

2017-09-30 31页 doc 86KB 22阅读




世界上最酸的物质世界上最酸的物质 世界上最酸的物质——这种被称为碳硼烷酸的化合物,酸性强度是浓硫酸的100万倍。 世界上最甜的物质是卡坦精。它是从非洲加纳共和国森林的野生植物“卡坦菲”中提炼出来的,其甜度为蔗糖的60万倍 世界上最苦的物质是苯酸铵酰糖化物。它是一种白色结晶,若把它稀释成一千万分之一的浓度,用舌头舔一下,仍可以感受到它的苦味 世界上最辣的是——涮涮椒 世界上最毒的物质之一是钋。钋210的毒性比氰化物高两亿五千万倍,0.1克钋可以杀死1000亿人。 H2Se是目前世界上最臭的物质 世界上最脏的和最热的海 红海和地中海 位于亚、非...
世界上最酸的物质 世界上最酸的物质——这种被称为碳硼烷酸的化合物,酸性强度是浓硫酸的100万倍。 世界上最甜的物质是卡坦精。它是从非洲加纳共和国森林的野生植物“卡坦菲”中提炼出来的,其甜度为蔗糖的60万倍 世界上最苦的物质是苯酸铵酰糖化物。它是一种白色结晶,若把它稀释成一千万分之一的浓度,用舌头舔一下,仍可以感受到它的苦味 世界上最辣的是——涮涮椒 世界上最毒的物质之一是钋。钋210的毒性比氰化物高两亿五千万倍,0.1克钋可以杀死1000亿人。 H2Se是目前世界上最臭的物质 世界上最脏的和最热的海 红海和地中海 位于亚、非两洲之间的红海,是世界上海水最热的海,也是最年轻的海,它是一个面积45万平方千米,长2100千米,平均宽约290千米的深海,平 最深处达2740米。 红海最特异的地方莫过于它的“均深度为558米,热”了。地球海洋表面的年平均水温是17?,而红海的表面水温8月份可达27?,32?,即使是200米以下的深水,也可达到约21?。更为奇怪的是在红海深海盆中,水温竟高达60?~ 红海地处北回归高压带控制的范围,腹背受北非和阿拉伯半岛热带沙漠气候的影响,气候终年干热,所以水面总是热乎乎的。海底扩张使地壳出现了裂缝,岩浆沿裂缝不断上涌,海底岩石就被加热了,所以海水底部水温特别高。 地中海是世界最大的内海,也是世界最脏的海。每年倒入地中海的废水达35亿立方米,固体垃圾1.3亿吨。最为严重的是邻海18个国家58个石油港口装卸石油时给海水带来了严重石油污染。 最大的食肉鱼——最大的食肉鱼是稀有的大白鲨,成年大白鲨平均4.5米长,大约650公斤重,有证据表明有些大白鲨可长达6米多。 最危险的动物——自石器时代以来,除战争与事故造成人类死亡以外,有一半的死亡要归于疟蚊属的蚊子携带的疟疾寄生虫。1997年,据世界健康组织估计,疟疾仍每年导致150人死亡。 最毒的动物——南美洲和中美洲的毒剑蛙能分泌致死的物毒素。金色毒剑蛙的皮肤分泌物的毒性是最强的。科学家在处理标本时必须戴上厚厚的手套。 最毒的蛇——世界上最毒的蛇是贝尔彻海蛇,生活在澳大利亚西北部的阿什莫尔群岛的暗礁周围,它的毒性比任何陆地蛇大许多倍。陆地上最毒的蛇是澳洲内陆泰攀蛇,长1.5米,一条蛇的毒液能毒死25万只老鼠。 最毒的鱼——红海和印度洋一太平洋地区的河豚有一种致命毒素,属最有威力的非蛋白质毒素中的一种,这种毒素存在于鱼的卵巢、血液、肺、小肠及皮肤里,0.1克就足以在20分钟内毒死一个成年人。发现于印度洋,太平洋的热带海里的石鱼具最大的毒腺,它的鳍的脊骨含有毒素,人只要一碰就会丧命。 最毒的水母——过去100年里,澳大利亚沿岸的盒水母的毒液已杀死至少70人,据称,如没有足够的药物,一些受害者会在4分钟内死去。一种有效的抵御工具是用妇女的长袜,水母蜇人的器官不能穿透这种物质。 