

2017-09-02 25页 doc 67KB 42阅读




坐月子吃什么好坐月子吃什么好 坐月子吃什么好——产后饮食知识总结l产后饮食4大原则 据营养医生推荐,新妈妈产后饮食应以精、杂、稀、软为主要原则。 l精是指量不宜过多 产后过量的饮食除了能让产妇在孕期体重增加的基础上进一步肥胖外,对于产后的恢复并无益处。如果你是母乳喂养婴儿,奶水很多,食量可以比孕期稍增,最多增加1/5的量;如果你的奶量正好够宝宝吃,则与孕期等量亦可;如果你没有奶水或是不准备母乳喂养,食量和非孕期差不多就可以了。 l杂是指食物品种多样化 产后饮食虽有讲究,但忌口不宜过,荤素搭配还是很重要的。进食的品种越丰富,营养越...
坐月子吃什么好 坐月子吃什么好——产后饮食知识总结l产后饮食4大原则 据营养医生推荐,新妈妈产后饮食应以精、杂、稀、软为主要原则。 l精是指量不宜过多 产后过量的饮食除了能让产妇在孕期体重增加的基础上进一步肥胖外,对于产后的恢复并无益处。如果你是母乳喂养婴儿,奶水很多,食量可以比孕期稍增,最多增加1/5的量;如果你的奶量正好够宝宝吃,则与孕期等量亦可;如果你没有奶水或是不准备母乳喂养,食量和非孕期差不多就可以了。 l杂是指食物品种多样化 产后饮食虽有讲究,但忌口不宜过,荤素搭配还是很重要的。进食的品种越丰富,营养越平衡和全面。除了明确对身体无益的,和吃后可能会过敏的食物外,荤素菜的品种应尽量丰富多样。 l稀是指水分要多一些 乳汁的分泌是新妈妈产后水的需要量增加的原因之一,此外,产妇大多出汗较多,体的水分挥发也大于平时。因此,产妇饮食中的水分可以多一点,如多喝汤、牛奶、粥等。 l软是指食物烧煮方式应以细软为主 产妇的饭要煮得软一点,少吃油炸的食物,少吃坚硬的带壳的食物。因新妈妈产后由于体力透支,很多人会有牙齿松动的情况,过硬的食物一方面对牙齿不好,另外一方面也不利于消化吸收。 l传统观念中“对”与“错” l产后宜多喝汤 对。产后应多补充水分。不过,新妈妈大多乳腺管还未完全通畅,不要太急着喝催奶的汤,不然在产后前两三天的涨奶期可能会痛得你直想哭的。你可以喝一点蛋汤、鱼汤等较为清淡的汤,汤不要过咸。 爱心提醒:油汤最好要少喝,汤中的油多了,奶水中的脂肪量也会增加,新生儿的消化功能还不完备,奶中过多的脂肪有可能会使你的宝宝拉肚子。 l产后不能喝水 当然是无稽之谈。一些来自台湾的坐月子公司宣传说产后不能喝水,喝了水会引起内脏下垂等后果,但中西医理论方面都没有任何依据。 l产后应忌生冷 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 对。从医学的角度来说,产妇由于分娩消耗大量体力,分娩后体内激素水平大大下降,新生儿和胎盘的娩出,都使得产妇代谢降低,体质大多从内热到虚寒。因此,中医主张产后宜温,过于生冷的食物不宜多吃。如冷饮、冷菜、凉拌菜等,从冰箱里拿出的来水果和菜最好温热过再吃。爱心提醒:一些凉拌的菜未经高温消毒,新妈妈产后体质较弱,抵抗力差,容易引起胃肠炎等消化道疾病。一些寒性的水果,如西瓜、梨等不宜多食,对于某些脾胃虚弱者,可能引起拉肚子。当然,在夏季可以少量食用,注意量不宜多。 l产后不能吃蔬菜水果 这个观点是片面的。有些人以产后宜温为由,认为蔬菜大多为凉性的,产后应多吃荤菜、鸡蛋补充体力,不吃或少吃蔬菜。