

2017-09-18 10页 doc 33KB 68阅读




新城幼儿园食堂从业人员卫生培训内容新城幼儿园食堂从业人员卫生培训内容 太和镇新城幼儿园 食堂从业人员培训 一、从业人员的健康管理和卫生知识 1、穿戴清洁的工作服、工作帽,头发不得外露。 2、操作时手部应保持清洁,操作前手部应洗净。操作直接入口食品时手部应消毒。 3、操作直接入口食品从业人员有下列情况时应洗手:开始工作前;上厕所大小便后;处理生食物后;处理弄污的设备或饮食用具后;擤鼻子后;处理动物或废物后;从事其他可能会污染双手的活动后。 4. 个人卫生“四勤”:勤洗手剪指甲、 勤洗澡理发、 勤洗衣服被褥、 勤换工作服; “四不”:不留长指甲、 ...
新城幼儿园食堂从业人员卫生内容 太和镇新城幼儿园 食堂从业人员培训 一、从业人员的健康管理和卫生知识 1、穿戴清洁的工作服、工作帽,头发不得外露。 2、操作时手部应保持清洁,操作前手部应洗净。操作直接入口食品时手部应消毒。 3、操作直接入口食品从业人员有下列情况时应洗手:开始工作前;上厕所大小便后;处理生食物后;处理弄污的设备或饮食用具后;擤鼻子后;处理动物或废物后;从事其他可能会污染双手的活动后。 4. 个人卫生“四勤”:勤洗手剪指甲、 勤洗澡理发、 勤洗衣服被褥、 勤换工作服; “四不”:不留长指甲、 不涂指甲油、 不戴戒指、 不吸烟 。 二、环境卫生要求 1、每天供餐结束后应及时打扫地面、台面,不留死角。有条件的做到专人打扫。 2、在产生蒸汽的房间,要有良好的排风装置并正常使用,防止墙壁、屋顶发霉、脱落、滴水造成食品污染。 3、厨房内产生的废料、废弃物或餐具中残留的食品等各种垃圾应存放在带盖的垃圾桶内,并及时清理。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 三、采购要求 1、食堂采购食品原料时,应到大型农贸市场等规范场所进行采购。 2、要进行索证:索取供货商及生产厂家食品卫生许可证、散装食品检验合格证明、肉类产品兽医检验检疫合格证明、豆制品送货单、蔬菜农药残留检测等有关证明。 3、采购食品原料时尽量索取购货凭证,做好采购记录,以备一旦发生食源性疾患调查和索赔之需。购货凭证包括发票、或者其它凭证。 4、采购时进行相应的感官检验:定型包装查看标识是否完整;蔬菜、肉类等是否腐败变质等。采购时还要做到定量采购:遵循用多少,采购多少的原则,保证食品的新鲜和卫生。 四、食品储存要求 食品原料储存场地应由专人管理,食品贮存场所要清洁,不得接触有毒有害物质,不得与个人生活用品同场所存放。存放食品的场所要通风防潮,食品分类离墙离地存放,同一场所内不得存放有毒有害物品。 食品在入库以前必须严格验收,发现不符合卫生要求的食品不得入库,验收后认真作好登记。登记的内容包括品名、供货单位、数量、进货日期、感官形状和标签检查情况;食品出库时必须查验其感官形状和保质期;日常性查验应重点检查食品变质 2eholds do not leak, a man falls,k of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that housir lacevel, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is thetration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty lregis ruly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed"three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, ts on and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focu announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political naturecalled "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list -wns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the soication, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some todentifs not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate ime time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return doeEnd of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, so (包括霉变、腐败)等情况,发现不符合卫生要求的食品应及时进行处理。 食品储存应当分类分架、离地隔墙(至少15厘米),生、熟食品分开存放,同时要注意防鼠、防潮等。 五、粗加工及切配卫生要求 1、切配加工必须在专用操作台上进行。切配加工后的食品原料应当保持整洁,放在清洁的容器内,并置放于货架或垫仓板上。当天切配的食品原料应当天烹调加工; 1、加工前认真检查待加工食品,发现有腐败变质迹象或其它感官性状异常的,不得加工和使用。 2、各种食品原料在使用前应洗净,肉制品、蔬菜、水产品分池清洗。 3、易腐食品应尽量缩短在常温下的存放时间,加工后应及时使用或冷藏。 4、切配好的半成品应避免污染,与原料分开存放,并应根据性质分类存放。 5、切配好的食品应按照加工操作规程,在规定时间内使用。已盛装食品的容器不得直接置于地上,以防止食品污染。 6、加工用容器、工具应生熟分开使用并有明显标志。 7、荤、素食品原料的盛放容器和加工用具应严格进行区分,并有明显标志。使用后应洗净,定位存放。 8、及时清理加工后的废弃物,并做好台面和地面的清洗。 ster the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clearely mason. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accuratear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one perust cllightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we megative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of n-stical dayuemo. Some of the socard in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statining poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remai l and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of theEnd of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincia3t opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,chmenreasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enri 六、烹调加工卫生要求 1、烹调前应认真检查待加工食品,发现有腐败变质或者其他感官性状异常的,不得进行烹调加工。 