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三强软件永久免费版操作手册三强软件永久免费版操作手册 第一部分 账套初始化 1(1账套建立 第一步:双击运行三强财务软件的图标 第二步:输入用户名(如图示,默认用户名:会计;默认密码:123)——点击“登陆” 第三步:点击“会计核算”—“账套管理”—“新增” downstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply muta...
三强软件永久免费版操作手册 第一部分 账套初始化 1(1账套建立 第一步:双击运行三强财务软件的图标 第二步:输入用户名(如图示,默认用户名:会计;默认密码:123)——点击“登陆” 第三步:点击“会计核算”—“账套管理”—“新增” downstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guarantee 第四步:输入账套名称、启用年份、启用月份—点击“保存” 第五步:点击“会计核算”—“账套设置”,选中刚才创建的账套名称。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in2 佛山市三强科技有限公司 输入会计、出纳、负责人信息后,保存,确定,确定。到此,账套创建成功完成。 1(2用户维护 第一步:在下图中,点击“系统管理”——用户维护——增加 第二步:输入用户姓名、密码后,保存。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 3 1(3用户授权 说明:此步骤的目的是为了将不使用的模块隐藏,使界面看起来更家简单明了 操作方法 第一步:在图中,点击“系统管理”——用户授权 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in4 佛山市三强科技有限公司 说明:默认模块,可根据用户岗位,分别选择会计核算、出纳管理等模块。 第二步:点击需设置界面的用户——将需要显示的打上勾,不需要显示的勾去掉——点击“确定”——点 击“退出”,再登陆一次即可。 1(4基础设置 1(4(1会计科目设置 第一步:点击“会计核算”——会计科目 第二步:在下图中,点击“增一级科目” 输入科目代码、科目名称、借贷方向和是否明细项。保存,退出。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 5 第三步:在下图中,选中某一个非明细的科目(行颜色为灰色),点击“增明细科目” 输入科目代码、科目名称、借贷方向和是否明细项。保存,退出。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in6 佛山市三强科技有限公司 下面分别对供应商、客户的设置方法进行说明 1(4(2供应商设置 (进销存用) 第一步:点击“基础管理”—“供应商信息”—点击“新增”——输入代码、名称、联系方式等信息后——保存——退出 1(4(3客户信息设置(进销存用) 第一步:点击“基础管理”—“客户信息”—点击“新增”——输入代码、名称、联系方式等信息后——保存——退出 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 7 1(4(4银行账户信息设置(出纳管理用) 第一步:点击“出纳管理”—“银行账号”—点击“新增”——输入银行名称唯一标识、银行账号、科目代码等信息后——保存——退出 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in8 佛山市三强科技有限公司 1(4(5资产类别设置(固定资产用) 第一步:点击“固定资产”—“资产类别”—点击“新增”——输入资类别名、默认折旧方法、默认资产科目、默认折旧科目、折旧年限等信息后——保存——退出 1(5会计年初余额 第一步:在图中点击“会计科目”——“年初余额” 第二步:输入科目初始数据,绿色行次可输入,数值录入科目的默认借贷方列。 如:资产类初始金额默认为借方,负债类默认在贷方。 操作方法:如图所示,只需输入(年)期初借方、(年)期初贷方,(年)期初余额自计算生成。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 9 第三步:输入完成后,查看右上角的年初借方余额、贷方余额是否相等。保存,退出。 第四步:在图中点击“会计核算”——“初始启用”,点击关闭初始化。 1(6出纳初始数据 第一步:在图中点击“出纳管理”——“初始启用” 第二步:输入现金、银行存款明细科目初始数据,[期初余额]行次可输入。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in10 佛山市三强科技有限公司 第三步:保存,关闭初始化,退出 1(7固定资产初始化 第一步:在图中点击“固定资产”——“初始启用” 第二步:设置好启用期间后,关闭初始化,退出 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 11 1(8试算平衡 说明:待所有初始化数据都录入完成后,对初始数据进行试算平衡,以检查初始数据录入的准确性 操作方法 第一步:在下图中点击“会计核算”——资产负债表——选中“生成报表” 第二步:如下界面,点击[确定] h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in12 佛山市三强科技有限公司 第三步:系统会根据输入的(年)期初数据,生成资产负债表的年初余额。 