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家用氧气机原理介绍(1)家用氧气机原理介绍(1) 氧在生命过程中的作用 地球上的一切生命每时每刻都离不开氧,氧随着呼吸进入肺泡与体内的二氧化碳进行交换,再通过心脏输送到机体各个器官组织。糖、脂肪、蛋白质是人体的三大营养要素,在体内代谢有两种方式:即有氧氧化和无氧酵解。有氧氧化过程是主要的代谢途径,是机体主要的能量来源,氧和酶共同参与这一生物氧化过程,因此氧是机体新陈代谢过程中的必需物质,把从外界摄取的营养物质通过“三羧酸循环”进行有氧氧化,最后在体内转变成能量(一克分子的葡萄糖大约产生38克分子的ATP),用以维持正常生理机能和生命活动,如体温、...
家用氧气机原理介绍(1) 氧在生命过程中的作用 地球上的一切生命每时每刻都离不开氧,氧随着呼吸进入肺泡与体内的二氧化碳进行交换,再通过心脏输送到机体各个器官组织。糖、脂肪、蛋白质是人体的三大营养要素,在体内代谢有两种方式:即有氧氧化和无氧酵解。有氧氧化过程是主要的代谢途径,是机体主要的能量来源,氧和酶共同参与这一生物氧化过程,因此氧是机体新陈代谢过程中的必需物质,把从外界摄取的营养物质通过“三羧酸循环”进行有氧氧化,最后在体内转变成能量(一克分子的葡萄糖大约产生38克分子的ATP),用以维持正常生理机能和生命活动,如体温、心率、呼吸、视觉、听觉及日常活动、工作等。没有氧,这种生物氧化过程将无法进行,生命也因没有正常生理活动所必需的能量供应而终止。此外,氧也参与维持细胞内外渗透压的平衡(主要通过细胞膜上的钠-钾泵来完成),保持细胞的兴奋性。因此,生命每时每刻都离不开氧。由于机体各器官组织氧储备量不同,故一旦发生缺氧,各器官组织受损害的程度也不同。耗氧量越大、氧储备越少的器官组织受损害越重,耗氧量越小、氧储备越多的器官组织受损则越轻。在缺氧的状态下,脑组织损害最大,因为大脑耗氧量占人体总耗氧的25%,氧储备几乎没有。当发生缺氧时,脑器官损害为最大。 微循环的概念 直接参与组织细胞的物质、信息、能量传递的血液、淋巴液、组织液的流动统称为微循环。 临床上所说的微循环主要指血液流经微动脉—毛细血管---微静脉的循环,可以说是循环系统的最基层功能单位。它的主要功能是向组织细胞运送氧及营养物质,同时带走细胞产生的二氧化碳及其他代谢产物,因此,微循环对保证组织细胞的正常代谢和功能具有重要意义。 微循环的调节 调节的根本意义在于维持生命活动的顺利进行。其调节有全身性和局部性两个作用环节。微循环调节的具体途径可分为以下三部分: 1)神经性调节:一般认为通过作用于血管上的受体来发挥作用,调节血管的舒、缩、阻力、血流、通透性等。 2)体液性调节:参与体液性调节的物质有神经介质(去甲肾上腺素、肾上腺素、乙酰胆碱),血管活性物质(组织胺、5-羟色胺、儿茶粉胺、血管紧张素、前列腺素、缓激肽等)。 3)代谢性调节:是微循环调节的主要途径,据报道在微循环的局部调节中75%是通过代谢调节来完成的。微血管环境的pH值、CO、O的含量,其他代22 谢产物的浓度等,均可直接影响微循环的功能。氧被视为与代谢有关的血管收缩物质,当灌注微循环血氧含量降低时使血管扩张,氧含量增加时则使血管收缩。 总之,氧既是微循环代谢调节的直接参与者,同时氧的传递过程又是在微循环内完成的,此外氧还参与物质的新陈代谢。 微循环障碍与疾病 许多疾病的发生与微循环障碍有直接的关系,微循环障碍有时又是疾病发展wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine 过程中的一个重要环节。如心血管系统发生微循环障碍,引起系统内氧气不足,出现胸闷、心慌、心绞痛,长期微动脉收缩可导致高血压动脉硬化。神经系统发生微循环障碍,会出现失眠多梦、头疼头晕、记忆力减退,甚至中风偏瘫。糖尿病、高脂血症、自身免疫性疾病、脉管炎、静脉曲张等疾病引起的微循环障碍更是其主要临床表现。 氧与血液流变学 血液流变(即血液黏稠度)学是研究血液及其成分的流动性和变形性的一 门科学。包括了全血黏度、血浆黏度、红细胞压积、血沉、红细胞变形性、纤维蛋白原、血脂、血沉方程K值等多项检测指标。血液黏稠度的高低直接影响到血液运输氧的能力,反过来氧含量的高低又直接影响到血液黏稠度,二者互为因果。 氧主要是通过对红细胞变形性、凝血机制及纤维蛋白原的作用而起到降低血液黏稠度的,总的来说氧可增加红细胞的变形性,抑制某些凝血因子和纤维蛋白原的形成。虽然影响血液黏度的因素很多,但是红细胞压积是最重要的指标之一,适度的红细胞浓度对血液的运氧能力非常重要,研究表明红细胞容积在25%,30%(红细胞压积在42%)时其运氧能力最强。红细胞浓度过高时虽然结合氧的含量增加,但是血流速度则明显减慢,单位时间内流经组织的血流量反而减少,影响供氧;反之,红细胞浓度过低时,虽然血流速度很快,但是由于血红蛋白的降低、结合氧减少而同样影响供氧。