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2008复旦千分考——优秀高中生文化水平测试复旦大学2008年优秀高中生文化水平 复旦大学2008年优秀高中生文化水平 选拔测试试卷 (B卷) 本试卷共30页,满分1000分;每题5分,共200题;考试时间为180分钟。 考生注意: 1.答卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题卡上都用钢笔或圆珠笔填写姓名、中学名称、准考证号,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写试卷类型(A卷或B卷)和准考证号。 2.本卷为单选题,由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂在答题卡上。在答题卡上,考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重...
复旦大学2008年优秀高中生文化水平 复旦大学2008年优秀高中生文化水平 选拔测试试卷 (B卷) 本试卷共30页,满分1000分;每题5分,共200题;考试时间为180分钟。 考生注意: 1.答卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题卡上都用钢笔或圆珠笔填写姓名、中学名称、准考证号,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写试卷类型(A卷或B卷)和准考证号。 2.本卷为单选题,由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂在答题卡上。在答题卡上,考生应将代正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择并填涂。答案不能写在试卷上,写在试卷上一律不给分。 3.本卷每题答对得5分,不答得O分,答错扣2分!! 1.[元]施惠《绿林寄迹》:“倚山为寨,号为拦路虎。金银财宝,劫来如粪土。”句中的“拦路虎”一语作(  )。 A.补语 B,状语 c.动宾短语的宾语 D.宾语 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )。 A. 演绎 必竞 绊脚石 目不暇接 B.去逝 耽搁 爆发力 举步维艰 C.斡旋 戏谑 白内瘴 运筹帷幄 D.贸然 简练 纪录片 舔犊情深 3.鲁迅《月界旅行》七回:“那麦思敦更觉气色傲然,或饮或食,忽踊忽歌,大有‘此间乐不恩蜀’之意。”与句中“乐不思蜀”构成反向意义的是( )。 A.留连忘返 B.饮水思源 C. 乐而忘返 D.乐不可支 4.【明】归庄《万古愁》;“有几个狼奔豕突的燕和赵,有几个狗屠驴贩奴和盗。”与句中“狼奔豕突”近义的是( )。 A.鱼贯而行 B.狼吞虎咽 C.狼狈不堪 D.抱头鼠串 5.张洁《爱,是不能忘记的》:“有人就会说你的神经出了毛病,或是你有什么见不得人的隐私,或是你政治上出了什么问题,或是你刁钻古怪,看不起凡人,不尊重千百年来的社会习惯,你准是个离经叛道的邪人。”句中“离经叛道”的结构属于( )。 A.主谓式 B.并列式 C.偏正式 D.连动式 6.下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的—句是( )。 A.“学好语文的关键是什么?”他顿了一顿,郑重地说,“就是要注意日常积累和在课 堂上认真听讲。” B.“福娃妮妮”的造型创意来源于北京传统的沙燕风筝,“燕”还代表燕京,(古代北 京的称谓)妮妮在体操比赛中登场,代表奥林匹克五环中绿色的一环。 C.她每次去超市都会买很多零碎的东西,什么杏肉呀、酸奶呀、薯片呀,满满地装了一车。 D.朋友问:“这条路谁能走通呢?”我干脆地回答:“我不知道这条路谁能走通?但我 一定要坚定不移地走下去。 7.艺术“天才”之所以为“天才”,最主要是指他有( )。 A独特的创造力 B.高超的技巧 C.全面的知识 D.很高的敏感度 8.《巴黎圣母院》中的阿西莫多之所以荣获选丑冠军是因为( )。 A.他接近祖先形象 B.他超越了动物的特征 C.他极端丑陋而爱慕美色 D.他行为不端 9.下列各句中,加下划线的词语使用恰当的一句是( )。 A.当下部分学者谈起理论来口若悬河,而遇到实际问题时却束手无策,这种述而不作的风气应该加以纠正。 B.刘先生可是享誉海内外的大家,我们哪敢在您面前舞文弄墨呢?所谓“瓜田不纳履, 李下不整冠”嘛! C.党员干部要多为群众办实事,做好事,长期口惠而实不至,党在群众心中的威信就会受损。 D.在居委会张大妈的劝说下,吴师傅和邻居石大嫂终于和好如初,破镜重圆了。 10.在个性与社会性的矛盾统一中,个性是( )。 A.前提 B.条件 C.陪衬 D.基础 11.下列句子中“怨”的含义与另三项不同的—项是( )。 A.诗可以群,可以怨 B.离群托诗以怨 C.天下纷然,怨声载道 D.屈平之作《离骚》,盖自怨生也 12.“予以乡闾故,幼而识之,知其志节,缓急可托者也。予之在朝,谷浮沉里中,未尝一见。绍圣初,予以罪谪居筠洲,自筠徙循。”(苏辙《巢谷传》)与“予以罪谪居筠洲”句式相类的一项是( )。 A.父中世,眉山农家也 B.我泾原武夫,死非所惜 C.及存宝得罪,将就逮,自料必死 D.谷逃避江淮间 13.以下不属于社会悲剧的作品是( )。 A.《安娜·卡列尼娜》 B.《高老头》 C.《玩偶之家》 D.《奥狄浦斯王》 14.莎士比亚剧中人物哈姆雷特致死的原因是他的( )。 A.贪婪的野心 B.多疑和寡断 C.嫉妒的烈火 D.轻信和暴躁 15.下列各句中,语意明确的一句是( )。 A.小李说王主任是靠关系来到广告部的,在场的人没有不对此感到气愤的。 B.我第—次接触他时,他还只是—个十几岁的小孩子,现在都大学毕业而且工作两年了。 C.后勤主任不无骄傲地说,新教师宿舍已经建好了,下个月就可以入住。 D-讨论会上主任又提了几个建议,可是他没有听取主任的建议,从大局出发,对这套 加以修改。 16.“爱屋及乌”属于( )。 A.相似联想 B.接近联想 C.对比联想 D.对立联想 17.余光中《娓娓与喋喋》:“……吓得闭气都来不及了,哪里还听得进什么肺腑之言。此人的肺腑深深深几许,尚不得而知,他的口腔是怎么一回事,早已有各种菜味,酸甜苦辣地向你告密了。”其中“此人的肺腑深深深几许”一句化用了古人的诗句。其所化用的是( )。 A.周邦彦 B.苏轼 C.欧阳修 D.李清照 18.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是——。 A.这个班的学习成绩一直在下滑,其根本原因是班级学习风气不正在作怪。 B.合理的职业技术人才结构要求多类别的人才自成序列化,即不仅人才形成了多种类 别,而且每一种类别都由从低到高的不同层次的人才构成。 C.巴基斯坦官员2005年11月8日宣布,南亚大地震使巴基斯坦在这场不幸的灾难中 死亡人数已经超过8万人。 D.虽然情感生活不是我们生活的全部,但谁又能否认它不是我们整个生命中的重要组 成部分呢? 19.