如果发现输入的年初余额不平衡,可以到会计核算-初始启用界面,取消初始化。 对(年)期初余额进行调整。 若出现如下界面,则表明初始化数据已平衡,可以进行结束初始操作 至此,已经完成了软件启用的全部初始化工作。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 13 第二部分 会计核算日常账务处理 2(1凭证录入 第一步:点击“会计核算”——“会计凭证” ——“新增” 第二步:选择业务日期,填入附件数、编制人 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in14 佛山市三强科技有限公司 第三步:输入会计分录。操作方法:输入凭证摘要、选择科目、输入借(贷)方金额 3.1 输入科目代码或科目名称,可以找到所需的科目 3.2 手工填制月末结转凭证时,需要打勾。一般情况下,可以用软件提供的自动生成月末结转凭证的功能更为高效。 3.3 经常使用的科目,可以存为常用凭证。 3.4 点击[导入凭证],可引用已经存储的常用凭证。 2(2凭证修改 第一步:点击“会计核算”——“会计凭证” ——“修改”,未审核和未记账的状态下,可对凭证进行修改。 第二步:保存,退出。 2(3凭证打印 第一步:点击“会计核算”——“凭证打印” ,可对行次8行内的凭证进行批量打印。行次超8行的进行单次打印。 2(4凭证审核 第一步:点击“会计核算”——“凭证审核” ,点击[全选中]、[审核]后,可对凭证进行审核;点击[全选中]、[销审核]后,可对凭证进行取消审核。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 15 在“状态”一栏会显示“已审核、未审核”,选中状态为“未审核”的,点击“审核”即可完成审核,如果要对审核的结果取消,选中所在的“已审核”数据,点击“销审”即可。 2(4凭证记账 第一步:点击“会计核算”——“凭证记账” ,选择记账状态,默认为:未记账。 第二步:点击[全选中]、[记账]后,可对凭证进行审核;点击[全选中]、[反记账]后,可对凭证进行取消记账。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in16 佛山市三强科技有限公司 在“记账状态”过滤出“未记账”的数据,选择需要记账的凭证,点击“记账”即可完成记账。如果要反记账,就在“记账状态”过滤出“已记账”的凭证,选择需要的反记账的凭证,点击“反记账”即可。 2(5结转凭证 操作路径:“会计管理”?“结转凭证”。 点击“会计管理”?“结转凭证”进入界面如下所示: 月末结转是指在月末结账时将收入类结转至本年利润的贷方,费用类结转至本年利润的借方。 三强财务软件可以生成收入科目结转到本年利润,成本费用科目结转到本年利润,本年利润结转到利润分配科目三类。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 17 选择好结转类型[结转收入],结转科目,分配科目,点击“下一步”即可。如图所示: 在此界面,点击“增加”增加分录,填写好借贷方金额,点击“保存”退出。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in18 佛山市三强科技有限公司 选择好结转类型[结转支出],结转科目,分配科目,点击“下一步”即可。如图所示: 在此界面,点击“增加”增加分录,选择要结转的账号和填写好借贷方金额,点击“保存”退出。 2(6月结年结 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 19 操作路径:“会计管理”?“月结年结” ?“结账”(反结账)。 每月或每年终了,执行此操作,可以转到下一月或年,如果需要返回上一月/年,只需要取消结账即可。 2(7资产负债表 操作路径:“会计管理”?“资产负债表” ?“生成报表”。 系统自动生产资产负债表,保存即可。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in20 佛山市三强科技有限公司 2(8利润表 操作路径:“会计管理”?“利润表” ?“生成报表”。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 21 系统自动生产利润表,保存即可。 2(9多栏辅助账 操作路径:“会计管理”?“多栏辅助账”。 点击“会计管理”?“ 多栏辅助账”进入界面 点击“确定”,进入界面如图所示: h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in22 佛山市三强科技有限公司 导入跟现金和银行存款相关的所有凭证。并对凭证分为经营活动、筹资活动和投资活动的一个小类。 点击“保存”即可保存本报表数据。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 23 保存后,可以看到划分小类后的效果图。 若要修改保存好的报表,重新进入“多栏式辅助账”。选择“修改报表”,点击“确定”即可。 2(10现金流量表 操作路径:“会计管理”?“现金流量表”。 