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婚礼背景音乐婚礼背景音乐 Wedding music has become an important part of the wedding, the importance of wedding music is to attach importance to their wedding. Here are 100 pieces of music that you can recommend for your wedding Wedding before the opening music: Before the wedding,...
婚礼背景音乐 Wedding music has become an important part of the wedding, the importance of wedding music is to attach importance to their wedding. Here are 100 pieces of music that you can recommend for your wedding Wedding before the opening music: Before the wedding, the new guests greet guests and enter the game time, the environment is relatively chaotic and noisy. At this point, suitable for gentle and soothing music to create a noble atmosphere, calm the guests mood, for the wedding to pave the way for the beginning. 1, "Ave Maria" - Schubert: to a beautiful and cheerful melody, to bring happiness first impression. 2, "warm Festival" - full of happiness, with guests into the venue. 3, "marriage proposal" - Emil Chau: at the proposal of the ceremony to use, to tell the presence of the bride, the bride's joy and a little bit of vanity. 4, Violin Concerto No. eighth - Violin Concerto, is suitable for background music, so that people calm down immediately, pay attention to the volume of use, the sound is too high, will damage the sense of beauty. 5, "I swear" --westlife: to sing the voice of love in the voice of the male, as if in confession, but also in the promise of the future. 6, "like you are now" - Kay Huang: deep twittering, singing the simplest love, most want to marry. 7, "dream of the wedding" - Piano Music: happiness filled with music will bring new people and guests together quickly into the wedding atmosphere. 8, "today you want to marry me" - Tao / Jolin: R&B music, jumping and witty, don't be afraid of a slobber song, simple love, why not! 9, "love" - Cai Qin: Cai Qin's sound line unique, mellow bass, for the venue and audio requirements. 10, "intimate lovers" - Alex To and Anita Mui: Chinese songs in the rare love song, almost suitable for all ages, and it will not seem so saliva". 11, "Maria" - cheerful atmosphere can let guests "hot body", but also can ease the tension of new people, enhance the excitement of new people. 12, "Concerto for love" - piano as the water of the clear voice, more suitable for indoor wedding venue, so that the confined space with endless imagination. 13, "give me a minute to you" - Xuruyun: gentle and cheerful piano and violin, as if a cheerful heart is to be married. 14, "Love" - Rene Liu: simple lyrics, easy to understand sentences, set off the background of the wedding. 15, "love you more every day" - Jacky Cheung: Cantonese pop songs, singing rate is quite high, like Jacky Cheung sincere and long-term love, I hope the future family life, and he can be as happy as happy. Music for new people to enter: The music of the wedding party should be soothing and elegant. The tradition of new recruits is the wedding march. "The wedding song" with Mendelsohn and Wagner's two works, Mendelsohn's "Wedding March" is Shakespeare's drama "A Midsummer Night's dream" for the soundtrack, begins with loud trumpet, into a solemn procession of music, the next is a lively march, Repeat two times with woodwind elegant sound mix for a film, gradually faded. The entrance to the new play, the beginning of the solemn melody, high spirited, usually church wedding ceremony for the bride to enter the program. In the non church wedding, more common is the use of Wagner's "Wedding March", which is made by Wagner opera "Ron Green" in the third act of leading ladies chorus trust into the new house, adapted for Orchestra wine to music now "the wedding". This piece of music melody, speed slow, lyrical dignified, is a new entry. Two new music can not give up new people, you can use Wagner as the approach song, Mendelssohn de as a retreat song. 16, "D major" - cannon synchronous of heart rhythm, with typical music feeling, every step, like a heartbeat, used in the layout of the environment is elegant and holy hall will be very suitable. 