下列艺术中,最贴近“抽象”方式的是( )。 A.书法 B.现代“抽象艺术” C.中国水墨画 D.印象派绘画 20.“青菜萝卜,各有所爱”指的是( )。 A.精神上的差异 B.品味上的差异 c.审美上的差异 D.心理上的差异 21.揭示“道“的境界与道理的“佝偻承蜩”的故事出自( )。 A.《论语》 B.《孟子》 C.《吕氏春秋》 D.《庄子》 22.下列句子中“以”字用法与另三句不同的一项是( )。 A.然以其猛 B.余以柳枝横扫之 C.冉氏是以颇患苦狗 D.盗惊以遁 23.中国画中,常用梅、兰、竹、菊来表示人格,这种方式涉及的意象类型是( )。 A.仿象 B.兴象 C.喻象 D. 抽象 24.下列语句中加下划线的熟语运用恰当的一句是( )。 A.我的态度很鲜明,对“台独”分子的言论不能赞一辞,对他们的行为深恶痛绝。 B.明日黄花今又艳,她因报考复旦大学博士研究生,再度成为新闻人物。 c.做事要认真专一,一把钥匙开一把锁,这样才能把事做好。 D.这点小错误算不了什么,不足为训,你不要记在心上。 25.对下列诗句的解释错误的一项是( )。 A.明月不归沉碧海,白云愁色满苍梧。(说层层白云带着愁色,是拟人手法。) B.月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。(“天镜”、“海楼”写荆门一带的奇妙美景,是比喻手法。) C. 螟虫喧暮色,默思坐西林。听雨寒更尽,开门落叶深。(运用反衬手法,以彻夜听雨反衬落叶之多。) D.笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。声名从此大,汩没一朝伸。(运用夸张手法,赞美诗人才华出众。) 26.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。 (1)—个人如果( )于过去的光辉业绩,那么“今天”就会一声不响地从他身边溜过。 (2)专业人士提醒留学者,不要等出了纠纷,权益受到( )时才想起律师,应事先处理好有关事宜。 (3) ( )我们前一时期已经克服了工作上的许多困难,( )今后的困难也同样能够克服。 A.满足 损害 既然/那么 B.沉湎 伤害 既然/那么 C.满足 伤害 如果/那么 D.沉湎 损害 如果/那么 27.古人云:“不知荣辱乃不能成人。”“宁可毁人,不可毁誉。”人作为一种社会性的存在,遵循一定的文明,知荣知辱,这样才能构成一个有序的社会。这充分说明( )。 A.人的自然性和社会性共同构成了人的本质属性 B.人的本质属性是社会性 C.人的自然性和社会性相互制约 D.人的社会属性是人类存在的前提和基础 28.吴冠中在《苹果颂——感郑为著〈中国绘画史〉出版》一文中写道:“他任上海博物馆书画鉴定专职后,所读名画、杰作,数以万计,其爱好更及陶瓷、雕塑,目力洞悉古今中外,发表了不少具独到思考的论文与著作,而他始终未脱离画家生涯,深深体验着作为学者的心路历程。我早就感到他应认真下功夫写部《中国绘画史》,一部史学家、艺评家和画家合作的《中国绘画史》。”对划线句子理解正确的一项是( )。 A.吴冠中说“早就感到他应认真下功夫写部《中国绘画史》”,暗含对郑为没有及时、认真写出此书的委婉批评之意。 B.吴冠中认为《中国绘画史》不是郑为个人能独立完成的,应该由史学家、艺评家和画家共同合作才能完成。 C.吴冠中认为《中国绘画史》的写作应以郑为个人为主,同时还要吸收采纳史学、文艺评论等方面专家的意见。 D.吴冠中认为郑为凭自己的才情阅历完全可以独立完成一部集史学家、艺评家、画家之长于—体的《中国绘画史》。 29.“少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼;爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休;欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。”辛弃疾的这首词从一个侧面反映了( )。 A.人们对事物的看法受其世界观的影响 B.亲身经验只是对事物现象的认识 C.人们对事物的认识有—个不断深化发展的过程 D.人们对事物的认识有—个从错误到正确的过程 30.孔子《论语·季氏》:“益者三友,损者三友。友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣;友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损矣。”这里“友直,友谅,友多闻”的意思是( )。 A.朋友要正直,朋友要可靠,朋友要见闻广博。 B.朋友要正直,朋友间要相互谅解,朋友要多听取别人意见。 C.与正直的人交友,与信实的人交友,与见闻广博的人交友。 D.以正直的人为友,以讲信用的人为友,以善于多听取别人意见的人为友。 31.名句“别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声”出自( )。 A.自居易《琵琶行(并序)》 B.杜甫《月夜忆舍弟》 C.陶渊明《饮酒》 D.马致远《天净沙·秋思》 32.下列各句中修辞方法使用不恰当的一句是( )。 A.树林是一片绿色的海洋,轻风是海洋的呼吸。 B.珍珠是贝痛苦的结晶,是海的泪。 C.面对风暴的欺凌,松柏挺胸不屈,杨柳弯腰逢迎,江河寂然无语,高山昂然抗争。 D.太阳从地平线上露出笑脸,用她那柔美的金色手指,悄悄地捡走了草地上的珠玑。 33. At 85, Doris, single, diabetic and living alone, was becoming increasingly forgetful and ( D ) A. acute B. frail C. significant D. offensive 34.Just because you've got your degree doesn't mean that you can rest, ( ) your laurels. A.with B.at C.on D.behind 35.Professor Hill reveals the principles which( )the political ideology and actions of the party during the l920s. A.expounded B.erased C.embraced D.underlay 36.( ) the popular Western imagination,India continues to be a country in backwardness and poverty with very little to show ( ), scientific innovation or technological achievement. A.for want of B.in gratitude to C.by way of D.in contact with 37.