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斯登和悉尼斯登和悉尼 The $ 99000 Answer Leonard Stern and Sydney Zelinka Introduction to the authors: 连纳德•斯登和悉尼•兹林卡,美国剧作家。二人均生于纽约, 并在纽约完成学业。在做电视节目撰搞人之前,他们已在广播和 电影剧本创作方面小有名气,创作了许多脍炙人口的电视喜剧作 品。这部两人共同创作的《价值$ 99000的问答》( The $99000 Answer) 曾获得1956年美国作家协会奖的“最佳情景喜剧”剧本 奖。 Introducti...
斯登和悉尼 The $ 99000 Answer Leonard Stern and Sydney Zelinka Introduction to the authors: 连纳德•斯登和悉尼•兹林卡,美国剧作家。二人均生于纽约, 并在纽约完成学业。在做电视节目撰搞人之前,他们已在广播和 电影剧本创作方面小有名气,创作了许多脍炙人口的电视喜剧作 品。这部两人共同创作的《价值$ 99000的问答》( The $99000 Answer) 曾获得1956年美国作家协会奖的“最佳情景喜剧”剧本 奖。 Introduction to the play: “价值$ 99000的问答”是一个曾经风靡全美的知识竞猜节 目,一般都有观众的直接参与。选手们须在规定的时间内回答主 持人提出的问题,获胜者会获得一笔可观的奖金。该剧讲述了一 个名叫拉尔夫?克拉姆登的汽车司机为获得$99000大奖费心准 备,但因过分紧张而最终前功尽弃的经历。 当今的中国电视媒体上也充斥着类似的知识竞猜类节目,诸 如“财富大考场”、“开心词典”、“幸运52”等。相信中国读者在读这篇戏剧作品时一定会有似曾相识的感受。 The $ 99000 Answer CHARACTERS Ralph Kramden Alice Kramden 1 Ed Norton Trixie Norton Announcer MC Parker Mother Garrity Mrs. Manicotti SCENE ONE The stage of a television studio during a live Quiz Show. Across the back of the 1stage is a big banner reading: $ 99000 Answer. Center stage are MC and a male contestant. The contestant is a bright-looking, conservatively dressed man in his middle forties. Recording of audience applause can be played in appropriate places. Music. As the curtain rises, the music fades out. Announcer's voice. Now back to Herb Norris and the $ 99000 Answer ... the show that gives away ninety-nine thousand dollars! 2MC. Well, Mr. Parker, you have successfully gone over the $ 4750 hurdle and now it is time to make up your mind whether you are willing to go for the $ 9500 answer. Parker. I'm ready, Mr. Norris. MC. Fine, this question for your $ 9500 answer was prepared by an expert in the field of banking and finance ...Professor Walter Newman. Your question has to do with something you see and handle every day --- a dollar bill. Now, disregarding the serial number, tell me how many times the figure "ONE" appears on a dollar bill, either in numeral form or spelled out. I'll repeat that. How many times does the figure one appear on a dollar bill, either in numeral form or spelled out! Give me the total and then tell me how many there are ... you have fifteen seconds to give the $ 9500 answer. (Music) Your time is up! What is your answer? MUSIC FADES OUT Parker. The total number is twenty-five. MC. That's correct! Parker. Sixteen times for the word “ONE” and nine times for the numeral “ONE”. MC. You're absolutely right! 1 MC: Master of Ceremonies节目主持人。 2 hurdle: 要战胜的障碍或困难; 一关。 2 MUSIC --- APPLAUSE --- MC. Mr. Parker, you've won yourself $ 9500 of those one-dollar bills and you are now eligible to come back next week when you have the choice of taking the $ 9500 or going for the last hurdle and $ 99000! Good-bye. Good luck. 3(Applause, music as Parker exits.) And now, who is our next guest? (A petrified Kramden enters led by a lovely young girl.) Announcer's voice. Herb, here's our next guest ready to leap the first hurdle on his way to the $ 99000answer ...from Brooklyn, New York ...Mr. Ralph Kramden! (Applause. Ralph is now standing downstage with MC.) MC. How do you do, Mr. Kramden. (as MC extends hand. Ralph grabs for it as 4though it were a life preserver and continues to shake it in his nervousness.) 