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某建筑工程联系单模板某建筑工程联系单模板 施 工 联 系 单 2014年 月 日 工程名称 龙门寺服务区服务用房扩建工程 主送单位 抄送单位 安徽省驿达高速公路服务区经营管理有限公司 工1、 1月31日与2月10日的施工蓝图中的地脚螺栓的规格和型号存在的不一样。 2、 在2007年3月11日之前我司只接收到1月31日的蓝图,并于2007年3月11程日加工好地脚螺栓并运达现场。而2007年3月12日我司才收到设计院出的2 月10日版的蓝图。 施3、 因此造成我司多加工制作了1、2、3轴交(1/D)轴,6、9轴交L轴,9、11、 14轴交...
某建筑工程联系单 施 工 联 系 单 2014年 月 日 工程名称 龙门寺服务区服务用房扩建工程 主送单位 抄送单位 安徽省驿达高速公路服务区经营管理有限公司 工1、 1月31日与2月10日的施工蓝图中的地脚螺栓的规格和型号存在的不一样。 2、 在2007年3月11日之前我司只接收到1月31日的蓝图,并于2007年3月11程日加工好地脚螺栓并运达现场。而2007年3月12日我司才收到院出的2 月10日版的蓝图。 施3、 因此造成我司多加工制作了1、2、3轴交(1/D)轴,6、9轴交L轴,9、11、 14轴交G、F轴,14轴交Q、P、M轴,12轴交Q轴,18、20轴交E ~ Q轴,28、工30轴交D轴。共计35组。合计:ф42*1280mm的地脚螺栓262套,ф30*1000mm 的地脚螺栓24套。 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 安徽华阳建筑工程有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2014年6月20日 工程名称 龙门寺服务区服务用房扩建工程 主送单位 安徽省新同济建设监理咨询有限公司 抄送单位 安徽省驿达高速公路服务区经营管理有限公司 工 事由:基础开挖至设计标高时基础土质松软,建议增加50公分毛程 石混凝土。 施 以上望监理及业主单位给予回复。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 安徽华阳建筑工程有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 宝秀安置小区4#、5#楼工程进度汇报 丰泽区宝秀小区开发领导小组: 一、已完成工程量如下: 4#楼:至7月31日已完成地基基础及主体结构一至屋面层钢筋、模板、混凝土工程;完成基础及主体二层、三层砌体,完成金额2230318元。 5#楼:至7月31日已完成地基基础及主体结构一至屋面层钢筋、模板、混凝土工程;完成基础及主体二层、三层、四层、五层砌体,金额2081522元。 二、施工进度如下: 4#楼:8月份计划完成四层、五层、六层、七层、屋面梯间砌体;计划8月15日中间验收,外墙打灰饼、充筋;内墙打灰饼、充筋。9月份计划完成坡屋面装修工程、门窗工程、零星构件;外墙粉刷工程;10月份计划完成内墙粉刷工程、楼梯地面及扶手、护栏,10月30日拆除竹架;11月份计划完成其他零星项目,工程扫尾阶级,预计完成金额为1302598元。 5#楼:8月份计划完成六层、七层、屋面梯间砌体;计划8月15日中间验收,外墙打灰饼、充筋;内墙打灰饼、充筋。9月份计划完成坡屋面装修工程、门窗工程、零星构件;外墙粉刷工程;10月份计划完成内墙粉刷工程、楼梯地面及扶手、护栏,10月30日拆除竹架;11月份计划完成其他零星项目,工程扫尾阶级,预计完成金额为1306747元。 项目经理: 南安第一建设有限公司 宝秀安置小区项目部 2006年8月1日 监理单位 项目专业技术负责人: sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2005年12月15日编号:4#--003 工程名称 宝秀安置小区4#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 我公司与建设单位及监理单位共同实测,4#楼自然地面标高与设计标高?0(00程高差为0.64m,因此产生土方开挖工程量增加,请监理单位及建设单位对超挖土方 工程量给予证实。 施 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2005年12月15日编号:5#--001 工程名称 宝秀安置小区5#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 程我公司与建设单位及监理单位共同实测,5#楼自然地面标高与设计标高?0(00 高差为0.80m,因此产生土方开挖工程量增加,请监理单位及建设单位对超挖土方施工程量给予证实。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年1月18日编号:4#--001 工程名称 宝秀安置小区4#、5#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 我公司在基础土方开挖过程中,当地村民在05年12月16日至06年1月18程日共六次阻挠我公司施工,导致造成六次挖掘机进(出)场费用。请监理单位、建 设单位对我公司以上产生费用给予证实。 施 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年1月25日编号:4#--002 工程名称 宝秀安置小区4#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 应建设单位,我公司对工地入口大门及工地围墙南面缺口处进行零星砌程体,产生工程量增加。