其实,大多蔬菜只要经过适当的烧煮,性味不一定是寒性的。且蔬菜中有大量的维生素,对于新妈妈的精神恢复是大有好处的。蔬菜中的水分和纤维素,水果中的果胶对防止产后便秘也是有利的。所以产后仍应多吃蔬菜,适当地吃水果。在天气炎热的夏天,适量地吃水果还能防止中暑。爱心提醒:对于体质较虚的人来说,宜少吃苦瓜、枸杞菜、萝卜缨、芹菜等过于凉性的的菜肴。 l产后忌吃辛辣温燥食物 对。因为辛辣温燥食物可助内热,而使产妇虚火上升,有可能会出现口舌生疮,大便秘结或痔疮等症状,也可能通过乳汁使婴儿内热加重,因此饮食宜清淡,尤其在产后5,7天之内,应以软饭、蛋汤等为主,不要吃过于油腻和麻辣的食物,例如特大蒜、辣椒、胡椒、茴香、酒、韭菜等辛辣温燥食物和调味香料。 l产后要大补 这种观点是危险的。每个人的体质不同,对营养的需求也不完全相同,适当地补充人体所缺的营养品或是中药是有利于身体的平衡健康的,而不适当或过量的补充反而有害身体。产后如果恶露排出不畅,下腹隐痛的人,可以吃一些红糖,或是益母草煲汤,或是产复康之类的中药。如果没有这类情况,也可不吃,有些体质特别热的产妇,反正可能因吃了这类活血排淤的食物或药物,引起产后出血特别增加或是便秘的情况。 爱心提醒:小心补伤~如果你家中有进补的习惯,想将桂圆、黄芪、党参、当归等补血补气的中药煲入汤中也是可以的,但最好等产后恶露排出后,或颜色不再是鲜红色后再吃,否则可能引起活血,增加产后出血,俗称补伤。因为桂圆中含有抑制子宫收缩的物质,不利于产后子宫的收缩恢复,不利于产后淤血的排出。 l营养小秘诀 l猪肝适合在早上、中午食用。 l鸡蛋蛋黄中的铁质对贫血的产妇有疗效。 l莲藕排骨汤可治疗坐月子期间的贫血症状,莲藕具有缓和神经紧张的作用。 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district l干贝有稳定情绪作用,可治疗产后忧郁症。 l红萝卜含丰富的维他命A、B、C,是产妇的最佳菜肴。 l猪腰有强化肾脏、促进体内新代谢、恢复子宫机能、治疗腰酸背痛等功效。 l芝麻含钙高,多吃可预防产钙质之流失及便秘。 l猪蹄能补血通乳,可治疗产后缺乳症。 l花生能养血止血,可治疗贫血出血症,其有滋养作用。 l西芹纤维质高,多吃可预防产妇便秘。 l糯米性味甘平,补中益气,而红蟳油饭是一道产妇高贵补品。 l黑豆含有丰富的植物性蛋白质及维他命A、B、C,对脚气浮肿、腹部和身体肌肉松弛者也有改善功效。 l海参是零胆固醇的食品,蛋白质高,适合产后虚弱、消瘦乏力、肾虚水肿及黄疸者食用。 l猪心有强化心脏的功能。 l吻鱼含钙丰富,适合产妇食用。 产后不能吃什么——产后饮食知识总结l忌多吃味精 为了婴儿不出现缺锌症,新妈妈应忌吃过量味精。一般而言,成人吃味精是有益无害的,而婴儿,特别是12周内的婴儿,如果哺乳期间的妈妈在摄入高蛋白饮食的同时,又食用过量味精,则不利。因为味精内的谷氨酸钠就会通过乳汁进入婴儿体内。过量的谷氨酸钠对婴儿,尤其是12周内的婴儿发育有严重影响,它能与婴儿血液中的锌发生特异性的结合,生成不能被机体吸收的谷氨酸,而锌却随尿排出,从而导致婴儿锌的缺乏,这样,婴儿不仅易出现味觉差、厌食,而且还可造成智力减退,生长发育迟缓等不良后果。 l忌急于服用人参 有的新妈妈产后急于服用人参,想补一补身子。其实新妈妈急于用人参补身子是有害无益的。