5Ralph. Buh --- Buh --- (MC sizing up situation and anxious to get his hand back.) MC. Mr. Kramden, there's nothing for you to be nervous about. We're all your 6friends and everybody's rooting for you. (Ralph nods with weak smile but keeps shaking MC's hand.) Just relax, Mr. Kramden. (Ralph nods but keeps shaking hand) It's certainly been nice shaking hands with you, Mr. Kramden. (Ralph suddenly comes to his senses.) Ralph. Oh, buh, buh ... buh ... (Ralph lets go of MC's hand and for a moment is at a loss as to what to do with his free hand.) MC. What Kind of work do you do, Mr. Kramden? Ralph. I'm a brus diver. MC. A brus diver?? Ralph. Yeah. I brive a dus. MC. Qh, you drive a bus! Ralph. That's what I said, I'm a dus briver! MC. Mr. Kramden, I can understand you being nervous, but it will be to your advantage to relax and calm yourself. Just remember we're all friends and I'm here to help you. (Ralph smiles appreciatively.) Are you married, Mr. Kramden? (Ralph nods " yes ".) What's your wife's name? Ralph. Kramden. MC. (Helpfully) Her first name. Ralph. Her --- oh! --- Alice! 3 petrified: 吓呆的、僵化的。 4 life preserver: 救生工具。 5 size up: 估计?的大小(或多少)。 6 root for: 为„鼓气,全力支持。 3 MC. And you're from Brooklyn ... have you lived in Brooklyn all your life? Ralph. Er --- not yet. MC. (Amused) I see ... Mr. Kramden, I've always had great respect for the bus drivers of New York. It's been a constant source of wonderment to me how you men who have those huge buses to handle, and all the responsibilities that go with it, can remain as courteous and considerate as you do. Ralph. Thank you, sir. MC. Of course there always are exceptions to the rule, like what happened to me the other day. It was raining and I was waiting on Madison Avenue for a bus. Finally a bus came along and I signaled the driver. Not only did that driver ignore 7my signal, but he drove right by me through a puddle and splashed mud all over me! Ralph. Was that you? MC. (Good-naturedly) Well. I hope you win some money ... I've got a cleaning bill 8for you ... Now, Mr. Kramden, it's time to choose your category from our list of subjects. (Girl holds up cardboard for Ralph to look at; it has fifteen categories.) Take your time in picking your category because all your answers will be based on the category you decide upon. Ralph. I think I'll take popular songs. MC. Very well, popular songs. Announcer's voice. I'm sorry to interrupt, Herb, but our time is up. MC. Mr. Kramden, I'm sorry but if you come back next week, you'll get your chance to reach the first hurdle and work your way up to the $ 99000 answer ... Can you be here? Ralph. Yeah ... Sure ... yes, sir! MC. Thank you for being with us on the S 99000 answer. We look forward to seeing you next week. Good night. And good night, everyone. music SCENE TWO Later the same evening. The Kramdens' kitchen. Alice comes in and takes off coat. Door opens and a breathless Trixie enters. 7 puddle: 污水坑。 8 拉尔夫慌乱之中承认了自己就是那位溅人一身泥浆的鲁莽司机。主持人为了缓解尴尬 气氛,开玩笑说要让他来付洗衣服的账单。 4 Trixie. Alice! Oh, Alice! I couldn't wait until you got home. Ralph looked wonderful on television! Alice. Trix, it was so exciting. Trixie. I'll bet. (Trixie looks around.) Isn't Ralph here? Alice. He decided to stay downstairs. He's waiting for people to go by and recognize him. Trixie. Who can recognize him at this hour? It's dark out. (Alice takes Trixie to window.) Alice. He thought of that. (Points out window.) There he is standing under the street light with his hat off! Trixie. Well, on second thought, I don't know if I'd act any different, if I was on a big television program and I was seen by millions of people. Alice. Don't get me wrong, Trix. I'm real proud that Ralph's on the show. The only 9thing is that he gets over-enthusiastic --- runs away with himself. He can build 10himself way up to a let down and then he'll feel miserable. Trixie. Yeah. Alice. Here he's acting as if he's already given the 99000-dollar answer and he hasn't even been asked the first question! Trixie. Gee, wouldn't it be great if Ralph won 99000 dollars? Alice. Take it easy, Trix. Let's be practical. Even Ralph knows he's no expert. The first two questions usually aren't so tough. If he can answer those and walk away 11with six hundred dollars, I'll be more than happy. 