最危险的海胆——花海海胆释放的毒素能使人产生剧烈的疼痛,呼吸困难与瘫痪。 最危险的蜜蜂——源于非洲的杂交蜜蜂的毒性并不比其他蜜蜂强,但成群蜇人时足以致命。 最毒的蜈蚣——所罗门群岛上有一种危险奇特的蜈蚣,它的毒性非常大,能通过前肢而不用颌攻击人,据说受害者会把他们被咬的手伸进滚烫的水里以减轻疼痛。 最危险的蚂蚁——火蚁源于南美洲,20世纪20年代随运土的船到达美国。1995年5月,在得克萨斯州中部瓜达卢普河中,大约有2.3万条鳟鱼由于吃火蚁而毙命。火蚁喜欢电源,并经常咬断绝缘体,导致停电与火灾。 最危险的熊——北极熊是唯一主动攻击人类的熊,北极熊的攻击大多发生在夜间。 最危险的鳄鱼——尽管大部分死亡情况未被记载,盐水鳄每年致死的人数仍高达2000人。造成最大伤亡鳄鱼攻击事件发生于第二次世界大战末期,1945年2月19日至20日的晚上。当时进攻缅甸兰里岛integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 的盟军,将800,1000人的日本步兵围困在一岸边的沼泽地中。到第二天早晨,只有20个日本兵活了下来,确信其余的大多数已被鳄鱼生食。 最危险的猫科动物——老虎比其他猫科动物更频繁地袭击人类,也许因为人符合老虎捕食猎物的大小,而且即使对老的或受伤的老虎来说也非常容易捕获。 最强有力的动物啮合力——在巴哈马比米尼群岛海洋生物实验室进行的试验中,测得一条2米长的暗黑色鲨鱼上下颚之间啮合力为60公斤,这相当于用牙以每平方厘米3吨的力量咬东西。更大的鲨鱼,如大白鲨可能会有更大的啮合力,但至今为止还没被测量过。 最长的致命蛇——这条和英国伦敦动物园的管理者在一起的网状花纹蛇,通常长度超过6.25米。它们能用长长的身体缠住猎物,最终将其杀死。 最凶残的鱼——锯齿鱼攻击所有受伤的动物或在水中制造混乱。据报道,1981年一艘超载在巴西奥比多斯停泊时颠覆下沉,导致300人被锯齿鱼吃掉。 最骇人听闻的鱼——生活在巴西和圭亚那的淡水里的电鳗,通身有两对纵向器官可放射出650伏的电击,其能量以点亮一盏电灯泡或使成年人失去知觉。 最毒的晰蜴——墨西哥和美国西南部的吉拉巨晰蜴以及它的近亲――墨西哥蛛晰蜴的腺内的毒液足以杀死两个成年人。 最危险的小哺乳动物——对人类威胁最大的小哺乳动物是老鼠,它们携带20多种病源,其中包括能导致淋巴腺鼠疫或黑死病的细菌。 走的最慢的兽,,树懒。树懒是一种懒得出奇的哺乳动物,面临危险的时刻,其逃跑的速度超不过0(2米,秒 最大的蜻蜓——分布在南美洲。身长12厘米,是世界最大的蜻蜓。 产卵最多的鱼——翻车鱼一次能产3亿多个卵,是世界产卵最多的鱼。 最重的昆虫——金化科大甲虫重70.9~99.2克之间,是世界最重的昆虫。 飞的最快的昆虫——澳大利亚蜻蜓时速可达58千米,是飞的最快的的昆虫。 身高最矮的民族——姆布蒂人平均身高1.35米,是身高最矮的民族。 身高最高的民族——图西人平均身高1.83米,是身高最高的民族。 最大的海——珊瑚海面积有479平方千米,是世界最大的海。 最小的海——马尔马拉海面积只有1.1万平方米,是世界最小的海。 最高的死火山——阿空加瓜山海拔高6096米,是世界最高的死火山。 最矮的活火山——搭尔火山只有200米高,是世界最矮的活火山。 最长寿的哺乳动物——有一种大象可以活180~200岁,是世界最长寿的哺乳动物。 最毒的动物——金毒刺蛙能一下毒死1500人,是世界最毒的动物。 最重的蛋——鸵鸟蛋平均重180~200克,是世界最重的蛋。 最小的蛋——草鸟,只有0.36~0.37克,是世界最小的蛋。 