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肉类的营养价值肉类的营养价值 肉类的营养价值: (一)蛋白质 畜肉类蛋白质含量为10,20%,其中肌浆中蛋白质占20,30%,肌原纤维中40, 60%,间质蛋白10,20%. 畜肉蛋白必需氨基酸充足,在种类和比例上接近人体需要,利于消化吸收,是优质蛋白质。但间质蛋白必需氨基酸不成不平衡,主要是胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白,其中色氨酸、酪氨酸、 蛋氨酸含量少,蛋白质利用率低。 畜肉中含有能溶于水的含氮浸出物,使肉汤具有鲜味。 (二)脂肪 一般畜肉的脂肪含量为10,36%,肥肉高达90%,其在动物体内的分布, 随肥瘦程度、部位有很大差异。 ...
肉类的营养价值 肉类的营养价值: (一)蛋白质 畜肉类蛋白质含量为10,20%,其中肌浆中蛋白质占20,30%,肌原纤维中40, 60%,间质蛋白10,20%. 畜肉蛋白必需氨基酸充足,在种类和比例上接近人体需要,利于消化吸收,是优质蛋白质。但间质蛋白必需氨基酸不成不平衡,主要是胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白,其中色氨酸、酪氨酸、 蛋氨酸含量少,蛋白质利用率低。 畜肉中含有能溶于水的含氮浸出物,使肉汤具有鲜味。 (二)脂肪 一般畜肉的脂肪含量为10,36%,肥肉高达90%,其在动物体内的分布, 随肥瘦程度、部位有很大差异。 畜肉类脂肪以饱和脂肪为主,熔点较高。主要成分为甘油三酯,医学教|育网搜集整理少量卵磷脂、胆固醇和游离脂肪酸。胆固醇在肥肉中为109mg/100g,在瘦肉中为 81mg/100g,内脏约为200mg/g,脑中最高,约为2571mg/100g. (三)碳水化物 其碳水化物主要以糖原形式存在于肝脏和肌肉中。 (四)矿物质 含量约为0.8,1.2mg%,其中钙含量7.9mg/g,含铁、磷较高,铁以血红素形式存 在,不受食物其它因素影响,生物利用率高,是膳食铁的良好来源。 (五)维生素 畜肉中B族维生素含量丰富,内脏如肝脏中富含维生素A、核黄素 6大豆类营养价值保健功效 来源:中国新闻网 作者:郭旭光 2010年11月02日13:55 我来说两句(0) 复制链接 打印 大中小 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 民间有“每天吃豆三钱,何须服药连年”的谚语,意思是说如果人们每天都吃点豆类食品,不仅能够远离疾病的困扰,还可辅助治疗一些疾病。大家不妨来了解一下各种豆子的特点,以便根据各自的身体状况药食两用。豆类的营养价值非常高,我国传统饮食讲究“五谷宜为养,失豆则不良”,意思是说五谷是有营养的,但没有豆子就会失去平衡。现代营养学也证实,每天坚持食用豆类食品,只要2周的时间,人体就可以减少脂肪含量,增加免疫力,降低患病的概率。豆子的种类非常多,每种所含的营养成分和食疗作用 都不相同。平时多吃几种豆,了解每种豆子的营养价值,选择适合自己的豆子,更有利于健康。 红豆 红豆具有清热解毒、健脾益胃、利尿消肿、通气除烦的功效,可治疗小便不利、脾虚水肿、脚气症等,李时珍称红豆为“心之谷”。将红豆和鲤鱼煮汤食用,对水肿、脚气、小便困难等有食疗作用,还能治疗肝硬化、肝腹水,补体虚;红豆与冬瓜同煮后的汤汁是全身水肿的食疗佳品;红豆与扁豆、薏苡仁同煮,可治疗腹泻;红豆配连翘和当归煎汤,可治疗肝脓肿;红豆配以蒲公英、甘草煎汤,可治疗肠痈等。 绿豆 绿豆含丰富的维生素A、维生素B、维生素C,有降血压的作用,同时对疲劳、肿胀、小便不畅有很好的功效。