

2017-09-28 10页 doc 109KB 13阅读




户外婚礼策划方案户外婚礼策划方案 南京户外婚礼策划,创意婚礼策划专家,蓝贵婚庆策划师们是以几千场婚礼实操经验沉淀而成,有创意的同时不乏可操作性,这并不比策划时尚秀来的简单。用最真挚的心意,给你们想要的服务~ 婚礼前一个月:与婚庆公司确认婚礼形式,婚宴标准和婚礼场地,做出初步婚礼预算。新郎新娘挑选婚纱、礼服。 婚礼前两周:邀请宾客并发放请柬,到婚礼场地现场勘察,并确认场地的装饰布置。 婚礼前一周:确定化妆师并与其沟通、试妆。 婚礼前一天:与主持人沟通,再次确认婚礼流程,最终查看场地装饰布置。 to make the followi...
户外婚礼 南京户外婚礼策划,创意婚礼策划专家,蓝贵婚庆策划师们是以几千场婚礼实操沉淀而成,有创意的同时不乏可操作性,这并不比策划时尚秀来的简单。用最真挚的心意,给你们想要的服务~ 婚礼前一个月:与婚庆公司确认婚礼形式,婚宴标准和婚礼场地,做出初步婚礼预算。新郎新娘挑选婚纱、礼服。 婚礼前两周:邀请宾客并发放请柬,到婚礼场地现场勘察,并确认场地的装饰布置。 婚礼前一周:确定化妆师并与其沟通、试妆。 婚礼前一天:与主持人沟通,再次确认婚礼流程,最终查看场地装饰布置。 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 户外婚礼准备过程中的行动安排与其他婚礼形式基本一致,但在婚礼当天却有几点值得注意之处: 1. 在婚礼开始前两个小时左右要将场地布置完毕,以便来宾合影留念。 2. 要安排婚礼专用的大客车接亲朋好友一同前往婚礼现场。 3. 现场乐队、小姐及服务生等人员提前到位,调试好音响,各尽其责。 4. 亲朋好友到场后可以先自由活动,摄影师、饮品、音乐应该在这时就开始为他们服务。 5. 新娘的化妆应在现场完成,化妆师可根据现场的气氛来具体新娘的妆面造型。 6. 婚礼可适当的缩短时间,因为来宾大多时间都是站立着,而且还面临风吹日晒。 7. 婚礼、婚宴的时间在2小时左右为宜,席间可安排游戏等助兴活动。 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 户外婚礼特色 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 户外婚礼的关键在于场地,这不仅指场地的选择,还包括场地的布置。挑选一个有山有水的婚礼场地会给婚礼增色不少,在北京市内只有少数几家高档宾馆和大饭店的后花园可以选择,也可以选在京郊的度假村、别墅区及会议中心,这儿会让你的户外婚礼多了那么点优雅,也少了些城市的嘈杂。户外婚礼的场地装饰布置可以说是婚礼成败的关键。现场布置要结合着周围环境的特点,装饰出一个温馨浪漫、清新自然、而又独具特色的婚礼现场是每一个新人所期望的。 户外婚礼的基本风格实属西式婚礼,所以婚宴一般也是自助方式。采用西式或中式菜肴,自助的方式,形状不同的餐桌错落有致的排列,无形中拉近了人们的距离,使婚宴更像一个家庭聚会。 特别提示: 1( 户外婚礼的场地,绿色占据了大部分,所以在装饰上可以选择清淡一点的色彩,如粉色、浅紫色、淡黄色等,那样才能与周围环境和谐,建议少用大红色; 2( 户外婚礼要注意的一个重要环节是天气的因素,因为婚礼的策划时间较长,因此很难预测婚礼当日的天气状况,因此如果你们想要一个户外的草坪婚礼的话,婚期应选在当地气候较为稳定的时期。以北京为例,建议选择在早春、初夏和秋天举行户外婚礼,因为这些季节北京地区的天气少雨少风,阳光明媚且气候宜人; 3( 举行户外婚礼的新娘在挑选婚纱时应该注意,不要选择带长拖尾的礼服裙,因为在草坪上它只能带给你麻烦; to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 4( 如在户外举行婚宴,要事先选择可以外卖的饭店。不要忘记考虑餐具、酒杯、桌椅、台布、服务人员、冰柜、加热设备及运输条件,还有必要的遮阳伞,消毒水,食品保鲜膜等; 5( 环境保护千万不能淡忘,垃圾、废弃物、残余食品一定要及时丢进垃圾袋; 6( 户外婚礼在准备的阶段头绪很多,尤其场地布置,灯光音响以及婚宴预定都是很麻烦的,所以最好还是请有专门经验的婚庆公司承办。 户外婚礼的点睛之笔 拱门:有用粉白色气球加丝带做成的拱门,还有用鲜花做成的。可以用它划分出会场的主要通道或舞台区域。 桌布:桌布是整个会场面积最大的色块。看上去大方整洁,又不失自然。 乐队:户外婚礼除了要有好的音响外,1支出色的乐队也会为婚礼增添很多浪漫气氛,像提琴四重奏或爵士乐队都比较适合户外婚礼的现场演奏。 鲜花:在大自然的怀抱中举行婚礼,鲜花一定要有,在现场上随处都应见到鲜花点缀的影子。比如桌台上要有桌花,可以摆放一些罗马柱放盆栽鲜花,可以让每一位到场的嘉宾都佩带嘉宾领花。 to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System 游戏:由于会场秩序比较自由宽松,自助餐的形式让大家可以随意交流,所以可以设计一些新人和来宾共同参与的小游戏,让到来的每一个宾客都能充分感受你们婚礼的甜蜜和快乐。 南京蓝贵江宁婚庆是较早进入婚庆行业的高端、知名品牌,一对一制更让客户享受服务的尊荣感,并每一个服务的环节都有完善的和客户满意度跟踪反馈。总之来蓝贵定婚庆让您更省心、贴心、放心~如果你也想要拥有贴心的服务欢迎来蓝贵与我们的婚礼策划师沟通~ to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System
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