最小的蜘蛛——施展蜘蛛,生物学家曾在西萨摩尔群岛采到一只成年雄性展蜘蛛,体长只有0.043厘米,还没有印刷体文字中的句号那么大。 最小的鸟——世界上最小的鸟儿是“微型”蜂鸟,它体重2克,从嘴尖到尾尖长5厘米。 最小的哺乳动物——几年以前,在泰国的热带丛林里发现了“最小哺乳动物”这一称号的新的争夺者——小飞鼠。它体重约为2克,体长3厘米,头长11毫米,翼展5.5厘米,以小昆虫为食。 最长寿的狗——今年春天,世界上最老的“狗寿星”在奥地利的布里斯班去世,终年32岁,相当于人活了224岁。 产奶量最大的哺乳动物——一条蓝鲸在哺乳期里每天可产奶430升,相当于最好的奶牛产奶量的5倍。 最香的花——普遍认为是素有“香祖”之称的兰花。兰花还有“天下第一香”的美誉 叶子寿命最长的植物----百岁兰 最耐干旱的花——是令箭荷花,又称仙人掌花。 颜色和品种最多的花——是月季花。全世界有上万种,颜色有红、橙、白、紫,还有混色、串色、丝色、复 色、镶边,以及罕见的蓝色、咖啡色等 最会变颜色的花——是石竹花中的一个名贵品种。这种花早上雪白色,中午玫瑰色,晚上是integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 漆紫色 颜色变化最多的花——弄色木芙蓉 它的花初开的时候是白色,第二天变成了浅红色,后来又变成了深红色,到花落的时候又变成紫色了。据南宋《种艺必用》载,邛州产一种"弄色木芙蓉",一日由,二日鹅黄,三日浅红,四日深红,至落呈微紫色,人称"文官花"。 最有富贵气质的花——牡丹 傲骨铮铮,最有气节的花——梅花 昙花,一时灿烂,尽美方谢,每一秒钟都在动的花。 最深情的花——彼岸花 最守时的花——时钟花 世界上最卓越的“水渠”——人的心脏可以连续工作一百多年,每天泵出血液6至8吨,三年半时间所泵出的血液足可以浮起一艘万吨巨轮。 世界上最小的“电台”——科学家们研究发现,每一个人体细胞都是一个微型电台,它能发射出频率为150K?C的电波,稍低于收音机的收音频率。 世界上最小的“化工厂”——人体的新陈代谢大部分是化学变化。在数百种被称为“酶”的催化剂的管理下,化学反应按照一些列复杂的程序依次进行。这一切,绝大多数都是在最小的“化工厂”—只有1.5公斤重的肝脏里进行的。 世界上最原始的“发动机”——肺脏犹如一台发动机,推动人体氧化代谢的速度。肺在胸腔扩张最大时,能容纳4.5升空气。肺吸收氧的面积有129027平方厘米。 世界上最奇特的“钢筋”——人体全靠骨骼支撑,骨骼是空心的,但有许多适应力学要求的文理结构,每平方米的骨头可以承受1吨的重压。 世界上最贵的咖啡——苏门答腊岛出产的Kopi Luwah品种的咖啡。每磅售价高达300美元! 咖啡产于世界各地。有些地域产的咖啡品质超群,有口皆碑。通常原于其低产量和卓越的品味,包括牙买加的蓝山,夏威夷的考拿(KONA),坦桑尼亚的Peaberry。这类咖啡都以优质和稀有而价格不菲。 然而有一种咖啡以它独特的口味,稀有,和奇异的生产过程击败上列的所谓顶级咖啡。 这种咖啡的名称就是KOPI LUWAK。年产量仅500磅左右。物以稀为贵,KOPI LUWAK 的价格是300美金一磅。价格可能反映了其稀有的特性,而其“生产”过程则可用“稀奇”来形容。 KOPI(印尼语,咖啡)LUWAK 产于苏门达腊、爪洼、和苏尔维什岛上,属于印度尼西亚13,677岛屿中的一部分。LUWAK咖啡贵如金银并非是假海岛上的无限风景,却是因其如何产出。 