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2008年英语四级阅读理解真题全解析2008年英语四级阅读理解真题全解析 2008语语语语语语语语语语语语年英四理解真全解析 2008.6   Passage One   Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.   Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but—regardless of whether it is or isn’t - we won’t ...
2008年英语四级阅读理解真题全解析 2008语语语语语语语语语语语语年英四理解真全解析 2008.6   Passage One   Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.   Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but—regardless of whether it is or isn’t - we won’t do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.   Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming, and—without major technological breakthroughs—we can’t do much about it.   From 2003 to 2050, the world’s population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase. If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly, CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But that’s too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else’s living standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050.   No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricity usage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they’re “doing something.” Consider the Kyoto Protocol (京都定语语语). It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn’t. But it hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (语字国) didn’t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets.   The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.   The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it’s really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we don’t solve the engineering problem, we’re helpless.   注意:此部分在答卡语语语语语语语2上作答。   57. What is said about global warming in the first paragraph?   A) It may not prove an environmental crisis at all.   B) It is an issue requiring worldwide commitments.   C) Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.   D) Very little will be done to bring it under control.   58. According to the author’s understanding, what is A1 Gore’s view on global warming?   A) It is a reality both people and politicians are unaware of.   B) It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences.   C) It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognized.   D) It is an area we actually have little knowledge about.   59. Greenhouse emissions will more than double by 2050 because of ________.   A) economic growth   B) wasteful use of energy   C) the widening gap between the rich and poor   D) the rapid advances of science and technology   60. The author believes that, since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, ________.   A) politicians have started to do something to better the situation   B) few nations have adopted real tough measures to limit energy use   C) reductions in energy consumption have greatly cut back global warming   D) international cooperation has contributed to solving environmental problems   61. What is the message the author intends to convey?   A) Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.   B) The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.   C) The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.   D) People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.   是一篇述全球暖的材料。于全球暖在当前如何解决,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 作者指出了两点,一是它已演成了道德,二是只能通技突破来解语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 决。   第一段作者抛出了自己的独特点:语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语we won’t do much about it。而后作了一定的解,人语语语语语 语语语语语语语语语语会全球暖,We will argue over it,,甚而做出解决的姿,但姿却不会语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 语语语语于行,the less likely they are to be observed,。   下一段引用了美国前副戈的点:语语语语语语语语inconvenient truth,意思是承了就能解决。语语语语语语语语语语 作者并不同意戈的点,并指出承是不,解决的方法是重大技突破,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语major technological breakthroughs,。   第三段的比,作者列了数据在未来的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语50年内温室气体排放量语语语语语语语语语语 的增幅度。作者的目的在于突出的重性,以便和下一段中语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 政府不愿削减能耗的述形成比,彰出政府了各自的利益而置境语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 而不。就是在作者看来的道德。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   既然各国政府不愿行能耗削减,那解决的法只有一个:新技语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 突破。倒数第二段具体述了新技突破作全球暖出路的点,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语the only solution is new technology,。   最后一段从另一个方面述了新技突破作解决法的必要性,也语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语就是在道德面,政府不作,无法解决的情况,必从,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语engineering,指的是技语语语语语语语革新,的角度去突破,否就是底的语语语语语语语语语语语语helpless了。   57. D   目哪个是第一段中有全球暖的法。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   A,全球暖可能根本就不会展境危机。