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兴田置业项目效果图制作合同兴田置业项目效果图制作合同 合同编号:予AQJ20110809 郑州乾景图文设计有限公司 效 果 图 制 作 合 同 委托方(甲方),,,,,,,,,,,,, 承接方(乙方)郑州乾景图文设计有限公司, fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: ...
兴田置业项目效果图制作 合同编号:予AQJ20110809 郑州乾景图文设计有限公司 效 果 图 制 作 合 同 委托方(甲方),,,,,,,,,,,,, 承接方(乙方)郑州乾景图文设计有限公司, fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 郑州乾景图文设计有限公司效果图制作服务合同条款 委托方(以下简称甲方):,,,,,,,,,,,,, 承接方(以下简称乙方):郑州乾景图为设计有限公司, 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其它有关法律法规,结合具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议、并共同遵守。 第一条、项目概况: 甲方委托乙方对其,(项目名称),,,,,,,,项目效果图制作1、合同费用如下 1.1、项目出图情况“ A12#楼春天透视图1张;C11#楼黄昏透视图和黄昏仰视图和雨后透视图各1张;5#楼秋天透视图1张;37#楼夏天透视图1张;8#楼黄昏透视图和秋天仰视图各1张;B19#楼夏季俯视图1张。共计9张图其中B19为鸟瞰图,费用为7200元整。 1.2、3D户型效果图制作;300元一张(乙方只承担户型的基本功能设施摆放不做深度设计及相关指标的设计规范及要求)数量暂定为40个户型。 1.3、项目总额为壹万玖仟贰佰元元整(,19200.00) 1.4、本合同总价款已包含制作费、税费等一切费用。最终成果以电子档的JPG格式提交项目成果,对该项目制作的流程资料属乙方知识产权做最终的素材保留,不予向甲方提供;甲方凭乙方出具的当地税务机关认可的合法的发票以银行转帐方式向乙方支付费用。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 1.5、乙方开户行:中国银行股份有限公司郑州丰产西路支行账户:249400875670 2、项目暂定周期为30天(项目周期为2011年8月9日至2011年9月9号),此工期为项目甲方根据工作需要特定为额定工期因此不作实际工期天数。在进行修改、增加情况下乙方会尽量配合甲方的要求尽量满足甲方所额定的工期要求,故不承担因工期延误所造成的任何损失。非上述原因导致工期延误应追究乙方责任,乙方承担相应的损失与赔偿。因乙方设计不符合要求及验收不合格而引致停工及返工,返工费用由乙方负责,工期不予延长。 3、委托日期2011年08月09日 第二条、服务条款: 1、甲方需提供给乙方足够的资料及能够说明该项目的现力度即有效沟通。 2、乙方必须按照甲方的要求制作该项目的效果图表现,不得私自改动甲方方案,否则甲方可随时终止合同并由此造成的损失由乙方承担。 3、乙方必须按要求保质保量按时交付效果图给甲方 4、因乙方原因造成项目逾期并给甲方造成损失的,甲方有权取消合同,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿相应损失。 5、因甲方未能及时提供给乙方相关数据资料及有效沟通而造成的项目逾期并给甲方造成损失的,乙方不承担由此引起的责任,经甲方同意予以延期并确定延长的期限。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 6、方案变动,甲方需及时给乙方并作临时项目变动协商,需要推翻已做好的效果图,并重新来做的,经甲、乙双方协商是否追加相应的费用。 第三条、甲,乙双方应尽的义务 1、在签订合的同时甲方需预付给乙方伍仟元整(,5000.00)的项目合同金(乙方需开具发票),根据项目进度15日后乙方提交给甲方的小样图及部分3D户型成品图并经甲方验收合格后,甲方才需支付给乙方壹万元的项目进度金(,10000.00);在所有项目完成之日并提交甲方验收合格后,甲方才需支付给乙方剩余尾款肆仟贰佰元整(,4200.00)。 2、甲方项目如有增加、修改乙方需全力配合,增加或修改部分工作量超过总工作量5%以上时,双方另行协商签订补充协议、重新明确有关条款(增加、修改部分的费用、支付办法等)。否则,甲方不另行支付相关费用。 第四条、其他条款 1、本合同生效后,乙方不依约履行合同或单方终止合同或因自身原因造成甲方终止合同,视为乙方违约,乙方应承担本合同总价款20%的违约金。 2、本合同生效后,甲方不依约履行合同或单方面终止合同或甲方拖欠款项不予按时支付,乙方有权终止合同,视为甲方违约。甲方应承担本合同价款20%的违约金。 3、乙方为本合同项目的服务至全部效果图完成并经验收合格为止。 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the 4、合同在履行过程中发生争议的,双方应协商解决,协商不成双方同意由合同签订地仲裁机构仲裁。 5、本合同于2011年8月 日签订于郑州市航海东路2号。 6、本合同未尽事宜,经双方协商一致,签订补充协议,与本合同具有同等的法律效力。 7、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效,义务履行完毕时终止。 甲方(签章): 乙方(签章): 委托代理人:,,,,, 委托代理人:,,,,, 签定日期: 年 月 fertility better. Site preparation before planting, clearing rubble, if conditions for soil disinfection can be carried out. Thickness of planting soil: Arbor thickness not less than 90cm, shrubs not less than 60cm, to be not less than 20cm. Poor quality of the soil, should enlarge the hole (hole) specifications, and debris picked up by clearing encountered lime slag, against the growth substances such as stone, asphalt, you should pit (hole) diameter increased 1 to twice times, harmful substances removal clean and put on suitable planting soil. F, green natural trees found in the planting hole dug seriously affect the operation of the underground obstacle, get in touch with designers, the appropriate changes. ?, seedling quality of trees dug a well ... C, trees have been delivered to the site in a given place, to turn the roots covered with straw to prevent water loss. ? trees planted seedlings before planting quality requirements: should be checked according to the design drawings and seedling varieties, specifications and plant location. Principles of plant "outside the high to low, the first after the first" grown order "big tree---small tree---shrub-plants" before the tree into planting holes, you should check the planting hole size and depth, while root system requirements are not met, trimming plants dibble. A, seedling rate should be commensurate with the speed of planted seedlings, planted along, kind of finish, minimizing root exposure. On planting trench, remaining seedling exposed roots should be kept buried with soil. B, depending on the specific seedlings, good seedlings and planting depth should be identified, roots with soil plug solid rear mud balls can be under the
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