在印尼的这些岛上,有一种有袋类狸猫,属树生大灵猫属。当地人讨厌这种狸猫因为它们常在咖啡树中吃掉最熟最红的咖啡果。不知是谁第一个想到,这种动物会吃,也会消化和排泄。有些无耻,绝望,或只因懒惰的当地人从狸猫的排泄物中挑出比较完整的而且还裹着果肉粘液的豆子。也许真是通过动物胃中酵素的发酵,使这种咖啡豆具有独特的风味。 有趣的是,这种特别的“生产工艺”并非是咖啡业独有。类似橡胶树的ARGAN树产于摩罗哥,产出象橄榄状的果实,可榨出ARGAN油。在摩罗哥,柏柏人赶羊上树,让羊吃树上的果子。然后他们集起羊粪,除去粪土,将果子榨出ARGAN油。ARGAN油可用以按摩,食用和催情。 由此假设,从一开始印尼的岛民就用此免于爬树之术而产出世上最贵的咖啡。这种咖啡的口味如何,口感非常,厚重而带点焦糖味。咖啡豆虽有些陈腐气和丛林的清香,而烘焙出的豆有着很复杂的香味。由于狸猫的消化系统中的胃酸和酵素对咖啡的发酵过程和用水来发酵有很大的不同,使咖啡具有糖浆般的浓稠。KOPI LUWAK咖啡口感醇厚和润滑。如巧克力浆般浓厚的咖啡让你的舌间能感到绵长而清晰的回味。 世界上最深的湖:贝加尔湖, 平均水深73O米,最深1620米,湖面海拔456米。 最大的淡水湖——苏必利尔湖,东西长616公里,南北最宽处257公里,面积8.24万平方公里。湖岸线长3000公里。 最低的湖——死海,低于海平面400米。 最大的咸水湖——里海,里海也是世界最大的内陆湖,位于辽阔平坦的中亚西部和欧洲东南端,西面为高加索山脉。整个海域狭integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 长,南北长约1 200千米,东西平均宽度320 千米。面积约386 400平方千米,比北美五大淡水湖加在一起还要大出一倍多。 最老的树——美国加利福利亚州的一棵名叫麦修彻拉的刺球果松,树龄高达6400岁;另外还有一棵是非洲西部加那利亚岛的龙血树,已经活了8000多岁,可惜的是在1868年毁于一场风灾。 最重的木——云南西双版纳的铁力木,其主干高达30米,木质坚硬,把它放在水中也不会浮于水面。 最轻的木——美国和中国云南、广西等地的巴沙木,每立方米只有0.1吨重。 最高的树——澳洲的杏仁桉,普遍高达百余米,最高达156米,相当于50层的高楼,要比2幢“上海国际饭店”还要高。 最矮的树——矮柳的高度仅3,5厘米。 最粗的树——意大利西西里岛上生长着一棵栗树,树身周长为56米。 最咸的树——中国黑龙江生长着一种木盐树,含盐量竟与普通食用盐相差无几。 最甜的树——北美洲的槭树,含糖量可达85%。 最硬的木——朝鲜和中国东北的铁桦树,比普通钢板还要硬1倍,现代步枪即使在短射程内也奈何不了它。 最亮的树——北美洲的魔树,晚上在树下可以看清楚小5号楷书大小的字。 最毒的树——中国云南西双版纳和海南海康的箭毒木,即见血封喉树,其树汁洁白,却奇毒无比,见血就要命。唯有红背竹竿草才可以解此毒。 最耐火的树——中国南海的海松树和南非洲的水瓶树,一旦发生火灾,最多叶子被烧掉,来年照样发新叶,正常开花结果。 最珍贵的树——水杉和银杏。世界上唯有中国的四川、湖北、湖南和广西等地才有。它们被誉为“世界罕见的活化石”、“植物熊猫”。 最具贵族气派的树——首推檀香树。有位生物学家曾幽默说:檀香树是贵族中的贵族,是非常漂亮、美丽的树,绝不“寄生作伴”,更不轻率接香,因此常与洋金凤和紫珠搞得火火热热。 生长最慢的树——前苏联喀拉里的尔威兹加树,以及北极林带的希特卡云杉,每百年的高度只有28厘米,直径2.5厘米。 