12Trixie. You're right. Six hundred dollars can come in mighty handy ... but just between us, Alice, you'd better hint to Ralph to always face the camera. When he 13stands in profile --- brother! He's the biggest thing on television! (Trixie goes to door as Alice laughs good-naturedly.) Alice. How about Ed, did he see the show? Trixie. Yeah. He watched it with the boys over at the bowling alley. He'll probably 14stop in and see Ralph on his way upstair. 'Night, Alice. See you tomorrow. Alice. 'Night, Trix. (Trixie goes out closing door behind her. Alice picks up coat and carries it into bedroom. Ralph comes in. He's carrying large piece of cardboard. The blank side is visible. Alice comes out of bedroom.) 9 run away with: 失控。 10 let down: 减速下降、失望。 11 walk away with: 顺手拿走。 12 come in handy: 迟早有用、派得上用场。 13 brother: (int)[用于表示强烈感情]我的老兄!天哪! 14 ’night: good night. 5 Ralph. Well, Alice, I've finally learned a lesson. This house is filled with nothing but jealous people. Alice. What are you talking about? Ralph. There wasn't one person in this house, not one, waiting downstairs to congratulate me! They won't admit they saw me on the program. 15Alice. Ralph, don't talk that way. Norton watched it over at the bowling alley with all your friends and Trixie was just here to say she saw you. Ralph. (Brightens) Oh, she saw me. How'd she like me? How'd she think I was? 16Alice. She says you're the biggest thing on television! Ralph. She said that? Nice girl, Trixie. And that Norton's a good guy too. They're real, true friends. Alice, they're gonna be with me when I celebrate my big night. Alice. What big night? Ralph. When I win the 99000 dollars! (Alice is struck speechless by Ralph's crazy 17confidence.) Yessiree, Alice. Soon we'll be living on Park Avenue. And just you wait and see how different this furniture'll look in a Park Avenue apartment! Alice. Ralph, aren't you being a little too ambitious? You've heard some of the questions ... they get awfully tough after the first two. Ralph. Why do you think I picked popular songs as my category? I know all about those songs. Alice. But, Ralph, you're not an expert. Ralph. Oh, no? I was interested in songs even when I was a little kid. And when I grew up I didn't waste my time like the other guys. While they were hanging around street corners and pool rooms ... I spent every night of the week up at Roseland ! Alice. Ralph, I'll be very proud of you if you just answer the first two questions and come home with six hundred dollars. Ralph. Six hundred dollars! That's pennies! Alice. Ralph, I'm only talking common sense. Ralph. Common sense? It's common sense to blow the opportunity of a lifetime? Look, I'll explain it to you real simple. (He illustrates by putting imaginary piles of money on table.) Right over here is six hundred dollars. Over here is ninety-nine thousand dollars. I have a choice of taking either one of the two. Now my intelligence tells me that I gotta take the ninety-nine thousand. But if you're foolish 15 alley:(保龄球等的)球道。 16 爱丽斯转述 Trixie的话,说他的侧影在屏幕上看上去最扎眼,而拉尔夫误以为这话 是在夸他。 17 Park Avenue: 派克大街,美国纽约市的豪华大街名,常用作奢华时髦阶层的同义语。 6 enough to think I'm wrong, just tell me because I've got an open mind! Alice. Well, you'd better close it before the rest of your brains fall out! ... Stop dreaming, Ralph. They don't hand you that ninety-nine thousand. You've got to answer questions. And they're tough questions! 