

2013-12-28 5页 doc 46KB 21阅读




电影笔记(2)THE FAMILY MAN Let’s flush the plan.(call off) I’ve no idea what this life is gonna look like,but I know that it has the both of us in it.And I choose us.The plan doesn’t make us great.We have together,that’s what makes us great. How’d you make out this year? (earn ...
THE FAMILY MAN Let’s flush the plan.(call off) I’ve no idea what this life is gonna look like,but I know that it has the both of us in it.And I choose us.The plan doesn’t make us great.We have together,that’s what makes us great. How’d you make out this year? (earn money) A penny for your thoughts,Alan? (What r u thinking about?) You’ve six messages.Two of them are imperative.(urgent) You are my role model.(idol) (Also seen in Scott Philgram) --So you left her. --wasn’t easy. --Oh,stop it.I’m getting weepy. --I took the road less travelled,Adelle. --And look where it took you.She’s probably having afit of (一阵)nostalgia(missing the past).Lonely Christmas Eve. There is a Hallmark moment for u. Somebody’s gonna nurse him through this.(comfort) You are a credit to captitalism,Jack.(楷模) Leave it in the past.Old flames are like old tax returns.Put them in the file cabinet for 3 years,and then u cut’em loose. This particular Wednesday was exactly like all the Wednesday prior.(先前的,在前的) Harold just counted brushstrokes.(画笔的)一道,一刷 …would became the catalyst(催化剂) for an entirely new life. …his stiff leather shoes making a terrible squeaking(发出短促的尖叫) sound as they flexed(伸缩)against the asphalt. His thought were scattered, his mind elsewhere. When a coworker asked the product(结果)of 67and453,he drew a blank.(回答不上) …quickly answered…,despite the answer really being 31,305.(不管答案是否31,305) The sound the paper made against the folder had the same tone as a wave scraping (scrape刮,擦,铲)against sand.(纸张摩擦文件夹的声音像极了海浪拍打沙滩的声音) …he listened to enough waces every day to constitute(组成)what he imagined to be a deep endless ocean. Frightening part is….(吓人的是) You miscreant.(卑鄙小人) She seems bent on making life difficult for me.(她似乎跟我过不去)(be bent on 一心想做(坏事) Get bent.(滚蛋,去死) …a sharp reprimande (申诉) (n.&v) I’m just not such a big fan of…(我只是不太支持…) Ms Pascal, what you are describing is anarchy(无政府状态).Are you a anarchist? Anarchists assemble? Wouldn’t that completely defeat the purpose?(有悖初衷) Harold wasn’t prone to(倾向于,易遭受) to fantasies. He couldn’t help but imagine Ms Pascal stroking(抚摩)the side of his face with the soft blade(草的叶子,此处说明手指纤细)of her finger. He couldn’t help but imagine her immersed(浸泡) in a tub shaving her leg.And he couldn’t help but imagine her naked stretched across his bed. I’m just having issues today. ( busy) Harold suddently found himself beleaguered(困扰)and exasperated(激怒)outside the bakery. …cursing the heavens in futility.(诅咒老天也无济于事) Then I will have to find some other way of occupying my time.(打发时间) leap off the building(跳楼) …until the final punctuation is embedded on the very last page(知道最后一个标点落在最后一页上。) Catch a little cubicle(小卧室) fever? (屋里闷太久了?) Why Ms Pascal made his fingertips quiver(颤抖) and lips numb?(迟钝麻木,失去知觉的) Vaca =vacation Harold assumed his watch was simply on the fritz.(出问题了) I got 6:18. (我的表是6点18) Thus, Harold’s watch thrust him into the immitigable (不能缓和的,不能宽恕的) path of fate.(踏上不归路) Little did he know that this simple, seemingly innocuous act(表面无害的动作) would result in his imminent(即将到来的) death. Harold, incensed,(愤怒的) shook the hell out of it for no apparent reason. Harold, distraught,…(发狂的) Mr. Crick, I hate to sound like a broken record, but that’s schizophrenia.(我不想打击你,但确实是精神分裂) (broken record: repeat the same statement with little variation) Hypothetically speaking, (假设) It’s been a very revealing(有启迪的) 10 seconds. I ogled you. (轻浮的看) So you’re a frequenter of the metropolitan transmit authority? (常坐公车) Harold quickly caculated the odds of making an ass of himself(愚笨) in ratio to the amount of time he stayed to chat. There are 11 open ones. (还有11站呢) He was elated and surprised by his somewhat fliratious encounter with Ms Pascal.(对此艳遇又惊又喜。) So elated that he exited the bus a good 27 blocks too early.(太高兴了以致早下车27街区) On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you consider the likelihood you might be assassinated? One being very unlikely , 10 being expecting it around the corner . (1代表最不可能,10最有可能) Let me rephrase. (换种说法) Inclement weather (恶劣天气) …who might loathe the very core of you ?