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2011-02-24 4页 doc 42KB 21阅读




英语口语学习meteorological monitoring 气象监测 1meteorological monitoring 气象监测 Meteorological monitoring in areas prone to flood and geological disasters needs to be strengthened.在易受洪水和地质灾害侵袭的地区,我们需要加强气象监测 2clown care 小丑护理 3tall story 离奇故事 4media sensation 媒体焦点 sth. is Germany's bi...
meteorological monitoring 气象监测 1meteorological monitoring 气象监测 Meteorological monitoring in areas prone to flood and geological disasters needs to be strengthened.在易受洪水和地质灾害侵袭的地区,我们需要加强气象监测 2clown care 小丑护理 3tall story 离奇 4media sensation 媒体焦点 sth. is Germany's biggest media sensation 5China-US joint communique 中美联合公报 6no more Mr Nice Guy 再不当老好人了 I'm fed up with people taking advantage of me. From now on, it's no more Mr Nice Guy. 7people supervisor 人民监督员 8to keep one's eyes peeled 提高警惕,小心谨慎 peel :剥皮,去皮 9Give somebody a taste of his own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身 have a taste of one's own medicine 自尝苦果 10go scot-free 安然无恙、逍遥法外 11Somebody's eyes pop out 睁大眼睛示惊讶 12kick upstairs 明升暗降 Brown is being kicked upstairs to become chairman of the new company. 13、有关颜色的用法 (1)、We will soon be out of red. 我们不久就要转亏为盈了。 be in the red 债台高筑 (2)、He is the kind of person who calls white black. 他就是那种颠倒黑白的人。 (3)、Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe. 闷闷不乐 (4)、He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white. 他坚持要把这项协议 用白纸黑字写下来。 (5、Henry was beaten black and blue. 亨利被打得遍体鳞伤。 (6、The police caught them red-handed. 他们被警察当场捉住。 (7、You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon. 这种机会真是千载难逢。 (8、She is red with anger. 她气得满脸通红。 (9、All the family is in the pink. 全家人的身体都好极了。 (10、Thought I believe in telling the truth , I think a white lie is sometimes justified. 虽然我认为应该说实话,但我认为善意的谎言有时也是无可非议的。 (11You can talk until you're blue in the face , but I shall not believe it. 你可以没完没了地说下去,但我是不会相信你的。 (12、We are green hands, so we must learn from the old workers. 我们是新手,所以得向老工人学习。 14with flying colors 大获全胜 15Pull your socks up 振作精神 16与天气有关的表达 (1)、Don't worry about those two arguing. It's just a storm in a teacup. 小题大做 (2)、They are blowing hot and cold over this issue. 他们在这件事上摇摆不定。 (3)、He is always working in his garden-come rain or shine. 17、man in the street 普通人 18、up in Annie's room behind the clock 鬼才知道 "Do you know where my car keys are? " "Probably up in Annie's room behind the clock" 19to pull the wool over one's eyes 蒙蔽某人,欺骗 His partner certainly pulled the wool over his eyes. 他的合作伙伴肯定骗了他。 20、not even bat an eye 保持镇静,连眼睛也不眨一下 21、lickety split 极快地,一个人尽力地跑得飞快 22、lump in throat 哽咽 I get a lump in my throat. 我有种想哭的冲动 23、New Year's block 新年障碍 24、keep one's eye on the ball 警惕,集中精力 25、a cattle market 寻欢场所 26、rote learning 死记硬背 testlearning 应是模式 27、与“健康”有关的口语表达: (1)、be as fit as a fiddle 身体特别好 (2)、be in fine fettle (3)、be in the best of health (4)、feel fresh as a daisy 精神抖擞 (5)、sb. feel as right as rain (6)、sb. is lively and active (7)、be bursting with health (8)、The doctor says I am the picture of good health. 医生说我身体状况非常好。 (9)、be back on sb's feet 28、mass die-offs 群体死亡 29、turn turtle 底儿朝天 30、shortfall亏空 31、mail-order bride trade 跨国婚介 32、outstanding external debt 外债余额 33、waste away 日渐衰落 As she grew older, she just sort of wasted away. 34、red-carpet greeting 隆重欢迎仪式 35、pickup artists 把妹达人 36、有关“没精神”的表达 (1)、You look a bit green around the gills. 