18Ralph. Oh, so that's what you've been leading up to. Your husband's too dumb to answer questions. A twelve-year-old little girl can come on another program and win $ 16000 but it comes out now you don't think I'm as smart as a twelve-year-old kid. Well, for your information, I can answer the toughest question they can think 19up because it stands to reason I gotta be smarter than any twelve-year-old kid! 20Alice. Spell Antidisestablishmentarianism. (Ralph stares at Alice for a split second.) Ralph. I can spell it. I can spell it, all right. Alice. Well, go ahead. Ralph. Why should I? I'll spell it when you can give me sixteen thousand dollars for spelling it. Alice. Sixteen thousand for spelling it? I'll give you thirty-two thousand dollars if you can say it! Ralph. (Reacts) All right. All right, I will . . . some day. Alice. Ralph, I don't doubt you know a lot about popular songs. Let's even say you know everything about them. There's still one thing you're overlooking. That when you're on a television show, under pressure, with millions of people looking at you and with big money at stake, you're liable to get nervous aid forget, what you know. Any person could do that. Ralph. Not this person. When I'm under pressure I'm at my best. I never get nervous. Alice. Oh, that's right, I forgot. You're always calm. You have to be in the work you do. You're a man who brines a dus. (Ralph grunts.) Ralph. Alice, nothing you say is gonna make me change my mind. I'm gonna win 21that $ 99000 and to make sure I do. I'm not gonna leave a stone unturned. I'm staying home every night this week. I'm gonna study all the books on songs and 22songwriters. I'm gonna study every piece of sheet music. I'm gonna buy phonograph records. And that isn't all. I'm gonna rent a piano so that Norton can 18 lead up to: 逐渐迂回地引向(话题等)。 19 stand to reason: 显而易见、顺理成章。 20 antidisestablishmentarianism: 这是Alice根据构词法在establish这个词基础上加入前 缀和后缀自造的词。 21 leave no stone unturned: 千方百计、想尽办法。 22 sheet music: 活页乐谱。 7 come down and play the tunes until I'm sure that I can recognize every one of them. Alice. Ralph, that's gonna cost a fortune. It'll take every cent we have saved. We'll have nothing in the bank. Ralph. We'll have S 99000 in the bank ... you're not talking me out of it, Alice. I'm going for that pot of gold! 23Alice. Just go for the gold --- you've already got the pot! (Alice turns and exits into bedroom, slamming door behind her. Ralph shouts at closed door.) SCENE THREE Evening 6 days later. 24Kramden kitchen where there have been big changes. A piano stands upstage right, a gramaphone (or cassette cassette tape recorder) on kitchen table, and piles of sheet music and gramaphone records (cassettes) are all over the place. A knock on door. Alice comes out of bedroom in robe and slippers. She goes to door and opens it. Alice. Mother, what are you doing here at this hour? Mother. (Hands Alice a package.) Here's the dress material that you wanted. Alice. Oh, you didn't have to make a special trip for that, Mother. Mother. I didn't. We went to a movie in the neighborhood, so it wasn't out of the way at all. Alice. Sit down. Have a cup of coffee. 25Mother. I can't. Your father's waiting in the car. He's double parked. (Mother looks around and takes the place in.) How's the brain doing? Alice. What a week! The piano and phonograph have been going every night until three in the morning. He's been fighting out the window with Mr. Garrity upstairs. Strangers have been stopping in to give him advice. He's gotten letters. Staying home from work without salary, paying for all this stuff. He'll have to win the $ 99000 to cover expenses. Mother. Where is he now? 26Alice. He's down at Mrs. Manicotti's. She's helping him brush up on all the popular songs that have been taken from Italian classics. This boy isn't missing a trick. 23 pot:(钱等的)大量的、大笔款子。在这里是双关的用法。拉尔夫声称自己能赢得大 笔的钱,而他的妻子却讽刺他说“那一大罐的钱还没有,大罐已准备好了。”英语中 pot-bellied意思是肚子肥大的、大腹便便的。 24 upstage: 舞台后部(远离观众)。 25 double-park: 指将车停于另一个停靠人行道边的车辆旁,常属违章停靠。 26 brush up on: 温习、复习。 8 27Mother. I've got to go. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Ralph tomorrow night. Alice. Thanks. Say hello to Pop. (As Alice's mother goes to door, it opens and Ralph comes in.) Ralph. (Sees Alice's mother. His enthusiasm disappears immediately.) Alice, I was perfect. I ... Oh, hello, Mother. Mother. Hello, Ralph. Well, tomorrow's your big night. Alice and I were talking about it and there's just one thing I want to say ... Ralph. Save your breath! I know what you're gonna say and I I'm not gonna do it! I'm not quitting at six hundred bucks. I might've known you'd both get together to 28work on me. Well, Mrs. Buttinsky, you're wasting your time 'cause I'm going all the way. Mother. But, Ralph, before you interrupted me, I was about to say I hoped you'd go for the $ 99000 answer. 29(Ralph is taken aback by Mother's statement.) Ralph. Oh ... oh ... you hear that, Alice? Why don't you listen to your mother once in a while? She's a smart woman. (Pleased.) Mother. As a matter of fact, I can't wait for you to answer that question ... want to see the expression on your face when you miss it. (Mother hurries out and slams door.) 30Ralph. That does it! That does it! When we move to Park Avenue, I'm not giving her our new address! Alice. Ralph, I must be crazy even to argue with you about this. You've got us living on Park Avenue, winning $ 99000 --- Ralph, you haven't even answered the first question! 31Ralph. There you go, tearing me down and upsetting me at a time like this. Mrs. Edward R. Murrow wouldn't act this way Alice. What's Mrs. Edward R. Murrow got to do with this? , Ralph. Her husband's got a television show, too. (Alice looks at him as though this is the end. She's heard everything. ) Alice. I'm going to bed. (Alice goes into bedroom. Closes door. Ralph yells at closed door.) Ralph (Shouts) The truth hurts! (Ralph crosses to piano and riffles through songs on top. Door opens and Norton enters, singing happily. He is carrying an armful of 27 keep one’s fingers crossed: 祈愿、祷告。 28 work on: 设法说服、影响。 29 take aback: 惊吓、迷惑。 30 That does (or did) it:[表示不耐烦]行了、好了、够了。 31 There you go (again): 你又来这一套了。 9 sheet music.) Norton. (Singing) "Give me land, lots of land, deedle, deedle, deedle; dee --- don't deedle dee ... " Ralph. " Don't fence me in "... written by Cole Porter. . . from the picture Hollywood Canteen, produced by Warner Brothers in 1944. Norton. When that master of ceremonies gets to you, Ralph, he's gonna run out of hurdles! How'd you do at Mrs. Manicotti's? 32Ralph. I left her speechless. She kept trying to trip me up, but I knew the English name for every song she sang in Italian. Norton. I picked up some more movie songs to try out on you. Ralph. Well, come on, play them. I want to see if I know them. Norton. Okay, okay. (He puts sheet music on rack and sits at the piano and loosens fingers, etc.) Ralph. Will you come on! This is the last night I've got. (Norton starts to play "Swanee River". Ralph shoves him.) There you go again. You can't play a song without starting with that. (Hums "Swanee River") Why do you have to do that? Norton. If I've explained it once, I've explained it a hundred times. It's the only way I can play the piano. A baseball pitcher's' gotta warm up before he pitches --- I gotta warm up before I play! ... I hope I don't have to explain again! You ready? Ralph. Yeah. (Norton plays a few bars of " Swanee River" and then begins “Shuffle Off to Buffalo”.) "Shuffle Off to Buffalo" by Warren and Dubin from Forty-Second Street, 1932. Norton. Perfect. Now hear this. (Norton plays "Swanee River" and then "Too Marvelous for Words".) Ralph. "Too Marvelous for Words " by Johnny Mercer and Richard Whiting from Ready, Willing and Able, 1937. Norton. Right again. This is a tricky