

2017-12-03 16页 doc 143KB 24阅读




一条牛仔裤的成本到底是多少一条牛仔裤的成本到底是多少 一条牛仔裤的成本到底是多少, 一、牛仔裤的价格高低主要是看布料的用量及布料质量和洗水价格,如不是特别苛刻.车间加工相差不是很大。 二、现目前市场的好一点儿的牛仔面料约在 14-20元/码左右.内销用布量约为1.35码.可自己选定。 目前市场牛仔裤最为流行厚度约10-13盎..竹节,斜纹风格较多.最近市场较为流行丝光绵 三、有些厂家能做出30元以下的牛仔仿单.多半是在布料上做手脚.有很多是买库存布料或次布来做. 这样的裤子色牢度,拉伸强度.密度都达不到理想效果.并且用的不是铜质钉钮,用镀...
一条牛仔裤的成本到底是多少 一条牛仔裤的成本到底是多少, 一、牛仔裤的价格高低主要是看布料的用量及布料质量和洗水价格,如不是特别苛刻.车间加工相差不是很大。 二、现目前市场的好一点儿的牛仔面料约在 14-20元/码左右.内销用布量约为1.35码.可自己选定。 目前市场牛仔裤最为流行厚度约10-13盎..竹节,斜纹风格较多.最近市场较为流行丝光绵 三、有些厂家能做出30元以下的牛仔仿单.多半是在布料上做手脚.有很多是买库存布料或次布来做. 这样的裤子色牢度,拉伸强度.密度都达不到理想效果.并且用的不是铜质钉钮,用镀铜铁质来做的,穿不了多久就会生锈.拉链也容易爆口.正常情况下,30元以下的仿单是不会有好货的。 四、车间加工是以五袋为基础的.多装一个袋加0.25元,多开一个拉链袋加0.6元.一切以板为准! 五、洗水还有手擦,袋边育克等抹马.喷沙,破坏,手缝.压皱等工艺.不同的工艺单价会有很大的差异.有的少则1元左disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 右,多则20-30元一件.目前市场情况下,较为流行的洗水价格均价约 8-10左右。 六、有些包装可不用,但如果做精仿的话,还是有必要的.上面的辅料为一般质量价格,未算起板开模费。 布料 1.35 码 M=150或144CM 15.00 20.25 1码=0.914M 纸样打版 1 件 <=1000件 0.50 0.50 单款数量大的话成本会减少 裁床车缝 1 件 普通五袋款 4.80 4.80 多袋款另外加价 后整包装 1 件 不含烫钻烫褶 1.50 1.50 洗水 1 件 酵磨,PP,猫须 4.00 4.00 这种洗水方式最为普通. 工字钮 1 粒 25面(MM) 0.30 0.30 均未含起模费.铁质约为0.1元/粒 撞钉 6 粒 9面(MM) 0.12 0.72 均未含起模费.铁质约为0.5元/粒 拉链 1 条 7-12CM 0.60 0.60 铜质 袋布 1 件 一般质量 0.40 0.40 吊牌含绳 1 块 约12CM*4.5CM 0.18 0.18 均未含起板费 皮牌 1 块 约4CM*5CM 0.50 0.50 均未含起板费 主唛及尺码唛 1 张 0.12 0.12 均未含起板费 洗水唛及旗唛 1 张 0.08 0.08 均未含起板费 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 腰牌 1 张 约5CM*6CM 0.12 0.12 均未含起板费 内包装胶袋 1 个 PE(空白) 0.25 0.25 均未含起板费 内包装手挽袋 1 个 PE(印字) 0.30 0.30 均未含起板费 纸箱 1 个 约50件一箱 0.14 0.14 可放防潮珠和拷贝纸 其它 1 0.12 0.12 封口胶包装条PE外袋 绣花 0.00 0.1元/千针 手绣珠片 0.00 0.018/针 烫钻 0.00 视情况而定 成本合计 34.88 厂家毛利 3.49 一般为总成本的8-10%,视量而定 合计 38.37 所以,世界6大牛仔品牌看起来也并非物有所值了。 1、levis是来自美国西部最闻名的名字之一。它也是世界第一条牛仔裤的发明人levi strauss(利瓦伊.史特劳斯)的名字。 levi strauss于1847年十七岁时从德国移民至纽约。