
成都试点耳机广场舞 广场舞大妈开启静音模式

2018-04-03 12页 doc 48KB 28阅读




成都试点耳机广场舞 广场舞大妈开启静音模式成都试点耳机广场舞 广场舞大妈开启静音模式 人民公园新试验 成都大妈style 戴耳机跳坝坝舞此事无声胜有声 新时代的 人民内部矛盾 坝坝舞的噪音污染问题被网友戏称为“新时代的人民内部矛盾”。一边是大叔大妈们的歌舞升平,另一边则是周边居民因噪音而起的激烈反弹,在全国各地,被扰居民和坝坝舞者们发生冲突的报道不时见诸报端。 人民公园试验 “无声广场舞” 为化解这一矛盾,成都市将试验田选在了人民公园,网上购买100个无线调频耳机,4月试验正式启动,至今已进行了4次试验,邀请了4个坝坝舞团队体验“无声广场舞” ?无声广...
成都试点耳机广场舞 广场舞大妈开启静音模式
成都试点耳机广场舞 广场舞大妈开启静音模式 人民公园新试验 成都大妈style 戴耳机跳坝坝舞此事无声胜有声 新时代的 人民内部矛盾 坝坝舞的噪音污染问题被网友戏称为“新时代的人民内部矛盾”。一边是大叔大妈们的歌舞升平,另一边则是周边居民因噪音而起的激烈反弹,在全国各地,被扰居民和坝坝舞者们发生冲突的报道不时见诸报端。 人民公园试验 “无声广场舞” 为化解这一矛盾,成都市将试验田选在了人民公园,网上购买100个无线调频耳机,4月试验正式启动,至今已进行了4次试验,邀请了4个坝坝舞团队体验“无声广场舞” ?无声广场舞 要实现无声广场舞,需要一个调频发射器。在原有的功放等音响设备上插上发射器,音频信号就会转换成无线FM调频信号,通过空气电波传输。附近的舞者将收音机调至同一频段,戴上耳机便可同步收听。 2012年,成都微博网友“浪子”因不堪坝坝舞的噪音,自制“最苕坝坝舞”视频短片吐槽自己被噪音折磨的生活。2013年4月,莲花新区的临街住户由于长期受到楼下坝坝舞的音响困扰,从高空投下数十个“水弹”表示不满。 对许多退休大爷大妈来说,坝坝舞是锻炼,是娱乐,但对受噪音影响的居民来说,坝坝舞则成了一种折磨。有没有办法两全, 人民公园做了一次新的试验———戴着耳机跳坝坝舞。在不久的将来,你或许在成都会看到一群头戴无线耳机,手舞足蹈的“默舞”大妈。 人民公园的“默舞”试验 戴上耳机跳无声广场舞 4月22日,30多位坝坝舞者在人民公园中心广场翩翩起舞,奇怪的是,竟然没有伴舞用的背景音乐。 路人诧异地驻足,看着这群“怪异”的舞者。有的大妈戴着一个完全罩住双耳的无线耳机,虽然稍显笨拙,但她仍然津津有味地活动身体四肢。另外一个太婆戴的无线耳机更为小巧,耳塞式的更适合活动。没了震耳欲聋的音乐,路过的人不必再躲着音响走。 包括这次在内,人民公园已进行了4次试验,邀请了4个坝坝舞团队来体验这种“无声广场舞”。 成都市人民公园党委记冯惠玲告诉记者,今年3月,为了化解坝坝舞噪音扰民的难题,成都市将“无声广场舞”的首个试验田选在了人民公园。公园方还派人到广州市天河公园观摩学习,并向“无声舞”的创始人何乾梁取经,详细询问买什么耳机,如何设置无线发射频to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 段等问题。最终,成都版的“无声广场舞”试验得以成形。 据介绍,网上购回的无线调频耳机有100个,分头戴式和耳挂式两种,“头戴式的音质好,卖30多元,便携度差一些;随后又买了耳挂式的,50元一个,戴起来很方便。”同时购买的,还有调频发射器,随后,公园方开始与各个坝坝舞团队展开沟通,4月起,无声广场舞试验正式启动。 “我们耳机里放的都是他们平时常跳的曲目。”冯惠玲介绍,为了保证体验者们的舞蹈不受影响,每次试验前,公园管理处的人都会提前录制好曲目,并向体验人群发放一份问卷,收集反馈意见。据了解,首批参与试验的坝坝舞团队有4个,为了让试验结论更客观,公园管理处还特意选择了不同的时段和工作日、周末分别发放耳机。 大妈体验“默舞” “刚跳不习惯,愿意尝试” “大家乐激情健身舞”是活跃在人民公园广场最大的一支坝坝舞团队。昨天下午3点半,成都商报记者在现场看到,伴随着轰鸣的音乐,50多位市民排成7列,正卖力舞动,而在舞动人群的外围,不时有市民,跟着律动,加入到舞者的队列。 “戴耳机跳舞还是不习惯。”正在休息的邓佳瑜是一名资深的坝坝舞者。周二下午,她和20多位其他舞者,体验过一盘“无声广场舞”。“现在天气一天天变热,大的头戴式耳机,跳不了多久就被汗水浸湿了,感觉不自在。”在邓佳瑜看来,头戴式耳机最大的毛病,就是“笨重、出汗多。”“好多跳舞的大妈还要戴帽子、戴墨镜,戴了耳机这些时髦的装备就都戴不成了。” 和邓佳瑜一样参与试验的陈敏,是坝坝舞固定舞者中为数不多的男同胞。当天体验时,陈敏选择的是比较轻便的小耳机,有点类似“小蜜蜂”。在他看来,戴耳机跳“并不影响做动作。如果推广的话,我愿意支持。”但他也坦言,戴上耳机后,外围欣赏的人群明显变少了,“外人看起来可能比较‘怪’,一群人在那比东比西的,少了份感染力。”