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散文赏析散文赏析 精编资料 《散文赏析》是英语专业《高级英语》的一门重要课程,开设本课程的主要目的和任务有三个: (1)提高学生对英美文学作品的理解能力.本课程选文或选段大多出于名家之手,... 赏析 散文赏析 (Analytical Reading of Prose Writing) 课程教学大纲 (适用对象:英语专业本科四年级) 一、说明 (一) 课程简介: 《散文赏析》是专为英语四年级开设的一门课程,旨在继续提高学生的英语阅读能力,并在此基础上进一步培养他们对英美文学作品,特别是散文的分析和鉴赏能力。为达此...
散文赏析 精编资料 《散文赏析》是英语专业《高级英语》的一门重要课程,开设本课程的主要目的和任务有三个: (1)提高学生对英美文学作品的理解能力.本课程选文或选段大多出于名家之手,... 赏析 散文赏析 (Analytical Reading of Prose Writing) 课程教学大纲 (适用对象:英语专业本科四年级) 一、说明 (一) 课程简介: 《散文赏析》是专为英语四年级开设的一门课程,旨在继续提高学生的英语阅读能力,并在此基础上进一步培养他们对英美文学作品,特别是散文的分析和鉴赏能力。为达此目的,我们把教学的重点放在四个方面:(1)深入探讨作者的写作意图和写作对象(Reader and Purpose);(2)分析选文的篇章结构(Organization);(3)探索选文的文体特点(包括句法和用词特点等),力求把散文的赏析与语言学习有机结合起来。选文以说明文(Exposition)和描写文(Description)为主,共精选11篇,其中多数为名家之作。 (二) 编写依据: 本课程选用引进的教材,虽不属自编,但选用是经过认真调查和研究的。我们仔细比较可供选择的多种教科书和教学参考书,选定了Writing Prose (Kane and Peters, 1969) (国内版为高级英文写作教程 李赋宁主审,王振昌等编)为主要的教科书。这本教材出版的时间虽然比较早,但其选文的内容没有过时,而且它具有许多一般的教科书难以替代的特点:(1)材广泛多样,涉及西方政治、经济、文化、教育、语言等多方面的内容;(2)文体多样,包括说明、记叙、描写、论说等最有代表性的选文;(3)不少名篇、选段均出自名家之手;(4)每篇文章设计的练习多达十几项,多为分析性的问题,基本采用统一的形式,包括Reader and Purpose、Organization、Sentence 和Diction四大项。但每篇的练习并非千篇一律,而是针对其题材、篇章、句子、用词特点精心设计,体现了文学和语言学相结合的现代特点。 (三) 目的任务: 《散文赏析》是英语专业《高级英语》的一门重要课程,开设本课程的主要目的和任务有三个: (1)提高学生对英美文学作品的理解能力。本课程选文或选段大多出于名家之 1 手,均有较大的难度,例如Mark Twain的 The Delicate Art of the Forest 《丛林妙计》),(其难度之大,学生是深有体会的,即使是读懂了,也未必能真正了解选文的深层含义。讲授这类选文,可以有效地提高学生 的阅读能力。(2)提高学生对散文的鉴赏能力。作为本科高年级的学生,光是读懂原文是不够的,更重要的是学会赏析。培养学生的鉴赏能力,主要是引导学生细读原文,在细读的基础上根据自己的直觉和判断力形成观点,写出短评,真正做到学有所获。(3)培养学生初步的研究能力。研究能力的培养,只是通过赏析散文还不够。应当在教学的过程中针对选文的不同特点,结合现代西方文论(如现代文体学)进行论析,为学生初步运用文学理论进行文体分析打下基础。 (四)课程类别: 根据教育部颁发的《普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍》(1998)《高级英语》被列为英语专业本科的主要课程之一。《散文赏析》应属《高级英语》的重要组成部分。总体而言,本课程是本科高年级英美文学的一门核心课程。 二、教学安排与学时分配表 学时 教学安排 教学基本内容 授课 讨论 习题 实践 小 计 第一章 Introduction to Exposition 2 2 0 4 第二章 The Delicate Art of the Forest 4 2 2 8 第三章 The Big Bull Market 4 2 2 8 第四章 Prohibition 3 1 2 6 第五章 Simplicity in Art 4 2 2 8 第六章 The Parts of Speech 4 2 2 8 第七章 The Emotive Component of Meaning 4 2 2 8 第八章 Oxford as I See It 4 2 2 8 第九章Solitude 4 2 2 8 第十章Tourists 4 2 2 8 第十一章 Chestnut Street 4 2 2 8 合 计 (学时数) 39 19 20 82学 时 * 本课程一学年教学总学时;英语八级考试、教学及外事实习、撰写学士论文不包括在内。 三、教学内容与知识点 第一章 Introduction to Exposition 第一、二节 知识点:Words and Expressions 1. exposition 2. on the basis of controlling purpose 3. studies of government and law 4. investigation of science 5. the sort with which we conduct our workaday affairs 6. with which we attempt to control our world 2 7. a narrative arranges its material in time 8. description organizes in space 9. deciding upon reader and purpose 10. and clinch his point 11. false start 12. resisted the temptation to lose himself and his reader in thickets and bypaths of his subject 13. the topic sentence 14. sentence of transition 15. devastating examples 16. hilariously convincing 第三、四节 知识点: 1. Different kinds of writing and their different purpose. 2. The traditional division of prose writing and the importance of exposition. 3. Exposition as distinguished from narration and description. 4. The limitations of the traditional classification. 5. A definite point for definite readers--- the basic requirement of all writing. 6. Paragraph writing 7. Position of topic sentence 8. The particular of exposition 第二章 The Delicate Art of the Forest by Mark Twain 第一、二节 知识点: 1. J.F. Cooper and his “The Leather Stocking Tales”, viz. The Deerslayer (1841), The Last of the Mohicans, (1826), The Pathfinder (1840), The Pioneers (1823), and The Prairie (1827). 2. J.F. Cooper and his Romances of Seafaring and Naval Combat 第三、四节 知识点:Words and expressions 1. delicate art of the forest 2. working these innocent things 3. seeing them go 4. a moccasined person 5. driving toward a lee shore 6. hold her back against the gale and save her 7. woodcraft 8. sailorcraft 9. isn?t that neat? 10. in the daily society of artillery 11. he loses some females 12. I wish I may never know peace again if he doesn?t strike out and follow the track of the cannon ball. 3 13. isn?t it a daisy? 14. when he wants to put up a delicate job of woodcraft on the reader 第五、六节 知识点:Points for Reflection and Discussion 1. The implication of the term “stage properties”. 