人参含有多种有效成分,这些成分能对人体产生广泛的兴奋作用,其中对人体中枢神经的兴奋作用能导致服用者出现失眠、烦躁、心神不安等不良反应。而刚生完孩子的新妈妈,精力和体力消耗很大,十分需要卧床休息,如果此时服用人参,反而因兴奋难以安睡,影响精力urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 的恢复。 人参是补元气的药物,促进血液循环,加速血的流动。这对刚刚生完孩子的新妈妈十分不利。因为分娩过程中,内外生殖器的血管多有损伤,服用人参,有可能影响受损血管的自行愈合,造成流血不止,甚至大出血。因此,新妈妈在生完孩子的一个星期之内,不要服用人参,分娩7天以后,新妈妈的伤口已经愈合,此时服点人参,有助于新妈妈的体力恢复。但也不可服用过多。人参属热,会导致新妈妈上火或引起婴儿食热。新妈妈食用多种多样的食物,来补充营养是最好的办法。 l忌过多吃鸡蛋 医学研究表明,分娩后数小时内,最好不要吃鸡蛋。因为在分娩过程中,新妈妈体力消耗大,出汗多,体液不足,消化能力也随之下降。若分娩后立即吃鸡蛋,就难以消化,增加胃肠负担。分娩后数小时内,应吃半流质或流质饮食为宜。在整个产褥期间,根据国家对孕、新妈妈营养规定,每天需要蛋白质100克左右,因此,每天吃鸡蛋3,4个就足够了。过量食用鸡蛋也会,增加肠胃负担,甚至容易引起胃病。 l忌多吃红糖 红糖营养丰富,释放能量快,营养吸收利用率高,具有温补性质。新妈妈分娩后,由于丧失了一些血液,身体虚弱,需要大量快速补充铁、钙、锰、锌等微量元素和蛋白质。红糖还含有“益母草”成分,可以促进子宫收缩,排出产后宫腔内淤血,促使子宫早日复原。新妈妈分娩后,元气大损,体质虚弱,吃些红糖有益气养血、健脾暖胃、驱散风寒、活血化淤的功效。但是,新妈妈切不可因红糖有如此多的益处,就一味多吃,认为越多越好。因为过多饮用红糖水,不仅会损坏新妈妈的牙齿,而且红糖性温,如果新妈妈在夏季过多喝了红糖水,必定加速出汗,使身体更加虚弱,甚至中暑。此外,喝红糖水时应煮开后饮用,不要用开水一冲即用,因为红糖在贮藏、运输等过程中,容易产生细菌,有可能引发疾病。 l忌坚硬粗糙及生冷食物 新妈妈脾胃功能尚未完全恢复,过于寒冻的食物会损伤脾胃影响消化,且生冷之物易致淤血滞留,可引起新妈妈腹痛、产后恶露不绝等。另外,新妈妈尽可能不要吃存放时间较长的剩饭菜。新妈妈也最好不要吃容易引起过敏的食物,如海鲜等,否则容易引起过敏或是细菌感染,会直接影响到接受母乳的宝宝健康。但是,新鲜的水果,不包括在“禁忌”之内。水果,有促进食欲、帮助消化与排泄的作用,不必因“太凉”而不食用。而且一般在室内放置的水果不会凉到刺激新妈妈消化器官而影响健康的程度。 l忌喝大量白开水 一般新妈妈在怀孕末期通常都会有水肿现象,而产后坐月子正是身体恢复的黄金时期,这段时间要让身体积聚的所有水分尽量排出,如果又喝进许多水,将可能不利于身体恢复。如果是剖宫产的妈妈可能需要服一些药物,则仍需饮用适量的水分,但不要一次饮用大量水,而应该分次适量喝。 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district l忌酸咸食物 酸性的咸味食物容易使水分积聚,而影响身体的水分排除,此外咸味食物中的钠离子更易使血液中的浓稠度增加,而让新陈代谢受到影响,造成血液循环减缓。