( A ) the quality of the runners, I think this week's 800 meters final could produce a new Olympic record. A.Judging from B.Be judged by C.Judged by D.To judge from 38.Failure to ( B )with the regulations can result in a $20,000 fine or a six-month prison sentence. A.compete B.comply C.consult D.coincide 39. We have to ( D )our original plan if unfortunately this one doesn’t work out. A.fall under B.fall behind C.fall to D.fall back on 40. It could soon be an offence to publish articles or photos which ( A ) personal relationships, finances or health. A.intrude on B.tear at C.break up D.mess with 41.You can ( A )the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat and the radiators. A.regulate B.enlarge C.itch D.elude 42.Literary scholars are piecing together her last unpublished novel from ( )of a recently discovered manuscript. A.portions B.sections C.fragments D.sessions 43.I think you should examine their( C )in offering to lend you the money. A.motivation B.stimulus C.motive D.compensation 44.The assassination could do serious damage to the ( )peace agreement that was signed last month. A.delicate B.wretched C.organic D.fragile 45. He has some information that I want so I’m going to try to ( ) it out of him over a drink. A. coax B. soothe C. commend D. commence 46. Do you think you could ( ) something for hanging my clothes on until I can get a wardrobe? A. ruffle B. contrive C. revive D. evoke 47. The results of the recent research will ( ) the mystery of the creation of the Universe. A. bristlc B. gleam C. glimpse D. illuminate 48. Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards could be ( ) under the Consumers Protection Act, 1987. A. condemned B. prosecuted C. executed D. jettisoned If all goes according to plan, the entire North American continent will become a free trade zone devoid of tariffs, quotas, and other trade banriers some time during the 1990s. This plan is the result of recent agreements and discussions involving the United States and Canada on the one hand and the United States and Mexico on the other. Canada. Canada and the United States are already each other's largest trading partners. In 1956, for example, the U.S. accounted for 71 percent of Canadian merchandise trade(exports plus imports); Canada accounted for 19 percent of U.S. trade. In 1988, a historic document was signed, the Canada-United States Free-Trade Agreement. In many respects, this event seems a natural consequence of long-standing friendship, common economic interests, and geographic proximity. Nevertheless, it took more than a century to reach agreement. In the mid 1800s, after Great Britain repealed the Corn Laws, Canada proposed bilateral free trade with the United States, and a limited treaty covering natural products only was signed. However, it was abrogated during the Civil War by the United States because of close Canadian-British ties and British support for the Confederacy. After more than a century of fluctuating sentiments on the issue, the 1988 agreement finally elminates all bilateral tariffs (in stages to be completed by 1998) and all quantitative