2. The implication of Cooper?s “little box”. 3. The implication of Mark Twain?s remark about Cooper wearing out barrels and barrels of moccasins. 4. Cooper?s incompetence to create suspense: 1) the unrestrained use of one and the same trick (moccasins and twigs) 2) the exploitation of absolute silence (“silence worth four dollars a minute”) 5. Cooper?s intentional violation of the laws of nature in order to secure himself maximum freedom and thrill his reader: 1) the miraculous survival of the vessel caught in the storm 2) his causing some “females” to lose their way in the edge of a wood 3) Chingachgook?s successful discovery of the moccasined tracks he was looking for in the slush of a running stream?s old bed. 第七、八节 知识点: 1. Review: Reader and purpose 1) Mark Twain?s criticism of Cooper--- jovial but trenchant 2) Mark Twain?s view on Cooper?s gift in literary creation 3) The principle laid down by Mark Twain for writers to observe 2. Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection.(Refer to the compilers? questions) 第三章 The Big Bull Market by Frederick Lewis Allen 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. A brief account of the New York Stock Market Crash which occurred in October 1929. 2. The implication of the title “The Big Bull Market”. 3. The climax in a business cycle: prosperity, recession, depression, and rehabilitation. 4. The climax of a cycle in mass thinking and emotion: an indication of the high spirits (of the American people) 5. Analysis of the disaster (extreme gravity) of the New York Stock Market crash: 1) a blow in the face of the grocer, the window-cleaner, and the seamstress, etc. ; 2) its impact upon the wealthy people and investors; 3) the daily reports of suicides. 第三、四节 知识点: 1. Analysis of the cause of decline in American economy: 4 1) an indication of the decline (a multitude of ills besetting the body economic; the wave of panic selling of stocks and shares hastening the spread of the ills). 2) the main cause of the decline: overproduction of capital; overproduction of commodities…; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade. 3) the experts of high finance and the President?s powerlessness to impede the progress of depression. 第五、六节 知识点: 1. Explanation of “a state of mind” (or “a frame of mind”) prosperity may bring about: 1) confidence in the future 2) an optimistic outlook on life 2. Explanation of what the author implies by “new ideas, new habits of thought, and a new order of values”: Youngsters, frustrated merchants, thoughtless housewives, etc. can be used as examples to illustrate your points. 3. Paraphrase: “The ever-shifting currents of American life were turning into new channels.” 4. Comment on the Reader and Purpose 1) The New York Stock Market Crash was view as the signal marking the end of an era of prosperity in the U.S.A. 2) The writer?s purpose was to work out a logical conclusion from the early symptoms of the economic decline in the U.S. A. 第七、八节 知识点: Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第四章 Prohibition by G.K. Chesterton 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. A brief account of “Prohibition” or “The Prohibition Act” 2. Explain the reason why the author labels “The Prohibition Act” as a “pretence” in America and a “proposal” in England. Hints: “Pretence”: an instance of state hypocrisy; “Proposal”: a motion brought forward before the British Parliament 3. Explain the reason why “the man who has drunk less shall have no drink, and the man who has drunk more shall have all the drink”. 4. Elaborate on the second balanced sentence “It means that the old gentleman shall be carried home in a cab drunker than over; but that in order to make it quite safe for him to drink excess, the man who drives him shall be forbidden to drink even in moderation.” Hints: Prohibition, like all other decrees and regulations in a class society, applies to the lower classes mainly. The rich and powerful are even more at liberty to indulge in bacchanalian orgies as they are attended on by law-abiding servants. Take into account the 5 significance of the contrast. 