

2017-09-01 24页 doc 215KB 14阅读




亲子照拍摄技巧五个注意点亲子照拍摄技巧五个注意点 亲子照随着时代的进步。越来越受到80后90后妈妈爸爸的喜爱。作者经过多年的亲子照拍摄。总结出了五个亲子照摄影技巧。分别从亲子照的分类、构图、室内亲子照、室外亲子照、宠物亲子照这五点上。阐述了五招亲子照拍摄技巧。抓住这五个技巧。我们摄影师朋友就能轻松拍出唯美的亲子照啦。:. 亲子照拍摄技巧一:分清亲子照的类别,准确构图。亲子照分为母子(女)类、父子(女)类、全家福类。我们摄影师只有分清类别。才能在心中有准确的构图。1、在拍母子类的亲子照时.摄影师主要表现的是母爱的情怀。母子之间嬉戏亲密的动人瞬间为照...
亲子照拍摄技巧五个注意点 亲子照随着时代的进步。越来越受到80后90后妈妈爸爸的喜爱。作者经过多年的亲子照拍摄。出了五个亲子照摄影技巧。分别从亲子照的分类、构图、室内亲子照、室外亲子照、宠物亲子照这五点上。阐述了五招亲子照拍摄技巧。抓住这五个技巧。我们摄影师朋友就能轻松拍出唯美的亲子照啦。:. 亲子照拍摄技巧一:分清亲子照的类别,准确构图。亲子照分为母子(女)类、父子(女)类、全家福类。我们摄影师只有分清类别。才能在心中有准确的构图。1、在拍母子类的亲子照时.摄影师主要表现的是母爱的情怀。母子之间嬉戏亲密的动人瞬间为照片注入了爱的力量.母爱这时成为照片的主。摄影师必须对如何抱宝宝有着丰富的经验.这个时候你得指导年轻的妈妈如何把宝宝抱得舒服.这样才可以成功地拍摄出好的亲子照片。之间是最亲近的.母性的温柔如何体现在画面中是关键。2、父子(女)类、全家福类的摄影我们摄影师抓住重点构图点。突出温馨幸福等主题。灯光可以采用暖色调。光圈可以用32大光圈。背影羽化等手法。只有心中有构思。有构图。拍出的亲子照作品才能独一无二。不入俗套。作者对自己的要求也是。每一张亲子照。都要不一样的构图。让的作品独一无二。 亲子照拍摄技巧二:创作亲子照主题故事,独一无二的亲情摄影师是一个创作型的职业。我们用手里的相机记录美好时刻。更要把照片故事化。我们在拍摄亲子照时,更需要特出主题故事构思。比如前几天作者拍摄的一堆母女类的亲子照。因为妈妈快要过生日,女儿便想办法给妈妈送出了自己的特别礼物。送给妈妈一个头花。是女儿自己平时省下来的零花钱买的。我就抓住了这个小故事。重点突出了那个头花。甚至单独给了那个头花。很多特写。在后期。我们可以加进去自己的文字。我甚至跟她女儿沟通。把女儿送给妈妈礼物的场景重新演绎了一遍。再把文字添加进去。做成写真。妈妈看到亲子写真的时候。眼里闪着幸福的泪光。那个时刻。我突然觉得。我们摄影师这个职业很伟大。我们可以留住很多永恒的美丽瞬间、让时间停止。 亲子照拍摄技巧三:室内亲子照巧妙利用场景室内拍摄时摄影师最头疼的,因为场景固定。情节也固定。只有靠摄影师自己的灵感和创意。才能拍出不一样的作品。所以。巧妙利用场景显得格外的重要。例如在拍摄婴儿亲子照时,要多拍摄妈妈的关爱眼神和轻轻抚摸宝宝的动作,这时摄影师可以引导妈妈和宝宝说说话或是用眼神凝视,或是轻抚宝宝的小手、小脚,并及时地捕捉到这些温馨的场景。室内亲子照场景构图还应有延伸性和互动性,不但要有妈妈的表情还要有宝宝的回应,要让人通过照片读懂母与子血脉相连的温情。相对来说,大小孩和妈妈的互动则更为活跃,大小孩能听懂妈妈的话.会和妈妈有很多交流。这时引导师则要把他们朝互动方向引导。要让宝宝妈妈像平时一样说说话或做做游戏。摄影师要抓拍好他们之间的那种自然的、只属于他们的快乐和亲昵动作。让室内拍摄不在单调。我们要多强调微距下的瞬间。让是室内亲子照显得自然美丽。 亲子照拍摄技巧四:室外拍摄注意细节亲子摄影作为儿童摄影的一种延伸和拓展越来越多地受到80后年轻父母的关注和喜爱.亲子摄影在专业儿童影楼的市场需求越来越大.俨然已经从儿童摄影的附属项目变成了一项主流项目。我们去公园经常看到结婚类的拍摄。为什么那么多人喜欢外景拍摄。因为外景拍摄会独一无二。而且随着季节的不同。主题也可以百变多样。所以。在外景拍摄亲子照时候。我们摄影师。一定要注意细节。让你到作品独一无二。近期,我们推出了一套表现母子亲情的色调雅致的亲子照片非常受的喜爱也带动了一批年轻爱美的妈妈们“抢拍“,的亲子照订单量因此也大大提升。为表现母女之间的亲情,我们选择了纯净、清爽和略带一点时尚感的高淡雅色调。场景设定在室外,一家温暖的家居广holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should 场。场景布置的和家里一模一样。很有家庭的温馨感。我让模特们当做自己家里,一起洗碗。一起做饭呢。一起看电视。一起打游戏。一个主题。一个构思。就是温馨的家居感觉。作品拍出以后。深受的喜爱。其实我就是抓住了外景拍摄的细节技巧。专拍细节。一瞬间的抓拍,加上后期的文字和剪接。拍出一部美丽温馨的亲子全家福。 亲子照拍摄技巧五:宠物主人类亲子照注重沟通沟通是纽带宠物拍摄和人像拍摄最大的区别,恐怕就是沟通和配合的难度了为了完成一张效果理想的作品摄影者、主人和宠物都要奉献出200%的精力。1、调动宠物的积极性。对于宠物而言它们并不懂得什么是拍照.但它们会有各种需求:美味的零食、最爱的玩具、容易使它产生好奇感的发声物品。这些都是宠物摄影者的必备道具。拍摄时摄影者与宠物的交流其实就是一个吸引的过程,如何使用各种新奇的招数让它注意力不减让它对你、对镜头产生好感—就看你的功力了!2、主人要有牺牲精神。对于与宠物合影的主人而言,的确需要点牺牲精神。在你与摄影者沟通好需要拍摄的免度和姿态后.需要摆出漂亮的姿势并尽量保持。你的状态直接影响到宠物的状态。宠物平时跟主人最亲切。也最能理解主人的表达。所以。必须先跟主人沟通好。让主人做出一些提示。让宠物打到摄影师的构图要求。 holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should holes should correspond to each other, such as location not available round file trimming or drill holes again, but not with fire welding holes. 6.4 check on 6.4.1 Visual inspection of equipment shall be in good condition, clean, and the logo should be complete, clear, paint should be in good condition, no rust crack. 6.4.2 the dish equipment should
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