

2017-12-07 21页 doc 60KB 13阅读




猪人工受精站的建立猪人工受精站的建立 公猪站的建设 【百旭合生农业公司,百旭合生精子培养基(比利时稀释粉)科研部资料库】 (一) 人工受精站的整体规划 随着养猪业的迅速发展,猪育种改良的需求及人们对猪肉品质的不断的要求,利用价值高的种公猪建立社会性的猪人工授精站,能够加速种猪改良的遗传进展,提高整个社会养猪业的水平,而且将会实现一定的社会效益和经济效益。然而人工受精站的整体规划和建设关系到投资者的整体投资数额及投资后带来的社会效益与经济效益到底能有多少。这是我们最关心的问题。 对于建立场内、场外猪人工受精站其流程稍有不同,所以在规划建...
猪人工受精站的建立 公猪站的建设 【百旭合生农业公司,百旭合生精子培养基(比利时稀释粉)科研部资料库】 (一) 人工受精站的整体规划 随着养猪业的迅速发展,猪育种改良的需求及人们对猪肉品质的不断的要求,利用价值高的种公猪建立社会性的猪人工授精站,能够加速种猪改良的遗传进展,提高整个社会养猪业的水平,而且将会实现一定的社会效益和经济效益。然而人工受精站的整体规划和建设关系到投资者的整体投资数额及投资后带来的社会效益与经济效益到底能有多少。这是我们最关心的问题。 对于建立场内、场外猪人工受精站其流程稍有不同,所以在规划建设上稍有不同,我们只介绍场外人工受精站的建立。 1.场址选择: (1) 防疫:公猪站的建立首先要考虑防疫问题,公猪站要求远离猪 场、牧场,最好有天然屏障,要远离主要交通干线,铁路,要 求考虑对居民生活环境的影响,因此距居民区住地至少2公里, 且考虑风向。 (2) 地势:公猪站的建立地势宜高燥,土壤通透性好;选择的地理 位置要有利于公猪站的空气流通、空气更换、污浊空气的排除。 (3) 面积:公猪站的面积大小,首先要根据公猪站内公猪的设计规 模大小来估算生产区的大概面积,另外还必须考虑到隔离区、 生活区、行政管理,并留有一定的余地以便为将来发展备用。 (4) 交通:公猪站的建立与猪场的相似,既要避开主要的交通干线,medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 又要交通便利。 (5) 水源:公猪站所在地水源要充足,包括人畜用水;水质必须符 合饮用,猪饮水标准见表1-1,以供参考。 成份 浓度(ppm)低成份 浓度(ppm)低于 于 2+钙(C) 1000 铅 0.1 a -氯(Cl) 400 镁 400 铜(二价、亚离子) 5 锰 0.1 氟化物 2-3 汞 0.003 硬度 <60软水, 亚硝酸盐 10 碳酸钙 >200硬水 铁(铁离子、亚铁离子) 0.5 硝酸盐 50 可容性固体物 1000 磷 7.8 硫酸盐 1000 钾 3 锌 40 钠 150 每毫升水中活菌总数 硒 0.05 2 37? <2*10 422? >1*10劣质水 大肠菌类/100ml 无 注:活菌总数越少好,但更重要的是样本之间活菌数的差异应该很小 (6) 电供应:供电方便、稳定。最好距电源近这样可以节省开支。 (7) 排污与环保:公猪站周围一定要有能够消耗大部分或全部粪水medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 的便于粪便处理的田地(如果园、菜地、农田等),否则必须考 虑为废物处理和环境保护做重要规划。 2.公猪站的整体布局与规划:建立场外公猪站,其位置必须交通方便,水源充足、电源方便,废水处理、环境保护等有一定的保证,同时要认真考虑安全防疫保障体系的建立。对于公猪站内生产防疫区和隔离区位置以及公猪的引入方法、进出站的物品的#管理#等,其设计一定要考虑公猪的健康和能够生产出高质量的精液,又要考虑建筑投资成本及劳动生产效益。公猪站的规模大小取决于供精量所需的公猪头数。