生长最快的树——马来西亚利沙巴的一种佚名树,一年就可以长9.2米。 树冠最大的树——孟加拉的一棵大榕树,树冠覆盖的面积达到1公顷,相当于半个足球场,能容纳7000人左右。 最大的茶树——中国云南勐海的一棵茶树,高32米,主干粗2.98米,叶最长达14厘米,宽6厘米,树龄约1700年。 最老最大的栗树——捷克的一棵栗树,主干周长700厘米,树龄已有500多年。 最老的荔枝树——中国福建莆田县的一棵名叫“宋家香”的荔枝树,主干周长7.1 米,树龄已有1200多年。 最老的橄榄树——南斯拉夫得里亚海滨的一棵橄榄树,树龄高达2400多年。 最大的葡萄树——英国英格兰的一棵葡萄树,树荫覆盖面积达460多平方米。枝条最长的达到90多米。 品种最多的梨树——中国河南商城的一棵人工杂交梨树,能结出24种不同形状的梨子,如雪梨、明月梨、莱阳梨、孔德利梨等品种。 最毒的章鱼——蓝环章鱼 世界最长的美腿——美国吉尼斯世界纪录裁定者斯图亚特-克莱斯顿证实俄罗斯的斯维特拉娜-潘克拉托娃拥有世界上最长的美腿,现年36岁女子斯维特拉娜出生于俄罗斯伏尔加格勒市,身高为1.98米,而她的一双美腿竟长达1.32米。今年11月10日,在纽约泰晤士广场举行的新闻发布会上是斯维特拉娜首次在美国亮相,随后展开为期一周的打破吉尼斯世界纪录庆祝活动。 1、世界最长的城墙——中国万里长城。 2、世界最古老的东西贸易通道——丝绸之路。 3、世界围地最大的城墙——明代南京石头城。 4、世界最高的北回归线标志塔——广东从化北回归标志塔。 5、世界水稻种植最北的地区——黑龙江呼玛县。 6、世界最著名的涌潮——钱塘 江潮。 7、世界最大陨石雨和陨石——降落在吉林省。 8、世界最旱的水闸式运河——广西灵渠。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 9、世界最长的运河——京杭大运河。 10、世界含沙量最大的河流——黄河。 11、世界海拔最高的河流——雅鲁藏布江。 12、世界最高的大咸水湖——西藏的纳木错湖。 13、世界高峰最多的山脉——喜马拉雅山脉。 14、世界最高的农业种植区——西藏。 15、世界流动沙丘面积百分比最大的沙漠——塔克拉玛干沙漠。 16、世界最低的盆地——新疆吐鲁番盆地。 17、世界陆面最大的高差——珠穆朗玛峰(8844.43)与艾丁湖(一155米)。 18、世界熔岩地貌最发达之地——广西、贵州和云南东部。 19、世界最大的黄土地貌——中国黄土高原。 20、世界最高最年轻的高原——青藏高原。 21、世界空气最稀薄之地一珠穆朗玛峰。 22、世界最高、最大的高原湖群分布区——藏北高原。 23. 最早的兵书是春秋孙武的《孙子兵法》 24.字数最多的字典是清朝的《康熙字典》 25.最早的报纸是西汉的《邸报》 26.最早的传记文学是西汉的《史记》 27.最早的优秀诗歌总集是春秋的《诗经》 28.记载时间最长的历史巨著是孔子的《春秋》 29.世界最大的皇宫是北京的故宫 30.最高的宫殿是布达拉宫 31.最长的石窟画廊是敦煌莫高窟 32.最大的内陆盆地是塔里木盆地 33.最早的立体地图是宋代沈括绘制的《使契丹图》 34.最大的广场是北京天安门广场 35.世界上最大的水利枢纽工程----三峡工程 36.最高的山峰是珠穆朗玛峰 37.世界最高大的山脉喜马拉雅山脉 38.最高的大高原青藏高原 39.世界使用人数最多的语言汉语 40.世界邻国最多的国家中国(21个) 41.世界海拔最高的盆地:柴达木盆地 42.世界上最长的人工运河:京杭大运河 43.