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2017-05-12 3页 doc 7KB 17阅读




商务英语签定合同会话商务英语签定合同会话   Right,Mr Boardman.May I suggest we sign a 6-months' contract at a 5% discount on your quoted prices and then we'll meet again to see if we can reduce the prices further.   好,勃德门先生我建议按你们的定价以5%的折扣签定六个月合同,然后再看是乎能降价。   You're a tough negotiator.OK.Let's sha...
商务英语签定合同会话   Right,Mr Boardman.May I suggest we sign a 6-months' contract at a 5% discount on your quoted prices and then we'll meet again to see if we can reduce the prices further.   好,勃德门先生我建议按你们的定价以5%的折扣签定六个月合同,然后再看是乎能降价。   You're a tough negotiator.OK.Let's shake on that and draw up the details of the first contract.   您真是一个强硬的谈判对手,让我们就此谈定,起草第一分合同的细节。   Linda,Have you prepared fully for tomorrow's meeting with Mr.Smith?   琳达,明天与史密斯先生的会议做好充分准备了吗?   Yes,William.Everyone has been informed.I've also made sure that the meeting schedule is delivered to each presenter,personally.   威廉,没问。已经通知大家了,而且我已经确定会议的议程通知到了每个出席人手里。   Great.We don't expect any big problems to happen.   很好,我们不希望有任何大差错。   I see,I will never let go a mistake which may hurt our benefit.   我懂你意思。我不会让任何一个损害我们利益的错误发生。   You're so right.Mr.Smith pays attention to trivialities,so we need to lay an emphasis on detail.   你说得一点都没错。史密斯先生很注重细节,所以我们连小地方也要特别注意。   By the way,are all the audio-visual equipments ready?   对了,所有的视听器材都准备好了吗?   Yes.There was something wrong with the screen but it have been repaired.   准备好了。屏幕本来有些毛病,不过现在已经修好了。   You'd better check once and again,just to make sure.   你最好再仔细检查,确定一切都没问题。   I'll follow your instruction at once.I'll spend the rest of the day going through the preparatory work.   我马上照办。我想今天把准备工作再检查一遍。   What about your regular duties?   你的日常工作呢?   I found an assistant to take over my regular duties.   我找到一个助手代理我的工作。   Well then,now I'd like to design the agenda once and for all.   唔,我想现在干脆就把会议议程定下来。   O.K. First,general introductions is made by everyone,then introductions of each presenter to Mr.Smith.   好。一开始是每个人做一个自我简短的介绍,然后每位出席人员向史密斯先生做个介绍。   Fine.And do not forget it.I think it would look more suitable for you to be well dressed.   很好。喔,对了,我想你好好打扮一下会更合适点。   I'll remind myself of that.After those,David Smith will open with a few minutes' explanation.   我会记得的。之后,戴维?史密斯会先做几分钟的说明。   Assure him not to speak too long,unless Mr.Smith has a lot of questions.   告诉他除非史密斯先生有很多问题,否则千万不要发言太久。   I know the audience is not patient,so you must ask them to shorten the speech.   我知道观众会不耐烦,所以你得叫他们把缩短。   After the explanation,everything will take place as planned and is not open to change.After the meeting,we will be ready to dine with the guests.   解释之后,一切将会照进行,不会改变,会后会有一顿便餐,你将和客人共进餐。   You can ask David in a private way.   你可以私下问戴维问题。   I'll tell Mr.Sun in advance,I will make haste to arrange.   我会提前告诉孙先生,我会赶紧安排。   William,I'm terribly sorry about this,but we have to put off or cancel tomorrow's meeting.   威廉,我实在很抱歉,我们必须推迟或取消明天的会议。
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