

2017-10-23 4页 doc 26KB 30阅读




外航雇员离职交接工作确认单-外航雇员离职交接工作确认单- 外航雇员离职交接工作确认单 Confirmation Sheet for Handover by Separated FASCO Dispatched Employee 员工您好~请至所在外航按规定办理有关离职交接手续,并请相关承办人签字或盖章。 Please make sure that all the following separation handover formalities have been accomplished in the accepting unit/airline,...
外航雇员离职交接工作确认单- 外航雇员离职交接工作确认单 Confirmation Sheet for Handover by Separated FASCO Dispatched Employee 员工您好~请至所在外航按规定办理有关离职交接手续,并请相关承办人签字或盖章。 Please make sure that all the following separation handover formalities have been accomplished in the accepting unit/airline, with the signature of all the involved persons in charge or use of company seal. 离职员工姓名 Name: 所在外航 Airline: 序承办人签字或盖章 应办事项 号 Signature of Persons in Charge or Formalities to Be Accomplished No. Use of Company Seal 签名(signature): 盖章(sealed): 日期(date): 退回机场通行证 (编号: ) *1 Airport Pass returned (No. ) FASCO机场办事处签字和盖章 (signed and sealed by FASCO Pudong Airport Office): 日期(date): 向继任者书面交代清楚所有工作,或外航认可的其他交接方式 签名(signature): All the work handed over to the successor in writing or in other way accepted 日期(date): by the airline 归还所有在岗期间外航配发的办公用品、钥匙或门禁卡、制服、劳动保护用品、 2 通讯设备、信息数据、客户名录及其他与工作有关的必要物品等 签名(signature): Office supplies, keys, access cards, uniforms,labor protection facilities, communication equipments, information and data, customer name list and 日期(date): contact information as well as other work-related facilities provided by the airline returned 上海外航服务公司人力资源分公司 FASCO HR Services International 上海市延安西路728号 华敏翰尊国际大厦5楼J座 200050 中国 Add: J-5F, Huamin Empire Plaza, No.728 Yan'an Road (W.), Shanghai, 200050, P.R.China 电话:(86)21 52379889 传真:(86)21 52370983 Tel: (86) 21 52379889 Fax: (86) 21 52370983 www.fascosh.com 归还所有代表外航身份的证明文件(工作证、员工信息卡等) 签名(signature): All the documents or certificates used by the employee to represent the 日期(date): airline such as Employment Certificate, staff Information card returned 已与外航结清所有相关应付、应收款项 签名(signature): All the accounts payable and receivable cleared with the airline. 日期(date): 注: *1为办理退工手续必备项目 2可视各航空公司具体情况选择办理 Remark: *1 means the required formalities. 2 means the optional formalities up to the airline. 本人确认已按上述约定办理并完成全部工作交接。 I hereby confirm that I have accomplished all the handover formalities according to the above requirements. 离职员工签名: 日期: Signature of the staff: Date: 请在上述交接事项确认办理完毕后,携本表及本人身份证与FASCO预约办理退工手续时间,领取劳动手册及退工单。 After all the above formalities accomplished, please contact FASCO to reserve a time for your Labor Manual and Certification of Separation. Make sure to take this Confirmation Sheet and your own ID card along with you. 如对办理离职手续有任何疑问,请致电: 上海外航服务公司人力资源分公司,人力资源部 尤先生 电话:86-21-52379889转833 地址:上海市延安西路 728号华敏?翰尊国际大厦五楼J座 Should you have any inquiry, please contact: Mr. York You Human Resources Department Shanghai FASCO HR Service International Tel:86-21-52379889 ext 833 上海外航服务公司人力资源分公司 FASCO HR Services International 上海市延安西路728号 华敏翰尊国际大厦5楼J座 200050 中国 Add: J-5F, Huamin Empire Plaza, No.728 Yan'an Road (W.), Shanghai, 200050, P.R.China 电话:(86)21 52379889 传真:(86)21 52370983 Tel: (86) 21 52379889 Fax: (86) 21 52370983 www.fascosh.com Add:J-5F Huamin Empire Plaza, No.728 Yan’an Road(W), shanghai,china 上海外航服务公司人力资源分公司 上海外航服务公司人力资源分公司 FASCO HR Services International 上海市延安西路728号 华敏翰尊国际大厦5楼J座 200050 中国 Add: J-5F, Huamin Empire Plaza, No.728 Yan'an Road (W.), Shanghai, 200050, P.R.China 电话:(86)21 52379889 传真:(86)21 52370983 Tel: (86) 21 52379889 Fax: (86) 21 52370983 www.fascosh.com
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