新妈妈坐月子期间最好避免酸咸的食物。有的新妈妈为了迅速瘦身,喝醋减肥。其实这样做不好。因为新妈妈身体各部位都比较弱,需要有一个恢复过程,在此期间极易受到损伤,酸性食物会损伤牙齿使新妈妈日后留下牙齿易于酸痛的遗患。食醋中含醋酸约3%,4%,若仅作为调味品食用,与牙齿接触的时间很短,不至于在体内引起什么不良作用,还可以促进食欲。所以,醋作为调味品食用,就不必禁忌。过咸的食品有回奶作用,在提倡母乳喂养的今天,新妈妈口味宜偏淡。 l忌食大麦及其制品 大麦及其制品,如大麦芽、麦乳精、麦芽糖等食物有回乳作用,所以产后仍在哺乳期的新妈妈应忌食。 l忌食辛辣燥热之物 产后新妈妈大量失血、出汗加之组织间液也较多地进入血循环,故机体阴津明显不足,而辛辣燥热食物均会伤津耗液,使新妈妈上火,口舌生疮,大便秘结或痔疮发作,而且会通过乳汁使婴儿内热加重。因此新妈妈忌食韭菜、葱、大蒜、辣椒、胡椒、小茴香、酒等。 l忌食油腻食物 由于产后新妈妈胃肠胀力及蠕动均较弱,故过于油腻的食物如肥肉、板油、花生米等应尽量少食以免引起消化不良。同样道理,油炸食物也较难以消化,新妈妈也不应多吃。并且,油炸食物的营养在油炸过程中已经损失很多,比面食及其他食物营养成分要差,多吃并不能给新妈妈增加营养,倒是增加了肠胃负担。新妈妈饮食宜清淡,尤其在产后5,7天之内,应以米粥、软饭、蛋汤、蔬菜等为主,不要吃过于油腻之物,如鸡、猪蹄等。产后5天若胃消化功能正常,可进补鱼、肉、鸡、猪蹄、排骨等食物。每日4,6餐,但不可食过饱或过于油腻。 l忌急吃老母鸡 中国传统新妈妈生完孩子就要吃老母鸡补养,所以多数新妈妈在生完孩子后第一口喝的就是鸡汤。不是说不能吃,而是最好晚几天吃。因为母鸡等发物,吃后容易致胖。 l忌多吃巧克力 有些喜欢吃巧克力的产妇,生完宝贝后也经常会吃这种食品。研究表明,给新生儿喂奶的乳母,如果过多食用巧克力,会对婴儿的生长发育产生不良影响。因为巧克力中所含的可可碱能够进入母乳,通过哺乳被婴儿吸收并蓄积在体内。久而久之,可可碱会损伤婴儿的神经系统和心脏,并使肌肉松弛,排尿量增加,导致婴儿消化不良,睡觉不稳,经常爱哭闹。纠正方法:在哺乳期间偶尔尝一点还可以,但不宜经常食用。 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district l产后服用鹿茸 鹿茸具有补肾壮阳、益精养血之功效,对于子宫虚冷、不孕等妇科阳虚病症具有较好的作用。因此,很多人认为产后服用鹿茸会有利于产妇身体尽快康复。但产妇在产后容易阴虚亏损、阴血不足、阳气偏旺,如果服用鹿茸会导致阳气更旺,阴气更损,造成血不循经等阴道不流血症状。纠错法:产妇不宜服用鹿茸,如果身体虚弱,可以在中医指导下服用一些适宜的药膳或保健品调理体质。 l月子里饮用茶水 虽然茶水也是一种很好的饮料,但月子里的产妇不宜喝茶水。茶水中含有鞣酸,它可以与食物中的铁相结合,影响肠道对铁的吸收,促使产妇发生贫血。而且,茶水越浓鞣酸含量越高,对肠道吸收铁的影响越大。另外,茶叶中含有的咖啡因在饮用后,会刺激大脑兴奋,不容易入睡,影响产妇的睡眠,不利于身体恢复。同时,茶水里的咖啡因还可以通过乳汁进入婴儿体内,使婴儿发生肠痉挛,出现无由啼哭的现象。纠错法:新鲜果汁及清汤对产妇是一种很好的饮料,其中既富含维生素,又富含矿物质,可以促进产妇身体恢复,特别是夏天坐月子。 