绿豆粉可以治疗疮肿烫伤,绿豆皮可以明目,绿豆芽还可以解酒。夏季常喝绿豆汤,不仅能增加营养,还对肾炎、糖尿病、高血压、动脉硬化、肠胃炎、咽喉炎及视力减退等病症有一定的疗效。 黄豆 黄豆含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪,还有卵磷脂及多种维生素。与其他食品比较,仅蛋白质一项黄豆比瘦肉多1倍,比鸡蛋多2倍,比牛乳多1倍。据研究,黄豆中的皂草苷可延缓人体衰老;黄豆中的卵磷脂可除掉血管壁上的胆固醇,软化血管;黄豆中的抑胰酶,对糖尿病有一定疗效;黄豆中磷含量可观,对大脑神经非常有益,神经衰弱及体质虚弱者,常食有益;黄豆中富含的铁质,对缺铁性贫血患者大有裨益。 黑豆 中医认为,黑豆味甘性平,有补肾强身、活血利水、解毒的功效,特别适合肾虚者食用。黑豆营养丰富,有“豆中之王”、“营养之花”之美称。古代养生家认为:“每晨吞黑豆十四枚,谓之五脏谷,到老不衰。”黑豆有补脾肾、益阴活血、安神明目、利湿通淋、清热解毒的功效,久服黑豆还可防止皮肤产生黑斑,能使皮肤变得细嫩有光泽。肾虚导致的腰痛、耳鸣者可取黑豆50克、狗肉500克一起煮烂,加入调味品食用。此外,黑豆还有“乌发娘子”的美称,用它制成的豆浆、豆腐等,是肾虚导致的须发早白、脱发患者的食疗 佳品。 豌豆 豌豆有补中益气、利小便的功效,是脱肛、慢性腹泻、子宫脱垂等中气不足症状的食疗佳品。《日用本草》中有豌豆“煮食下乳汁”的记载,因此,哺乳期女性多吃点豌豆可增加奶量。此外,豌豆含有丰富的β-胡萝卜素,食用后可在体内转化为维生素A,有润肤的作用,皮肤干燥者应该多吃。但豌豆吃多了容易腹 胀,消化不良者不宜大量食用。 芸豆 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 芸豆又叫菜豆、四季豆,味甘平、性温,有温中下气、利肠胃、止呃逆、益肾补元气等功效。它不仅富含蛋白质及钙、铁等多种微量元素,还有高钾、高镁、低钠的特点,特别适合心脏病患者和患有肾病、高血压等需低钠及低钾饮食者食用。芸豆还含有皂苷、尿素酶和多种球蛋白等独特成分,具有提高人体自身的免疫能力,增强抗病能力,激活淋巴T细胞,促进脱氧核糖核酸的合成等功能,对肿瘤细胞的发展有抑制作用,因而受到医学界的重视。其所含的尿素酶应用于肝昏迷患者效果很好。吃时注意必须煮熟、煮 透,否则会引起中毒。(郭旭光) 蔬菜的四性五味 一(蔬菜的四性——即寒、凉、温、热四种属性,介于这四者中间的为平性。中医将食物分成四性,是指人体吃完食物后的身体反应。如吃完之后身体有发热的感觉为温热性,如吃完之后有清凉的感觉则为寒凉性。了解食物的属性,再针对自己的体质食用,对身体大有裨益。 四性 功效 适应体质 主要蔬菜 寒 清热降火、解暑除燥,能消除或减轻热症。 温热性,如容易口渴、怕热、喜欢冷饮或寒性病症者。 芹菜、大白菜、空心菜 凉 冬瓜、白萝卜、莴笋 温 可抵御寒冷、温中补虚,消除或减轻寒症。 寒凉,如怕冷、手脚冰凉、喜热饮的人或热性病症者。 生姜、韭菜、蒜、香菜、葱 热 辣椒 平 开胃健脾,强壮补虚,容易消化。 各种体质都能食用。 黄花菜、银耳、胡萝卜 二(蔬菜的五味——蔬菜的五味是指酸、苦、甘、辛、咸,对应人体的五脏:即肝、心、脾、肺、肾,不论是食物本身的味道,还是佐料,都会对五脏起不同作用。五味食物虽各有好处,但食用过多或不当也有负面影响,要依据不同体质来食用。如辛味食得太多,而体质本属燥热的人,便会发生咽喉痛、长暗疮等情形。 五味 功效 对应器官 禁忌 主要蔬菜 苦 降火除烦,清热解毒。 心 胃病者宜少食不消化 苦瓜、芥兰 甘 健脾生肌,补虚强壮。 