trade restrictions. The agreement, it was thought, would particularly boost trade in agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, poultry), mining products (coal and oil), and services (banking, computer, insurance, professional and telecommunications services, plus retail and wholesale wade). Both countries expected net gains between $ 1 and 3 billion per year. Mexico. Mexico is the third largest U.S. trading panner, accounting for 5 percent of U.S. exports plus imports (Canada and Japan account for 19 percent each); the U.S. accounts for two-thirds of Mexico's foreign trade. In 1987, the United States-Mexico Framework Understanding put in place the first procedures ever for consultations regarding trade and investment relations between these two countries. The mechanism was set up to resolve disputes and to negotiate the removal of trade barriers as supplenment to GATT. In early 1991, genuine free trade discussions were set in motion and soon joined by Canada. The goal was the creation of a hemispheric free trade zone reaching from the Yukon to the Yucatan and encompassing a market of owr 360 million people. Analysts foresaw major gains associated with increased specialization and trade. They also predicted major adjustment costs in the United States where low-skill jobs would be lost to thousands of low-wage assembly plants now clustered along the U.S.- Mexican border, while high-skill jobs ranging from architecture to engineering and telecommunications would get a noticeable export boost. Another likely consequence is that the future rise in real wages south of the border would slow the flow of illegal aliens into the United States. 49. The main idea of this passage is that ( ) A. the new North American free trade zone will likely have many benefits for the countries involved B. the United States has made great contributions to the establishment of free trade zones C. a North American free trade zone will give the United States significant advantages in its trade with Japan D. free trade zones will prevent illegal immigrants from entering the United States 50. The details given in the underlined sentences in Paragraph 2 ( ) A. emphasize the important role the United States played in the world trade B. provide evidence supporting a tentative conclusion C. illustrate how a free trade zone has worked in the past D. add believability to the statement that Canada and the United States are important trading partners. 51. The author's likely purpose in this passage is to ( ) A. convince B. evaluate C. argue for something D. criticize 52. As used in line 5 Paragraph 3, the word abrogated means ( ) . A. abolished B. abridged C. ignited suddenly D. ended formally General Electric has found robots far more productive in some work than human workers. In one case, a robot saved enough to pay for itself in ten months. At Ford Motor Company, about fifty small robots are deftly fitting light bulbs into dashboards and speakers into car radios. The next phase of the computer revolution may well turn out to be the