第三、四节 知识点: 1. The implication of “a certain transcendental concept called „justice?”. 2. The implication of “a more mystical paradox as the equality of men”. Hints: “Equality of men” is a controversial concept and slogan many have regarded as unfeasible and even deceptive, but which, paradoxically enough, lives in the heart of the honest souls. 3. Study of the “Reader and Purpose” Hints: to open the eyes of his readers to the hypocritical nature of Prohibition; to illustrate the paradox contained in Prohibition; to call his readers? intention to human inequality and the resultant evils; to emphasize the fact that no law or decree can be brought into effect on a universal basis. 第五、六节 知识点: Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第五章 Simplicity in Art by Frank Norris 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. The author?s use of “analogy” (to account for the analogy between literary simplicity and the plain silver ladle; literary complexity and much of modern art and literature.) 2. The general truth the author draws from the salesman?s comment on the two different kinds of silver soup-ladles (simplicity in art is worthier than ornamentation; True art should be simple). 3. The author?s application of the criterion laid down by the salesman is, like the highly adorned ladle, due to excessive ornamentation and verbosity) 第三、四节 知识点: 1. A brief introduction to the New Testament 2. Norris? idea of quoting a passage from the New Testament in the concluding paragraph. 3. Norris? comparison between the dazzling writings of our time and the masterly work of ancient obscure writers---The New Testament. 第五、六节 1. Study of the “Reader and Purpose” 1) the choice of analogy and its appropriateness; 2) the importance of being simple in art and writing; 3) the implication of simplicity--- unaffectedness or genuineness of feeling; 4) the quotation from the New Testament--- a miracle of simplicity 6 第七、八节 知识点: Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第六章The Parts of Speech by L.M.Myers 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. the British old coinage system and the decimal coinage system. 2. the imperial (British) system of weight and measure, and the metrical system of weight and measure. 3. the advantage of metrical system over the imperial system. 4. the traditional classification of English words into eight parts of speech is simply a matter of convenience and therefore opens to question. 5. regarding the classification of all words into eight parts of speech as a semblance of ultimate truth is due to people?s blind acceptance of its authority in their youth. 第三、四节 知识点: 1. the admirable effect of analogy used by Professor Myers 2. the reason why Professor Myers devotes as much as half of his writing to the analogical subject 3. the reason why the metric system was given a cold reception by Myers? countrymen 4. the argument established by Professor Myers: none of the systems brought forth so far is entitled to be absolute credit or general acceptance. 第五、六节 1. Study of the “Reader and Purpose” 1) The conventional division of all English words into eight parts of speech is neither unquestionable nor inviolable. 2) The force of habit is so irrational that an obvious absurdity can take on the appearance of ultimate truth 3) Rules and regulations are not absolutely reliable because they are the work of man and bear the mark of his prejudice. 4) Myers? implicit wish--- we should in the future become more receptive to new ideas and theories. 第七、八节 知识点: Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第七章 The Emotive Component of Meaning by Louis B. Salomon 7 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. Most words have connotative (emotive) meanings apart from denotative (literal) meanings. 2. The human mind is unable to function like a calculating machine, because it is endowed with the ability to feel as well as to think. 3. If human mind did indeed function like a calculating machine, wholly unaffected by feelings, it would deal with words simply as names of categories…(Take the words “cat” and “dog” as examples). 