世界海拔最高的湖泊:喀顺湖 44.世界樟脑产量最高的地区:台湾 45.世界含沙量最大的河流:黄河 46.世界最大的黄土分布区:黄土高原 47.世界最大的高原湖泊群分布区:青藏高原湖区 最长的陆上山脉:安第斯山脉 地球上最高的活火山:奥霍斯德尔萨拉多山 水流量最大的河流:亚马孙河 最大的高原:巴西高原 最高的高原:青藏高原 最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖 最大的盆地:刚果盆地 最大的沙漠:撒哈拉沙漠 最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛 最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛 最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟 最淡的海:波罗的海 最咸的海:红海 最浅的海:亚速海 最大最深的海:珊瑚海 最洁净的河:恒河 最小的海:马尔马拉海 最咸的湖:死海 最高的淡水湖:的的喀喀湖 最大最长的珊瑚礁群:大堡礁 含沙量最大的河流:黄河 最大的洞:加尔吉斯洞 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 世界上最大的太阳钟:奥古斯都太阳钟 世界上第一台用水力推动的大型天文仪器:浑天仪 世界上最古老的天文钟:水运仪象台 世界上最古老的天文台:公元前2600年古埃及人为观测天狼星所建天文台 世界上最早的望远镜:伽利略望远镜 世界上最大的可移动射电望远镜:绿岸射电望远镜 质量最大的行星:木星 公转最快的行星:水星 最大的行星:木星 最亮的行星:金星 卫星最多的行星:土星 距地球最近的星球:月球 肉眼看到最亮的行星:金星 最早被计算出来的行星:海王星 最美丽的行星:土星 自转最快的行星:木星 自转最慢的行星:金星 国土面积最大的国家:俄罗斯联邦 国土面积最小的国家:梵蒂冈 人口最多的国家:中华人民共和国 人口最少的国家:梵蒂冈 人口最少的国家和地区:皮特凯恩群岛 人口密度最高的国家:摩纳哥 人口密度最低的国家:蒙古国 海岸线最长的国家:澳大利亚 海岸线最长的国家:澳大利亚 死亡率最高的国家:博茨瓦纳 死亡率最低的国家:科威特 出生率最高的国家:尼日尔 出生率最低的国家:德国 人口自然增长率最低的国家:德国 婴儿死亡率最高的国家:安哥拉 婴儿死亡率最低的国家:新加坡 妇女生育率最高的国家:尼日尔 世界上最长的内陆河------伏尔加河 世界上最大的流动沙漠------塔克拉玛干沙漠 世界上最大的热带雨林区---------亚马孙平原 世界上最长的海峡-----------莫桑比克海峡 世界上海拔最高的湖泊---------纳木错 世界上淡水最多的湖泊-------贝加尔湖 世界上岛屿最多的国家-------印度尼西亚 世界陆地最低处-----------死海 世界上最大的岛屿----------格陵兰岛 世界上最大的湖泊--------里海 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 世界上最独块儿岩体------艾尔斯巨石 世界上海岸线最曲折的大洲------欧洲 世界上最早的国家公园-------美国黄石国家公园 世界上最大的内陆海--------地中海 世界上最大的季风区--------东亚季风区 最长的陆上山脉:安第斯山脉 地球上最高的活火山:奥霍斯德尔萨拉多山 