点击“会计管理”?“现金流量表”进入界面如下所示: 点击“确定”,进入界面如图所示: h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in24 佛山市三强科技有限公司 点击“保存”即可保存自动生成的现金流量表数据。 若要修改保存好的报表,重新进入“现金流量表”,选择“修改报表”,点击“确定”即可。 第三部分 固定资产日常账务处理 3(1资产卡片 第一步:点击“固定资产”——“资产卡片” 第二步:录入卡片信息,操作同初始化中的卡片录入 3(2资产变动 第一步:在图一中,点击“固定资产”——“资产变动” 第二步:选择要变动的卡片,并输入变动信息后,点击“保存” information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 25 3(3计提折旧 操作路径:“固定资产”?“计提折旧”。 点击“固定资产”?“计提折旧”进入界面如下所示: 根据资产过账的数据进行计提折旧。 固定资产新增当月不计提折旧,在次月才开始计提。 计提折旧后可以生成凭证,也可以对计提折旧的数据进行入账,入账后可以在折旧记录查询得到。 点击“计提折旧”,生成界面如下所示: h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in26 佛山市三强科技有限公司 点击保存,然后点击[生成凭证],确定入账。 3(4月结年结 操作路径:“固定资产”?“年结月结”。进入界面如下所示: 点击“结账”即可完成结账操作,要反结账,就重新进入菜单,点击“反结账”即可。 3(5月结年结 操作路径:“固定资产”?“资产台账”。进入资产台账界面。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 27 4(1记现金账 操作路径:“出纳管理”?“记现金账”。 点击“出纳管理”?“记现金账”进入界面如下所示: 点击“新增”,弹出界面如图所示: 填写好相关信息后,点击“保存”即可。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in28 佛山市三强科技有限公司 4(2记银行账 操作路径:“出纳管理”?“记银行账”。进入界面如下所示: 点击“新增”,弹出界面如图所示: 填写好相关信息后,点击“保存”即可。 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 29 4(3打印现金日记账 操作路径:“出纳管理”?“打印现金账”。进入界面,打印预览如下所示: 4(4打印银行日记账 操作路径:“出纳管理”?“打印银行账”。进入界面,打印预览如下所示: h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in30 佛山市三强科技有限公司 4(5打印收付报告 操作路径:“出纳管理”?“收付报告”。进入界面,打印预览如下所示: information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 31 第三部分 系统维护 5(1数据备份 第一步:点击“系统管理”——数据备份 第二步:选择需要备份的账套——点击“备份”——选择备份路径——点击“确定” 5(2服务异常处理 第一步:点击“开始”——所有程序——Microsoft SQL Server 2005——配置工具——SQL Server 配置管理 器 第二步:点击“SQL Server 服务 ”——SQL Server。 状态为正常运行时为绿色。 第三步:如果不是正常运行,需要右击,启动该服务。 h (g) of the information listed, also agreed to guaranteeagrapprovides the above (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above par voices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons shall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrowerdownstream information such as contracts, in32 佛山市三强科技有限公司 information listed, also agreed to guarantee e (b), (c), (d) and (e) information; (I) the guarantor for the corporate units, in addition to the above paragraph (g) of theshall apply mutatis mutandis to the borrower provides the abovdownstream information such as contracts, invoices for tax certificate, electricity. (H) sponsorship for the natural persons 33
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