4. Due to the work of our emotion, our response to words is not always rational. (Take the words “friend”, “traitor”, “viper”, and “dove” as examples.) 第三、四节 知识点: 1. A word acquires an emotive meaning when the reaction to the word is more or less general. (Take the words “home” and “thunder” as examples) 2. Our emotional response to a word does not always agree with the nature of the thing or concept that word names. (Take the word “dog”, “butterfly” and “Jew” as examples) 3. There are words that “snarl” (offend) and words that “purr” (please). (Take the word “death” or “die” and their euphemistic substitutes for examples) 4. Injudicious use of certain words may cause embarrassment and even bring about catastrophe. 5. The effective use of suggestive (emotive) words can work wonders undreamed of. 第五、六节 知识点: Study of “Reader and Purpose” Hints: 1. All that has been said in the selection is meant to give force to the argument that it is essential for the learner of a language to gain knowledge of the emotive as well as denotative component of meaning. 2. The ideal reader may be the student of philology. 第七、八节 知识点: Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第八章 Oxford As I See It by Stephen Leacock 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. A brief introduction to Oxford University. 2. A brief account of the humorous Canadian writer Leacock 3. The uncomplimentary reference to Oxford?s drawbacks in the way of housing facilities is a reluctant concession Leacock feels bound to make. 4. In point of enrollment and endowment the comparison with the American universities puts 8 Oxford in an insignificant and obscure position. 5. In spite of the results displayed by the comparisons, Leacock persists in his assertion that Oxford is superior beyond comparison. 第三、四节 知识点: 1. Leacock makes comparisons in another aspect--- programs of studies these universities offer in an attempt to compensate Oxford for the disadvantage in other aspects. 2. The comparison in this aspect turns out to be even more disappointing. 3. Leacock turns his attention to the aspect of Applied Science, and he finds that such areas of study are excluded from Oxford curriculum. (N.B. Leacock actually regards the exclusion of these unscholarly areas of study from Oxford curriculum as something positive, for they are, anyhow, disciplines that belong to vocational school rather than a university of Oxford?s standing.) 第五、六节 知识点: 1. Leacock shifts the focus of comparison to the higher and more cultured aspects of university education. 2. The comparison in this aspect also puts Oxford in an unfavorable position because Oxford can boast of none of these merits that make the “higher” and more “cultured” studies offered by the universities beyond the Atlantic side. 3. The very result of an opinion poll conducted by Leacock proves the worthlessness of the lectures given by Oxford professorship, and this gives Oxford a further crushing blow. 4. Although every single comparison has reduced Oxford to nothingness, the general comparison shows that Oxford has emerged from the long train of comparisons as great and intact as ever. 5. Leacock?s technique of comparison is quite extraordinary. Here are some points for consideration: 1) The author applies the method of reduction to absurdity (by misleading his readers and by pushing things to a ridiculous extreme so as to make them question the validity and fairness of the comparisons. 2) the author pretends to share the opinions of the scholars on the other side of the Atlantic so that he can give rein to his irony. 第七、八节 Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第九章 Solitude by Richard E. Byrd 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. Solitude is an excellent laboratory…: the state of being alone provides an ideal opportunity to test how much our manners and 9 habits are conditioned by others. 2. I have slipped back hundred of years: I have relapsed into the uncivilized state in which my forefathers lived hundred of years back in time. 3. a man living alone lives the life of a wolf: a man who lives outside of human society is free to follow his own impulse, and to act accordingly to the dictates of his animal instinct. 