陈敏今年59岁,退休后,和妻子双双加入了人民公园坝坝舞行列,有4个多月的“舞龄”,并准备继续跳下去。成都商报记者调查发现,虽然戴耳机跳舞有些不习惯,但多数坝坝舞者仍然表示,愿意尝试不扰民的无声耳机舞,“毕竟,锻炼身体才是初衷。” 附近居民举双手赞成 “戴耳机对大家都好” “要能快点推广就好了。”住在人民公园附近长城园的张阿姨说。昨天,张阿姨正在公园稍微僻静的一处散步,“当然支持哦,要是能戴上耳机跳舞,公园要清静不少,以前,我都不愿走进广场那块区域。”在公园里画素描的小李,已经习惯在喧闹的音乐声中作画。“这是个好办法,矛盾的关键在于音量,戴耳机对大家都好。” 住在银杏园路保利198的李先生是坝坝舞噪音的反对者。他家住17楼,上周末,他在微to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 博里向朋友们诉苦,“一早就在家躺起了,小区中间那么远的距离,坝坝舞的声音丝毫没有减弱。已经听到两个人在楼上吼小声点了。”住在三圣乡鑫苑名家二期的陈小姐同样在下班时间深受坝坝舞困扰,“因为有坝坝舞,我拒绝去体育场和其他有人跳坝坝舞的地方,如果那是必经之道,我就绕道而行或快速通过。”他们表示,举双手赞成推广戴耳机跳坝坝舞。 成都商报记者在新浪微博上检索发现,赞成的声音不止于此。网友“豆苗小丫”说,“大大的赞,求推广,拯救住在坝坝周围的居民们。”网友“美芽Y啊”则直接表示,“望在成都大力推广起来,大妈们的坝坝舞太影响周边的人了。”还有网友们纷纷支招,建议借鉴“四六级耳机”,早就该送大妈们蓝牙耳机“解决问题”。 “默舞”试验新方向: 小区里推广 体验者说 “大的头戴式耳机,跳不了多久就被汗水浸湿了,感觉不自在。”———邓佳瑜 “戴小耳机跳并不影响做动作。如果推广的话,我愿意支持。”———陈敏 居民 观点 “当然支持哦,要是能戴上耳机跳舞,公园要清静不少,以前,我都不愿走进广场那块区域。” ———住在人民公园附近的张阿姨 网友 观点 “大大的赞,求推广,拯救住在坝坝周围的居民们。”———“豆苗小丫” “望在成都大力推广起来,大妈们的坝坝舞太影响周边的人了。”———“美芽Y啊” 在“大家乐激情健身舞”的老板邓梦岚看来,戴耳机的无声广场舞让激情健身舞变成了“哑巴舞”。“我觉得还是更适合小区推广,”邓梦岚说。 成都市人民公园党委书记冯惠玲说,试验的初步情况已上报。与在人民公园推广相比,如果戴耳机跳坝坝舞的新方式能在小区推广,可能效果会更明显。 人民公园办公室主任黄刚介绍,公园管理处几乎每天都能接到一起关于噪音扰民的投诉。“但坝坝舞并不是人民公园最大的噪音来源。”昨天,成都商报记者在公园内看到,整个公园犹如一个综艺大广场,除了广场中心位置的两支坝坝舞团,青羊区童心艺术演出团、东方情韵艺术团等多家演艺团队和5、6家露天KTV也盘踞在广场外围,各种不同的音乐声震耳欲聋。记者站在跳舞人群十米开外的广场边缘位置,用手机上的多种分贝测试软件进行测试,数值在95到100分贝之间。 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 冯惠玲介绍,人民公园的噪音源“太多、太复杂”,演艺团队、露天KTV、坝坝舞,甚至还有老年人把扩音器带进来边走边放,“单纯掐断坝坝舞这个噪音源显然不能治本。”为了让降噪见到实效,公园方也在同城管、街道办事处、环保局和公安一同研讨,希望多管齐下,形成一个更有效的降噪方案,解决周边住户的困扰。 “发出的100份问卷中,有近7成体验者提到这样或那样的问题。”冯惠玲说,从问卷情况来看,“无声广场舞”在人民公园的舞者中接受程度还不高,多数体验者认为,“耳机舞”更适合在住宅小区内推广。也有人表示,“来公园跳舞就是感受氛围,如果在小区内推广,愿意佩戴。” 冯惠玲称,下一步,公园方将进一步联系城管、社区、派出所、老龄委等相关单位参与试点,完善各项试点数据。同时把收集到的试验效果反馈给市林业和园林管理局和相关执法部门,虽然能否推广还有待观察,但冯惠玲坚信,为坝坝舞人群免费发放耳机是一个有益的尝试。“或许我们的经验可以提供给部分住宅小区,让居民的生活环境更安静,邻里关系更和谐。” 同步播报 金牛区筹划试点坝坝舞“自娱自乐” 去年12月,全国“全民健身示范城市(区)”试点会议上,代表四川参加会议的金牛区文化旅游和体育局局长刘明书曾向记者透露,在会议期间相关方面推介的一套针对健身噪音扰民的科技产品,引起了与会者的广泛关注。 据介绍,这套科技产品是由一家公司开发,在有条件的健身广场、绿地投建大LED屏,健身者可以边看边舞。如果担心声音扰民,健身者可以戴上无线耳机“自娱自乐”。刘明书说,“对于这些设施如何管理,还必须有一个具体的方案。比如说耳机,如果多人重复使用就有卫生和爱护问题,可以让健身者交一定的押金,由自己保管免费使用,当然之中还有很多问题需要出台细则。” “作为全民健身示范城市试点单位,金牛区正在积极筹划,把其作为推动全民健身深入开展以及惠民的手段,准备先在几个广场进行试点,如果效果好将大面积铺开。”