整个公猪站包括:生产防疫区、新引公猪隔离区、生产辅助区、生活区、行政管理区等几大部分。整个公猪站四周要筑建围墙与外界相隔,生产防疫区与其它区要求完全分隔开。场外人工受精站的总体布局至少应包括生产区、隔离区、生活区于行政管理区。 (1) 生产区:生产区包括猪舍、实验室、消毒室(更衣、洗澡、消 毒)、消毒池、维修室及仓库、药房、值班室、粪便处理区、病 猪隔离区等 (2) 后备公猪隔离区:猪舍、消毒池、消毒室 由于公猪群的淘 汰更新需引进公猪,对引进的后备公猪需要在此隔离至少40-60 天,经防疫监测和必要的预防措施确定安全后,再进入生产防 疫区。隔离舍的猪栏多少根据一次性可能引进最大数量的公猪 而定。设施含饲料存放间、工作室等,其位置应处在其它区的 下风口,至少相距100米。 (3) 生产辅助区:生产辅助区包括饲料厂及饲料贮存、原料贮存仓medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 库、水塔、锅炉房 (4) 生活区:食堂、职工宿舍 (5) 行政管理区:办公室、接待室、展厅、实验室 图示 (二) 猪舍建设 公猪站猪舍建设的设计要根据公猪站设计的公猪规模大小,确定公猪栏位的多少,确定公猪舍的栋数。当公猪站公猪的规模大小确定后,然后才能对公猪舍进行设计,公猪舍的设计要能最大限度地保证种公猪的健康,使种公猪能够充分发挥其应有的繁殖性能,并能兼顾到当技术人员在单独操作时,无论是公猪饲养、哄猪、调教公猪、采精时公猪的转移过程等等,均要求方便简单、省时、安全。 一、公猪舍要求 1.公猪舍对地面、地势要求:公猪舍要求地势尽可能高燥,排水良好,座北朝南。 2.公猪舍内温度要求:公猪的适宜生活环境温度为16-25?,因此公猪舍的建筑要求冬季保暖,夏季防暑。要求公猪舍内设有高温季节的防暑降温、冬季保暖等设施,目前国内较常用的防暑降温设施是采用喷雾或水帘并结合风扇进行,或在猪舍前后种植树木,构建绿化带。 二、公猪舍建设: 1.猪舍设计: 墙体:砖混结构,3 7墙(或阳面2 4墙) 猪舍长度、宽:猪舍的长度、跨度主要由猪场所选的地理位置和种公medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 猪规模大小决定。一般较为适宜的猪舍长度以65-90米为宜、其宽度以7-9米为最好,前后设窗口,猪舍与猪舍之间的距离必须大于或至少等于一个猪舍的宽度,这样便于猪舍内空气流通、废气的排除。 屋顶:猪舍内顶棚要以使用冬季保暖夏季防暑材料为最好。如:金属棱瓦-聚苯板保温,pvc吊顶,而且必须留有气孔 2.猪舍内设计: 猪舍内地面:猪舍内地面通常采用水泥地面,不要太滑。 通道:猪舍内赶猪通道要求仅限于公猪通过且以不能转身为好。 2栏位:公猪单栏单饲,每个公猪栏的占地面积以不低于9,12米为宜,栏墙要以便于猪舍内通风换气和公猪的相互接触,因此,栏墙要求采用金属栏杆,栏杆高度以100-120厘米为宜。公猪栏墙、栏门均要牢固。栏门朝向走道方向开启,栏门既要便于开关,又要防止被公猪自行打开。 饮水:舍内采用自动的鸭嘴式饮水器,而且要求饮水器水嘴高度适中,避免公猪饮完水后在转动时后躯尤其是睾丸受伤。 粪沟:猪舍内设两条粪沟,沟宽0.5,1.0米,设漏缝地板或网床 清粪:人工清干粪,翻斗式水箱冲洗粪沟 消毒池:每一栋猪舍都必须设有两个消毒池 公猪舍舍内设施要便于饲喂、清洁、消毒等管理。 3.公猪舍(包括后备公猪)内布局 单列式:前边可设运动场 后走道:宽1.5m medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 粪沟:靠前墙设粪沟,落空宽1.3m,上盖漏缝板 猪舍宽:落空宽5.5米 双列式:双列猪栏(包括后备公猪),运动场设在猪舍外空地,但要求赶猪方便,猪舍到运动场通道采用水泥地面,运动场里可使用吸水性好的沙土。 