2、不得将回收后的食品经烹调加工后再次供应。 3、需要熟制加工的食品应当烧熟煮透,其加工时食品中心温度应不低于70度。 4、加工后的成品应与半成品、原料分开存放。 5、需要冷藏的熟制品,应尽快冷却后再冷藏。 七、备餐及供餐卫生要求 1、烹调好的食品应当在备餐间存放。烹调后至食用超过2 0小时的,应当在低于25C的条件下存放。分餐应当在备餐间内进行,禁止在用餐场地、教室等场地分餐。 2、供应后剩余的食品必须冷藏,冷藏时间不得超过24小时。隔夜、隔餐的食品在确认没有变质的情况下,必须经高温彻底加热后方可供应食用。 八、留样 当日供应的各种菜肴(包括含馅的面制品)应当分别在冰箱内留样48小时,每种菜肴留样量为100-200克,并做好留样记录。 九、餐具、用具清洗、消毒 ir lacevel, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is thetration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty lregis ruly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed"three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, ts on and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focu announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political naturecalled "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list -wns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the soication, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some todentifs not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate ime time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return doeEnd of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, so4eholds do not leak, a man falls,k of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that hous 1、餐具、用具使用前必须洗净、消毒、定位存放、保持清洁。严格执行一洗、二清、三消毒、四保洁。未经消毒的餐具、用具不得使用。 2、清洗餐具、用具必须在专用水池内进行。煮沸蒸汽消毒、应保持温度100?,作用10分钟,煮沸消毒时餐具、用具必须全部浸没在沸水中。 3、存放餐用具应使用密封的保洁柜,保洁柜用前应消毒。 4、已消毒的餐用具和未消毒的餐用具要分开存放。 十、餐具、工用具保洁 餐具、用具清洗、消毒后必须储存在专用的密闭保洁柜中备用,保洁柜应定期清洗,保持洁净,并有明显标记。保洁柜内不得置放其他杂物或私人物品。 十一、应急措施 幼儿园在食品加工、供应过程中或用餐者在用餐时发现食品感官性状异常或有变质可疑时,经确认后,应立即撤收处理该批全部食品。 幼儿园发生食物中毒或疑似食物中毒事故时,应立即停止食品加工、供应活动,并向所在地人民政府、教育行政部门、卫生行政部门报告;协助卫生机构救治病人;保留造成食物中毒或者可能导致食物中毒的食品及其原料、工具、设备和现场;配合卫生行政部门进行调查,按卫生行政部门的要求如实提供有关材料 ely mason. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accuratear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one perust cllightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we megative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of n-stical dayuemo. Some of the socard in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statining poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remai l and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of theEnd of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincia5t opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,chmenreasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enri ster the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear 和样品;落实卫生部门要求采取的其他措施,把中毒危害控制在 最小范围。 6eholds do not leak, a man falls,k of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that housir lacevel, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is thetration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty lregis ruly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed"three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, ts on and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focu announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political naturecalled "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list -wns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the soication, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some todentifs not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate ime time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return doeEnd of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, so
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