17, "I believe" - Fan Yichen: see "My Sassy Girl", the film's people fell in love with this song, even if the process twists and turns, you are my destination. Two people in the past intravenous drip, in the way "I believe" in the voice of repeated, immediate, cause more resonance. 18, "G spin on the Aria" - Bach: can be used in the high pick of the venue, feeling sacred and solemn. 19, "only" - Lee Hom: if the actor himself sing, even if the song is not so perfect, the same sensational. 20, "My heart will go on --Celine Dior:Celine Dior" Qingyang voice, the equipment requirements are relatively high, or to express hearty dripping feeling. 21, "Norway forest" -- cello interpretation of Pietro J's songs, and a combination of European classical music style, the perfect combination of a serious. The bride and groom approach the game with joyous steps and no longer fret about whether their feet are consistent or whether they are treading on the tempo of the wedding march. 22, "La province" - suitable for partial garden style layout of the venue. 23, "Wedding March" - Mendelsohn: familiar music, how many girls look forward to, at this moment, what else can be replaced?. 24, "Wedding March" - Wagner: the classic melody makes it easy to plunge into the joy of being married again. 25, the "Wedding March" -- Andy Lau: Chinese version of the wedding march, the lyrics straightforward, very occasional. 26, "Nothing can change my love" - Lyrics melodious chorus, wonderful, cut out, will be able to show a vigor of the emotions. 27, "Air on the G string" - familiar classical songs, solemn and graceful, if "Wedding March" listening to tired, might as well consider the music. 28, "This I promise you" - soothing and beautiful melody, husky boy, full of magnetism, tell you, I promise for your life. Pop music, though, can be better if you have a screen with lyrics at the same time, or you can use the two person wedding photo before the formal ceremony. 29, "Beaming with Joy" -- for Chinese wedding, full of joy. 30, "Ave Maria" - Schubert: wandering in the ocean of love, melodious songs, so that people yearn for life. Music used in wedding ceremonies: Wedding ceremony music according to the wedding process content to carefully select and arrange, is extremely important. Solemn oath ceremony part, the music naturally takes the grave as the theme, uses the light music and the foreign language song, can foil the atmosphere, moreover does not take away more attention. When someone is talking, he can turn off the music, or turn it into a smaller volume, and use very soft music to set the mood. In the intermittent or specific program, specific to the program's music to the scene atmosphere into climax. The romantic candlelight ceremony is a relatively warm part, as well as the best time to express the deep love between new people. The music should be gentle, romantic and expressive of love. In addition to light music, you can also add some Chinese music, or pay attention to lyrics, to meet the atmosphere or new features as the main line, and then add a little imagination and play. If you consider the form of a Chinese wedding, you need to think about the right music. If you arrange less lottery, program performances and other activities, the atmosphere is more lively and lively, and the music needs to be put in place. These links do not have to adhere to the