one. Ralph. Goes back a way. (Ralph sings. Norton plays "Swanee River" and then "Melancholy Serenade" fast tempo. It is interrupted by loud pounding at door. Ralph goes to door. It's Garrity.) Garrity. Shut up in here. You're driving everyone crazy! Ralph. Oh, so it's you, Garrity. You're jealous, Garrity. You're jealous because tomorrow my picture's gonna be on the front page of every newspaper. Garrity. So will mine ... for killing you! (Garrity leaves, slamming door behind him. Alice appears in doorway.) Alice. Ralph! (Ralph opens door and shouts down hall after Garrity.) 32 trip up: 绊倒、使失败、挑剔。 10 33Ralph. You satisfied, loud mouth! Now you woke up my wife! (As Ralph comes back from door, Alice addresses Norton.) Alice. Ed, I realize I can't talk to Ralph because he's stubborn and unreasonable. I've always had respect for your sense of fair play, so I appeal to you. It's late and people want to go to sleep. I think you ought to stop playing the piano. I'm sure you agree with me because you've always been fair and considerate --- a reasonable 34man! (Norton caught between the devil and the deep blue sea looks from one to the other.) 35Ralph. Don't let her soft soap you. You're just as unreasonable as I am. Go ahead and play the piano! Alice. If you touch that piano again, I'll lose all my respect for you! Ralph. Play that piano or our friendship is over! (Poor ED. He looks from one to the other.) Norton. If I play the piano I lose your respect. If I don't play the piano I lose your 3637friendship. (He looks heavenward, arms extended and speaks beseechingly.) Why, oh, why was I blessed with this musical talent? (There's a knock on door.) Alice. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the police. (Alice opens door. Mrs. Manicotti enters.) Mrs. Manicotti! (Mrs. Manicotti, a woman with a purpose, looks right at Ralph and blasts out in opera style. Tune is "Come Back to Sorrento".) 38Mrs. Manicotti. Guarda il mare come bello, spira tanto sentimento.. . Ralph. (Proudly) " Come Back to Sorrento " written by Ernesto Dicurtis in 1898. Mrs. Manicotti. I give up. (Throws her hands up in the air and goes. Closes door.) Alice. The whole house has gone crazy! Ralph. Crazy? She's crazy because she helps me and roots for me? That's more than I can say for you! Alice. I've been trying to help you by being sensible. If you had listened to me you could have avoided all this pressure you're putting on yourself. Ralph. For the last time, I'm going for $ 99000! Alice. For the last time, I'd be very proud of you if you won six hundred. 39Ralph. Six hundred bucks is peanuts! Peanuts! What am I gonna do with 33 loud mouth: 高声谈论者、喧哗者。 34 between the devil and the deep blue sea: 进退维谷。 35 soft soap: 阿谀、谄媚。 36 heavenward: 朝向天空的、朝向天国的。 37 beseechingly: 恳求地。 38 Guarda il mare come bello, spira tanto sentimento:意大利流行歌曲中的一句,意思 “The sea is beautiful and your feelings…”。 11 peanuts? Garrity's voice. Eat them --- like any other elephant! (Ralph charges to window and opens it.) Ralph. (To Garrity) Garrity, when I move to Park Avenue, you'll be singing a 40different tune. Garrity's voice. Yeah. "Happy Days Are Here Again " written by Yellen and Ager, 1929! (Ralph slams down window, infuriated. He glares at Alice and Norton.) 