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   B,是一个需要全世界都付出努力的。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   C,避免或阻止全球暖,已采取了重大语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 。步   D,将不会采取什措施来控制全球暖。语语语语语语语语语语语   第一段并不容易理解,因作者在里玩弄了一些文字游,如语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语may or may not和whether it is or isn’t,其真意不好把握。第一段可以分两个意群,第一句算语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 是一个意群,后面两句合一个意群。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   从字面意思上看,第一句意思是全球暖可能成危机也可能不会成危机,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语但不管会否,我都不会采取什措施。是一个折句,通常情语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 况下,折之后的句子具有更重要的意,或者体了作者的真语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 意。那从一句可以判断出全球暖会否成危机并不是个句语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 子注的焦点,焦点是我不会采取措施来它。的,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语A就是,而语语语语语语D是的。语语语   后面两句的大意是:我会个,甚至会做出堂皇的姿来避免全语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语球暖,但些姿越堂皇,其得以施的可能性越小。个意群语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 的重心同在折以后,也就是些姿,即提出的措施,被行的可能性很小。个意思和语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语D的法语语保持一致。由此可以判断D语 正确。   58. C   根据作者的理解,Gore语语语语语语语语语语 全球暖的点是什。   A,全球暖是一事,但大众和政治家都没有意到它。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   B,是一会我来多不便的象。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   C,全球暖一旦被人到,就会得以解决。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   D,我全球暖上知之甚少。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   第二段提到Gore的点只用了一个,即语语语语语语语语语语语inconvenient truth,字面意思是会人来不方便的真“语语语语语语语语语语相,从个无法判断出其具体含。不此后作者使用了一个”语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语as if从句,个行描述,语语语语语语语语语语语语是作者Gore语点的理解。As if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution,直好像承语语“语语语语语”语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语它就会使我走上解决它的道路,意思也就是承它就能解决它。是作者Gore语点的全部理解,此后的几句以But引出折,是作者始达自己的点,与语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语Gore无。语语   四个中,语语语语C的法与上文的分析一致。语语语语语语语语语语语A所的语语unaware是没有意到语“语语”承、不知道的意思,和不同。B是语inconvenient truth字面意思的望文生语语。D的法和语语语Gore的点相去甚,更可能是合语语语语语语语语语语语语语But之后作者自己的点而语语语语语语语语语语语 安排的迷惑。   59. A   温室排放量到2050年不止于翻倍,原因是什。语语   A,增语语语语   B,能源的浪语语语 使用   C,语语语语语语 富差距拉大   D,科技的快速语语 展   More than double by 2050出在第三段的语语语语语语语语语末尾:With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050——介语with可以表示原因,或伴随状语语语语语语语语语语,上提示了温室排放翻倍的原因是modest growth,即适度增。里的增当然是指增,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语economic作了承前省略语理。从个句子就可以判断出正确答案是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语A。   上四个在第三大段中都有所提语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语及,需要做出分辨。能源的浪语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语使用和温室排放之系非常密,可以前者上等于后者,因能语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语源使用的同即是在排放温室气体。能源的浪使用并不能准确地解什温室排放量会超2倍地增。语语   第三段第四句提到了人,但里的意思是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语除非我想人永下去,否就需要增。此句的目的在于语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语明增的必要性,和温室排放量的语语语语语语语 系不密。   从文意来看,科技的快速语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语展是减少温室排放的有效途径,因此D的法语语语语语语语语起到的是相反的作用,而不会使排放量增到语语2倍。   60. B   作者,京都定以来语语语语语语语语语语语语……   A,政治家已始语语语语语语语语语语语语 手改形。   B,很少有国家采取了真正语语语语语语语语语语语语语 格的措施限制能源的使用。   C,能耗的消减已大大减全球暖形。语语语语语语语语语语语语   D,已出了致力于解决境的国合作。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   文章提到京都定是在第四段中的一句,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语Consider the Kyoto protocol,,而后始京都语语语语语语定行述。一语语语语语语语语语语语语共两句,It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn’t,意思是它允加语语入语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语定的国家不加入的国家,是指定的功能。一功能到底能否达到了呢,下面一句出了答案,语语语语语语But it hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories didn’t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets,里出了两点语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语果,一是它没有减少二氧化碳排放量,二是多署国没有采取足格的措施来2008-2012的目。语语 语语语语语语语语语语里所的目就是像B所的语语语语语语语语语语语语限制能源的使用,所以B的法是的。语语语语语语   61. B   目作者语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 想要达什信息。   A,相于,全球暖更是道德。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语   B,全球暖的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 极解决法有于新技。   C,有全球暖的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 争将会引技革命。   D,了阻止全球暖,人必放语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 弃某些物享受。   与A相的内容是最后一段第一句,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语the trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it’s really engineering one,里出了语语语语语moral problem,A的法正好语语语语语语语语语语语源于此。里的 engineering one是指工程,也就是。在语语语语语语语语语语语语engineering one之前作者使用了really一,语语语语明 作者更语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语向于全球暖是一个,只是情况是它成了一个 道德,体出作者的一无语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 奈感。   