l过早大量喝汤 分娩后家里人少不了给产妇炖一些营养丰富的汤,如鲫鱼汤、猪蹄汤、排骨汤等,认为这样可以补充营养,促进身体早些康复,还可使奶水多分泌些,使宝贝得到充足的母乳。但如果孩子刚刚落地就让产妇大量喝汤,容易使产妇大量分泌奶水,而刚刚出生的婴儿胃容量小,吸吮力也较差,吃得也少,过多的奶水会淤滞于乳腺导管中,导致乳房发生胀痛。加之产妇的乳头比较娇嫩,容易发生破损,一旦被细菌感染就会引起乳腺感染,乳房出现红、肿、热、痛,甚至化脓,不仅造成产妇痛苦,还会影响正常哺乳。纠错法:产后不宜过早催乳,适宜在分娩1周后逐渐增加喝汤的量,以适应婴儿进食量渐增的需要。即使在1周后也不可无限制地喝汤,正确做法以不引起乳房胀痛为原则。 l给产妇喝浓汤 这里所说的浓汤,是指给产妇做的脂肪含量很高的汤,如猪脚汤、肥鸡汤等,有人认为这样的汤营养丰富,最有补养效果。殊不知,产妇食用过多高脂肪食物,会使奶水中的脂肪含量增加,而这种高脂肪奶水不能让婴儿很好地吸收营养,还容易使他们发生腹泻。同时,产妇摄取过多的高脂肪容易引起身体发胖,使身材难以尽快恢复。纠错法:应该给产妇多喝一些富含蛋白质、维生素、钙、磷、铁、锌等营养素的清汤,如精肉汤、蔬菜汤、蛋花汤、鲜鱼汤等。提醒一点,汤和肉要一同吃,这样才能真正摄取到营养。 l剖腹产术后吃胀气食物 有些产妇刚做完剖腹手术,家人便开始给大量提供牛奶、糖类、黄豆、豆浆、淀粉等食物。这些食物食用后会促使肠道产气,使产妇发生腹胀。剖腹产手术会使肠肌受到刺激,导致肠道功能受抑,肠蠕动减慢,肠腔内有积气,容易在术后产生腹胀。所以,术后过多食用这些食物会更加重腹胀,也不利于伤口愈合。纠错法:不要给产妇进食这些胀气食物,6小时后适宜食用一些排气类食物,如萝卜汤等,以增强肠蠕动,促进排气。待24小时胃肠功能恢urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 复后,进食流食1天,如蛋汤、米汤等。当产妇排气后,饮食可由流食改为半流食,适宜进食富有营养并易消化的食物,如蛋汤、烂粥、面条、馄饨等,然后依产妇体质把饮食逐渐恢复到正常。 本文转载自:www.joofun.com《妈咪有方》知性妈咪育儿平台 夏天坐月子注意事项 ——坐月子知识总结红糖、鸡蛋加小米是最传统的月子食谱,但这并不意味着每天都吃这几样食物就能满足新妈妈的营养。专家的建议是广泛摄取、合理搭配,尤其注意铁和钙的吸收。 Œ 适当饮用红糖水,补铁、利尿。红糖的铁含量很高,还含有多种微量元素和矿物质,能够促进恶露排出,防治尿失禁。不过,饮用过多会导致新妈妈出汗更多,体内盐分流失。因此不宜饮用时间过长,最多不要超过10天。 •从流食慢慢过度到正常的饮食。产后,消化系统的功能需要一段时间才能恢复,因此,产后几天可以选择一些比较容易消化的食物。可以从粥、面条过渡到稀饭,然后再吃米饭和面食。 Ž少食多餐,不可贪吃。因为月子里面新妈妈大部分时间都是躺在床上,因此,每顿饭不宜吃太多,可以饿了再吃。 最好以天然食物为主,不要过多服用营养品。目前,市场上有很多保健食品,有些人认为怀孕和生产的过程让女人大伤元气,要多吃些保健品补一补。这种想法是不对的,月子里应该以天然绿色的食物为主,尽量少食用或不使用人工合成的各种补品。