脾 糖尿病患少食或不食 玉米、甘红薯 辛 补气活血、能促进新陈代谢。 肺 多食伤津液火气大 姜、葱、辣椒 酸 生津养阴,收敛,如胃酸不足、皮肤干燥。 肝 多食易伤筋骨 豆类、种子类 咸 通便补肾。 肾 多食会造成血压升高 海带、紫菜 淡 利尿、治水肿 无湿性症状者慎用 冬瓜、薏仁 三(蔬菜的五色——蔬菜的五色,即为青、赤、黄、白、黑五种颜色,而五色分别对五脏有不同的作用。各个脏肺之间互相关联,相生相史,如肝太旺伤脾、脾太旺伤肾、肾太旺伤心、心太旺伤肺、肺太旺伤肝,所以我们在日常饮食中不能to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 偏食某一色。要均衡摄取,即午餐多吃青、白,晚餐多吃赤、黄、黑,这样可以使王脏都能得到洋养。 1( 营养与五色 从营养的角度说五色食物,青色蔬菜中一般富含胡萝卜素,白色蔬菜富含黄酮素,黑色蔬菜中则富含铁。 2( 五色的作用 赤色蔬菜:可提高心脏之气,补血、生血、活血。如辣椒等 青色蔬菜:可提高肝脏之气,排毒解毒。如菠菜、青椒等 黄色蔬菜:可提高脾脏之气,增强脏肝功能、促进新陈代谢。如韭黄、胡萝卜等 白色蔬菜:可提高肺脏之气,清热解毒、润肺化痰。如大白菜、白萝卜、银耳等 黑色蔬菜:可提高肾脏之气,能润肤、美容、乌发。如木耳、香菇、海带等 四(什么体质吃什么菜 1( 寒性体质 A( 寒性特征:畏风、畏冷、手脚经常冰凉,易伤风感冒;喜欢热食物和热饮料;不爱喝茶;脸色嘴唇比较苍白;舌头带淡红色;精神萎靡不振,说话、动作有气无力;女性月经来迟,且天数增多,多血块。 B( 健康忠告:要多食温热性蔬菜、食物,因为温热性蔬菜食物可以温暖身体、活化身体生理机能。 C( 对应蔬菜:韭菜、姜、蒜、辣椒、葱等。 2( 热性体质 A( 热性特征:经常口干、口臭、嘴破;喜欢喝冷饮或冰镇之类的食物;怕热、汗多、长时间体温偏高;易长痘疹、脸红、眼睛有血丝;常有便秘现象、尿少而黄;容易烦躁不安、易失眠、脾气较坏;女性经期提早,分泌物浓而有异味。 B( 健康忠告:要多食寒凉性蔬菜、食物,因为寒凉性蔬菜、食物可达到清凉、调节的作用。 C( 对应蔬菜:苦瓜、萝卜、冬瓜、白菜、黄瓜、竹笋等。 3( 实性体质 A( 实性特征:身体强壮,声音宏亮,精神饱满,中气十足;有时口干口臭、便秘、小便色黄;呼吸气粗、容易腹胀;抵抗力强,常觉闷热;性格固执,不喜欢突然的变化。 B( 健康忠告:要多食寒凉性的蔬菜、食物,寒凉性蔬菜食物可清凉、帮助代谢体内毒素。 C( 对应蔬菜:芦笋、芹菜等。 4( 虚性体质 A( 气虚特征:食欲不振、脸色苍白、气喘气促、头晕不振。 B( 血虚特征:脸色苍白萎黄、唇色指甲皆发白;经常头昏眼花、失眠健忘;女性月经量少。 C( 对应蔬菜:菠菜、胡萝卜等。 D( 阴虚特征:容易口渴、喜喝冷饮;形体消瘦、失眠健忘;经常盗汗、手足心发热、冒汗;常有便秘,且小便黄而舌质红。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis E( 对应蔬菜:白木耳、茄子、黄瓜等。 F( 阳虚特征:喜欢热食,不爱喝水;畏寒、怕冷、易倦、嗜睡;性欲减退,阳萎早泄;尿多易腹泻。 G( 对应蔬菜:辣椒、韭菜等。 五(蔬菜与饮食禁忌 1( 蔬菜与疾病的禁忌 在疾病发生时,必须避免食用不该食用的蔬菜,否则,会加重你的病情: A( 肠胃炎时:不能吃辛辣刺激的蔬菜,如生姜、辣椒等 B( 全身性红斑性狼疮时:不能吃苜蓿等 C( 痛风时:不能吃竹笋、香菇、黄花菜、玉米等普林含量高的蔬菜 D( 糖尿病时:不能吃玉米、红薯、莲藕、豆类等 E( 消化性溃疡时:不能吃芹菜、竹笋、空心菜、洋葱等 F( 肾功能不良、尿毒症时:不能吃苋菜、油菜、南瓜等,因为它们钾的含量较高,会给治疗带来负面的影响。 