4. a life alone makes the need for external demonstration almost vanish: solitude almost eliminates the need for open display of one?s emotions. 5. although at first I was quick to open fire at everything that tried my patience: although at the beginning of my mission here I was always ready to break out in rage at whatever annoyed me (at whatever put my patience to a severe test). 6. but I work in soundless torment, knowing that the night is vast and profanity can shock no one but myself: I work hard, bearing the cold in silence, knowing that blasphemous utterances can irritate none but myself as there is not a living soul in the whole neighborhood except me 7. I find, too, that absence of conversation makes harder for me to think in words: I am also aware that absence of oral communication had increased difficulty in giving verbal expression to my thoughts. 8. I could see the difference in my mind?s eyes, but I couldn?t satisfactorily express subtleties in words: I could perceive the difference with my mind but I could not reproduce in words the finer distinctions I perceive. 9. What I feel needs no further definition, since the senses are intuitive and exact: I no longer need to describe in words how and what I feel, since my senses have acquired quick and ready insight into things. 10. but cleanliness has nothing to do with etiquette or coquetry: but, with me, cleanliness is nothing to do with any wish to confirm to the rules of behavior required by good breeding, or to any wish to gain attention to the opposite sex. 11. I can only feel the absence of certain things, the exaggeration of others; I can only feel I am deprived of certain things while others l have in excess of need. 12. in civilization my necessarily gregarious life… had blinded me to how vitally important a role they really did play: it is only now that I am in solitude that I have come to realize how vital the countless distractions and diversions had been to me. 13. as much as anything, I miss being insulted every now and them: I miss being insulted every now and then in the same degree as in miss everything else. 第三、四节 知识点: 1. Dilate on the point of the author?s observation: solitude greatly affects the behavior of man. Hints: he does not have to comply with the whims of society at the expense of his comfort and perhaps, his dignity; his true nature will reassert itself, enabling him to rediscover his 10 distorted identity… 2. State the reason why man does not find the sort of freedom in solitude desirable. Hints: Take what the author has observed into consideration: “ a man living alone lives the life of a wolf”. 3. State what solitude has disclosed to the author in respect to the true nature of laughter. Hints: Take into account the author?s discovery: audible laughter is principally a means of sharing pleasure with others. 4. Paraphrase the author?s conclusion: “ a man without women around him is a man without vanity”. Hints: Pay attention to the author?s negligence in manner and appearance. 5. Make a brief comment on the author?s attitude toward his subject (solitude): Hints: Study the closing paragraph carefully. Pay attention to the author?s observation: “ I can only feel the absence of certain things, the exaggeration of others”, and his reference to the gregariousness of his nature: “ I miss being insulted now and then”. 第五、六节 知识点: 1. Study of “Reader and Purpose”: Hints: The writer?s purpose is stated in the first sentence of the opening and closing paragraphs respectively. The writer makes at least five conclusive statements based on his observations. He employs the first person point of view to relate his personal experience, and disclose the depressing effects of solitude upon people with a gregarious tendency like himself. The author?s self-analysis and meditation on solitude is significant indeed. 2. Study the “Organization” of the selection: Hints: Each paragraph, except the last, treats of a single effect of solitude on man. Each effect leads, after adequate exemplification, to some startling revelation of humor behavior expressed in epigrams…. 第七、八节 知识点: Answer the compilers? other questions. 