倒数第二段提到了B所的新技:语语语语语语the only solution is new technology,解决全球暖的语语语语语语语唯一 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语法就是新技。后面的一句是个点的一明,可以步B的法是语语语语语语语语语 符合文意的。   于技革语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语命和全球暖争之的系,是技革命会解决全 球暖,也是作者所持的点。而根据最后一段的法,于语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 全球暖的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语争已演成道德,和技革命没有系,所以C的法不。语语语语语   至于D,在文章中没有涉及到放弃某些物享受语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语的内容,属于生造出来的,所以可以排除。 Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permission or scan the Websites you’ve visited. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.   In fact, it’s likely some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen – the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked.   Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that it’s important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain. The digital bread crumbs (碎屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. In some cases, a simple Google search can reveal what you think. Like it or not, increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.   The key question is: Does that matter?   For many Americans, the answer apparently is “no.”   When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is “slipping away, and that bothers me.”   But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收站语语) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon (语惠券).   But privacy does matter – at least sometimes. It’s like health: When you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it.   注意:此部分在答卡语语语语语语语2上作答。   62. What does the author mean by saying “the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked” (Lines 3-4, Para. 2)?   A) People’s personal information is easily accessed without their knowledge.   B) In the 21st century people try every means to look into others’ secrets.   C) People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.   D) Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.   63. What would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?   A) Friends should open their hearts to each other.   B) Friends should always be faithful to each other.   C) There should be a distance even between friends.   D) There should be fewer disputes between friends.   64. Why does the author say “we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret” (Line5, Para. 3)?   A) Modern society has finally evolved into an open society.   B) People leave traces around when using modern technology.   C) There are always people who are curious about others’ affairs.   D) Many search engines profit by revealing people’s identities.   65. What do most Americans do with regard to privacy protection?   A) They change behaviors that might disclose their identity.   B) They use various loyalty cards for business transactions.   C) They rely more and more on electronic devices.   D) They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.   66. According to the passage, privacy is like health in that ________.   A) people will make every effort to keep it   B) its importance is rarely understood   C) it is something that can easily be lost   D) people don’t cherish it until they lose it   篇材料的是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语信息代的私保,大体可以分成两个部分, 前三段是信息代私遭语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语到泄露的状,后面几段的是人保私的情况。   第一段出了几语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语私的途径,首先是子件,a stranger will read your e-mail,或网站语语语语,scan the Websites you’ve visited,,然后是信用卡消语语语语语语语语语语和手机,glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills,。   第二段分析了什人会语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语私。作者可能会是配偶、女友、老板、警察、罪犯等等,范语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语之广确会吓人一跳,怪作者会惊呼21世的语语语语语语语语信息泄露如同从前被人语语语语语 裸体。   第三段述了语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语私泄露的普遍程度。如今,人与人之界限缺失,few boundaries remain,,人会语语四语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语留下数字信息,从而将个人私泄露出去,make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like,。甚至的语语语Google搜索都能接触到个人的秘密,a simple Google search can reveal what you think,。最后作者得出:我在语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语生活在一个很保住秘密的世界,a world where you simply cannot keep a secret,。   后面的几段的是语语语语语语语语“语”“”语语语语语语语语语和做两个方面行了述生活中人保的私的度。两个大段分从 第一个大段指出人语语语语语语语语语语语语语私泄露是心存的,most say they are concerned about losing it,,第二个大段语列人在语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 生活中如何言行不一,不注重私的保。   最后一段作者向人提出了语语语语语语——告Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it,告语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 人不要等到私泄露了再去后悔。   62. A   目作者语语语语语语the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked是什意思。