2( 蔬菜与食物的禁忌 在日常饮食中,某些蔬菜不能与某些食物同时食用,否则会产生适得其反的效果: A( 白萝卜不可与柿子同食——极易诱发甲状腺肿病 B( 韭菜不可与菠菜同食——极易引起腹泻 C( 南瓜不可与羊肉同食——极易诱发黄疸现象 D( 芥菜不可与鲫鱼同食——极易导致水肿 E( 芹菜不可与醋同食——极易损伤牙齿 F( 红薯不宜与柿子同食——极易导致腹胀、胃胀等现象 六(蔬菜的营养成分及热量 品名 性味 热量 营养成分 大白菜 性微寒,味甘平 每百克17千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、 维生素B1、B2、C等 荸荠 味甘,性寒 每百克55千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、钾、维生素、B2、C等 苦瓜 味苦,性寒 每百克18千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、脂肪、维生素、C等 绿豆芽 味甘,性寒 每百克15千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、钠、维生素、C、E等 小白菜 味甘,性微寒 每百克12千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、脂肪等 茄子 味甘,性寒 每百克17千卡 蛋白质、钙、维生素B1、P等 莴笋 味苦,性寒 每百克9千卡 维生素、钙、磷、铁、膳食纤维 黄豆芽 味甘,性寒 每百克33千卡 蛋白质、磷、钠、维生素C、脂肪、铜、锌 空心菜 味甘,性寒 每百克21千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、钠、膳依纤维等 竹笋 味甘,性寒 每百克19千卡 蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷、铁、 多种氨基酸、维生素B1、、C等 芹菜 味甘苦,微寒 每百克12千卡 钙、磷、胡萝卜素、维生素C等 生菜 味苦,性微寒 每百克16千卡 钙、磷、钠、钾、维生素E、抗坏血酸等 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 蒜 味辛,性温 每百克24千卡 蛋白质、大蒜甙、钙、磷、铁、 核黄素、抗坏血酸等 南瓜 味甘,性温 每百克37千卡 多种氨基酸、胡萝卜素、糖类、南瓜子碱等 生姜 味辛,性温 每百克20千卡 钙、磷、铁、钾、维生素B2等 芥菜 味辛,性温 每百克18千卡 蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、钠、钾、 维生素E、A、抗坏血酸等 葱 味辛,性温 每百克26千卡 蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷、维生素B1、B2、C 韭菜 味甘辛,性温 每百克22千卡 钙、铁、胡萝卜素、维生素B、、C等 香菜 味辛,性温 每百克24千卡 钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、维生素C等 洋葱 甘辛,性温 每百克45千卡 蛋白质、粗纤维、钙、磷、铁、维生素C 辣椒 味辛,性热 每百克18千卡 维生素C、柠檬酸、辣椒碱、 辣椒红素、龙葵甙等 牛奶营养分析: 1. 