type and form of music, as long as you like, can generally be used here. Some have even suggested that it would be good to abandon traditional wedding music, with some light JAZZ or melodic R&B music, or by adding a bit of exciting RAP. 31, "Beauty and Beast" -- the choice of course from time to time that bridegroom is ugly, but touching melody, wish the couple can work together to share with each other, go bald. 32, the "The Prayer" -- the rich feelings, melodies and lyrics more nostalgic, with a mark of years, through time, into a new chapter on the photo is very suitable for playing. 33, I, know, loved, you, I, --Savage, Garden: lyrics, voices, familiar melodies, whether it's playing pictures, or used intermittently, or even at meals, is very timely. 34, "I will love you always" --Whitney Houston: the song is a climax from the beginning, can be used directly in exchange rings or kiss the bride, when shock. 35, "hug" -- Leslie Cheung, Winnie Hsin: the classic duet, the lyrics are memorable, used in the most appropriate time to kiss the bride, there are many people will show up as a duet. 36, "Marvin is 60" -- are sacred rhythm, it is very suitable for the use of cake cutting ceremony. 37, "Love is all" around --wet wet wet: This is a classic song of the band wet wet wet, with the most appropriate to kiss the bride but let love at this moment will be surrounded by her! 38, For, the, time, first, --Rod, Stewart: familiar melodies, simple voices, touched by the first meeting, remember now?. At that moment, wearing the ring, to say "For the first time", staring at her charming face, is now the most beautiful of the contours of the world. 39、《你爱》——Bee Gees有多深:轻松而欢快的音乐,适合播放相 片时轻松写意的氛围。 40、《我做的一切都是为了你》--布莱恩?亚当斯:布莱恩沙哑的声音充满感性,十足奉献精神的歌词,激情的音乐,很合适亲吻新娘时使用。 41、《您是我老婆》--任贤齐:如此心声之曲,用于交换戒指最合适不过,特别是高潮部分”您是我老婆”叫的那么合时宜。 42、《您最珍贵》--张学友、高慧君:对唱的示爱之歌,用在亲吻新娘或交换戒指都很合适,尤其是副歌部分,低沉的女声居然有如此沉浑的爆发力,让人惊叹。 43、《最浪漫的事》--赵咏华:比较复古的一首华语经典歌曲,戴上戒指的那一刻,如能响起这一句”我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和您一起慢慢变老”,简直能让新娘幸福的晕倒。 44、《肉麻情歌》--刘德华:最想表白的话语,这一刻千万不要错过,想说什么,快点表达出来吧~ 45、《千载难逢的》--这曲旋律优美,用在敬酒时分,是一个比较另类的选择。 46、《带我到你的心》--米迦勒学摇滚:翻唱中文的经典老歌,在场的无论年纪老少都会很熟悉,适合在西式的会场使用。 47、《变化》风-天蝎:前奏的一段独奏,撩拨心弦,可以剪下来使用。 48、《你能感受到爱今晚》--艾尔顿?约翰:《狮子王》熟悉的旋律,柔情无限,比较适合空间较开放的会场,气势磅礴。 49、《你带走了我的心》--米迦勒学摇滚:用在新郎对新娘的表白处, 最恰当不过,当作背景音乐,舒缓而动人心弦。 50、《魔法术》--流淌的钢琴之声涌入心怀,说不出的舒服感受。更 适合高雅的酒店环境,用在餐前、幕间,都能营造出一种高雅的氛围 来。 51、《爱》--演绎这首曲子,会让现场气氛倍觉感性,当灯光暗下来 之时,响起这性感的声音看,相信效果一定令您震惊的。 52、《只有我们两》--适合比较小型的婚宴,气氛较轻松活泼。 53、《彩云追月》--传统的喜庆乐曲,用在抽奖、节目间歇,都是不 错的选择,特别适合中式婚礼如果环境与现场元素有点复古和传统, 也可以大胆采用。 54、《是》--米迦勒学摇滚:新人发表感言的时候,很合适作为背景 音乐或在结尾处响起。 55、《不得不爱》--潘玮柏:不得不爱,就像上天注定我们要相爱, 对唱曲目,R & B风格曲风,很适合布置较洋气的会场。 56, the "Your Smile" -- the faint sound of harps, like a wisp of breeze ear. As a link, the intermission music is appropriate, but the venue of the sound equipment is very critical, do not spoil this good song. 57, "Narrow daylight" --Diana Krall: male voice of the deep, coupled with soothing and flowing music, like love to tell, it is suitable for the background music as a speech. 58, "Just the Way You Are" --Diana Krall:Jazz style repertoire, used in the dim lighting of the venue will not taste. 59, "Close to you" --Svala: suitable for cutting the cake when creating a sense of sweetness. 60, "Dream a little Dream" - a listen to this song, it will be associated with the actor with a bunch of chocolate flower proposal, the actress wearing a wedding dress to eat chocolate scene, it is difficult to forget. A lively and mischievous rhythm; suitable for a petite bride. 61, "tomorrow" - lively and lively rhythm, beautiful melody. The dining song must, of course, be transformed from an elegant melody into a light music. Guests can relax their minds and begin a pleasant meal. 62, "Swear it again" --Westlife: big boy's tenderness, let a person heart soft. The best background music for a new person or parent. 