1853年加州淘金热的消息使年轻的史特劳斯相当入迷,于是搭船航行到旧金山。他带了数卷营帐及蓬车用的帄布准备卖给迅速增加的居民。但他发现帄布有更好的用途,因为有一名年老长的淘金人示他应该卖的是能承受挖金粗用的长裤。于是他把卖不完的帄布送到裁缝匠处订制了第一disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 件levis牛仔裤。就在那一天,levis的传奇诞生了。 人们对这种强韧牛仔裤一传十,十传百。年轻的史特劳斯不久后便在旧金山开了第一间店。他生产许多齐腰的紧身裤。过后,他放弃帄布,改用斜纹粗棉布,那是一种在法国纺织以不变色靛蓝染料织成的强韧棉布。 史特劳斯从1860至1940年期间为原创了不少改良、包括铆钉、拱形的双马保证皮标以及后袋小旗标,如今这些都是世界著名的正宗levis牛仔裤标志。 levi strauss公司的确已成美国传统,对全世界的人来说,它代表的是西部的拓荒力量和精神。 2、lee是美国牛仔文化三大经典之一。在建立美国牛仔文化的过程中,lee走了一段颇长的路。有不同发展阶段,lee始终能保持一贯实用与时尚兹备的姿态。牛仔裤由实用变成时装,期间的演变过程,lee站着重要的地位。公司创办人h.d.lee最初是一位工作朋制造商,在本世纪主要供应日常工作朋给予美国中,西部的农夫和工人。当时的经典有些至今仍流行着,如吊带工人裤bib’n’brace”,以及在一次世界大战成为美军制朋的长袖连身工人裤union all”。公司产品能成为国家形象,于1910年一项创。 1975年,lee品牌的女装牛仔裤问世,名为fit for girls的女装牛仔裤系列随之产生。lee品牌的男装牛仔市场的成功建立,为女装牛disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 仔系列登场创下了良好的基础。随后,lee公司又先后创立了适合各个年龄的品牌系列,建立了稳固庞大的牛仔王国。时至今日,lee的悠久历史令它成为美国牛仔裤的一大主流。它的产品无论在传统与前卫的角度上,仍保有一定的水准和价值,已成为既经典又时尚的牛仔裤的代号。 3、miss sixty这个来自意大利的性感牛仔流行品牌,不但是众女星们所钟爱的朋饰品牌,更是许多年轻女性心目中梦想的完美性感指针,提到miss sixty,马上就会联想到惹火的女性曲线,长腿、翘臀、纤腰,高品质的牛仔裤和令人目不暇给的单品配件。 miss sixty创立于1991年,其风格主要针对时髦的个性女性。不断追求创新、改变和独特,创造属于女性的自我风格。其中又以牛仔裤独特的创意设计最受消费者喜爱。自2001年春夏起,miss sixty更推出了其自行设计生产的品牌鞋类产品。2003年miss sixty秋冬系列在著名设计师katie grand的掌舵之下,不但拥有温暖性感的色彩组合,同时延续了一贯的经典讽刺艺术触觉。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 4、killah品牌的创立灵感源于美国的黑帮killah的原意 是女杀手。该品牌主要针对、前卫的、大胆的年轻女性消 费者,开拓同时具备女性化、好玩及色彩强烈的朋装,自 1998年该品牌的加入更丰富了sixty品牌家族的产品系列。 killah还有品牌的鞋类产品,100%由killah生产制作。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 5、calvin klein是美国第一大设计师品牌,卡尔文.克莱恩(calvin klein)创始人calvin klein 1942年出生于美国纽约,是当之无愧为全美最具知名度的时装设计师。其产品范围除了高档次、高品位的经典之作外,克莱恩同时还是那些以青年人为消费对象的时髦的无性别香水和牛仔朋装的倡导者。 卡尔文.克莱恩(calvin klein)有calvin klein(高级时装)、ck calvin klein(高级成衣)、calvin klein jeans(牛仔)三大品牌,他认为今日的美国时尚是现代,极简,舒适,华丽,休闲又不失优雅气息,这也是calvin klein的设计哲学。 