牛奶中富含维生素A,可以防止皮肤干燥及暗沉,使皮肤白皙,有光泽; 2. 牛奶中含有大量的B2,可以促进皮肤的新陈代谢; 3. 牛奶中的乳清对黑色素有消除作用,可防治多种色素沉着引起的斑痕; 4. 牛奶能为皮肤提供封闭性油脂,形成薄膜以防皮肤水分蒸发,还能暂时提供水分,可保证皮肤的光滑润泽; 5. 牛奶中的一些物质对中老年男子有保护作用,喝牛奶的男子身材往往比较苗条,体力充沛,高血压的患病率也较低,脑血管病的发生率也较少; 6. 牛奶中的钙最容易被吸收,而且磷、钾、镁等多种矿物搭配也十分合理,孕妇应多喝牛奶,绝经期前后的中年妇女常喝牛奶可减缓骨质流失。 牛奶补充信息: 1. 喝杯牛奶,可消除留在口中的大蒜味。 2. 不要空腹喝牛奶,同时还应吃些面包、糕点等,以延长牛奶在消化道中的停留时间,使其得到充分消化吸收;不宜多饮冰冻牛奶; 3. 牛奶鉴别:在盛水的碗内滴几滴牛奶,如牛奶凝结沉入碗底的是优质品,浮散的质量欠佳,若是瓶装牛奶,只要在牛奶上部观察到稀薄现象或瓶底有沉淀的,则都不是新鲜奶,将牛奶煮开以后,表面结有奶皮(乳脂)的是好奶,表面为豆腐花状的是坏奶; 4. 鉴别纯牛奶:纯牛奶也叫鲜牛奶、纯鲜牛奶,从产品的配料表上,可以看到这种产品的配料只有一种,即鲜牛奶。鉴别纯牛奶的好坏,主要有两个:总干物质也叫全乳固体和蛋白质,这两个指标的含量在产品的包装袋上一般都有说明,它们的含量越高,牛奶的营养价值就越高。如果蛋白质含量不低于2.5克/100毫升,即为牛奶,否则是乳饮料; 5. 喝牛奶的最佳时间:早餐的热能供应占总热能需求的25%,30%,因此,早餐喝一杯牛奶加鸡蛋或加面包比较好;也可以在下午4小时左右作为晚饭前饮料喝;除此之外,晚上睡前喝一杯牛奶有助于睡眠,喝的时候最好配上几块饼干; 6. 有些厂家为了寻找卖点,在天然牛奶中加入了化学钙,人为提高产品的含钙量,但这些化学钙并不能被人体吸收,久而久之在人体中沉淀下来甚至会造成结石。选择“高钙奶”时应看好高钙奶包装上的配料表中是否有“乳钙”标记,同样的高钙奶,其本质有很大的差异。对钙质成分标注不明或标注两种以上钙质共存的高钙奶,应谨慎购买。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 牛奶适合人群: 一般人群均可食用 1. 脱脂奶适合老年人、血压偏高的人群;高钙奶适合中等及严重缺钙的人、少儿、老年人、易怒、失眼者以及工作压力大的女性; 2. 缺铁性贫血、乳糖酸缺乏症、胆囊炎、胰腺炎患者不宜饮用;脾胃虚寒作泻、痰湿积饮者慎服。 牛奶食疗作用: 牛奶味甘,性平、微寒,入心、肺、胃经; 具有补虚损,益肺胃,生津润肠之功效; 用于久病体虚、气血不足、营养不良、噎膈反胃、胃及十二指肠溃疡、消渴、便秘。 牛奶做法指导: 1. 煮牛奶时不要加糖,须待煮熟离火后再加;加热时不要煮沸,也不要久煮,否则会破坏 营养素,影响人体吸收;科学的方法是用旺火煮奶,奶将要开时马上离火,然后再加热, 如此反复3,4次,既能保持牛奶的养分,又能有效地杀死奶中的细菌; 2. 牛奶加蜂蜜是非常好的搭配,并还有治疗贫血和缓解痛经的作用; 3. 炸鱼前先把鱼浸入牛奶片刻,既能除腥,又能增强佳味;在做冻过的鱼时,汤中加些 牛奶,会使鱼的味道更鲜; 4. 婴儿喝纯牛奶需经过适当稀释; 5. 袋装牛奶不宜长时间浸泡在热水中加热,这样会破坏牛奶中的营养成分;而且在高温 下,塑料袋中的一些化学成分易分解产生对人体有害的物质。 常见水果营养价值总汇 2011-07-14 15:35:33 苹果 苹果中的维生素C是心血管的保护神、心脏病患者的健康元素。苹果中含有多种维生素、矿物质、糖类、脂肪等,是构成大脑所必须的营养成分。 