还可以选择食用一些专为孕产妇设计的妈妈奶粉、多种维生素或钙片,因为月子里的妈妈,尤其是进行母乳喂养的妈妈需要补充更多的钙、铁、维生素和矿物质。 要多喝一些温的白开水,避免冷饮。饮料和酒精类饮品不适合月子里的新妈妈饮用,应该多喝一些温热的白开水,补充大量出汗时体内丢失的水分。千万不要因为天气炎热或怕出汗而喝冰水或是大量食用冷饮。 ‘避免辛辣和容易产生胀气的食物。产后容易出现便秘的问题,饮食要丰富、多食用富含植物纤维的蔬菜和水果。饮食不能过于清淡。新妈妈在产后出汗、分泌乳汁需要大量的饮水,这些都会导致体内盐分的流失,因此饭菜里面可以少盐,但绝对不能一点都不放。 ’不要为了恢复身材,而控制饮食的摄取量。对于月子里的妈妈,尤其是进行哺乳的妈妈,应该保证足够热量的摄入,哺乳的妈妈每天应比正常的女性多摄入700卡的热量,所以这个时期绝不能采取节食的手段瘦身。 “保证补钙补铁的食物摄取量。新妈妈因为在孕期和产程中会丢失大量的钙和铁,应该保证每天从食物中摄取足够的钙和铁,每天钙的摄取量应不少于1.1克,铁为20毫克。富含钙urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 质的食物有骨头汤、海带、牛奶、芝麻等。富含铁的食物有木耳、动物的内脏等。 ”产后两个星期内避免大鱼大肉。在肠胃功能恢复之前,可以将鱼、肉熬成汤食用,两周之后再食用肉类。不够比较油腻的汤也要谨慎食用。 •瓜果如果担心凉可以榨成果汁饮用。不食用生冷的食物。蔬菜可以烫一烫或炒熟,水果可以榨成果汁后,将装有果汁的杯子放入热水里5-10分钟后再饮用。或者是将水果煮成水果茶饮用。 本文转载自:www.joofun.com《妈咪有方》知性妈咪育儿平台 秋天坐月子注意事项——坐月子知识总结Œ秋天坐月子(产褥期)要注意室内温度和湿度 因为白天气温较高,室风的温度也会上升,如果温度在25-26摄氏度,可不必开空调,注意保持室内空气清新就可以了;如果气温高于28摄氏度,就应当轻微开窗通风或短时开空调以便使室温合适。一般,秋天有两个特点:风和燥。刚生产后的妈妈由于身体较虚,应当避免在通风处乘凉,如果室外有风,那么室内通风时应避免过堂风,可以将一个方向的门窗打开,将对面门窗关闭,如果风很大,则有在产妇居住的房间内尽量不要开窗以免受风。 适当的室内湿度不仅可以使妈妈舒适,对于新生宝宝更是重要,由于宝宝的皮肤很娇嫩,干燥的空气会对他造成伤害,适当的湿度对于宝宝的健康非常有益。秋天风多,产妇一旦到室外去,一定要戴顶薄帽,以免受风感冒。 秋天坐月子(产褥期)要注意滋补适宜 秋天不像夏天那么炎热,正是滋补的季节,对于新妈妈来说,秋天坐月子没有了夏季进补的诸多禁忌,但是也并非补得越多越好。秋天除了进补一些鱼汤、鸡汤、猪蹄汤,还应当加入一些滋阴的食物,以对抗秋燥对人体的不利,如梨水、银耳汤等。而补气较重的人参、甲鱼等级应适量食用,不宜过多。国为产后虚弱,许多家人会很注意补血,常用的有大枣、动物肝脏、阿胶等,应当注意,这些补气养血的东西进食过多反而会容易影响产妇的进食,应适当进补,多而无益。 很多产妇产后立即进食大量汤水,但是母乳量仍然不足,很是着急。其实没有特殊情况,母乳会逐步增多,逐渐满足孩子需要,急躁的心情反而会影响下奶。如果母乳不够,可暂时补充奶粉,并且让宝宝定时吸吮乳头,随着时间加长,一定会有母乳。