请监理单位、建设单位给予证实。 施 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年2月5日编号:4#--004 工程名称 宝秀安置小区4#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 本工程在基础土方开挖施工过程中,轴(A)交轴(2)、轴(C)交轴(1)、程轴(C)交轴(3)、轴(D)交轴(6)及轴(B)交轴(9)、(10)、(11)及轴(D) 交轴(12)、(13)、(14)、(15)处在开挖过程中遇大量中风化岩石层,是否凿除该施岩石层,请监理单位及建设单位给予回复。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年2月6日编号:4#--005 工程名称 宝秀安置小区4#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 本工程在基础土方开挖施工过程中,轴(A)交轴(2)、(3)、(4)、(6)及轴程(C)交轴(1)、(3)、(1/4)及轴(D)交轴(1)、(3)、(1/4)、(5)、(8)及轴(B) 交轴(6)处开挖至设计基础埋置深度(-1(5M)时,未见全风化岩土层?持力层,施是否继续开挖至设计持力层,请监理单位及建设单位给予回复。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年2月14日编号:5#--002 工程名称 宝秀安置小区5#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 本工程在基础土方开挖施工过程中,轴(A)交轴(18)、(19)、(20)及轴(B)程交轴(19)、(20)、(21)及轴(D)交轴(20)、(21)、(24)、(25)、(26)处在开 挖过程中遇大量中风化岩石层,是否凿除该岩石层,请监理单位及建设单位给予回施复。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年2月6日编号:5#--003 工程名称 宝秀安置小区5#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 本工程在基础土方开挖施工过程中,轴(A)交轴(2)、(3)、(4)、(6)及轴程(C)交轴(1)、(3)、(1/4)、(5)及轴(D)交轴(1)、(3)、(1/4)、(5)处开挖 至设计基础埋置深度(-1(5M)时,未见全风化岩土层?持力层,是否继续开挖至施设计持力层,请监理单位及建设单位对以上问题给予回复。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 施 工 联 系 单 2006年2月16日编号:5#--004 工程名称 宝秀安置小区5#楼 主送单位 广州万安建设监理有限公司 抄送单位 丰泽区建设发展有限公司 工 本工程轴(A)交轴(2)及轴(1)交轴(C)、(D)基础在开挖过程中,临近程周边围墙基础出现部分坍塌,无法正常施工,建设单位及监理单位建议对围墙进行 加固,在原围墙基础边浆砌一道毛石挡土墙,因此产生工程量增加。请监理单位及施建设单位对所增加工程量给予证实。 工 联 系 事 项 受监 理理 单单 监理单位专业技术负责人: 位位 年 月 日 单 建位 设意 单见 建设单位专业技术负责人: 位 年 月 日 发函 南安第一建设有限公司 项目负责人 单位 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 报 告 致:丰泽建设发展有限公司: 我公司承建的宝秀安置小区4#、5#楼工程。由于省建设厅于2006年4月27日对建设工程人工预算单价进行调整,将人工预算单价调整为土石方、拆除、搬运工:30元/工日,装饰工:50元/工日,其他工:38元/工日,以上调整后人工费与我公司原预算搬运工:25元/工日,装饰工:43元/工日,其他工:30元/工日存在较大价差。 由于国际原油价格上涨,导致部分建筑材料价格跟随上涨。经调查部分建筑材料现市场价格与我公司预算清单内价格价差如下: 预算清单内价格 现市场价格 价差 1、 BV-2.5照明电线: 1.42元/M 2.85元/M 1.43元/M 2、 BV-4.0照明电线: 1.66元/M 3.15元/M 1.49元/M 3、 BV-10动力电线: 3.51元/M 8.82元/M 5.31元/M 4、 BV-16动力电线: 5.47元/M 13.75元/M 8.28元/M 5、 BV-25动力电线: 8.40元/M 21.55元/M 13.15元/M 6、 SDVC-75-5: 1.6元/M 1.88元/M 0.28元/M 7、 SDVC-75-7 : 2.72元/M 3.85元/M 1.13元/M 8、 HYA-30×2×0.5 : 7.97元/M 14.2元/M 6.23元/M 9、 HBV-2×0.6 : 0.43元/M 0.92元/M 0.49元/M 10、中(细)砂: 23.87元/m? 66元/m? 42.13元/m? 11、中(粗)砂: 23.87元/m? 68元/m? 44.13元/m? 以上为我公司调查后清单内价格与市场价格的价差,望建设单位给予确认及进行价格调整。 致 礼~ 南安第一建设有限公司 宝秀安置小区项目部 2006-7-15 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must
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