苹果中的纤维,对儿童的生长发育有益,能促进生长及发育。苹果中的锌对儿童的记忆有益,能增强儿童的记忆力。但苹果中的酸能腐蚀牙齿,吃完苹果后最好漱漱口。 芒果 芒果色、香、味俱佳,营养丰富,每百克果肉含维生素C56(4—137(5毫克,有的可高达189毫克;含糖量14,16%;种子中含蛋白质5(6%;脂肪16(1%;to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 碳水化合物69(3%。食用芒果具有益胃、解渴、利尿的功用,成熟的芒果在医药上可作缓污剂和利尿剂,种子则可作杀虫剂和收敛剂。 芒果果肉多汁,鲜美可口,兼有桃、杏、李和苹果等的滋味,如盛夏吃上几个,能生津止渴,消暑舒神。 桃 桃有补益气血,养阴生津的作用,可用于大病之后,气血亏虚,面黄肌瘦,心悸气短者;含铁量较高,是缺铁性贫血病人的理想辅助食物;含钾多,含钠少,适合水肿病人食用;有活血化淤,润肠通便作用,可用于闭经、跌打损伤等辅助治疗; 橘子 橘子味甘酸、性温,入肺、胃经;具有开胃理气,止渴润肺的功效;主治胸隔结气、呕逆少食、胃阴不足、口中干渴、肺热咳嗽及饮酒过度。橘子营养也十分丰富,1个橘子就几乎满足人体每天所需的维生素C量。在每百克橘子果肉中,含蛋白质0.9克,脂肪0.1克,碳水化合物12.8克,粗纤维0.4克,钙56毫克,磷15毫克,铁0.2毫克,胡萝卜素0.55毫克,维生素B0.08毫克,维生素B2 0.3毫克,烟酸0.3毫克,维生素c 34毫克以及橘皮甙、柠檬酸、苹果酸、枸橼酸等营养物质。 猕猴桃 它含有丰富的维生素C、A、E以及钾、镁、纤维素之外,还含有其他水果比较少见的营养成分——叶酸、胡萝卜素、钙、黄体素、氨基酸、天然肌醇。奇异果的钙含量是葡萄柚的2.6倍、苹果的17倍、香蕉的4倍,维生素C的含量是柳橙的2倍。因此,它的营养价值远超过其他水果。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 香蕉 香蕉属高热量水果,据分析每100克果肉的发热量达378焦耳。在一些热带地区香蕉还作为主要粮食。香蕉果肉营养价值颇高,每100克果肉含碳水化合物20克、蛋白质1(2克、脂肪0(6克;此外,还含多种微量元素和维生素。其中维生素A能促进生长,增强对疾病的抵抗力,是维持正常的生殖力和视力所必需;硫胺素能抗脚气病,促进食欲、助消化,保护神经系统;核黄素能促进人体正常生长和发育。 葡萄 葡萄中的糖主要是葡萄糖,能很快的被人体吸收。当人体出现低血糖时,若及时饮用葡萄汁,可很快使症状缓解。葡萄中含的类黄酮是一种强力抗氧化剂,可抗衰老,并可清除体内自由基;葡萄含糖量高达10%-30%,以葡萄糖为主。葡萄中的多量果酸有助于消化,适当多吃些葡萄,能健脾和胃。葡萄中含有矿物质钙、钾、磷、铁、蛋白质以及多种维生素B1、B2、B6、C和P等,还含有多种人体所需的氨基酸,常食葡萄对神经衰弱、疲劳过度大有裨益,此外它还含有多种具有生理功能的物质。把葡萄制成葡萄干后,糖和铁的含量会相对高,是妇女、儿童和体弱贫血者的滋补佳品。 荔枝 大脑组织有补养作用,能明显改善失眠、健忘、神疲等症状;荔枝肉含丰富的维生素C和蛋白质,有助于增强机体免疫功能,提高抗病能力;荔枝有消肿解毒、止血止痛的作用; 荔枝拥有丰富的维生素,可促进微细血管的血液循环,防止雀斑的发生,令皮肤更加光滑。果肉具有补脾益肝、理气补血、温中止痛、补心to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 安神的功效;核具有理气、散结、止痛的功效;可止呃逆,止腹泻,是顽固性呃逆及五更泻者的食疗佳品,同时有补脑健身,开胃益脾,有促进食欲之功效。 