

2018-08-08 9页 doc 32KB 5阅读




从怀孕到宝宝出生各种登记从怀孕到宝宝出生各种登记 从怀孕到宝宝出生各种登记、医疗报销保险、落户口等手续全攻 略 现在把从怀宝宝,到宝宝出生各种登记、医疗报销保险、落户口等对自己帮助非常大的一篇冷月格格的帖子再转一次,相信对很多新爸爸妈妈也会很有用处的。再次感谢冷月格格对我的帮助。 孕妇怀孕期办理事项: 1、《计划生育服务手册》办理: ?办理时间:怀孕三个月内。 ?办理地点:夫妻双方任何一方户籍所在地街道办事处。 ?所需材料:结婚证、户口簿 2、建立《孕产妇保健手册》: ?办理时间:怀孕三个月 ?办理地点;户口所在地妇幼保健站。 ?...
从怀孕到宝宝出生各种登记 从怀孕到宝宝出生各种登记、医疗报销保险、落户口等手续全攻 略 现在把从怀宝宝,到宝宝出生各种登记、医疗报销保险、落户口等对自己帮助非常大的一篇冷月格格的帖子再转一次,相信对很多新爸爸妈妈也会很有用处的。再次感谢冷月格格对我的帮助。 孕妇怀孕期办理事项: 1、《生育服务手册》办理: ?办理时间:怀孕三个月内。 ?办理地点:夫妻双方任何一方户籍所在地街道办事处。 ?所需:结婚证、户口簿 2、建立《孕产妇保健手册》: ?办理时间:怀孕三个月 ?办理地点;户口所在地妇幼保健站。 ?所需材料:《计划生育服务手册》、劳动和社会保障卡、孕妇的身份证、建册所需工本费6元 注意: 1、 此时孕妇要进行孕早期检查,部分检查项目属于青岛市城镇职工生育保险项目,不必缴现金,通过劳动和社会保障卡直接与劳动局网上冲帐,另有部分检查项目需自费。 2、 按照妇幼保健站要求孕妇在五个月、七个月时应回妇幼保健站例行检查。 set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 产妇住院时需准备的材料: 1、 《孕产妇保健手册》 2、 《计划生育服务手册》 3、 住院押金。 产妇出院时医院出具的相关材料(日后有用): 1、 新生儿出生证明。 2、 产科出院记录。 3、 医院住院处收费并出具住院收费专用票据(可同时要求医院打印医保病人住院费用结算明细单)、青岛市城镇职工生育保险诊疗费结算单及其它诊疗收费单。 注意: 1、出院结算时要使用产妇的身份证、劳动和社会保障卡。 2、属于青岛市城镇职工生育保险项目的诊疗费,不必缴现金,通过劳动和社会保障卡直接与劳动局网上冲帐。 大病门诊费用报销: 属于青岛市城镇职工生育保险项目的孕期诊疗费可在医院大病保险部门直接报销。 所需材料:《计划生育服务手册》、劳动和社会保障卡、身份证、该医院的诊疗收费单据 注意: 1、 该报销只能一次性在一个医院报销该医院的诊疗收费单据。 2、 孕产妇在整个孕产期尽量固定在一个医院诊疗,以便日后门诊费用set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 的报销。 新生儿办《出生医学证明》: 1、 所需材料:出院时医院出具的新生儿出生证明、夫妻双方身份证 2、 办理处所:接生医院所在地或户口所在地妇幼保健站。 3、 交费(29元),妇幼保健站出具《出生医学证明》 注意:办证前要给新生儿起好名字。 新生儿落户口手续: 1、 新生儿出生一个月内持夫妻双方身份证及其复印件、双方结婚证及其复印件、《出生医学证明》、《计划生育服务手册》、随父或母户口簿到随父或母户口所在地派出所户籍部门办理新生儿落户口手续。 2、 在派出所户籍部门指导下填写常住人口登记表,当场出具打印的户口簿、本。(交工本费2元) 注意:派出所在月末两天不办理户口。 新生儿办理《独生子女父母光荣证》: 1、 首先向夫妻双方单位申请在《计划生育服务手册》独生子女父母光荣证申请页盖章。 2、 办理地点:新生儿户籍所在地街道办事处 3、 所需材料:《计划生育服务手册》(夫妻双方单位盖完章)、夫妻双方身份证、新生儿户籍页。 4、 街道办事处在《计划生育服务手册》独生子女父母光荣证申请页盖章、发放《独生子女父母光荣证》(夫妻各执一本)、填写《落实独生子set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 女父母奖励书》三联单(街道办事处、夫、妻各执一联)。 5、 夫妻双方各持《计划生育服务手册》及复印件、《独生子女父母光荣证》、《落实独生子女父母奖励通知书》三联单到本单位计生部门申报独生子女奖励费,以后每月工资增加6.5元独生子女奖励费,连续领14年。 新生儿预防接种手续: 1、 生儿出生24小时内由接生医院进行乙型肝炎疫苗(第一针)和卡介苗接种,同时院方向新生儿家属提供《青岛市新生儿首针新生儿乙肝疫苗和卡介苗接种登记卡》。 2、 新生儿出生后一个月内落完户口。 3、 带户口簿和《首针新生儿乙肝疫苗和卡介苗接种登记卡》到户口所在地医院接种门诊建立预防接种卡、证,然后按预约时间带孩子接种各种疫苗。 注意: 原则上到户籍所在地医院预防接种,当常住地与户籍所在地不一致并欲到常住地所在医院预防接种时须到街道办事处开常住地证明。 附件: 婴幼儿预防接种计划表(具体预防接种病种请咨询计划免疫门诊,可能有变化) 月(年)龄 卡介苗 脊髓灰质炎疫苗 百日破三联制剂 麻疹疫苗 风疹疫苗 乙型肝炎疫苗 出生 初种 第一针 set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 一个月 第二针 二个月 第一次 三个月 第二次 第一针 四个月 第三次 第二针 五个月 第三针 六个月 第三针 八个月 初种 一岁 一岁半至二岁 加强 加强 初种 二岁至二岁半 四岁 加强 六岁 七岁 加强(白破) 加强 加强 十岁 十二岁 加强(白破) 加强 set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet
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