20分)完成下面1 ——8题。 1(给加点的字注音。(3分) 纤( )维 奢( )侈 迸( )溅 和煦( ) 料峭( ) 怅惘( ) 2(常用短语填空。(3分) 惊心动 动不安 盘 卧龙 风和日 不经心 有条不 3(文学常识填空。(3分) (1)《热爱生命》的作者是 ,他是 国文艺复兴时期思想家、散文家。 (2)《紫藤萝瀑布》的作者是 ,体裁是 。 (3)我们学过陶渊明的文章《 》,古诗《 》。 4(下面一段话中充满作者对生活的感悟,试摘抄两个表达感悟的句...
文曲星跟踪测试卷 一(4分)全卷书写分。 二(20分)完成下面1 ——8题。 1(给加点的字注音。(3分) 纤( )维 奢( )侈 迸( )溅 和煦( ) 料峭( ) 怅惘( ) 2(常用短语填空。(3分) 惊心动 动不安 盘 卧龙 风和日 不经心 有条不 3(文学常识填空。(3分) (1)《热爱生命》的作者是 ,他是 国文艺复兴时期思想家、散文家。 (2)《紫藤萝瀑布》的作者是 ,体裁是 。 (3)我们学过陶渊明的文章《 》,古诗《 》。 4(下面一段话中充满作者对生活的感悟,试摘抄两个表达感悟的句子。(2分) 不过,我却随时准备告别人生,毫不惋惜。这倒不是因生之艰辛或苦恼所至,而是由于生之本质在于死。因此只有乐于生的人才能真正不感到死之苦恼。享受生活要讲究方法。我provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 自认比别人多享受到一倍的生活,因为生活乐趣的大小是随我们对生活的关心程度而定的。 上下文衔接自然,文意贯通。(2分)读书是一种乐趣,知识是它的果实;运动是一种乐趣,健康是它的果实; 。 6( 下列句子组成语意连贯的一段话(只写序号)。(2分) 7( (1)这一来,文章有了,诗词也有了,而且往往写得不坏。(2)贬官失了宠,摔了跤,孤零零的,悲剧意识也就爬上了心头;(3)中国文化中极其夺目的一个部位可称之为“贬官文化”。(4)贬到了外头,这里走走,那里看看,只好与山水亲热。(5)于是,人品和文品双全,传之史册,颂之后人。(6)过了一个时候,或过了一个朝代,事过境迁,连朝廷也觉得此人不错,恢复名誉。 8( 7(下面这段话表述了北京四合院哪些方面的信息,(2分) 北京的四合院,大大小小,星罗棋布,或处于繁华街面,或置于幽深小巷之中;大则占地数亩,小则不过数丈;或独家独户,或数户或十几户合居,形成一个符合人性心理、保持传统文化、邻里关系融洽的居住环境。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 8( 根据提示默写。(3分) 自云先世避秦乱, , , 。问今是何世, , 。 , 皆叹惋。 三(14分)文言文阅读。 (一)阅读下列语段,回答文后问题。(6分) 忽一人大呼:“火起”,夫起大呼,妇亦起大呼。两儿齐哭。俄而百千人大呼,百千儿哭,百千犬吠。中间力拉崩倒之声,火爆声,呼呼风声,百千齐作;又夹百千求救声,曳屋许许声,抢夺声,泼水声。凡所应有,无所不有。虽人有百手,手有百指,不能指其一端;人有百口,口有百舌,不能名其一处也。于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂,两股战战,几欲先走。 忽然抚尺一下,群响毕绝。撤屏视之,一人、一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。 9(解释加点词语的意思。 ?中间: ?曳屋: ?两股: ?名其一处: 10(文中描述听众反应的语句是 ,意在 。 11(翻译下列句子。 ?虽provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 人有百手,手有百指,不能指其一端。 ?于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂,两股战战,几欲先走。 (二)阅读下列文段,回答文后问题。(8分) 晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。渔人甚异之。复前行,欲穷其林。 林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光,便舍船,从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人。黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 12(解释加点词语的意思。 ?欲穷其林: ?悉如外人: ?豁然开朗: ?屋舍俨然: 13(文中有两个双音节词语古今意义不同,它们是 。文中还产生两个成语,它们是 。 14(用原文的语句回答下列问题。 ?描绘桃花源自然环境美好的句子: ?描绘桃花源社会环境和乐的句子: 15(翻译下列句子。 ?阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。 ?黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 四(32分)现代文阅读 (一) 我不由得停住了脚步。 从未见过开得这样盛的藤萝,只见一片辉煌的淡紫色,像一条瀑布,从空中垂下,不见其发端,也不见其终极。只是深深浅浅的紫,仿佛在流动,在欢笑,在不停地生长。紫色的大条幅上,泛着点点银光,就像迸溅的水花。仔细看时,才知那是每一朵紫花中的最浅淡的部分,在和阳光互相挑逗。 这里春红已谢,没有赏花的人群,也没有蜂困蝶阵。有的就是这一树闪光的、盛开的藤萝。“我在开花~”它们在笑。 “我在开花~”它们嚷嚷。 每一穗花都是上面的盛开、下面的待放。颜色便上浅下深,好像那紫色沉淀下来了,沉淀在最嫩最小的花苞里。每一朵盛开的花像是一个张满了的小小的帆,帆下带着尖底的舱。船舱鼓鼓的,又像一个忍俊不禁的笑容,就要绽开似的。