最近遇到几个产后腹泻的病人,腹部不疼,每日便数次,很稀,究其原因是大量进食了含脂肪过多的汤品导致的脂肪泄,氢产后进补不要摄入大量的脂肪。 秋天正是瓜果丰收的季节,水果含有大量的维生素及纤维素,对于产妇体力的恢复和肠道健康皆有益处。但应该注意不要食用过凉的水果,不要空腹吃水果,也不能吃过于酸、短期刺激性过大的水果。更要注意的是不可贪多,每日一次,少量即可。 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district Ž秋天坐月子(产褥期)要注意休息活动两不误 由于秋天温差较大,应该注意及时更换衣服,中午较热的时候可以适当少穿,但仍应穿长裤较薄的衣衫,穿布袜和平跟布鞋。产褥期本来褥汗就多,不要再特意加衣服,以免大量出汗,反而容易感冒,秋天天气虽然已经变凉,但医院时仍偶尔会见到中暑的产妇,原因就是过于保暖导致的,如果本身褥汗很多,就应该说增加食物中的盐含量,以保证体内电解质的平衡。 晚上温度比较低,不要开窗睡觉,并且注意加盖适当厚的被子,以保暖不过热为度,晚上起来喂哺婴儿的时候,不要因为过急而不穿衣服,以防受凉。对于剖宫产和会阴侧切的产妇,因为身体有刀口存在,更应当注意大量出汗而影响刀口的愈合。保持切口处干燥是刀口愈合的重要条件之一。很多产妇生下宝宝后立即问医生,我什么时候可以开始减肥,什么时候可以开始做健康操?其实正常妊娠时,体重增加应当在10-12.5千克左右,这些重量包括妈妈体内水分渚留、羊水、胎儿及胎盘的重量。分娩后,羊水、胎儿及胎盘排出可以减少5-7千克的重量,产褥期通过排汗和小便利又将体内渚留的水分排出,等到产褥期后,体重就基本接近孕前了。但是,相当一部分妈妈在孕期体重增加超标,产后体重仍明显高于孕前,减肥成了许多妈妈的心病。 孕期由于生理变化使得身体韧带松弛,盆底肌张力减低,腹部脂肪增厚,适当的运动对体力的恢复还是很有必要的。顺产的妈妈当天就可以下床活动,第二天就可以进行少量的四肢活动,但动作要缓,运动量要小,要知道活动的限度,首先是在保证休息的情况下适当活动,其次逐渐恢复体力,产褥期过后才能谈到“体能训练”。 产后一周后可能做收缩肛门动作,以得利于盆底肌的恢复,也可少量做恢复腹肌功能的动作。而有会阴侧切的妈妈,因为侧切时将盆底肌肉剪开,虽然产后几天缝线已拆除,但肌肉的愈合尚待时日,所以,收缩肛门恢复盆底功能的训练应在产后6周后再开始,下肢的活动也相应比顺产产妇晚,而且动作幅度不要太大,以免影响了刀口。 剖宫产的主要是腹部有一个刀口,一般肌肉只是被向两侧钝性拉开,并没有被剪断。恢复腹肌力量的仰卧起坐等级最好在产后2-4周进行,量亦要少,不要活动过强。而盆底肌没有受损,可以在产后数月内即可进行相应锻炼。至于体重增加过多的产妇,也没必要过于担心,注意产后进食适量,减少脂肪摄入,随着宝宝及上班后体力活动增加,体重会逐渐恢复,不要急于一时减肥。产褥期不要刻意减肥,适当饮食,保证母乳充足,体重便会自然下降。 本文转载自:www.joofun.com《妈咪有方》知性妈咪育儿平台 urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district
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