

2017-09-19 2页 doc 14KB 11阅读




英语口语学习英语口语学习 口语学习:真正的日常口语 Send them (in). 去叫他们(进来) Hold on! 等一下a I'm trying to live with it. 我很无奈,得过且过 She's the cheer leader. 她是拉拉队队长 You got me! 你难倒我了 You could've fooled me. 你差点唬倒我 Did you ever get over it? 你熬过来了吗? Get real! 清醒点 Keep it down! 小声点 That makes the ...
英语口语学习 口语学习:真正的日常口语 Send them (in). 去叫他们(进来) Hold on! 等一下a I'm trying to live with it. 我很无奈,得过且过 She's the cheer leader. 她是拉拉队队长 You got me! 你难倒我了 You could've fooled me. 你差点唬倒我 Did you ever get over it? 你熬过来了吗? Get real! 清醒点 Keep it down! 小声点 That makes the two of us. 彼此彼此 I won't be long. 我马上回来 I know you mean well. 我知道你是好意 She's a real hot dish! 她真是秀色可餐 She’s some dish! 她是个美人儿 I wish him a quit recovery! 我祝你早日康复 Can you break a $100 bill? 一佰元你可以找得开吗? She knows what she wants. 她知道自己要什么 There's a hitch. 出了一点小波折/小问题 Don't give me that moral crap! 少给我来那一套道德说教 What the hell is that? 那是什么鬼东西? Doll face! 娃娃脸 Baby face! 娃娃脸 Lover boy! 小白脸; 男朋友 It can't be worse! 糟糕极了 Sounds good to me. 听起是不错 Don't you get it!? She can't stand you! 她受不了你,你不明白吗? He's a lifetime buddy. 他是忘年之交 Sewage slime ball! 滑头的臭混蛋! Rules are rules! 就是规定 Have I lost ya? 你跟不上吗? I think things got to change sometime. 我想情况总会改变的 He's got a reputation. 他是有头有脸的人,他是个大情人 You shocked the hell out of me! 你吓了一大跳 She knocked everybody out. 她震惊四座 Come on! Kill them. 给他们好看 Alright, in a sec., OK? 好啦,马上好 She's wide awake. 她清醒得很,她早就醒了 Let's draw straws. 我们来抽签 This is got to stop. 这不可再发生 Can do! 可以,行! No, not can do. 不,不行 Can't do! 不行 Are you laughing at me? 你在笑我吗? Take a number! 你等着吧! I couldn't be happier! 我再高兴不过了! Where did that come from? 说哪话? 从哪听来的? We think he's dirty. 我们认为他有污点/不清廉 We may need this lead. 我们可能需要这条线索 Back off! 退后 It didn't work out! 行不通 Cut that crap! 少胡说八道 No use. 没用 You have my words. 我向你保证 I can tell. 我看得出来
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