走道:中间1条走道宽0.8-1.0米,两边各一条宽0.8m 粪沟:沟宽落空1.3m,漏缝板宽1.5m,沟深浅端0.5m。 猪舍宽:落空8.6m 4.猪舍排列方式: 猪舍分东西排列 猪舍一端设净道一条,宽4-6米 每栋猪舍之间距离8-10米,中间设有2米左右宽的净道 5.公猪舍排列实施 每栋猪舍内设50-60个栏位,猪舍长度约75-90米 每栋猪舍靠净道一侧设操作间一间或两间(其中某一栋猪舍前边的操作间可以作为采精室和实验室)。 每栋猪舍中间设通道一条(一间) 粪沟由两侧向中间倾斜与主粪沟相连 6.示意图 (三) 运动场建设 公猪站公猪的健康是关系到公猪站投资效益回报的重要因素之一,因此公猪站首先一定要把好防疫关,严格监控每一头站内公猪的medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 健康状况,实行以早期预防为主,同时兼顾早期发现、早期治疗。公猪的适当运动是保证公猪健康、精力充沛、保证公猪膘情、保证公猪旺盛的性欲,同时促使公猪精液中精子活力的重要手段,因此,加强公猪运动是一项必不可少的事情。 一、公猪运动场设计要求: 1.地面要求:公猪运动是为了加强公猪肢蹄的强健,保证公猪行走有力,因此我们建议采用吸水性能好土地面作为运动场。 2.防护栏要求:考虑到公猪好斗性,为了避免公猪与公猪之间发生打架事件,一般采用单独运动或采用隔离运动。 二、公猪站运动场的设计: 一般采用露天轨道式运动场或在室内设计运动场。 1.采用露天轨道式运动场 运动场设计:设计两到三个轨道,轨道之间采用实体墙垒成,要求有一定宽度,而且结实。 轨道之间宽度:轨道宽度50-70公分,要求公猪不能回头。 墙体宽度:墙体为三七墙,且要抹上水泥,以免公猪在运动过程中因好奇拱墙。 墙体高度:墙体高80-100公分,要求公猪在运动过程中不止于出现打斗为好 2.室内运动场可以建成轨道式运动场,也可以在设计公猪舍时将公猪与猪舍一块设计,如采用单列式猪舍靠阳面设计运动场,这里不在嗷述 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 3.示意图 (四) 实验室设计 人工受精站实验室是精液检测、处理、贮存的场所。为了生产出优质的、符合输精要求的精液,一定把好质量关,保证出站的每一份精液的活力不低于70%。 一、人工受精实验室要求: 1.实验室操作间要求接近无菌;无日光直射;无异味 2.墙壁、地面、台面都必须是易清洗的材料作成 3.实验室内干区与湿区分开,干区是指精液处理的区域,湿区是欲热区、清洗器皿的区域 水浴锅 清洗间:干燥箱、冰箱、热水器等 贮存间:恒温箱 四、示意图 (五)设备配置 实验室设备的配置需要根据公猪站设计公猪规模大小,服务母猪群体大小,来配备相应的设备。根据公猪站设计公猪规模大小,服务母猪群体大小配置相应的初级实验室或中高级实验室,初级实验室一般公猪规模不大,一种非社会性质的,服务母猪群小于300头;中高级实验室是指公猪规模50头以上,服务于种猪场、商品猪场或基础母猪群在1000头以上的一种社会性质的公猪站。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 序号 名称 初级 中高级 单位 数量 1 17?