63, "waterside A de Lina" - very suitable for use in larger venues, the atmosphere without losing the sweet feeling of love. 64, "Time after time" -- Cindy Drogba's masterpiece, is the best wedding party. With gentle and vigorous music, new steps, and re admission, re capture the focus of the line of sight is an important task of music at this time. 65, "The long and wintik load" - sensational music, the most suitable for what to express the mood, with a Thanksgiving heart, with the rhythm of the music, slowly express your gratitude. 66, "love you ten thousand years" -- Andy Lau: ten thousand years of love, deep long meaningful, especially in the climax, a man of his love, pouring moment, is moved. If the fireworks are set off again, the love of your ten thousand years of high tide, the scene will be very touching. 67, "The way you love me" --Faith Hill: suitable for open space venue, more sense of space. 69, "Bossa Nova Affair" - this song full of exotic Samba jazz music, lively rhythm, soft voice. Very suitable for the use of a more solemn venue, you can add a sense of intimacy. 70, "No matter what" --Boyzone:R&B style lively, relaxed. People feel the power of young love, suitable for use in the middle of the program, of course, more suitable for young people in the wedding more. 71, the "Your song" --Elton John: the lyrics is overhangs, if taking into account the guests, can also play in the projection on the letter. 72, "I could be the one" --Donna Lewis: climax part is suitable for separate cut down to use, relatively shocking. 73, "I will" - Faye Wong: when it comes to candlelight, the sweetest, however. 74、《保存最好的最后》--瓦妮萨?威廉姆斯:煽情的音乐,让您怀着一颗感恩的心,配合音乐的节奏,缓缓导出您的感谢之情。 75、《不禁爱上》--埃尔维斯?普雷斯利:表白心迹最适宜的曲目,用作说话时的背景音乐不错。 76、《天使爱美丽蒙马特区》——Boyzone:比较适合时髦又活泼的新人,充分表达出年轻的活力。 77、《每天我爱你》——Boyzone:大男孩的歌声,还带着一点腼腆,可以用作表白时的背景。 78、《完美时刻》-- Martin McCutcheon:最完美的时刻,成就人生的完美,适合用在表白与亲吻的时候用。 79、《深深痴迷》--萨维奇花园:适合年轻而时髦的婚礼,可以用作播放闪光等环节的背景音乐。 80、《扭曲的马利》--还原派对婚礼的本色,让来宾不再拘谨,畅所欲言,尽情舞动。 81、《情不自禁爱》--埃尔维斯?普雷斯利:猫王的老歌,歌词并不重要,轻松而充满爱意的旋律已经表达了一切优美的旋律用在浪漫的氛围中最合适不过,作为进场的音乐背景很别致。 82、《总是你》-- Sophie Zelmain:以这样的音乐迎接新娘的出场,浪漫感十足。 83、《打鼓的小男孩》--夏洛蒂?澈奇:女歌手宛如天籁的悠扬旋律,高贵而典雅,适合用于说话时的背景音乐。 84、《大城小爱》--王力宏:高潮部分的歌词爱意满溢,唱歌不错的K王新郎,可以选此曲作为表演的节目。 85、《有个人》--张学友:歌词很适合新郎去唱给新娘听,一定让她感动到流泪。 86、《我会祝福》--丽莎爱克妲:欢快的音乐旋律好似跳跃的精灵,用在敬酒或者欢送宾客时最合适不过。 87、《泰迪熊》——玩具箱:小女生的甜蜜,很适合用在现场派送礼物的环节。 88、《花好月圆》--任贤齐、杨千桦:适合两人对唱,作为表演节目,如穿上古装,一定舞台效果十足。 89、《梦中情人》--玛利亚凯莉:玛利亚凯莉漂亮的海豚音,令人不舍,如果是便装出场的第三场,出场时用这种R & B风格的音乐很配。 90、《我的一切》-- 98度:人声组合的歌曲,可以用作背景音乐,用在敬酒时分,司仪讲话的间歇也都可以。 91、《S.H.E》--埃尔维斯?普雷斯利:听过有新郎对着自己的新娘高声吟唱,恍惚他就是猫王。 92、《就是爱您》--陶吉吉:K王新郎大声唱出爱她吧,可以选取此曲作为表演节目。 93, the "Sweet Dream" -- Jang Na Ra: girl happy mood at bloom, bride can try to sing. 94, "your name, my family name" - Jacky Cheung: romantic mood, gorgeous atmosphere of the music, so that people moved, it is easy to make the atmosphere to the peak, on the place where you want to push up the atmosphere. 95, "love Master" -- Show Luo, s: for the new duet link, the song is not difficult. 96, "Oh." -- Tony Leung Faye Wong, lyrics: very funny, suitable for young and lively thinking of jumping new duet. 97, "Love never end" --Sweety: in a warm and romantic environment, such an appearance of music, so that the bride came to the world like an angel. 98, "Dream a little dream --Laura Fygi Bewitched:" classic oldies music program in his heart, but when appropriate batch or toast. 99, "BELLE" --Jack Johnson: used in the groom's confession when the background music, can create a retro and low-key feeling. 100, "Unforgettable" - guests when the use of the momentum of elegance and grandeur.
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