robot revolution. Robots have been fixtures in comedy and science fiction for a long time, but the first industrial robot wasn't used in the United States until 1961. Industrial robots scarcely resemble the stereotyped humanoid with flashing eyes and a control-panel chest. They're basically just combinations of a computer with very deft and efficient producing machines. What's really new, of course, is the extent to which these electronic wonders are transforming the way people work and the composition of the work force, especially in Japan. There are about 36.000 robots working in Japan and approximately 6,500 in the United States. In early 1982, Raymond Donovan, U.S. Secretary of Labor, predicted that by 1990 half the workers in U.S. factories would be specialists trained to service and repair robots. It's easy to see why these "steel-collar workers" can be preferable to their human counterparts. They cause fewer personnel problems: they're never absent, and they never ask for more holidays, take vacations, or file grievances. They also give more consistent attention to quality control, are more efficient and effective performers, and are definitely cheaper to keep. Robots, which cost about $30,000 to $150,000 each, usually work two shifts a day. The displaced workers would draw salaries and benefits of about $790,000 a year. However, robots still cannot replace all facets of the human worker. The automated factory is feasible, but when it comes to reason and informed decisions, robots are still in the same league with machines, at least for now. 53. The details given in the underlined sentences in Paragraph 2 ( ) A. illustrate the technical superiority of Japanese technology over American technology B. show the growth in acceptance of robot workers worldwide C. demonstrate the need to catch up with Japanese technology D. warn against the possibility that robot workers will displace human workers 54. In line 3 Paragraph 1, the word deftly means ( ) . A. clumsily B. swiftly C. expensively D. skillfully 55. In this passage the author shows bias in favor of( ) A. General Electric B. more factory personnel C. steel-collar workers D. Ford Motor Company 56. The writer of this passage probably ( ) A. sees a role for both robot and human factory workers B. wants to see more robots employed in factories C. feels threatened by robots D. believes robots make manufacturing much easier Arguing that pop culture is not dumbing us down but making us more intelligent is guaranteed to generate media buzz. In the United States, Everything Bad is Good for You, the new book by the American pop science writer, Steven Johnson, has sparked a flurry of comment, much of it 57( ) his claims about the beneficial effects of watching reality TV and The Sopranos. Much attention has focused more on Johnson's observations that computer games require 58 ( ), forward planning, lateral thinking and sustained problem solving and, as such, offer a cognitive workout that can benefit 59( ) mental development. In the past few years academics, teachers