语语语语   A,人的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 私人信息在不知不中被人很容易地了解。   B,在21世,人各方语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 式探人的私。   C,在信息代语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 ,人向于彼此更加坦。   D,利用高语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 技,犯罪分子可以很容易被当抓住。   The 21st century equivalent of being caught naked语语“句的字面意思是相当于21世被人看到语”语语,裸体合上下文,可知是形容在21世个人语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语信息很容易被人看到,私被人,和去被人看到裸体一。A的法与此一致。语语语语语语语   B的法和语语语A有一定相似之,不语语语语B使用的主语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语,有人探强人私的行本身,而原文是强语“”私被人看到,突出后果,B并不准确。C和文意相去甚,而语语语D是语be caught naked语语语语语语的理解。   63. C   目心理语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 学家会朋友之的系做出什建。   A,朋友向彼语语语语语语语语语语 此敞心。   B,朋友永衷语语语语语语语语语语 心于方。   C,在朋友之也保持一定语语语语语语语语语语 距离。   D,朋友之少些语语语语语语 争吵。   目中的语语语“”“”语语语语语语语语语语语语语心理信息是学家和朋友,文中第三段就提到了心理学家和朋友、家庭、语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语人等等,可以判断答案就在此。心理学家的建一共有两句,分由两个从句引。语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语首先是boundaries are healthy,直界语语“”语语界限是健康的。限是指人与人之语语语语语语语语语语系的界限,等同于C所的一定的语语语语语语语语距离。Healthy一是人与人之保持一定语语语语语语语语语语语语距离的肯定。   其次是it’s important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times,里语语表达了向朋友、家人、语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语人放自我的重要性,等同于A所的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语向彼此敞心,但要注意句尾的两个状敞语语“语语”语语语语语语心的方式行了限制。In stages等于bit by bit,意思是分段“语”语语一地、地一,而步步at appropriate times指在合适的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语候才向方敞心。整体察第二个从句,important语语语上的是强两个状语语语语语语,也就是在in stages和at appropriate times的前提下向朋友敞语语语语语语语语语心扉是重要的,而不是敞语语语语语语 心扉本身。   由此看来,C的法更语语语语语语语语准确,而A并不是作者的本来意。语语B和D在两个从句中都没语语语语语语语有提到,可以排除。   64. B   目什作者会语语语语语语语语语语we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret。   A,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 代社会已最展成放社会。   B,人在使用语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 代技的候会四留下痕迹。   C,会有人人的事情语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 感趣。   D,多语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 搜索引擎靠泄露人的身份而利。   是一道句子理解,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语察句是前文的,具体地,是63语语语语语语所考的心理学家言语语语语语语语语语 之后内容的。   第三段第一句语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语朋友、人之保持一定距离作出正面肯定,第二句上就提出了语语语语语语语语语语反,few boundaries remain——界限几乎已不语语语语语语存在。The digital bread crumbs you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like,作者在里使用了一个比,把数字语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语化操作留下的比数字面包屑。本句大意是数字化操作留下的可以语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语陌生人很容易地知道你是、你在哪里、你喜语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 什。此后的一句以搜索引擎例行了明。   A的法语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语非常空泛,也很武断,第三段的内容是人行等 操作会泄露信息,把个象上语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语升社会革然不合适,也不是作者的 意。语语   B的法语语语语语语语符合文意,modern technology语语就是指文中的digital bread和Google。   C的法来语语语语语源于for strangers to reconstruct who you are语语语语语语语语语语语语语一句,句透露出的信息是 陌生人得个人语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语私更加容易,至于是否会有人人的事情感趣 语 没有提到。   D的法语语语语语语语语照文中有Google的内容,但文中没有提到搜索引擎语语语语语语语语语利,可以排除D。   65. D   目于语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 私保,大多数美国人是如何做的。   A,他改语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 了可能会泄露他身份的行。   B,他语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 使用不同的忠卡,客分卡,来做商交易。   C,他语语语语语语语语语语语语 越来越依于子。   D,他语语语语语语 只不做。   文章中部分有一个小段:语语语语语语语语语For many Americans, the answer apparently is “no”,于多美国人语语语语语语语 来,答案然是不。里指的是多美国人并不在语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语乎私被泄露。 此后的两段此行了解。语语语语语语语语   两段中的第一段的是美国人语语语语语语语语语语语语语口上的法:most say they are concerned about losing it,多数人表示 担私泄露语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语。第二段暴露了美国人的行:Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy,只有一小部分美国人保语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语私而改了自己的行。 反语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语来,大部分美国人并没有改什。是典型的言行不一,正如一点的一句所:people say one thing and do another——语正好和D的法一致。语语语语语   66. D   目根据篇材料,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 私在什地方与健康相似。   A,人会语语语语语语语语语语语语语 想尽一切法保私。   B,其重要性很少被人理解。   C,它是很容易语语语语语语语语语语 失去的西。   D,人在语语语语语语语语语语语语语 失去它的候才珍惜它。   目中的语语语语语语语语语信息是health,在文章末尾部分语语找health一,它出最后一段中,语语语语语语语语语语语语 可以判断最后一语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 考的是文章末尾部分,而不是全篇内容。   But privacy does matter- at least sometimes. It’s like health; when you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it——直:语语“语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语私是有系的,至少是某些候。它就像健 康,在你语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语”语语语语语段无有它,你注意不到它。只有当它离你而去你才想要是更注意地保它就好了。 从句法语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语构是度上都很容易,也没有出体独特英思的比 等修辞,所以理解起来语语语语语语语语语语语语松,是一道送分。