

2017-12-03 2页 doc 13KB 11阅读




文化与人格文化与人格 文化與人格 淡江大學97 學年度第1 學期課程教學計畫表(格式二) 壹、科目名稱:文化與人格 貳、授課老師:施維禮 參、開課系所班級:多元文化與語言學系 肆、必選修:選 伍、學分數:2 陸、先修科目:無 柒、教學內容及進度: In this class the connection between culture and the formation of the individual character will be analyzed. On the basis of theories of ...
文化与人格 文化與人格 淡江大學97 學年度第1 學期課程教學計畫(格式二) 壹、科目名稱:文化與人格 貳、授課老師:施維禮 參、開課系所班級:多元文化與語言學系 肆、必選修:選 伍、學分數:2 陸、先修科目:無 柒、教學內容及進度: In this class the connection between culture and the formation of the individual character will be analyzed. On the basis of theories of scholars such as Bruno Snell, Ernst Cassirer and Charles Taylor the relationship between the self and the world throughout different ages and cultures will be examined. The dependence of human attitudes, aspirations, goals and values on larger developments in human culture will be discussed. To ascertain a cultural multitude the relationship between self and the world in Asian thought will be discussed relying on primary sources from the Chinese tradition. 捌、授課方式:課堂講授、分組討論 玖、教學設備:電腦、投影機 拾、教材課本: Taylor, Charles: Sources of the Sel.f Cambridge 1989. 拾壹、參考書籍: Cassirer, Ernst: Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, vol.2., English translation 1953–1957 Snell, Bruno: The Discovery of the Mind. New York : Dover, 1982 Knoblock, John, trans. Xunzi: A Translation and Study of the Complete Works, 3 vols. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988, 1990, 1994. Watson, Burton (translator). (1968). The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. New York: Columbia University Press. Further Primary Sources will be consulted if necessary. 拾貳、成績考核方式: 平時成績: 30 , 期中考成績: - , 期末考成績: - , 讀書報告: 30 , 其他:作業:: 40 , 拾參、備考: 1.本式請參考使用,教學計畫表格有兩種,授課教師可至教務處首頁「表格 下載」中取得,任擇一種使用。 2.自製格式請具備上述項目。 3.教學計畫表上傳步驟:教務處首頁點選「教務資訊查詢」?「教師之教學計畫表
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