水流量最大的河流:亚马孙河 最大的高原:巴西高原 最高的高原:青藏高原 最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖 最大的盆地:刚果盆地 最大的沙漠:撒哈拉沙漠 最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛 最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛 最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟 最淡的海:波罗的海 最咸的海:红海 最浅的海:亚速海 最大最深的海:珊瑚海 最洁净的河:恒河 最小的海:马尔马拉海 最咸的湖:死海 最高的淡水湖:的的喀喀湖 最大最长的珊瑚礁群:大堡礁 含沙量最大的河流:黄河 最大的洞:加尔吉斯洞 世界上最大的太阳钟:奥古斯都太阳钟 世界上第一台用水力推动的大型天文仪器:浑天仪 世界上最古老的天文钟:水运仪象台 世界上最古老的天文台:公元前2600年古埃及人为观测天狼星所建天文台 世界上最早的望远镜:伽利略望远镜 世界上最大的可移动射电望远镜:绿岸射电望远镜 质量最大的行星:木星 公转最快的行星:水星 最大的行星:木星 最亮的行星:金星 卫星最多的行星:土星 距地球最近的星球:月球 肉眼看到最亮的行星:金星 最早被计算出来的行星:海王星 最美丽的行星:土星 自转最快的行星:木星 自转最慢的行星:金星 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 国土面积最大的国家:俄罗斯联邦 国土面积最小的国家:梵蒂冈 人口最多的国家:中华人民共和国 人口最少的国家:梵蒂冈 人口最少的国家和地区:皮特凯恩群岛 人口密度最高的国家:摩纳哥 人口密度最低的国家:蒙古国 海岸线最长的国家:澳大利亚 海岸线最长的国家:澳大利亚 死亡率最高的国家:博茨瓦纳 死亡率最低的国家:科威特 出生率最高的国家:尼日尔 出生率最低的国家:德国 人口自然增长率最低的国家:德国 婴儿死亡率最高的国家:安哥拉 婴儿死亡率最低的国家:新加坡 妇女生育率最高的国家:尼日尔 妇女生育率最低的国家:新加坡 最长的陆上山脉:安第斯山脉 地球上最高的活火山:奥霍斯德尔萨拉多山 水流量最大的河流:亚马孙河 最大的高原:巴西高原 最高的高原:青藏高原 最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖 最大的盆地:刚果盆地 最大的沙漠:撒哈拉沙漠 最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛 最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛 最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟 最淡的海:波罗的海 最咸的海:红海 最浅的海:亚速海 最大最深的海:珊瑚海 最洁净的河:恒河 最小的海:马尔马拉海 最咸的湖:死海 最高的淡水湖:的的喀喀湖 最大最长的珊瑚礁群:大堡礁 含沙量最大的河流:黄河 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed,
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