刘明书说。 他山之石 济南 “不扰民的新型广场舞”走红 去年11月,济南当地媒体报道广场舞扰民,有很多读者建议,佩戴耳机跳舞可一举两得。当时,郑州的一家电子电器厂主动提出提供试用无线耳机,新世界阳光花园社区舞蹈队作为“泉城不扰民广场舞样本”进行了试用,无线耳机普遍受到队员们的喜爱,随之,“不扰民的新型广场舞”在济南范围内引发效仿。 广州 大二学生免费送大妈耳机 to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an 去年12月,广州一大二学生小梁,在天河公园给跳广场舞的大妈们送耳机。“我是学音 乐的,对音乐舞蹈和相关设备有所了解,而家人也喜欢跳广场舞,所以就想到了给她们送调 频收音机。”小梁说,灵感源自四六级英语听力考试。他以每台50元采购价计算,共花费3000 多元。但有的大妈说戴耳机跳舞动作不便,推广不是很顺利。 文章来源:西安人事考试网() to enterprises bigger and stronger. Relevant departments should play the role of function. The postal Office, economic development zone, and the science and Technology Council members take the initiative, make friends and entrepreneurs, in-depth company research, needed to understand the business needs, and coordination to solve the practical difficulties and problems in a timely manner, provide quality services for enterprises. By postal Office led to the formulation of the opinions on strengthening the construction of enterprisers and create favorable environment for entrepreneurs. OEI is the higher level of investment, OECD Council to take solace in Jing-Jin-Tang and the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and three investment groups, butt enterprises personnel demand, investment promotion, and introducing "double double", to help improve the accuracy. Talent is not limited to universities, scientific research institutes, entrepreneurs were hidden in a number of talent, entrepreneurs are also scientists, economists and other talents, so we're introducing intelligence and wealth investment is equally important, the introduction of a good entrepreneur to the ping project, it is possible to drive a big industry. Recently to discuss advancing rope processing project, the General Manager is starting from the initial string, and gradually become technical experts, at present, the company has covered rope to all walks of life, ping will not only do processing base, to do more research and development base. 3, practical guide, coordinate all kinds of talents. Focusing on improve the ability of an
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