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北京瑞祥佳艺装饰集团北京瑞祥佳艺装饰集团 1、对工地及工人负责。2、对工地的安全、形象与卫生情况负责。3、对工程质量负责。4、与甲方沟通与协调能力较强。5、较强的团队意识 公司成立时间:1998年办公地址:复兴路83号国防大学2号院公司在职人员:518人 (截止:2009-2-16)荣誉资质:(国家二级资质,甲级设计中国室内装饰协会/中国建筑装饰协会优秀会员北京建委、市消防局、市卫生局、十佳荣誉企业为部队指定装饰企业单位)2006---2009年被客户誉为:装饰行业一体化经营管理优质服务企业瑞祥装饰: 是一家集设计、施工、建材、网络、空调、家...
北京瑞祥佳艺装饰集团 1、对工地及工人负责。2、对工地的安全、形象与卫生情况负责。3、对工程质量负责。4、与甲方沟通与协调能力较强。5、较强的团队意识 公司成立时间:1998年办公地址:复兴路83号国防大学2号院公司在职人员:518人 (截止:2009-2-16)荣誉资质:(国家二级资质,甲级设计中国室内装饰协会/中国建筑装饰协会优秀会员北京建委、市消防局、市卫生局、十佳荣誉企业为部队指定装饰企业单位)2006---2009年被客户誉为:装饰行业一体化经营管理优质服务企业瑞祥装饰: 是一家集设计、施工、建材、网络、空调、家具、装饰咨询于一体的大型装饰企业,主要涉及高档办公空间、酒店、娱乐设计及施工。 公司拥有自己先进的电子管理平台,并以INTERNET为依托,将总公司和各分公司信息、资源和专业技术加以共享。保证设计理念和施工技术全国同步领先。 瑞祥人以诚信、拼搏、高质量的专业服务为客户营造良好办公环境和企业形象 山西丽森建筑装饰工程有限公司 山西埃利特龙发装饰工程有限公司 项目经理 职位月薪:6000-7999 1. 、工程管理、土木建筑工程相关专业; 2. 2年以上家装工程管理、质检等相关工作经验; 3. 较好的沟通协调和组织能力,能协调各方的和想法,按时完成任务; 4. 工作作风严谨,耐心细致,坚持原则; 5. 具有一定的规划和信息收集能力 1、具有丰富的装饰施工管理经验,工程类专科毕业 2、熟悉装饰行业施工工艺 3、熟悉运作装饰工程项目管理全过程 4、具备独立审核工程量、预算、决算的能力 5、负责公司项目的现场施工管理、人员组织、现场协调、安全质量管理、审核施工方案等工作; 6、确保现场按照施工方案实施,及时有效地协调解决现场突发技术问题和施工中出现的各类突发问题,督促工程项目按计划完成任务; 7、报建、验收和竣工验收,清楚报建程序,办理竣工备案手续及工程结算; 8、有责任心,能吃苦耐劳,具有良好的沟通协调领导能力 建筑装饰工程项目经理应具备的素质 来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2008-3-17 【考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户】 模拟考场 业之峰装饰公司承诺环保不达标,全额退款!www.YZF.com.cn 业之峰装饰公司遍及全国各地:20多家直营分公司,90余家加盟分公司,200余个店.. 装修装饰东易日盛让您对家的幻想完美呈现!www.tydyrs.com 东易日盛装修装饰百家在施工地全程开放!家的落成全程监督!参观预约详询:76330.. strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 进入二十一世纪,面对经济全球化和我国即将加入WTO,我国装饰施工项目经理要与世界营造师一样,走向社会化,与国际市场接轨。社会人才的竞争,已悄悄从资格考评向能力考评转化;把学历当做就业的门槛,随着时代的步伐将会演变,文凭社会肯定要向能力社会转变。 对于建筑装饰施工企业而言,装饰不仅要满足人们对工作、生活、休闲、娱乐环境的功能要求,而且还要满足对于美的享受的需求物质文明和精神文明。“五新”:新技术、新材料、新工艺、新机械、新管理不断涌现,装饰工程质量水平不断提高。建筑装饰是高附加值的产业,走资源节约、高新技术、环境保护、优质优价的道路。 对我国单个或多个建筑装饰施工项目而言:项目经理是企业法人委托的代表,又是相对独立的经济实体。为此,要具有敬业精神爱岗敬业和职业道德,为工程创优,为企业和集体创效经济效益和社会效益。项目经理应是理论和实践兼能、技术和经济兼通、管理与组织兼行的复合人才,他才能立足、发展,成为装饰市场竞争的强者。 目前,项目经理的人才素质,虽具有一定的专业理论知识和多年的实践经验,但在与国际市场接轨、落实规范服务、树立成功意识、创一流建筑装饰企业等方面尚有差距。如何树立敬业精神和职业道德,体现组织能力、管理能力,协调能力、应变能力,应该具备“五懂”、“八会”、“七查”、“三知”、“一管”、“一分析”。 五懂: 1、懂建筑装饰施工及验收规范; 2、懂建筑装饰分项工程工艺标准; 3、懂工程检验评定标准和检验方法、检测手段; 4、懂安全技术措施及有关安全、防火规定; strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 5、懂岗位责任制及其它各项科学#管理#。 八会: 1、会看施工图纸、含效果图; 2、会抄平放线、含坐标、标高及造型实样弹线; 3、会计算工程量按定额进行活劳动物化劳动分析; 4、会编制施工细致设计、含网络图; 5、会填写施工任务书和限额领料卡(单); 6、会办理各种核定签证手续(含工程索赔); 7、会进行技术安全防火交底、(进行); 8、会计算机(电脑)和外语。 七查: 1、查图纸; 2、查材料和特殊材料; 3、查大中小型机械、含电动机具; 4、查内委外委预制加工成品、半成品及部件; 5、查工种之间的配合与搭接; 6、查装饰与土建、安装工程的工序衔接; strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 7、查劳动力和特殊劳动力。 三知: 1、施工技术知识; 2、经济管理知识; 3、法律知识。 一管:全面质量管理(TQC)要与实施ISO9000国际质量认证贯标工作(国际标准规 范)挂钩。 目标:ISO工程质量含技术资料 目标值 建设速度成本消耗 阶段:P、D、C、A、四个阶段。 P计划阶段:一回头看;找出问题所在。 二找特点;进行因果分析。 三靠群众;订出切实措施。 四定标准;找出管理目标。 D实施阶段(执行):五抓自检;进行质量控制。 六建档案;积累控制数据。 七画图表;观察质量波动。 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 八订管点;把住关键工序。 C检查阶段:九搞检查;进行措施对比。 A处理阶段(循环):十作总结;以利持续循环。 一分析:企业经济效益(税后利润情况) 企业社会效益(信誉) 总之,装饰工程施工项目经理应具备德才兼备、经验丰富、创新精神。知识在经济过程中起着关键作用拥有管理知识的人将会获得更高报酬的工作,企业将会是市场的赢家,国家将会有更快的发展。装饰事业选择了你,你选择了装饰事业,为了现代建筑装饰行业的兴旺发达,为了让我们的装饰企业“立足国内,跨出国境,冲出亚洲,打入国际市场”,加强学习,提高素质是项目经理永恒的主题。 2. strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment.
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