D的法语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语完全切合最后一段的法,是正确的。 2008.12   Passage One   Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.   If you’re a male and you’re reading this, congratulations: you’re a survivor. According to statistics, you’re more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman, than nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you’ll die on average five years before a woman.   There’re many reasons for this – typically, men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke – but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor.   “Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should,” says Dr. Gullotta. “This is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike.”   Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over45, it should be at least once a year.   Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year.   “When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer,” he says. “Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged (延语) his life.”   According to a recent survey, 95%of women aged between 15and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group.   “A lot of men think they’re invincible (不可的语语语),” Gullotta says. “They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, ‘Geez, if it could happen to him, …’”   Then there’s the ostrich approach. “Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,” says Dr, Ross Cartmill.   “Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,” Cartmill says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.   Regular check-ups for men would inevitable place strain on the public purse, Cartmill says. “But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases. Besides, the ultimate cost far greater; it’s called premature death.”   注意:此部分在答卡语语语语语语语2上作答。   57. Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage?   A) They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.   B) Their average life span has been considerably extended.   C) They have lived long enough to read this article.   D) They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.   58. What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women?   A) Men drink and smoke much more than women.   B) Men don’t seek medical care as often as women   C) Men aren’t as cautious as women in face of danger.   D) Men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases.   59. Which of the following best completes the sentence “Geez, if it could happen to him, …” (Line2, Para. 8)?   A) it could happen to me, too   B) I should avoid playing golf   C) I should consider myself lucky   D) it would be a big misfortune   60. What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach” (Line 1, Para. 9)   A) A casual attitude towards one’s health conditions.   B) A new therapy for certain psychological problems.   C) Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved.   D) Unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear.   61. What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men?   A) They may increase public expenses.   B) They will save money in the long run.   C) They may cause psychological strains on men.   D) They will enable men to live as long as women.   篇文语语语——男章的主要内容是男性寿命短于女性的成因,作者在文中提出了自己的新点性看医生 的次数少于女性,并此来了述。语语语语语语语语   材料以人语语语语语语语语语语听的法篇,you’re a survivor,,立即吸引了者,语语语语语语语语语语语尤其是男性者, 的注意力,随后指出男性不是语语语语语语语患病死亡,more than twice as likely to die,是语语语语语语语寿正寝,on average five years before a woman,,其寿命都要短于女性。   下一段探究了象的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语原因,首先出几个众所周知的原因,如男性吸烟喝酒(more likely to drink and smoke),而后提出了自己的独特点:语语语语语语语语语语语语语男性寿命短是因他 看医生,men don’t go to the doctor,。   男性如何不语语语语语语语语求医,是后面5个小段的内容。男性,尤其是四十语语语语语语语语语以上的男性,看医生的次数少于正常次数,按正常情况,一位健康男性没一两年看一语语语语语语语语语语语语语次医生,而45语语语以上者年至每 少一次。作者出了一个语语语语语50语语语语语语语语语语语语语语男性的例子,他在咳嗽症状生后一年才去看医生,果语语语语语语语 致癌症散而早亡。   此5小段之后,作者探语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语了男性不看医生的心理原因。很多男性自己不可,即不会得语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语病,,同采取了一策略,即害怕知道 病情而不敢看病。最后一段从看病成本上分析定期体的好,指出从来看,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语防,体,的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 花要低于得病后治的花。   57. C   目作者什在语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 恭喜他的男性者。   首先看恭喜的内容:you’re a survivor,意思是你是一位幸存者。“”语“”幸存者的潜台我可能已就是本来 语语语语“”语语语语死了,但因我某些原因才幸运地活到在。作者在后面用数据解了如此患皮癌恭喜的原因:和艾 滋病而死亡的几率语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语大于女性,即便是没有患些重病,男性寿正寝的平均年也比女性少五年。如此解之后,语“”语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语我确足幸运,尚未因癌症和艾滋病而死,有机会到 了篇文语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 章。当然只是作者的夸法而已。   A,在语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语他患重病而存活的几率更高。