( 特别恨你) Extort (勒索) I am qiute fastidious. (严谨的,讲究整洁,有洁癖的) store-bought gooey (黏黏糊糊的) gibberish (莫名其妙,费解的话) Certain that these geese have never known any home but this one. (这些傻子除了这个其他什么都不懂了) (know 和home搭配还未找到) We are demolishing this place. (铲平) Meeting an insurance agent the day your policy runs out(保单过期) is coincidence. …that answer’s inextricably (密不可分的) contingent upon (依照情况而定)the type of life being led. Can I pose a somewhat (有点) abstract, purely hypothetical question? You said I need visual stimuli. (刺激) But despite resuscitating(复苏) his life , reviving his hope, instilling a few wicked calluses.(?) That seems a little inconsistent. (不一致,相矛盾) In no uncertain terms, (非常明确) Isn’t there some very clear and established(非常明确的) rule about fraternization(友好往来) . I just committed it to memory. (记在脑子里) I can only figure it out up to “ I want you.” 我能想到的只有。。。 He got caught when he tried to get the contract notarized. (公证) Someone traded me that for a wedding cake. (有人拿它跟我交换。。。) Claim it on my taxes.(为它报税) Harold’s life was filled with moments both significant and mundane(世俗的)。 It completely nullifies my list. 它让我的清单失效了。 It came inexplicably(莫名其妙) and without method. The signal’s down. 没信号 You’re asking me to knowingly face my death? And in any other circumstance it would’ve seem commonplace.(常见的,平凡的) Sometimes when we lose ourselves in fear and despair in routine and constantly in hopelessness and tragedy. Soft-spoken secrets And we must remember that all these things , the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties which we assure only accessorize our days are , in fact, here for a much larger and nobler cause: They are here to save our life. JUST GO WITH IT I’m just gonna lay down the law for Danny. 给DANNY定规矩 We’re seeing his goofy family as little as possible. I have him wel-trained. I guess you could call it that. 可以这样说 I am half way done boozing away my sorrow when suddenly… You are making me feel all horny and stuff. I stretched the truth a little. 稍微戏说了一下。 My ring has become a tool to get back on the horse. 重振旗鼓 I switched my specialty from cardiology (心脏病学) to plastic surgery and got rid of the big honker(鼻子) and the ring became my thing(吉祥物). Oh, sorry, I’m kind of seeing anybody else. (我有对象了) It’s got a couple dents.(用它试了几回) He didn’t wanna put his finger in the pie. (掺和) This is lidocaine.(利多卡因,即局部麻醉剂) ---Blonder, brunette, redhead? 金发,黑发还是红发? ---Blonder, tan,tall, rocking body. You’re getting a little nutty over there. 秀逗 So, I’m taking the rap for this. (对此负责) I hate to rat this guy out.(出卖) I told you it was just gonna come and bite you in the ass.毁了你 You run a tight ship at home,huh? 家教真严。 I wouldn’t say friend, I’d say more my nemesis. 克星 (N~希腊神话复仇女神涅墨西斯) frenemy (亦敌亦友) she’s really fake.(虚伪) take a crap / dump …and they like it and it stuck. (习惯了) Adulterer ! fornicator ! 奸夫!骈头! I want to creat the illusion I had a hot first wife. 让人觉得 You sicken me.=you make me sick. schemy 阴险 soon-to-be I’m glad that his thing-a-ding can still ring-a-ding. Erectile dysfunction (功能障碍) I have leg spasms.(抽筋) Terrible side effect from all the pills popping. (起强效) You thoughtless oaf. (没脑子的傻子) I just never pegged(认定) you as a kids guy. 没想到你是一个小孩子的人 Yeah,yeah, that’s my thing. That’s my bumper sticker. (原指保险杠上的标贴,此指专属之爱) Telling the truth is not in the card(可能发生) right now. $600 a day plus overtime if we go over(超过) 8 hours. One of the funbag(=breast) is not having too much fun. Sushi would be groovy. (时髦,吸引人,有趣的) Did victoria beckham have a yard sale ? (卖旧货) Smell like Kid’s feet and like skidmark( 有污渍臭味的) underwear。 Yeouch! ( yeah + ouch) And then the whopper ( 庞然大物),we call him Bart. That was raw and real and in the moment. 即兴未加工现场版 And two quesadillas (油炸玉米饼) for Kiki Sneaky with a Side of Freaky.鬼灵精怪的KIKI You misread what I had said.误会 I saw my shot and I took it. 看到机会并且抓住了 I will work when I am kaput. 毁坏的,脑残的 ---what are you doing here. ---I don't know , saving the day(挽救局面). Helping. Dolph has zero dollar. (=broke) Jot them down. 记下来 Just got reamed. 被欺骗、被打劫 Don't you be intimidated(被震慑) by her whole thing right here which is perfect? 你不会因为她的完美身材而自卑吧? an inner tube 内胎 what line of work are you in? 什么工作 sassy 粗鲁 Sky is the limit. 没有限制 Children, ok? Tune out. 堵住耳朵(不想让小孩听到不好的话。) She has got a real fetish for (迷恋)the wood and stuff. ---don’t bail on me right now. (出卖) ---don't make that face at me. 摆这种脸 You got me upset, bringing me into that web of line.那一连串谎话 My hand’s right here right now. (我已经忍到这里了(配合手势) Swimming. I hope you mean skinny-dipping. 裸泳 That’s so we can bond? 增加感情 It’s bloody breathtaking out here. 这里真是美不胜收 That bridge can only handle one person at a time Piggy times are magical times, aren’t they? ( play back nine)
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