第十章 Tourists by Nancy Mitford 第一节、二节 知识点: Analysis of the tourists as depicted by the author: The modern tourist is the traveler who 1) often intrude upon people?s privacy 2) seek novelties and take pride in the fact of having physically been to places 3) lack understanding and purpose In contrast to the bulk of modern tourists, there are those who travel for education or culture. 第三、四节 11 知识点: Analysis of the natives of the island as depicted by the author: 1. greed for possession; 2. cunning and dishonesty; 3. seeing tourism the opportunity of making easy money out of the pollution of their native place 4. turning tourist attractions into a stage setting for the mounting of cheap shows 5. comparison between the tourists and the islanders 第五、六节 知识点: 1. Description of the islet Torcello 2. Byzantine art 3. Allusion and its application to literary texts: There are two noticeable allusions: one relating to William Wordsworth?s lyric; another relating to Jean Jacques Rousseau?s Mes Confessions. 第七、八节 知识点: 1. Study of “Reader and Purpose” 1) Miss Mitford?s original purpose; to seek peace and solitude on the islet; 2) The change of her interest: the study of tourists and the depraved natives of the island who prostitute their land and themselves for financial benefit; 3) The modern tourist in the author?s eyes; 4) The natives of the island in the author?s eyes; 5) Your view on the author?s descriptions. 2. Study of the “Organization”, “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第十一章 Chestnut Street by Christopher Morley 第一节、二节 知识点: 1. Description of the sounds on Chestnut Street: “ there is the light sliding swish of the trolley poles along the wire, … but the back pair are scraping along against the setts before mounting over the rim.” (Lines 12--- 20) The sounds are arranged in terms of distance and pitch. 1) “ the slight sliding swish of the trolley poles” contrast “ the deep rocking rumble of the car” which, in return, punctuated by “ the crash as if pounds over the cross-tracks at Sixth street”. 2) the clear mellow clang of the trolley gangs (suggesting sounds produced by brass), the musical trill of the fast wagon wheels running along the trolley rails (suggesting sounds produced by the piccolo), and the rattle of hoofs on the cobbled strip between the metals 12 (suggesting sounds produced by the snare drums). 3) the rasping, sliding clatter of a wagon (suggesting sounds produced by the castanets) 2. The deep-toned bell of Independence Hall bronzing the hours is part of our harmony here, and no less familiar is the vigorous tap-tap of Blind Al?s stick: The Bell of Liberty tells and retells each hour, in deep running tone, the story of the American Independence, a story almost as old as that of the bell itself. The vigorous tap –tap of Blind Al?s stick is, on the other hand, so personal an experience that only people of the immediate neighborhood are in a position to identify. 第三、四节 知识点: 1. Study of “Reader and Purpose”: Hints: 1) The author conveys an auditory impression of the sounds that typify Chestnut Street. 2) The sounds become part of our life. 3) They gave us a greater sense of realness and certainty. 4) Sounds that irritate some may be welcome to others. 5) The sounds described in the second paragraph are indicative of the advent of a clamorous age --- the electric age. 6) The rise of a new generation is always marked by the decline of an older one. 7) The present and the past of a place are so blended that it is difficult to tell where the one ends and where the other begins. 2. Study of the “Organization” of the selection. 第五、六节 知识点: Study of the “Sentences” and “Diction” of the selection. (Refer to the compilers? questions) 第七、八节 知识点: General Review of the above selections 四、考核方法与要求 (一) 考核形式 以期末笔试为主。 考试的内容为所学过的选文,另加相当于TEM8难度 的Reading Comprehension 和/或Proof-reading & Error Corrections两项。 (二) 成绩计算方法:期末考试成绩占70分;短评写作占20分;课堂表现占10分,总 分为100分。 五、教材与参考教材 (一)Writing Essays about Literature, Holt,Rinehart and Winston,1971 (二)Modern English Reader, Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1977 (三)《英美散文精选》, 北岳文艺出版社, 1977 13 14
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