杏 杏果实营养丰富,含有多种有机成份和人体所必须的维生素及无机盐类,是一种营养价值较高的水果。杏仁的营养更丰富,含蛋白质23,27%、粗脂肪50,60%、糖类10%,还含有磷、铁、钾等无机盐类及多种维生素,是滋补佳品。 菠萝 菠萝含用大量的果糖,葡萄糖,维生素A、B、C,磷,柠檬酸和蛋白酶等物。味甘性温,具有解暑止渴、消食止泻之功,为夏令医食兼优的时令佳果。菠萝含有一种叫“菠萝朊酶”的物质,它能分解蛋白质,溶解阻塞于组织中的纤维蛋白和血凝块,改善局部的血液循环,消除炎症和水肿;菠萝中所含糖、盐类和酶有利尿作用,适当食用对肾炎,高血压病患者有益;菠萝性味甘平,具有健胃消食、补脾止泻、清胃解渴等功用。 西瓜 西瓜可清热解暑,除烦止渴:西瓜中含有大量的水分,在急性热病发烧、口渴汗多、烦躁时,吃上一块又甜又沙、水分十足的西瓜,症状会马上改善; 2. 西瓜所含的糖和盐能利尿并消除肾脏炎症,蛋白酶能把不溶性蛋白质转化为可溶的蛋白质,增加肾炎病人的营养;吃西瓜后尿量会明显增加,这可以减少胆色素的含量,并可使大便通畅,对治疗黄疸有一定作用;新鲜的西瓜汁和鲜嫩的瓜皮增加皮肤弹性,使人变的更年轻,减少皱纹,增添光泽。 to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 甜瓜 据测定,甜瓜除了水分和蛋白质的含量低于西瓜外,其他营养成分均不少于西瓜,而芳香物质、矿物质、糖分和维生素C的含量则明显高于西瓜。多食甜瓜,有利于人体心脏和肝脏以及肠道系统的活动,促进内分泌和造血机能。祖国医学确认甜瓜具有“消暑热,解烦渴,利小便”的显著功效。 哈密瓜 哈密瓜的干物质中,含有4.6%-15.8%的糖分,纤维素2.6%-6.7%, 还有苹果酸、果胶物质、维生素A、B、C,尼克酸以及钙、磷、铁等元素。其中铁的含量比鸡肉多两三倍,比牛奶高17倍。在每一百克瓜肉中还有蛋白质0.4克,脂肪0.3克,灰分元素2克。其中钙14毫克,磷10毫克,铁1毫克。请不要小看这1毫克铁,它对人体的造血功能和发育有很大关系。同肉类相比,哈密瓜中的铁含量较之等量的鸡肉多2倍,鱼肉多3倍,牛奶多17倍。 火龙果 火龙果中富含一般蔬果中较少有的植物性白蛋白,很多人都知道重金属(主要指铅、镉、汞、砷、铬五种)危害健康,儿童铅含量多已超标,而火龙果所含有的这种活性白蛋白在人体内遇到重金属离子,会快速将其包裹住,避免肠道吸收,通过排泄系统排出体外,从而起解毒的作用,而且,此种白蛋白对胃壁还有保护作用。火龙果含有丰富的维生素c ,有很好的美颜美白皮肤的效果,黑色籽粒中含有各种酶和不饱和脂肪酸及抗氧化物物质,有助胃肠蠕动,达到润肠效果,对便秘有辅助治疗的作用。火龙果的果皮含有非常珍贵的营养物质——花青素,这是一种强力的抗氧化和提升免疫力的物质,能在人体血液中保存活性 75 小时,比胡萝卜素强 10 倍以上的抗氧化能力。通过血液被运到全身起抗氧化、抗自由基、防衰老、抑制老年痴呆症的作用。 火龙果的果肉几乎不含果糖和蔗糖,糖分以葡萄糖为主,这种天然葡萄糖,容易吸收,适合运动后食用。但火龙to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis 果的葡萄糖不甜导致大家误以为这是低糖水果,其实火龙果的糖分比想象中的要高一些,需要注意的是糖尿病人不宜多吃。 榴莲 榴莲果中营养极丰富,含有大量的糖分,热量高。其中,蛋白质的含量为2.7%,脂肪含量为4.1%,碳水化合物为9.7% ,水分82.5%,维生素含量丰富,维生素A、维生素B:和维生素C都较高。