你看起来脸色很不好。 (2)、You look like death warmed up. 你看起来像害了病似的。 (3)、He is a wee bit peely-wally this morning. 今天早上他看起来有点病恹恹的。 (4)、You look a little peaked. 你看起来有点憔悴。 (5)、You look a bit under the weather. (6)、sb be a bit run down (7)、sb feel off-color (8)、be out of sorts 37、stand in awe 肃然起敬 Many people in the company stand in awe of the new president. 38、dark pool 暗池交易 39、highway toll fees 高速过路费 40、price cheating 价格欺诈 41、itching palm 贪财 He has itching palms. 42、eye-opener 使人惊奇的事物,使人打开眼界的事物 It was a terrible eye-opener when ... 43、发泄不满的表达: (1)、I regard him as a stick-in-the-mud. He can't accept anything new.我看他就是一个老古董。他根本没法接受新知识。 (2)、I've never met such an ignoramus. 我从没见过这么无知的人。 (3)、He's a lummox. 他是个傻大个儿。 (4)、He is a pea-brain. 他真是个笨蛋。 (5)、She gets a taste of her own medicine. (6)、Sooner or later, you will have to listen to your conscience. 总有一天你会受到良心的谴责。 (7)、She must have a few buttons missing. 她肯定是脑子缺根弦。 (8)、She had it coming to her, for she's been too conceited. 她活该,谁让她总是那么趾高气昂的。 (9)、She's an apple-polisher. 她真是个马屁精 44、dead from the neck up 真够笨的,脑残 45、a parting shot 临别赠言 He paused to deliver a parting shot at the door. 46、邮件高频句表达 (1)、I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon adout our development planning for the project A. (2)、We’d like to have the meeting on October 30. Same tome. 10月30号,老时间开会。 (3)、Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:00 pm. (4)、I want to talk to you over the phone regarding the project related issues. 我想跟你电话讨论一下项目情况。 (5)、I enclose the evaluation report for your reference. 我附加了评估报告供您阅读。 (6)、Attach is the design document, please review it. 文档在文件里,请评阅。 (7)、Hope you have a good trip back. 祝归途愉快。 (8)、How is the project going on? (9)、Any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know. (10)、Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您的反馈意见。 (11)、Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出你的建议。 47、on a shoestring 小本经营 The restaurant is run on a shoestring. 48、no-fly zone 禁燃区 49、活用英语口语 (1)、That was a close call. 好险! (2)、Far from it. 远非如此。 (3)、My mouth is watering. 我在流口水 (4)、I’m not myself today. (5)、It slipped my mind. 我走神了。 50、to keep something under your hat, 告诉你一个秘密,但千万不要告诉别人。 51、to clam up 嘴巴闭得紧紧的,拒不开口 52、如何表达“直觉” (1)、I have a hunch that … (2)、decide to play his hunch 决定凭直觉行事 (3)、follow your intuition 遵从你的直觉 (4)、She felt in her gut that he was guilty. 她从心底知道他是有罪的。 (5)、I have a gut feeling that 我深深觉得 53、good-time Charlie 乐天派 54、divine tune 神曲 55、劝诫人们要有耐心 1)、Don’t get depressed when facing difficulty. Just take things as they come. 2)、Rome wasn’t built in a day. 3)、I think it is necessary to look before you leap. 我觉得你应该想好了再行动。 4)、Don’t get ahead of yourself. 别做你力所不能及的事。 5)、I want you to be on your guard and watch your step from now on. 我要你从现在起注意提高警惕,步步当心。 6)、Be prepares and leave nothing to chance. 好好准备,别留下任何纰漏。 7)、Please bear with me while… 请耐心... 8)、There’s a time for everything. 9)、fall into place 井井有条 56、keep nose clean 不卷入是非 57、cut up rough 大发脾气 58、long in the tooth 一把年纪 59、高兴的表达 1)、I lucked out today./ I am in luck. 2)、I am on top of the world. 我太高兴了。 3)、He was over the moon at the good news. 4)、I am in seventh heaven. 我沉浸于极大的快乐中。 5)、I am as happy as a sand boy. 6)、I am wild with joy. 我欣喜若狂 60、rose-colored glasses 乐观 61、in the nick of time 正是时候,在紧要关头 62、
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