那里装的是什么仙露琼浆?我凑上去,想摘一朵。 但是我没有摘。我没有摘花的习惯。我只是仁立凝望,觉得这一条紫藤萝瀑布不只在我眼前,也在我心上缓缓流过。流着流着,它带走了这些时一直压在我心上的焦虑和悲痛,那是关于生死谜、手足情的。我浸在这繁密的花朵的光辉中,别的一切暂时都不存在,有的只是精神的宁静和生的喜悦。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 16(仔细阅读,你会发现作者是按照从整体到局部的顺序来描绘花,具体来说依次是先写 ,接着写 ,再写 。 17(品析文中划线句子的精妙之处。 18(“花朵儿一串挨着一串,一朵接着一朵,彼此推着挤着,好不活泼热闹~”一句生动地表现出紫藤萝花 的特点,文中 一句 有异曲同工之妙。 19(谈谈你对“我只是仁立凝望,觉得这一条紫藤萝瀑布不只在我眼前,也在我心上缓缓流过。”这句话的理解。 20(作者“心上的焦虑和悲痛”转变成“精神的宁静和生的喜悦”的内在原因是什么, (二) 喜剧演员戴维?布瑞特出生于一个贫困但很和睦的家庭。在中学毕业时,他得到了一份难忘的礼物。 “我的很多同学得到了新装,有些富家子弟甚至得到了新的轿provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 车。”他回忆说,“当我跑回家,问父亲我可以得到什么礼物时,父亲的手伸进了上衣口袋,取出一样东西。我伸过手去,他把我的礼物轻轻坠落到我手中——一枚硬币~” 父亲对我说:“用这枚硬币买一份报纸,一字不漏的读一遍,然后翻到分类广告栏,自己找一个工作。到这个世界去闯一闯,它现在已经属于你了。” “我一直以为这是父亲同我开的一个天大的玩笑。几年后,我去部队服役,当我坐在散兵坑道认真回首我的家庭和我的生活,我才认识到父亲给了我一种什么样的礼物。我的那些朋友得到的只不过是轿车或者新装,但是父亲给予我的却是整个世界。这是我得到的最好的礼物。” 21(作者在中学毕业时得到一份“难忘的礼物”,这份礼物是什么, 22(其他同学得到的礼物与作者得到的礼物比较孰轻孰重,你是怎么理解的, 23(揭示“最好的礼物”的含义的句子应该是哪句话, provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 24(“到这个世界去闯一闯,它现在已经属于你了。”中“闯一闯”的含义是什么,“它”指代什么, 25(父亲给予的一枚硬币作者认为是给予了整个世界,说说你对整个世界的理解。 (三)让心灵雀跃 鸟儿在天空飞过,云儿依然记得。 昙花在夜晚开放,星星可以作证。 揽镜自照,你瞥见了你青春的面容;对影凝视,你惊异于自己健美的身姿;画一张漫画,你得意于纸上奇妙的表情。然而,你的甜蜜的忧伤的得意的踌躇的心事,你急于说出来唱出来喊出来吼出来的声音,你准备把他们装在哪里呢, 告诉你一个秘密,如果你能把这些心事和声音变成文字的珍珠,并用文章的宝瓶来盛它,这样,你就可以了无遗憾地保存它了。无论什么时候想看,只需轻轻一摇,宝瓶里就能传出你赤橙黄绿的生命的气息。你想拥有一个这样的宝瓶吗,那么,请跟我来。 首先请你闭上双眼,在心的荧光屏上放映“个性”两个字。请把它们 想象成绿色的两株树,然后让它们开出不同颜色的花朵,并让这些花朵在不同的季节里循次展开,即便是近邻provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 的两枚花朵,也要让它们的花瓣大小不同、浓淡各异,近旁有不同种类的蝴蝶飞过。而你,是其中绝无仅有的那一朵。 其次,请你轻轻翻开这份捧在手里的薄薄的杂志,因为它也是独一无二的生命个体,如果可能,它肯定也忍不住寂寞要抢着发言。请你耐心咀嚼、潜心研读并静心品味,捕捉其中闪亮的句子、美妙的文段,感受五颜六色的情感、晦明变化的心理及活蹦乱跳的思想,你素日千呼万唤也觅它不见的灵感火种也许就在这个过程中被轻轻擦亮,它的火焰足以灼热你急于喷薄的热情。对于你也许还不太熟悉的作文的理念部分,你要一读再读,那是作文导师们递给你的可以相牵的食指。 我还要告诉你,参加这次大赛是为了一篇得意的文章,而不是为了一篇成功的文章。认真地参加一次大赛,就是进行一次最有效的作文经验的积累,你可以把它看作一个开始,可以看作一次促进,可以看作一次检阅,但绝对不要看作结束。还有,你参加的不仅是一次作文大赛,更是一次关于生命对话的盛会。在这次盛会上,你可以以文字为媒结识无数的朋友,邂逅五彩斑斓的思想,体验无数次三人行必有我师的愉悦。 最后,我要轻轻地对你说—— 喜欢你,因为你是你自己。 相信你,你能写出你自己。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 26(文中哪个词语体现了文章第二段的内容, 27(如何获取“文章的宝瓶”,请从三方面回答。 28(文中哪一句话体现了本文的写作意图, 29(参加这次大赛的意义在哪里, 30(本文最后三段话起什么作用, 31(从语言的角度对本文作点赏析。 五(50分)生活中曾有许多人,许多事,许多风景,许多际遇默默的感动过我们,并难以释怀,请你以“ ,触动我的心灵”为题,先将题目填写完整,然后写一篇600字左右的作文,要求写出真情实感。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote "four new" technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be "four". 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary ... Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology,
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