41Ralph. Start playing, Norton. (Norton starts playing " Swanee Rivet " intro.) Ralph. Oh ... No! (. . . and sinks in despair.) SCENE FOUR Next evening. Same as in Scene One. As music fades, MC enters. Announcer's voice. . . . And now --- the star of our show --- Herb Norris! (Audience applause.) MC. Thank you, and welcome to America's most exciting quiz show --- the $ 99000 answer. Tom, who is our first guest? Announcer's voice. Herb, our next gust ready to leap the first hurdle on his way to the $ 99000 answer is our bus driver from Brooklyn, Mr. Ralph Kramden! (Applause. Ralph is led in by girl.) MC. Hello, Mr. Kramden, nice to see you again. Ralph. Thank you. MC. Last week we just had time enough to get as far as picking your category --- you picked popular songs. Ralph. That's right, sir. MC. Well, you had a whole week to prepare yourself. Did you do much studying? Ralph. Oh, just a little. MC. You mean just in your spare time. Ralph. Yes, sir. MC. Well, let's get on with our little competition. (Girl brings questions to Herb.) I have here your first question. Now, Mr. Kramden, you know how the $ 99000 answer works. We start with the first question, which is our lowest hurdle. You get that right and get $ 100. Then you go over our second hurdle which is worth $ 600. After that our hurdles become higher and our questions naturally a little harder. Our third hurdle is worth $ 6187.50, and if you answer that right, you will have a total 39 peanuts: (pl) 小数目(的钱)、小利。 40 sing a different tune: 或sing another song,改变调子、谦恭起来。 41 intro: 爵士乐或流行音乐的引子。 12 of $12375. Then we keep doubling until you finally get to the $ 99000 hurdle. Any time you feel like stopping you can do so and keep whatever you have won. Of course if you miss, you go home empty-handed. Is that clear, Mr. Kramden? Ralph. Yes, sir. But if it's all right with you I'd like to make a statement. MC. Certainly. Go right ahead. Ralph. I've made up my mind I'm going for the $ 99000 (Audience applause.) MC. Mr. Kramden, you don't have to make that decision now. You can decide as you go along. Ralph. I know but I've already made up my mind. MC. Have you discussed this at home? Have you talked it over with your wife? Ralph. Yeah ... but I'm going for it anyway! Making up my mind now's gonna save me a lot of headaches. MC. That's quite a decision to come to. You certainly must know your popular songs. Ralph. Yes, sir. And this way everything's settled. I know, you know and everybody looking in knows I'm not stopping until I've won the $ 99000! MC. I wish you the best of luck and here's your first question for $ 100. (He reads from card.) Tell me, Mr. Kramden, who is the composer of "Swanee River"? Ralph. "Swanee River"? MC. (Off to piano player) Jose, a few bars of " Swanee River," please. ("Swanee River," on piano off. Ralph looks as if he's never heard of it. His eyes big.) Ralph. That's "Swanee River"? MC. Yes. Now who wrote it? (Ralph is speechless.) Your time is almost up. Who 42wrote it? Make a stab at it. Take a guess! Ralph. Ed Norton? MC. Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Kramden, the right answer is Stephen Foster. But at least you have the satisfaction of knowing you have been a good contestant and a 43good sport. Good-bye, Mr. Kramden. Ralph. (Looks lost at him.) Buh.. . buh. . . (As jovial as possible, MC wants Ralph to leave.) MC. Well, Mr. Kramden ... I'll be seeing you. (Ralph half dazed automatically answers what he thinks of as a song title.) Ralph. "I'll Be Seeing You. " A hit song written in 1938 by Irving Kale and Sammy Fain! MC. But, Mr. Kramden ... it's all over now. 42 make a stab at: 尝试做、试图。 43 a good sport: 输得起的人、经得住玩笑的人、很好地接受规则或适应困境之人。 13 Ralph. " It's All Over Now" words and music by Bazzy Simon, 1927. MC. Good Night, Mr. Kramden, Good Night. (MC motions off to Girl assistant to come and help.) Ralph. There are two good nights. "Good Night, lrene" written by Lomax and Leadbetter and “Good Night, Sweetheart,” by Rudy Vallee and Ray Noble and. . . (The Girl now has Ralph by arm.) Girl. Please. This way, sir. Please. Ralph. (As he is being led off.) "Please" sung by Bing Crosby in Big Broadcast of 1933. By Robins and Ranger. CURTAIN 14
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