

2017-09-01 5页 doc 20KB 26阅读




国际刑警组织国际刑警组织 78th INTERPOL General Assembly Speech by Khoo Boon Hui, President of INTERPOL at the Closing Ceremony of the 78th INTERPOL General Assembly 15 October 2009, Singapore Distinguished Delegates;尊敬的各位代表, Ladies and Gentlemen;女士们,先生们 We have come to the clos...
国际刑警组织 78th INTERPOL General Assembly Speech by Khoo Boon Hui, President of INTERPOL at the Closing Ceremony of the 78th INTERPOL General Assembly 15 October 2009, Singapore Distinguished Delegates;尊敬的各位代, Ladies and Gentlemen;女士们,先生们 We have come to the close of yet another General Assembly and we have worked diligently 兢兢业业,恪尽职守,毫不懈怠to confront many challenging issues. You have all contributed to the substantial discussions with your succinct comments. I must commend the moderators and presenters for doing such a great job; this had made my work as Chairman that much easier and allowed us to end our discussions ahead of schedule. Even then, I knew that you continued discussions during the coffee breaks, receptions and dinners. Thank you for your strong commitment to the cause of local, regional and global security. 本次大会即将落下帷幕,我们不遗余力,应对诸多 挑战。大家都提出了简要的,作出了实质性的讨论。你们在地方,区域,和全球安全事业所 作出的努力,我表示感谢。 Let me now sum up the General Assembly by sharing three observations. I am heartened, because these indicate that INTERPOL is moving in the right direction. 最后我愿提出三点看法,对大会进行。 Firstly, we have seen our global network strengthened and INTERPOL’s influence growing. Our family has expanded. We have added our 188th member, Samoa. Last night, I learnt of another country’s interest in joining our fast growing family. INTERPOL has also linked arms with our natural partner, //natural enemy//natural justice//it is natural that ducks can swim. the UN, allowing us to tap on more resources. Having so many political leaders present earlier this week has also enhanced our profile. Some day in the future, we will realise just how significant our first Ministerial Meeting has been. 第一,全球网络加强,国际刑警组织的影响力也正在加 强。国际刑警组织大家庭扩大了。我们迎来了第188为新成员,萨摩亚。我获悉又有一个国家 有意加入快速发展的国际刑警组织大家庭。我们一直以来同联合国保持着密切的合作伙伴联系, 使得我饿每年能够利用更多的资源。本周早些时候,众多政治领导人的出席也提升了我们的形象。 有一天,我们将会意识到第一届部长级会议的重要性。 Secondly, INTERPOL has been steadily moving upstream in the fight against organised crime, criminal activity and terrorism. As countries have become more integrated, so has criminal and terrorist activity. Increasingly, there is greater recognition of the nexus between unstable states, crime and terrorism. It will no longer be sufficient to deal with each of these in silos. Our commitment to play a larger role in anti-corruption and peacekeeping, will therefore allow INTERPOL to be 1 more effective. Our drive to build policing capacity also reflects our proactive approach. 第二,本组织在打击有组织犯罪,犯罪活动和恐怖主义方面一直稳步取得进展。随 着国与国之间一体化程度加深,犯罪和恐怖活动也相互交织。人们会越来越认识到不稳定的国家, 犯罪和恐怖主义之间的联系。单枪匹马不足以应对这些问题。我们努力在反腐和维和方面发挥更 大的作用,这将使本组织取得更大的成效。我们将不断提高国际刑警组织的战斗力,这也反映了 我们的积极态度。 Thirdly, we have taken active steps to enhance transparency and information security. Good governance and prudent budgeting are critical for INTERPOL, given our global reach and influence. We must always invest our resources strategically and strive to do more with less. In today’s digital age, data integrity and confidentiality are increasingly important. Taken together, the tightening of internal controls is a positive development for it raises the credibility of INTERPOL. 第三,采取积极措施,增加透明度,加强信息安全。鉴于国际刑警组织在全球的影响力和覆盖面, 良政和谨慎的预算至关重要。我们必须进行战略性投资,力争少花钱多办事。在当今的数字时代, 数据的完整性和保密性越来越重要。总的来说,加强内部控制能提升国际刑警组织的信誉,因而 这是一个积极的发展动向。 In conclusion, your ideas and contributions have made this well-attended Assembly one of the best ever, but the best is yet to be. Our plans must come to fruition. These should not remain etched on paper and we must bring them to life with action. As leaders, you must align your organisation to these resolutions and inspire new initiatives. Only then will we meet tomorrow’s challenges with confidence. 最后, 各位的真知灼见和积极参与使得本届大会参与人数众多,并成为有史以来最成功的一次之一,但 在未来我们将举办更为成功的会议。我们必须要实现计划,计划不应仅停留在纸面,必须要采取 行动,加以落实。作为领导者,在座各位必须要遵守决议,制定新的计划。只有这样,我们才能 有信心的应对未来的挑战。 As host, I am heartened to have received so many comments that this has been a well-organised General Assembly. I hope that problems that you may have encountered have been resolved quickly. As your President, I am privileged to thank, on your behalf, the Secretary- General and his able staff, interpreters and support staff who have been working diligently behind the scenes, as well as the officers of the Singapore Police Force and our band for their contributions. And I thank all of you for showing the world your support for INTERPOL. 作为东道主,此次会议之前,我 们获得了众多的意见和建议,使得大会安排的井井有条,这令我感到非常高兴。我希望,你们可 能遇到的一些问题已经得到迅速解决。作为大会主席,我代表在座各位,向秘长及其出色的团 队,翻译们和幕后辛勤工作的后勤人员,新加坡警察团队的官兵和乐队,表示感谢。感谢你们对 国际刑警组织的支持。 I look forward to an even better General Assembly and learning about your exciting progress in Qatar next year. Thank you and Bon Voyage. 我希望明年在卡塔尔大大会 再创辉煌,并能在会上获悉你们所取得的积极进展。谢谢,祝大家一帆风顺。 2
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