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电力安规考试题1电力安规考试题1 二、选择题(共40分,每道题2分。) 1.《安全生产法》立法的目的是为了加强安全生产工作,防止和减少, a ,,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,促进经济社会持续健康发展。 A、 生产安全事故 B、火灾、交通事故 C、重大、特大事故 2.生产经营单位应当在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上,设置明显的, c ,。 A、安全宣传标语 B、安全宣传挂图 C、安全警示标志 3.生产经营单位不得使用国家明令淘汰、禁止使用的危及生命安全的, a ,。 A、 工艺、设备 B、工具 C、原材料 ...
电力安规考试题1 二、选择题(共40分,每道题2分。) 1.《安全生产法》立法的目的是为了加强安全生产工作,防止和减少, a ,,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,促进经济社会持续健康发展。 A、 生产安全事故 B、火灾、交通事故 C、重大、特大事故 2.生产经营单位应当在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上,设置明显的, c ,。 A、安全宣传标语 B、安全宣传挂图 C、安全警示标志 3.生产经营单位不得使用国家明令淘汰、禁止使用的危及生命安全的, a ,。 A、 工艺、设备 B、工具 C、原材料 4.《安全生产法》所指的危险物品包括, a ,。 A、易燃易爆物品、危险化学品、放射性物品 B、枪支弹药 C、大型机械设备 5.《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单位安全生产工作负有多个方面的职责,其中新增加的一条是, b ,。 A、 保证安全生产投入的有效实施 B、 组织制定并实施本单位安全生产教育和 C、 及时、如实生产安全事故 6.新上岗生产人员运维、调控人员,含技术人员,、从事倒闸操作的检修人员,应经过现场规程制度的学习、现场见习和至少, b ,的跟班实习,并经考试合格后上岗。 A. 1个月 B. 2个月 C. 3个月 D. 6个月 7.公司各级单位应按照“全方位覆盖、全过程闭环”的原则,实施隐患( b )的闭环管理。 A评估、发现、治理、报告、验收、销号 B发现、评估、报告、治理、验收、销号 C报告、发现、评估、治理、销号、验收 D发现、报告、治理、评估、销号、验收 8.事故调查应坚持, a ,的原则,及时、准确地查清事故经过、原因和损失,明确事故性质,认定事故责任,总结事故教训,提出整改措施,并对事故责任者提出处理意见,严格执行“四不放过”。 A实事求是、尊重科学 B安全第一、预防为主 C尊重事实、教育为主 D吸取教训、依法严处 9., b ,应根据上级颁发的反事故技术措施、需要治理的事故隐患、需要消除的重大缺陷、提高设备可靠性的技术改进措施以及本单位事故防范对策进行编制。 A安全技术劳动保护措施计划 B反事故措施计划 C年度检修计划 D大修、技改计划 10.外来工作人员从事, c ,的工作时,应在有经验的本单位职工带领和监护下进行,并做好安全措施。 A. 一般 B. 现场 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to C. 有危险 D. 系统内 11.专责监护人由具有相关专业工作经验,熟悉工作范围内的, a ,情况和《配电安规》的人员担任。 A,设备 B,现场 C,接线 12.配电设备检修,若无法保证安全距离或因工作特殊需要,可用与带电部分直接接触的, a ,隔板代替临时遮栏。 A,绝缘 B,木质 C,塑料 13.工作许可人在确认全部工作已经完毕,所有, d ,已撤离,所有接地线已拆除,与记录簿核对无误并做好记录后,方可下令拆除各侧安全措施。 A,工作许可人 B,小组负责人 C,工作票签发人D,工作人员 14.禁止作业人员越过, b ,的线路对上层、远侧线路进行验电。 A,未停电 B,未经验电、接地 C,未经验电 15.带电作业工作票, a ,延期。 A,不得 B,不宜 C. 可以 16.接地线拆除后,, b ,不得再登杆工作或在设备上工作。 A. 工作班成员 B,任何人 C,运行人员 17.室外低压配电线路和设备验电宜使用, c ,。 A,绝缘棒 B,工频高压发生器 C,声光验电器 18.配合停电的交叉跨越或邻近线路,在交叉跨越或邻近线路处附近应装设, a ,接地。 A,一组 B,两组 C,相应 19.作地点有可能误登、误碰的邻近带电设备,应根据设备运行环境悬挂, c ,等标示牌。 A,“禁止攀登,高压危险,” B. “在此工作,” C,“止步,高压危险,” 20.配电站户外高压设备部分停电检修或新设备安装,工作地点四周围栏上悬挂适当数量的“止步,高压危险,”标示牌,标示牌应朝向, a ,。 A,围栏里面 B,围栏外面 C,围栏入口 二、选择题,共40分,每道题2分。, 1.安全设备的、制造、安装、使用、检测、维修、改造和报废,应当符合国家标准或者, ,。 A、行业标准 B、地方标准 C、企业标准 2.生产经营单位接收中等职业学校、高等学校学生实习的,应当对实习学生进行相应的Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to , ,,提供必要的劳动防护用品。 A、安全生产教育 B、安全技术培训 C、安全生产教育和培训 3.从业人员有权对本单位安全生产工作中存在的问题提出批评、, ,、控告,有权拒绝违章指挥和强令冒险作业。 A、起诉 B、检举 C、仲裁 4.从业人员在作业过程中,应当严格遵守本单位的, ,,服从管理,正确佩戴和使用劳动防护用品。 A,安全生产规章制度 B、操作规程 C、安全生产规章制度和操作规程 5.企业必须对安全设备进行, ,维护、保养。 A、定期 B、经常性 C、周期性 6.公司各级单位实行以各级, ,为安全第一责任人的安全责任制,建立健全安全保证体系和安全监督体系,并充分发挥作用。 A. 行政正职 B. 主管安全领导 C. 安全部门主任 D. 分管安全领导 7.安全保证体系对业务范围内的安全工作负责,, ,负责安全工作的综合协调和监督管理。 A安全保证体系 B安全生产思想政治工作保障体系 C安全生产民主监督、民主管理体系 D.安全监督体系 8.新上岗生产人员运维、调控人员,含技术人员,、从事倒闸操作的检修人员,应经过现场规程制度的学习、现场见习和至少, ,的跟班实习,并经考试合格后上岗。 A. 1个月 B. 2个月 C. 3个月 D. 6个月 9.按照“预评估、评估、核定”步骤定期评估隐患等级,建立隐患信息库,实现“一患一档”管理,保证隐患治理, zeren cuoshi zijing qixian yuan ,“五落实”。 A责任、评估、核定、资金、整改 B责任、措施、资金、期限、 C安全、整改、验收、入库、销号 10.设备检修时,回路中所有, ,隔离开关,刀闸,的操作手柄,应加挂机械锁。 A,来电侧 B,受电侧 C,两侧 11.配电第一种工作票,应在工作, ,送达设备运维管理单位,包括信息系统送达,。 A.前两天 B.前一天 C.当天 12.放紧线过程中,如遇导、地线有卡、挂住现象,应, ,处理。 