个考第二行、第 三行有语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语皮癌和艾滋病的句子的理解。文章男性死于皮癌和艾滋病的几率大于女性,和A的语法正好相反。   B,他语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语的平均寿命大大地延了。句里出了average,然是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语考第一段最后一句。You’ll die on average five years before a woman, 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语句大意是男性平均寿命比女性短,和B语语语 法无。   C,他语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 能到篇文章,明已足寿。符合前面的分析。   D,他语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语一定会享受更寿、快的生活。句属于无中生有, 即便从全文角度,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语男性按照作者建注重医保健,从而得延生命,但也不代表生命就是happier。   四个中语语语C的法最理语语语语语语语 想。   58.B   目作者语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语男性平均寿命比女性短5年的最重要原因是什。语语   A, 语语语语语语 男性抽烟喝酒多于女性。   B, 语语语语语语语语语 男性不像女性常求医救治。   C, 语语语语语语语语语语语语语 男性在面危不如女性慎小心。   D, 男性更可能患致命疾病。   目的语语语语语语语语信息是reason和most important,第二段提到了reason一,而里的也确语语语语语语语语语语是目所要语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语求的原因。原因有三点,一是危,risks,,一是抽烟喝酒,一是 看医生,don’t go to doctor,。其中在引出第三点,作者语语语语语语语称之more importantly,也就是比前几点重要。语于文中已找不出其他原因,更重要也就是最重要,答案是语语语语“”不看医生。B的法与此一致。语语语语语语   59,A   目下列哪句语语语语语语语语语语语语填入文中if it could happen to him之后最合语语语语 适。   A,那也可能 语语语语语语语语 生在我的身上。   B,我不能 语语语语语 打高夫球了。   C,我得自己 语语语语语语语语语 幸运。   D,那真是 太不幸了。   是一道句子理解,必合前后句的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 系行判断。   此段之前的几段内容的核心思想是男性看医生的次数大大少于女性。本段到很多语语语语语语语语语男性 语语语语语自己是不可的,invincible,,句语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语照上文的内容,是男性不愿看医 生的原因所在。下一句到语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语男性得知一个朋友死在高夫球上才始有所醒悟,一句中的only表示与上一句在句意上的折语语语语语语“”语语语语语语语语语但是当系,也就是男性自己不可,听朋友猝死,他 才语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语始有所悟。的,他此所想的一定是自身状况的担心, 否就不能体出折含。四个中语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语A最合语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语适,其他几都没有表达自己 的担语语 。   60.D   目语语语Cartmill所的语语the ostrich approach是什意思。语语语语   A, 语语语语 健康状况的随意度。   B, 语语语语语语语语语语 某些心理的新的治方法。   C,因 语语语语语语 害怕痛苦而拒接受医治。   D,因 语语语语语语语语 害怕而不愿去自己的疾病。   首先看几个的意思,语语语语语语语语语ostrich是,语语语approach是方法,合起来就是的方法。的语语语语语语语语语 方法到底是什需要合文语语语语语语语语语语语语语 章境来理解。   正如上一中所到的,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语男人会朋友的猝死感到吃惊,而自 己的健康生语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语。接下来文章到男人始使用的方法,具体的方法如Cartmill所:有些语语语语 男人害怕可能有的语语语西,what might be there,,宁愿不知道,would rather not know,。里可能有语语语语语 的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语西当然是指疾病,宁愿不知道的原因是什呢,是因害怕,scared of,。里的语语语语语语语语语语序是 的:男人害怕疾病,所以不想了解疾病。害怕疾病却不想了解疾病,语语语语语语语语语语似乎有点不去。 但就是方语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语式的特点。平我可能听,遇到危会把插 到沙子里,以不正危来语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语逃避危,就是方式的来由。男性待疾 病的方式与此语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语似,所以被称使用了的方法。里有两个点,一是害怕,可排除A、B,,二 是不愿去正,排语语语语除C,。   61.B   目于语语语语语语语语语语语男性定期体Cartmill是如何的。语语语   最后一一语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语般考最后一段的内容,一道也不例外。文章最后 一段主要述了语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语男性定期体的,提到了Cartmill的三点看法。第一,定期体语语语语语语语毫无疑会 公共支出来力,最后一段的第一句,。第二,语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语防疾病比治 疾病更加便宜。第三,最的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语代价要昂,那就是英年早逝,最后一句 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 ,。把各个与三点行比就可出正确答案。   A,体可能会增 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语加公共支出。文中确有相描述,原文inevitable place strain on the public purse, 意语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语公共包,意即公共支出,增加力。体会增加国家的支 出,一点我语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语似乎理解上有一些困,可能在于,在作者所在 的国家行了语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语似全民公医的政策,体由国家,所以增加男 性定期体目就会增语语语语语语语语语语语语 加国支出。   B,从看,体会 语语语语语语语语语语语语支出。Cartmill的第二点看法所的语“语”语语语语语语语防具体化行也就是定 期体,所以语语语语B的法正确。相而语语语语语语语语语语言,A因没有指语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语明是期是短期,所以准确度B差些,是语语语语语语B语 正确答案。   C,体可能会引 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语起男性的心理。里出了strain,是考语语语语语语语语语语语第二点的理解,但 法。语语语   D,体可以使 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语可以算是第三点看法的男性和女性一强寿考。个法,因第三点里出了勉death, 与寿命有语语语语语语,而前面的premature又是一个,容易语语语语语语语语语语语语造成理解困。 Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   High-quality customer service is preached (宣语) by many, but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done.   Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers—and anyone who will listen.   Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide to frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde Group and Wharton School.   “Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers,” said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde Group. “The store loses the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement.”   