恒温箱 必备 必备 台 1 2 电光源显微镜 必备 台 1 3 相差显微镜 必备 4 电子台秤 必备 必备 台 1 5 恒温水浴锅 必备 台 1 6 恒温循环水箱 必备 7 密度仪 必备 台 1 8 预热箱 必备 台 1 干燥箱 必备 台 1 9 电加热板 必备 必备 台 1 10 半自动封口机 必备 台 1 11 假母猪台 必备 必备 台 1 12 防滑垫 必备 必备 小计 13 精液运输箱 必备 必备 个 1 14 采精杯 必备 必备 个 2 15 三角烧杯 必备 必备 个 4 16 塑料量杯 必备 必备 个 2 17 温度计 必备 必备 支 4 18 输精管、瓶 必备 必备 套 若干 19 过滤纸 必备 必备 包 若干 20 润滑剂 必备 必备 瓶 若干 21 稀释粉 必备 必备 包 若干 22 载玻片 必备 必备 盒 若干 23 盖玻片 必备 必备 盒 若干 24 采精袋 必备 必备 包 若干 25 采精手套 必备 必备 包 若干 设备配置以供参考:人工授精站的设备设计 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 【商品分类名称】 百旭合生 猪精子培养基 【曾用名】 比利时稀释粉 【产品标准名称】 动物精子体外常温保存运输培养基 【企业执行标准】 Q/BXHS 1-2012 【本产品适用商标权利号】 8959326、9253170、9103968 【本产品包装外观专利号】 ZL 2010 3 0682315.1 【本产品包装版权号】 2009-F-016577 保存精液时间分类 1、中效:保存精液3-5天【CXM-ZHL】,2、长效:保存精液5-8天 【CXM-MY】,3、经济型:保存精液2-3天【CXM-QYHWY】。 【产品原料执行检测、采购标准】 1、《中国药典》2010年版第二部, 2、GB6782-2009, 3、GB/T640-1997、 GB/T1401-1998、GB/T1266-2006, 4、德国:水及危害等级(WGK): 对水危害等级:0, 5、运输:美国运输部无分类,6、美国法规:OSHA 安全程序(40 CFR 372.65) 【外包装袋子检测、采购标准】 卫生性能按照:GB/T 5009.60和GB/T 5009.119 袋子耐压:GB/T 1004-2008中5.4.6进行,氧气透过量按照:GB/T 1038规定进行,水蒸 汽透过量按照:GB/T 1037进行。 【产品主要成份】 无水葡萄糖、柠檬酸钠、碳酸氢钠等。 【本产品性状】 本品为白色或者类白色结晶性粉末 【粉剂】 【功能机理】 猪精子体外常温保存运输,维持精子体外代谢及授精能力。【非处方类 培养基】 【产品包装方式】 (一次性无菌内袋+标准铝箔袋=1包)、50包/大袋子、4大袋子/箱 、2 箱/件 【产品包装规格、用法用量】 50克?5克/包,1包配置1-1.2升纯净水, 或见包装袋说明。 【产品操作方法】 NY/T 636-2002中华人民共和国农业行业标准《猪人工授精技术规程》 【本产品禁忌、注意事项】 1、请远离儿童,2、本品只适用于猪,3、本品性状发生改变禁用,4、 本品为猪人工授精实验室精子体外常温缓冲培养基,不可食用、注射, 5、与其他抗生素或者同类产品合用,可导致精子无授精能力。 【贮藏方法、保质期】 避光、阴凉干燥处,保质期2年,或见包装袋说明。 【产品批号】【本产品有效截止日见袋尾封口或标签 期】 【生产企业】 广州百旭合生农业公司 防伪鉴别方法 50克外包装铝箔袋上,凡是有猪图案的地方,均像有一层薄膜覆盖,为 正品。此防伪点在中国,仿冒成功率为0 请谨记此防伪点。 本文技术资料,全部来自百旭合生农业公司原创,部分资料来源于网络整合国内外技术资料文献。传播人工授精技术知识是不需要收费的,如需传播文献资料,必须载明出处并且不能以任何方式收取费用,并且标注为【百旭合生农业公司,百旭合生精子培养基(比利时稀释粉)科研部资料库】。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high
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