

2017-10-06 13页 doc 41KB 251阅读




草房子人物特点草房子人物特点 《草房子》主要人物特点 桑桑(爸爸桑乔,油麻地小学校长)特点: A、 奇思秒想 异想天开(夏天穿棉裤、棉袄,戴大棉帽子) B、 制造风景 好出风头(大热天穿一身厚棉衣,行走在校园,得到了满足) C、 两小无猜 浓浓亲情(哄骗妹妹柳柳的玉米,带妹妹远游县城) 杜小康(爸爸杜雍和,杂货铺老板)特点: A、 优越感强(有一条皮带,有一年四季的衣服,冬天有白口罩,有唯一的自行车) B、 傲慢无礼(欢迎桑桑,无动于衷) C、 人生洗礼(暴风雨中,追赶失散的鸭群,心由脆弱变得坚强) 秃鹤(陆鹤)特点: 自尊、倔强...
草房子人物特点 《草房子》主要人物特点 桑桑(爸爸桑乔,油麻地小学校长)特点: A、 奇思秒想 异想天开(夏天穿棉裤、棉袄,戴大棉帽子) B、 制造风景 好出风头(大热天穿一身厚棉衣,行走在校园,得到了满足) C、 两小无猜 浓浓亲情(哄骗妹妹柳柳的玉米,带妹妹远游县城) 杜小康(爸爸杜雍和,杂货铺老板)特点: A、 优越感强(有一条皮带,有一年四季的衣服,冬天有白口罩,有唯一的自行车) B、 傲慢无礼(欢迎桑桑,无动于衷) C、 人生洗礼(暴风雨中,追赶失散的鸭群,心由脆弱变得坚强) 秃鹤(陆鹤)特点: 自尊、倔强。为了演出成功,在练习中战胜了严寒。 纸月特点: A、文弱忧伤 沉静坚韧。离开板仓,离开油麻地小学。 B、恬静清纯 受人关怀。上学情景,桑桑母亲最喜欢她。 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 细马特点: 抑郁、孤独。语言不一样,和老师、同学之间不能正常交流。 温幼菊(老师)特点: 文质彬彬 弱不禁风 (一)内容提要 教师叙述:《草房子》描写了一位名叫桑桑的男孩刻骨铭心、终生难忘的六年小学生活。六年中,他亲眼目睹或直接参与了一连串看似寻常但又催人泪下、撼动人心的故事;少男少女之间毫无瑕疵的纯情、不幸少年与厄运拼搏的悲怆与优雅、残疾男孩对人格尊严的执著坚守,桑桑与桑乔、与杜小康的父子情、同学谊,秦大奶奶对土地的深深眷恋„„这一切,既清楚又朦胧地展现在少年桑桑的世界里。这六年,是他接受人生启蒙教育的六年。桑桑所生活的油麻地是美的,美得精致、纯粹。小说以真挚的情怀打动着每一位读者,艺术上具有浓厚的民族特色和古典之美。被誉为20世纪90年代中国的《爱的教育》。 (二)主要人物 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 《草房子》里的主要人物 桑桑——贯穿全书的主人公,油麻地小学校长桑乔的儿子。是个很活跃顽皮而有幽默感的孩子,常常异想天开,敏感而富有同情心。 陆鹤——因为头秃而被称作“秃鹤”,因为头秃而遭不晓世事的同伴们的“歧视”出,但他非常要强,渴望自尊和得到别人的尊重; 纸月——只有母亲没有父亲的孩子,心思细腻,懂诗词。 秦大奶奶——因为政府征用了她的住所,与油麻地小学乃至当地政府作着旷日持久的抗争,最终心甘情愿地作为一分子融入了油麻地小学,并最终在救南瓜的过程中在艾地里永生。 桑乔、蒋一轮、杜小康„„ 第三板块——细数《草房子》的魅力 (一) 独特的结构 生动的形象 《草房子》的结构很特别,它不象别的小说一样,没有完整一贯的故事,而是以桑桑这个善良敏感的孩子眼光,讲述了六十年代初document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 南方水乡油麻地小学及其周围人们丰富多彩的人生。小说突出描写人物,全书九章,记录了十几位相对独立人物的光彩片断,连缀编织成了一整幅奇丽迷人的艺术天地,栩栩如生地描绘了各类人物 ,为我们提供了许多性格各异的人物形象。 桑桑——少年桑桑跟随父母来到父亲出任校长的油麻地小学读书。他是个喜欢“异想天开或者做出一些出人意料的古怪行为”的孩子,他为了让自己养的鸽子有个像样的家,就把自己家里用的碗柜改制成一所鸽舍;他看到渔船上的人用网捕鱼,就把家里的蚊帐剪开制成一张渔网,还真捕到了鱼;他在夏天里想到城里卖冰棍的人总将冰棍裹在棉套里,就忽发奇想地在大热天里穿上棉衣棉裤„„所有这些怪念头和行为,使他性格中的聪明好奇。敢想敢作、爱自我表现等等特点充分地凸现了出来。 秃鹤——因秃头受到小伙伴们的嘲笑和取乐,他从高兴地答应,到碰不得,到故意用秃头来捣乱。受到众人冷落后,又用秃头悔过,为学校文艺表演成功了却大哭一场。 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 细马——来到养父家人地生疏离群寡欢。不久因遭水灾,家产荡然无存,养父病故,养母精神恍惚。原已准备回老家的细马,却毅然挑起了生活的重担。 杜小康——曾骄富一时,与细马相似也遭受了人生变故,过早地咀嚼了生活的艰辛。与父亲在芦苇荡放鸭子的那段经历,让人感受到生活的艰辛和小康父子不屈服于民运的抗争。读来让人感慨万千。 秦大奶奶——这一形象创造尤其值得重视,她不是胡搅蛮缠的恶婆子,她对那块土地的眷恋,是对自己几十年心血汗水乃至为此付出了生命的亲人的忠贞和坚守,是善良百姓在那个年代唯一可行的表现。她后来与学校融为一体,以及她告别人世的令人肃然起敬的方式,都让人信服。她像她所喜爱的艾草一样,“终日散发着特有的香味”。这个形象的塑造非常成功。 (二)优美的语言,耐品的细节 富有美感的语言 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 巧用比喻 1、秦大奶奶随意在小学院子里放家禽,“两只鹅在办公室门口吃青草,吃到高兴处,不时地引吭高歌,仿佛一艘巨轮在大江上拉响的汽笛。” 肖像描写 2、秃鹤的秃是很地道的。他用长长的好看的脖子,支起那么一颗光溜溜的脑袋。这颗脑袋绝无一丝癍痕,光滑得竟然那么均匀。阳光下这颗脑袋像打了蜡一般亮,让他的同学想起夜里他也会亮的。