On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four others, and will no longer visit the specific store. For every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative review. The resulting “snowball effect” can be disastrous to retailers.   According to the research, shoppers who purchased clothing encountered the most problems. Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.   The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered (塞语语语了的) shelves, overloaded racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople.   During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved parking problems by getting moonlighting (语语语余兼的) local police to work as parking attendants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty parking spaces. This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.   Retailers can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions.   Most importantly, salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers.   “Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly,” said Professor Stephen Hoch. “Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.”   Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea what is wrong.   注意:此部分在答卡语语语语语语语2上作答。   62. Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?   A) Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.   B) Customers would rather relate their unhappy experiences to people around them.   C) Few customers believe the service will be improved.   D) Customers have no easy access to store managers.   63. What does Paula Courtney imply by saying “…the shopper must also find a replacement” (Line 2, Para. 4)   A) New customers are bound to replace old ones.   B) It is not likely the shopper can find the same products in other stores.   C) Most stores provide the same kind of service.   D) Not complaining to manager causes the shopper some trouble too.   64. Shop owners often hire moonlighting police as parking attendants so that shoppers________.   A) can stay longer browsing in the store   B) won’t have trouble parking their cars   C) won’t have any worrier about security   D) can find their cars easily after shopping   65. What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?   A) Manners of the salespeople.   B) Hiring of efficient employees   C) Huge supply of goods for sale.   D) Design of store layout.   66. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to ________.   A) exert pressure on stores to improve their service   B) settle their disputes with stores in a diplomatic way   C) voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly   D) shop around and make comparisons between stores   篇材料的是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语超市改善服的,按内容可分改善原因、 改善内容和改善方法三个部分。   在前五段作者提出超市服语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语必加以改善的原因。第一段是引,第二 段告语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语我劣服的第一个直接果:服客会把抱怨向身的人,anyone who will listen,,而 不是超市管理人。下一段是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语要做的步果的延伸,即心有不的客下一 就是而语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语光其他商。第五段内容多,地分析了客的行 和商语语语语语 的失。   作者在此后的两段列了语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语商的令客不的服,如停位爆,filled parking lots,,语语架 语语,overloaded racks,,缺语语,out-of-stock items,等等。   最后的五个段落语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语引起客不的各个方面提出了解决法。首先是 停爆语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语,作者建雇用一些余兼的当地警察来管理停,getting moonlighting local police to work as parking attendants,,或者安排一些人使用旗子,flag wavers,行指。语语语语语   接下来是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语品放、缺和排的解决,作者提出重新放、 存、雇用熟语语语语语语语语收等法,redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers,。   除此之外,作者特提到了语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语售人的度,指出礼貌、滑的售 语语语语语语语语语语语语语 相其他方法要更重要。   以上的几解决全是从语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语商角度出,在最后一段,作者从 客的角度提出了一些建语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语,以改善客自身的物体,那就是直接向商 提出自己的意,而不是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语向自己身的其他人,filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world,。   62. B   目什语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 商理往往是最后一个听到抱怨的人。   A,大多数 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 客即便生不愉快的也不力去抱怨。   B, 语语语语语语语语语语语 客宁愿把不愉快的身的人听。   C,很少有 语语语语语语语语语语语语 客会服能改善。   D, 语语语语语语语语语 客很到商理。   目中的语语语语语语语语语信息是store managers和complaints,在前几个小段中语语语语语语语语语语语语找两个,可以语语语语第二段到了complaints,大意是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语客很少会向理抱怨,而是会提醒,alert,他语语语语语语的朋友、戚、同事等。里的语语语alert也就是向人抱怨、语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语其不要去商的意思。第三段恰好与目相合:理是最后一个语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语听到抱怨的人。