大量研究证明,维生素A是人体必需的重要微量营养素,具有维持正常生长、生殖、视觉及抗感染的生理功能。人体需要维生素A维持上皮细胞组织健康、正常视力、促进生长发育;增加对传染病的抵抗力。 菠萝蜜 成熟时的可食部分每100克含碳水化合物24.9克,钙25毫克、磷5毫克、铁7毫克等。将其炒熟食用,味美如栗,有止渴、通乳、补中益气功效。菠萝蜜中含有丰富的糖类、蛋白质、B1、B2、B6、维生素C、矿物质、脂肪油等。其主要治疗的物质是从菠萝蜜汁液和果皮中能够提取一种叫做菠萝蜜蛋白质的物质。 杨桃 杨桃的营养价值高,含有对人体健康有益的多种成分如:蛋白质、脂肪、糖和枸橡酸,还有多种维生素和矿物质,果实好芳香清甜。可加工成蜜饯,果汁能促进食欲,帮助消化、治疗胃病、黄疸、卉痢、皮肤病的功效。含糖量非常丰富,成分包括蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖,还有苹果酸、柠檬酸、草酸、多种维他命、微量脂肪及蛋白质等,对人体有助消化、滋养和保健功能,是非常受欢迎的水果,除肾病患者应忌口外,一般民从可安心食用~ to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration ... Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; sugar cortex hormone, and immune inhibitors and anticoagulant agent application; urinary tract infection of diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment; acute and chronic kidney failure of causes, and onset mechanism, and diagnosis and treatment; non-dialysis therapy in the nutrition treatment of purpose and requirements; blood, and peritoneal dialysis therapy of adapted card; kidney function check of using and results judge; kidney puncture indications and taboo syndrome. Understanding: the pathological classification of glomerular diseases; interstitial nephritis and renal tubular disease etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment principles; kidney transplant anti-rejection therapy; other clinical diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic standard (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species acute nephritis integrated levy chronic nephritis
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