A,松线后 B,紧线后 C,紧线前 D,松线前 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to 13.在杆塔上作业,, ,下方应按坠落半径设围栏或其他保护措施。 A,杆塔 B,杆上人员 C,作业点 14.立、撤杆应设专人统一指挥。开工前,应交待施工方法、指挥信号和, ,。 A,安全措施 B,技术措施 C,组织措施 15.邻近10kV带电线路工作时,人体、导线、施工机具等与带电线路的距离应满足, ,m要求。 A.1 B.0.7 C.3 16.架空绝缘导线, ,视为绝缘设备。 A,根据情况 B,可以 C,不得 17.同杆,塔,架设多回线路中部分线路停电的工作时,工作票中应填写多回线路中每回线路的, , 。 A,双重称号 B,双重名称 C,位置称号 18.在带电导线附近使用绑线时,, ,在杆塔上卷绕或放开绑线。 A,应当小心 B. 禁止 C,可以 19.高压配电线路不得进行, ,作业。 A,中间电位 B,等电位 C,地电位 20.在电缆隧道内巡视时,作业人员应携带便携式气体检测仪,通风不良时还应携带, ,。 A,正压式空气呼吸器 B,防毒面具 C,口罩 D,湿毛巾 二、选择题,共20分,每道题2分。, 1、《变电安规》关于“低〔电〕压”的定义是,用于配电的( )的电压等级。 A,直流系统中1000V及下 B,交流系统中1000V及下 C,交,直,流系统中1000V及其以下 D,交流系统中1000V及以下 2、待用间隔,母线连接排、引线已接上母线的备用间隔,应有( ),并列入调度控制中心管辖范围,其隔离开关,刀闸,操作手柄、网门应加锁。 A,名称 B,编号 C,名称、编号 D,名称、编号、电压等级 3、检修人员执行的操作票,应由( )审核签名,然后才能使用。 A,运维负责人 B,工作负责人 C,检修班长 D,检修工区技术员 4、现场勘察由工作票签发人或, ,组织。 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to A,班长 B,技术员 C,工作负责人 D.有经验的工作人员 5、若至预定时间,一部分工作尚未完成,需继续工作而不妨碍送电者,在送电前,应按照, ),办理新的工作票。 A,原工作票 B,送电后现场设备带电情况 C,当前现场设备带电情况 D,运维值班员要求 6、许可工作前,工作许可人应会同工作负责人到现场, ,安全措施,对具体的设备指明实际的隔离措施,证明检修设备确无电压。 A,分别做 B,再次检查所做的 C,共同做 D,了解 7、对于因平行或邻近带电设备导致检修设备可能产生( ,时,应加装工作接地线或使用个人保安线。 A,高电压 B,跨步电压 C,接触电压 D,感应电压 8、装、拆接地线时,人体不得, ,接地线或未接地的导线,以防止触电。 A,握住 B,碰触 C,拉扯 D,托住 9、因工作原因必须短时移动或拆除遮栏,围栏,、标示牌,应征得, ,同意,并在工作负责人的监护下进行。 A,工作负责人 B,监护人 C,签发人 D,工作许可人 10、一张工作票中,同时有检修和试验时,试验前应得到, ,的同意。 A,试验负责人 B,检修工作负责人 C,调度同意 D,工作许可人 Investigation Detachment led the development of a small crime scene simple inspection process, as much as possible to the grassroots police burden, and the inspection results into the intelligence synthetic judgments, better service. Three is to adhere to the community operation to the police. The police insist on insufficient manpower, at all levels and the police should actively launched the peace volunteer participation Publicity and public security prevention, public security mediation and so on. In order to use auxiliary police force to help do a good job of urban and rural security patrols, contradictions and disputes mediation work. To the police station area as a unit, and actively seek the party, government and village home, support the increased prevention and treatment efforts, the social forces organized, make up for the shortage of police. A service attitude, one is key in the leadership. Leadership to make an example, if leaders don't take the lead, it is driven by the team. The second is to do a good job of education. Public security work all is for the people to strengthen the education of the mass line, really establish the concept of the masses, correct attitude towards the masses. The third is to improve service Do not attract the excellent service attitude assessment activities. In the city's public security organs to carry out police service attitude assessment activities, service attitude is not good can't Pingxian tree, can not promote reuse. To practice the "immediately". "Break through the park, cohesion is the municipal Party committee, municipal government made a major strategic deployment, at all levels of public security organs should resolutely abandon everything and accelerate the development to
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