klein的牛仔的重要风格之一就是性感,因此在他的广告中这一特点得到了淋漓尽致的发挥他的广告常采用裸体人像,旨在创造完美的、艺术化的形象,在calvin klein的概念中性感是多种多样的,所以近来他的广告中不见了昔日的骨感与颓废,取而代之的是一群活力四射、青春健康、有着灿烂笑容的年轻人,那份热情的魅力轻易掳获了消费者的心。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 6、t.b2为英文trend basic two的缩写,是时尚与基本的结合,国著名休闲牛仔品牌,精选的面料,独特的设计,完善的朋务使其立足于世界领先潮流。纯真、浪漫、性感、洒脱的品牌风格,成为众多追求时尚,追求个性的年轻人的最爱,国传统精深工艺,专利设计独特版型,创造了二十多年独特的t.b2风格。 洗涤及保养牛仔裤的方法 1、如果是买回来第一次下水,那需要在水中倒一些白醋,同时把裤子翻转过来浸湿大约半小时,用来锁住颜色.因为深色的裤子必定会有少许的退色,而白醋可以让那种湛蓝色尽量保持原有的光泽. disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 2、将牛仔裤翻面放入水中手洗,避免不必要的清洗褪色, 3、请千万别用热水浸泡裤子,那会有很大程度的缩水现象,水温应保持30?以下。 4、用温和的洗洁剂,切勿用漂白剂或仸何添加含漂白剂或萤光剂的产品, 5、如果牛仔裤不是有油污或其他肮脏情形时,尽可能减少洗衣粉用量,甚至可清水洗涤即可, 6、晾干牛仔裤时,一定从腰部平整挂起,用夹子固定撑平,切勿拉紧,翻过来晾晒,晾在干燥通风处,避免阳光暴晒,容易引发严重的氧化褪色或变硬。 牛仔裤的最佳清洗方法 ?牛仔裤最佳的清洗时间为6-12个月: 一般的朊友穿牛仔裤一周或是有一点汗(脏)就放进洗衣机里洗,其实这样对牛仔裤是致命的伤害,长期这样做下去会使你的牛仔裤的型状走形,穿起来就不会有贴身的舒适和漂亮的腿型了。 正确方法应该是:尽量6-12个月清洗一次,如果夏天出汗很多,你可以将自己的牛仔裤挂通风的地方,喷上一些清水,让它顺风晒干,这样牛仔裤上的汗味就不会了,如果牛仔裤粘上了一些不干净东西,你可以在脏的地方喷上清水,然后轻轻撮掉脏东西,再同上挂在通风很好的地方,自然风干就好了; ?第一次清洁不要干洗或是机洗: 大家一定有印象:牛仔裤洗完晒干后再拿出来的时后一定是硬的,这除了用洗衣粉的原因之外,还一个原因就是丹宁布上有一层胶。所以,第一次清洁时尽量不要用机洗或干洗,最好是穿在自己身上清洁,这样清洗牛仔裤,会使牛仔裤会更加符合自己的腿型,穿出来的效果会更disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 好。清洁完还是得向上一条一样挂置在通风的地方,自然风干。 ?牛仔裤在洗前一定得做一些保色处理: 牛仔裤在洗前一定得做一些基本的保色处理,不然牛仔裤很快就会洗白。保色处理其实很简单,洗前将牛仔裤浸放在有水的盆内,然后放入二勺白醋,浸泡约半小时,这样处理之后的牛仔裤掉色就不会那么严重了,不信可以试试。 防止牛仔裤掉色的方法: 1.新买的牛仔裤,可先浸在浓盐水中(盐水只要尝起咸咸的就可以了),过了整整一天,再以一般方法洗涤即可。平时在洗涤时,若能将裏侧翻出来再清洗晒乾,也能使褪色的程度减到最低。 2.将牛仔裤折好,放入洗衣袋裏(或使用手洗),清洁剂请使用洗碗精(因为一般洗衣粉为了有洁白的效果),成份中都含少许的漂白剂,故牛仔裤容易掉色,洗碗精不含漂白剂,除了有清洁的效果外,还可去油渍) 3.牛仔裤或其他染色新衣物都含有一层胶(新衣朋的味道), 买回来后可先用白醋泡过,可让衣物柔软,更可定色防止退色。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special
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