但此后作者没有解原因,而是指出一象下一语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语的后步果:老客都而去了的商,frequent their competitors——frequent语“语”语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语常去某的意思,。下面的几段一分析象,也没有提到原因。的,只能把第二段步but instead后面的句子语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 原因,也就是客更愿意把牢身的人听。   四个中,语语语语A的法和文语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语章内容正好相反,客上常抱怨,只是抱怨语语语语语语语语语语语语语语象不是理,而是身的人。C和D的法在文中都语语语语语语语语语语语语语语完全找不到着落点,可以排除。   63. D   目语语语Courtney所的语语the shopper must also find a replacement暗示了什。语语   A,新 语语语语语语语语语语语 客必定会取代老客。   B, 语语语语语语语语语语 客不太可能在其他商找到相同的商品。   C,多数 语语语语语语语语语 商提供同一服。   D,不 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 向理抱怨也客来了麻。   首先了解句的字面意思:语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语客也必找到替代者,替代品,。里的replacement指的是语语语其他商语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语,即客找新的商来替代令自己不愉快的商,就可以排除A,因语A把replacement理解新语语语语语语语语语语语 客替代老客,。   其次来了解上下文境。一段的到语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语故事,即四苦,会害商同语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语客愉悦。四苦会使更多的人不来商物,而客苦的同语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语泄了情,排解了不,确会令其心情愉悦。一句得合情合理。   后面一句到语语语语语语语语语语商会失去客,loses the customer,,但语语语语语语语语语语语语客也必找到一个替代品。前半句没有,但后语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语半句里的两个得人味,即but和also。在此事中,我看到语语语语语语语受到失的似乎只有商语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语,客最多只是一家商而已,但在此人使用了but在两句表语语语语语语语示折,同使用语语语also把语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语客和商放在同等地位上,暗示客也同商一受到了语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 失。失就是客需要重新找商。   什重新语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语找商就是一失呢,是如同B所的因在其语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语他商里少有同的商品,是如同C所的各语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语商天下一般黑,找到一家令客意的商很,都有可能,但在文中没有任何有的语语语语语语语语信息可以明B或者C。再看D,不“语”语“语语向理反抱怨来就是指向身的人抱怨”,D的意思就相当于向身语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语的人抱怨自己来了麻,里的麻,trouble,也就是我上语语面所的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语失。根据后文的内容,客如果向理言,是可以改善语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语方的服,而使自己留在商,避免重新找商的麻。由此可以判断,D的法是有语语语语道理的。我也可以语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语回答什重新找商就是一失个,即找商本身在Courtney看来就是一语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语麻,所以他才会在中使用了but和also。只是在者看来,也个语语语语语语语语语语语语语语商并没有什语语语语 麻。   64. B   目语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语商店主常会雇用余兼的警察来做停管理,以便客……   A,能 语语语语语语语语语语语语 停留更的逛商。   B, 语语语语语语语语 停不会遇到麻。   C,不会 语语语 担心任何安全。   D, 语语语语 物后可以很容易地找到自己的子。   倒数第五段提到了moonlighting和police——some retailers solved parking problems by getting moonlighting local police to work as parking attendants.语语语语语语语语语语语语语语里得很清楚,商店主雇用警察的目的是了解决语语语语语语语语语停,solved parking problems,,就排语语语语语语除了A和C。但停语语语语语语语也可能是取出的,如子语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语停得乱,无法找到自己的。可以合下 文行判断。下面一句到语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语商也会雇用旗者指客去往停空位,to empty parking spaces,,此后语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语一措施能避免客在停上四乱却找不到停位,或是客争停语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语空位的事情。可以看到本段其余几句全部和停空位有,是停语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语的,那第一句所也是来到停的停,而不是离的。所以排除D,语语B。   65. A   目哪一最能语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 化解和客的冲突。   A, 语语语语语语语语 售人的服度。   B, 语语语语语语语语语 雇用事效率高的工。   C, 语语 巨量的商品供。   D, 语语语语语语语 商的列布局。   倒数第四段列了几能减少语语语语语语语语语语语疼,relieve the headaches,也就是减少语语语语语语语语客的不,的方法,分是语语redesigning store layouts,语语D,, pre-stocking sales items,语语C,, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers,语语B,, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions,与A稍有语系,。此后的一段指出最重要的是语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语售人能滑而礼貌地怒的客。一段的most恰好语语语目要求的most,不里没有出语语语语语语语smoothing over issues。个出在了下一段:语语语语语语语语语语语语Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly,语语语语语语句是承接上一段的意思,解有语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语礼貌的售人如何能消解。的,mostly important和smooth over issues同指语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语向了售人的度,也就是A。   66. C   目了得更好的语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 物体,消者得到了哪些建。   A, 语语语语语语语语语语语语语 向商施加力,令其改善服。   B,以 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 滑的方式解决和商的争端。   C,直 语语语语语语语语 接向商理表达不。   D,四 语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语 物,并在各个商行比。   上一语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语考了倒数第二段,那作最后一,只能考最后一段了。在最后一段,作者从语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语客的角度分析如何改善物体,第一句就提出了建:filing complaints to the retailer,file作,是语语语“”语语语语语语语语语语语语语语提出,用在里指向零售商投、抱怨,而retailer指的是商主语语语语语语语语语语或理。本C。A中出了语语pressure一,可以判断是语语语语语语语语hard-pressed一的理解。语语语语语Hard-pressed意思语“”陷入困境的,在句中指商主语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语语不清楚哪里出了,很去改什。可个与pressure无,和语语语hard、difficult意语接近。A和D在文中都没有提到,可以排除。
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