and software developers have experimented with different ways to harness the cognitive 60( ) of games in more directed ways. Gee, author of What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy, argues that the best games offer a 61( ) learning experience and suggests teachers can learn useful lessons by looking at how games draw players in and 62( ) them to concentrate and tackle complex problems. "Academic areas, like biology or history, are themselves like games," Gee says. "Scientists act and interact 63( ) certain identities and values and use knowledge and information to accomplish certain sorts of goals. So learning science should be about learning how to 'play the game' of science." Obvionsly he is critical 64 ( ) "skill and drill" teaching, which focuses on lists of facts and repetitive testing. 57. A. depended on B. centered on C. circulated through D. clustered round 58. A. concentration B. determination C. perseverance D. tolerance 59. A. complete B. extraordinary C. thorough D. overall 60. A. reforms B. innovations C. reproductions D. revision 61. A. model B. moral C. morale D. mode 62, A. propel B. motivate C. provoke D. compel 63. A. on account of B. on the strength of C. in defiance of D. in terms of 64. A. with B. of C. at D. in 65.已知a,b,c是不完全相等的任意实数。若x=a2一bc,y=b2-ac,z=c2-ab。则x,y,z的值( ) . A.都大于O; B.至少有—个大于0; C.至少有—个小于O; D.都不小于0. 66. 已知关于x的方程x2-6x+(a-2)|x-3|+9-2a=0有两个不同的实数根,则系数a的取值范围是( ) A.a>0或a=-2 B.a<0 C.a=2或a>0 D.a=-2 67. 在二项式 的展开式中,若前3项的系数成等差数列,则展开式的有理项的项数为( ) A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 68. 设 和 为平面上两个长度为1的不共线向量,且它们和的模长满足| + |= 。则(2 -5 )(3 + )=( ) A. B.- C. D.- 69. 在复平面上,满足方程z +z+ =3的复数z所对应的点构成的图形是( ) A.圆 B.两个点 C.线段 D.直线 70. 在如图所示的棱长均为1的正四面体ABCD中,点M和N分别是边AB和CD的中点。则线段MN的长度为( ) A. B. C. D.2 71. 过抛物线y2 =2px(p>O)的焦点F作直线交抛物线于A,B两点,O为抛物线的顶点。则三角形ABO是一个( C )。 A.等边三角形; B.直角三角形: c.不等边锐角三角形; D.钝角三角形。 72. 设f(x)的定义域是全体实数,且f(x)的图形关于直线x=a和x=b对称,其中a0时,f(x) 0 D.以上均不对 84. 椭圆=1的焦点为F1和F2,点P在椭圆上,若PF1的中点在y轴上,则|PF1|是|PF2|的( ) A.3倍 B.5倍 C.7倍 D.9倍 85. 5个不同元素ai(i=1,2,3,4,5)排成一列,规定a1不许排第一,a2不许排第二,不同的排法共有( ) A.64种 B.72种 C.78种 D.84种 86. 设某个多边形 的顶点在复平面中均为形式为1+z+z2+……+zk-1的点,其中|z|<1。则点z=0有性质( ) A.一定是多边形 上的点 B.一定不是多边形 上的点 C.不一定是多边形 上的点 D.恰恰是多边形 的边界点 87. 一批衬衣中有一等品和二等品,其中二等品率为0.1。将这批衬衣逐渐检测后放回,在连续三次检测中,至少有一件是二等品的概率为( ) A.0.271 B.0.243 C.0.1 D.0.081 88. 设x1,x2,x3是方程x3+x+2=0的三个根,则行列式 =( ) A.-4 B.-1 C.0 D.2 89. 设a>0,a 1,则函数f(x)= 和g(x)= 为( ) A.f(x)和g(x)均为奇函数 B.f(x)和g(x)均为偶函数 C.f(x)是偶函数但g(x)是奇函数 D.f(x)是奇函数但g(x)是偶函数 90. 设A= 是一个二阶方阵,则100个A的乘积A100=( ) A.299A B.2100A C.399A D.3100A 91. 三边均为整数,且最大边长为11的三角形,共有( )个 A.20 B.26 C.30 D.36 92. 如图所示,正方形ABCD的面积设为l,E和F分别是AB和BC的中点,则图中阴影部分的面积是( ) 。 A. B. C. D. 93.设A ={a1,a2,a3)是由三个不同元素所组成的集合,且T是A的子集族满足性质:空集和A属于T,并且T中任何两个元的交集和并集还属于T。问所有可能的T的个数为( ) A.29; B.33; C.43; D.59. 94. 设F1,F2分别为椭圆 =1的左、右焦点,且点P是椭圆上的一点。若F1,F2,P是一个直角三角形的三个顶点,则点P到x轴的距离为( ) A.3 B. C. D. 95. 若空间三条直线a,b,c两两成异面直线,则与a,b,c都相交的直线有( B ). A.0条: B.1条 C.多于1的有限条 D.无穷多条 96. 已知一个三角形的面积为 ,且它的外接圆半径为1。设a,b,c分别为这个三角形的三条边的边长,令u= 且v= ,则u和v的关系为( ) A. u>v B. u=v C. u
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