由于秃成这样,孩子们就会常常出神地去看,并会在心里产生出要用手指头蘸一点唾沫轻轻摩挲它一下的欲望。 景物描写 3、在这些草房子的前后或在这些草房子之间,总有一些安排,或一丛两丛竹子,或三株两株蔷薇,或一片花开得五颜六色的美人蕉,或干脆就是一小片夹杂着小花的草丛。这些安排,没有一丝刻意的痕迹,仿佛是这个校园里原本就有的,原本就是这个样子。” document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting “微风翻卷着荷叶,又把清香吹的四处飘散。几枝尚未绽开的荷花立在月色下,象几枝硕大的毛笔,黑黑的竖着。” 耐人寻味的细节 《草房子》这部长篇小说,非常注重细节的描写,当读到蒋一轮整治戚小罐时,我禁不住哈哈大笑,仿佛那情景就在眼前;桑桑无意中撕毁爸爸爱之如命的荣誉证书本子以便做自己的作业本,这一细节读来亲切;当我看到一样贯严格要求儿子的父亲终于肯答应桑桑去打猎,我为他们父子深沉的爱而感动不已。(有时间的话,老师为学生读打猎的段落)而当我读到细马终于决定回到邱二爷身边时,眼中居然滚下了热泪。同时,每一个细节都包含着丰富的情感。《草房子》弥漫着一种悲悯之美。比如温幼菊长期与药罐为伴;桑桑得了绝症,只是到了最后的时刻才复生;秦大奶奶既寡且独;邱二爷无后代,住房被淹没,又得绝症死去;杜小康家遭破产,大门都被债主扒了而辍学;纸月不知生父为谁,孤苦伶仃地与奶奶为伴,最后不知道下落„„这些情节有一种沉重的东document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 西,会压在读者心头,也许这正是这部作品的魅力所在。悲悯的感觉也会让读者对作品中的人物有俯视和亲近的力量。 总之,〈草房子〉的文字是美丽的,故事是感人的,细节是温馨的。正如作者曹文轩在《草房子》的附语中写道:“能感动孩子们的东西无非也还是那些东西??生死离别、游驻聚散、悲悯情怀、厄运中的相扶、困境中的相助、孤独中的理解、冷漠中的脉脉温馨和殷殷情爱„„总而言之,自有文学以来,无论是抒情的浪漫主义还是写实的现实主义,它们所用来做‘感动’文章的那些东西,依然有效??我们大概也很难再有新的感动招数。”、“感动孩子们的,应是道义的力量、情感的力量、智慧的力量和美的力量,而这一切是永在的。” 同学们“草房子”是一个美好的所在,她让我们想起浪漫、温馨、遥远、伤感的童话。让我们走进“草房子”,去了解和我们同龄的桑桑和他的伙伴们刻骨铭心的经历,感受不幸少年与厄运抗争的悲怆,感悟残疾少年对尊严的坚守„„所有的一切将都在这所document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting 其实并不大的“草房子”里扑朔迷离地上演,这一幕幕精彩的大戏,将带给你震撼人心的美的享受,我们会充分领略“道义的力量、情感的力量、智慧的力量和美的力量。” 让我们走进“草房子”,去追寻文学的独特魅力。 document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) have complete decision-making service system and through dial-up internetworking is realized with the city, the City Planning Commission and other 10 departments has been one of the first to achieve a single network with the city. On the Government's website, focus on strengthening the management and operation of the site, update the website in a timely manner, strengthening the network resource sharing. At present, nearly 700 municipal government website page, updated news more than more than 6,000. Not long ago, China International e-government technology and application Conference was carried out in the country, "survey of best public services Government website" activities in Pingliang city people's Government website in five Northwestern provinces (districts) ranked second, ranked first in the Gansu province. V, infrastructure has made new breakthroughs In 2002 smooth completed organ office building of construction, and decoration and relocation of based Shang, we according to organ construction general planning, demolition hospital within old room 37 between, transformation garden 3600 square meters, new plant lawn 2700 square meters, planting
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