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福建省房屋消费者权益保护条例福建省房屋消费者权益保护条例 第一条 为保护房屋消费者的合法权益,维护房地产市场秩序,促进房地产业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》及其他有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条 在本省行政区域内向房屋开发者、销售者购买房屋的消费者,因旧房被拆迁与拆迁人调换房屋产权的消费者,其合法权益受国家法律、法规和本条例保护。 房屋开发者、销售者和拆迁人,以下统称经营者。 经营者与消费者之间买卖房屋、调换房屋产权,应当遵循自愿、平等、公 第三条 平、诚实信用的原则。 第四条 地方各级人民政府建设、房地...
福建省房屋消费者权益保护 第一条 为保护房屋消费者的合法权益,维护房地产市场秩序,促进房地产业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》及其他有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条 在本省行政区域内向房屋开发者、销售者购买房屋的消费者,因旧房被拆迁与拆迁人调换房屋产权的消费者,其合法权益受国家法律、法规和本条例保护。 房屋开发者、销售者和拆迁人,以下统称经营者。 经营者与消费者之间买卖房屋、调换房屋产权,应当遵循自愿、平等、公 第三条 平、诚实信用的原则。 第四条 地方各级人民政府建设、房地产行政主管部门、工商行政管理部门和其他有关行政管理部门应当在各自的职责范围内,维护房屋消费者的合法权益。 各级消费者委员会、大众传播媒介、其他组织和个人有权对损害房屋消费 第五条 者合法权益的行为进行监督。 第六条 消费者在获得房屋前,有权知悉房屋及其相关物业的真实情况。 经营者向消费者销售(预售)房屋时,应当告知消费者或者明示房屋的下列情况: (一)房屋的坐落位置、环境、建筑结构、质量、用地性质及使用年限; (二)期房的预售许可证明或者现房的合格证明,受托销售的面委托书; (三)房屋的面积构成、计价内容及与房屋有关费用的承担情况; (四)房屋设定抵押或者其他使房屋权利受限制的情形; (五)房屋交付使用时的装修标准、设施配套和物业服务情况。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 第七条 经营者不得以售楼广告、设计、实物样楼或者其他方式对房屋质量、售后服务、环境状况作不实表示,不得误导和欺诈消费者。 买卖房屋、与经营者调换房屋产权应当签订书面。房屋买卖应当使用 第八条 建设部和国家工商行政管理局制定的商品房买卖合同示范文本,并附有房屋建筑的平面图。 消费者可以与经营者约定以房屋套内建筑面积或者以套内使用面积作为交易计价结算的依据。 消费者要求在合同中明确房屋的层高、配套设施以及公共配套项目和其他事项的,合同应当作补充约定。 经营者不得以格式合同、通知、声明、告示或者其他方式对房屋消费者作不公平、不合理的规定,或者作减轻、免除其承担民事责任的规定。 第九条 经营者应当依法律、法规的规定和合同的约定履行合同,不得在合同签订前收取定金,不得在合同外收取费用;经营者获准变更规划设计和建筑设计的,应当在获准变更之日起,,日内书面通知消费者,与消费者协商变更或者解除合同。 第十条 经营者应当保证其交付消费者使用的房屋符合安全要求和约定的质量标准,并向消费者提供下列文件: (一)房屋的质量保证书、使用说明书; (二)房屋面积测量的证明文件(附件); (三)房屋权属登记的证明文件; (四)其他与房屋有关的凭证。 and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit andd institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, an-ent, is advance full strictly rule party to grassrictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deploymdepth advance full st-embers in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step ine. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all md spokttee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting anf the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Commiirit oand apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spss XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study happineparty education to all party-mbat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the innernd copolitical par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power a formed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhancetrans2 经营者应当按质量保证书列明的保修范围、保修期和保修单位,承担对房屋的保修责任;经营者与消费者未约定保修期的,保修期不得低于法定年限,自房屋交付消费者使用之日起计算。因保修影响房屋使用,给消费者造成损失的,经营者应当依法承担赔偿责任。 第十一条 房屋预售合同签订后,应当办理预售合同的备案登记;房屋交付消费者使用后,应当依法办理房地产权属登记手续。因房屋权利受限制或者其他原因,致使房屋权属在一年内无法登记确认的,除房屋买卖合同中另有规定者外,消费者可以要求经营者予以退房或者换房,并可以要求经营者赔偿损失。 第十二条 消费者以预付款方式购买房屋,或者与经营者调换房屋产权的,经营者未能按照约定期限提供房屋的,消费者可以要求经营者限期履行约定,并按约定支付违约金;未约定违约金的,自逾期之日起按预付款的日万分之三至万分之五计付违约金,并承担消费者应当支付的其他合理费用;逾期满一年未能交付使用的,消费者有权要求经营者退还预付款,并赔偿消费者受到的损失。 第十三条 经营者提供的房屋经法定的工程质量检测机构检验测定,地基基础或者主体结构质量不合格,消费者要求退房或者换房的,经营者必须予以退房或者换房,并承担消费者装修、搬迁、检测等费用。 在保修期内,因房屋出现渗漏、开裂等质量缺陷(除因消费者装修或使用不当造成外),或者房屋设施不符合法律法规规定、合同约定的,消费者可以要求经营者承担修理、重作、更换或者赔偿损失的责任;经营者不予修理,或者连续修理、重作、更换两次仍不合格或者不合约定的,消费者有权要求经营者退房或者换房。 第十四条 消费者认为房屋面积不足、分摊的共有面积不合理时,可以委托房屋测量机构检验测定;房屋面积允许误差未约定,不足部分超过千分之六的,经营者应当加倍予以补偿,并承担房屋面积的测量费用和消费者因此而受到的其他损失。 roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, i-t, is advance full strictly rule party to grasstion of major deploymendepth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construc-bers in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step inll memspoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in aee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and ommittit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Cd apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirstudy an happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughlyparty education to all party-d combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the innerolitical par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power anance pransformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhd education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and ts advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study an3 第十五条 经营者有下列欺诈行为之一的,消费者有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机构变更或者撤销合同,并可以要求经营者加倍赔偿损失: (一)将违法建设的房屋销售给不知情的消费者的; (二)将同一房屋销售给不同消费者的; (三)故意隐瞒房屋权利受限制的情况,诱使消费者购买的; (四)以虚假承诺诱骗消费者签订购房合同的; (五)其他欺诈消费者的行为。 第十六条 消费者在购买、使用房屋时,因房屋质量原因使其合法权益受到损害的,可以要求经营者赔偿。损害的发生是由于施工或者其他非经营者原因造成的,经营者与责任单位或者个人应当承担连带责任。 第十七条 房屋消费者与经营者发生消费权益争议的,可以协商和解,消费者也可以通过下列途径解决: (一)请求当地的消费者委员会调解处理; (二)向工商行政管理和建设、房地产行政管理部门申诉; (三)根据与经营者达成的仲裁协议提请仲裁机构仲裁; (四)向人民法院提起诉讼。 第十八条 县级以上人民政府有关行政管理部门接到房屋消费者的投诉后,应当在规定期限内进行处理。不属于本部门职责范围的,应当在接到投诉后,日内移送其他有关部门处理。行政管理部门及其工作人员对经营者侵害房屋消费者权益的违法行为不依法予以处理的,消费者委员会可以应消费者的书面要求质询该行政管理部门。行政管理部门对消费者委员会的质询事项应当组织听证、作出处理决定。 formed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhancetrans and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit andd institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, an-ent, is advance full strictly rule party to grassrictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deploymdepth advance full st-embers in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step ine. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all md spokttee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting anf the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Commiirit oand apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spss XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study happineparty education to all party-mbat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the innernd copolitical par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power a 4 第十九条 经营者有下列情形之一的,由相关的行政管理部门依法予以处罚: (一)经营的房屋不符合质量和安全要求的,由建设、房地产行政管理部门予以处罚; (二)对房屋、售后服务作虚假宣传或者不实表示的,由工商行政管理部门予以处罚; (三)采用欺诈或者其他方式侵害消费者权益的,由工商行政管理部门予以处罚。 第二十条 国家机关工作人员玩忽职守或者包庇经营者侵害消费者合法权益的,其所在单位或者上级机关应当给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第二十一条 本条例自,,,,年,月,日起施行。 party education to all party-d combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the innerolitical par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power anance pransformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhd education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and ts advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study anroots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, i-t, is advance full strictly rule party to grasstion of major deploymendepth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construc-bers in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step inll memspoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in aee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and ommittit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Cd apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirstudy an happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly5
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