因此,维持正常的血液流变状态对血液的运氧非常重要,血液黏稠度增加时不但容易形成血栓,堵塞血管,而且还容易引起机体缺氧。 氧在体内的运输方式 氧在体内的运输方式有两种:即结合氧与溶解氧。 1、结合氧 进入血液的氧,绝大部分与血红蛋白结合形成“氧合血红蛋白”,这部分氧就叫结合氧,是氧的主要运输方式。 2、溶解氧 另有一小部分氧以物理状态形式直接溶解于血液内,这部分氧就叫溶解氧,在临床上具有重要意义。 正常情况下,成人每100毫升血液含血红蛋白约14.0g(克),每克血红蛋白可结合1.34毫升的氧,血液经过肺毛细血管过程中,约97%的血红蛋白与氧结合,故100毫升血液中结合氧量为1.34×14×97%=18.2毫升(每100毫升含血红蛋白按14克计算)。此外,常压状态下(1个大气压)每100毫升血液可物理溶解0.3毫升的的氧。血液中“氧含量”是血液中物理溶解氧和血红蛋白结合氧的总和,所以常压下每100毫升动脉血含氧应为18.2+0.3=18.5毫升,且主要以结合氧的方式进行运输。血液中的溶解氧虽然仅0.3毫升,但具有重要意义,因为只有游离氧才能被组织细胞所利用,结合氧在血液内必须转变为游离氧后才能弥散到组织中,参与机体的新陈代谢。 血氧饱和度与血氧含量 1、血氧饱和度 wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine 血红蛋白俗称血色素,存在于红细胞内,对氧有亲和力并与氧可逆性结合,以氧合血红蛋白和还原血红蛋白两种方式存在,其中氧合血红蛋白所占比例从0,100%不等,其数值称为血氧饱和度。正常状态下动脉氧分压为 9.3~13.3kPa(70~100mmHg),这时血红蛋白的氧饱和度为97%,当氧分压增加到26.7kPa(200mmHg)时,氧和血红蛋白几乎100%饱和,这时,若氧分压继续增加,只能增加血液中物理溶解氧含量。 2、 血氧含量 指结合氧与物理溶解氧量的总和(详见上一节) 表1-1 不同压力下动脉血各氧气指标变化 空气氧分压/ 血氧分压/ 氧饱和结合氧量/ 溶解氧量/ 血氧含量/ 度/% [ml.(100ml)-1] [ml.(100ml)-1] [ml.(100ml)-1kpa mmHg kpa mmHg ] 1.3 9.8 13.5 2.6 0.03 2.63 2.6 19.5 35.0 6.7 0.06 6.76 4.0 30.0 57.0 10.9 0.09 10.99 5.3 39.8 75.0 14.3 0.12 14.42 6.7 50.3 83.5 15.9 0.15 16.05 8.0 60.0 89.0 16.9 0.18 17.08 9.3 69.8 92.7 17.7 0.21 17.91 10.6 79.5 94.5 18.0 0.24 18.24 12.0 90.0 96.5 18.4 0.27 18.67 21.2 159.0 13.3 99.8 97.5 18.6 0.30 18.90 101.3 760.0 86.7 650.0 100.0 19.0 2.00 21.00 202.6 1520.0 186.7 1400.0 100.0 19.0 4.20 23.20 253.3 1900.0 232.0 1740.0 100.0 19.0 5.30 24.30 304.0 2280.0 288.0 2160.0 100.0 19.0 6.40 25.40 不同吸氧方法所吸入的氧分压 吸氧方法的不同直接决定了吸入体内氧量的多少,最终影响到临床疗效。 1、 空气中的氧分压 2、 鼻导管吸氧 3、 鼻塞吸氧 4、 普通单管面罩吸氧 5、 常压密闭面罩吸氧 6、 高压氧 吸生命氧不会产生氧中毒 1)氧中毒:当吸入高浓度、高流量、高分压的氧超过一定时限,氧自由基 的产生大于消除时,过多的氧自由基则可能造成机体的功能性或器质性损 害,通常把这种损害称为氧中毒。吸高浓度氧不超过24小时,可无明显危 险性,若用40%左右的氧可以说无危险性。 wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine 2)氧中毒的机理 目前尚不十分清楚,主要有以下三种学说: ? 自由基学说。 ? 神经体液学说。 ? 酶抑制学说。 3)氧中毒的类型及临床表现 氧中毒包括以下四种类型: ? 肺型氧中毒 :开始为鼻粘膜充血,有发痒感觉。即可出现口干、咽痛、咳嗽、 胸骨后不适;发生频繁咳嗽、吸气时胸骨后灼痛;胸骨后剧痛、难以控制的咳 嗽,肺活量已出现下降,危及生命。 ? 脑型氧中毒 :最初出现额、眼、鼻、口唇及面颊肌肉的纤维性颤动,也可累 及手的小肌肉;面色苍白、有异味感。继而可有恶心、呕吐、眩晕、出汗、流 涎、上腹部紧张;也可出现视力丧失、视野缩小、幻视、幻听;还会有心动过 缓、心悸、气噎、指 (趾)端发麻、情绪反常(忧虑、抑郁、烦躁或欣悦)。接 着出现极度疲劳、嗜睡、呼吸困难等。少数情况还可能发生虚脱。 ? 眼型氧中毒 :主要表现为视网膜萎缩。 早产婴儿在恒温箱内吸氧时间过长, 视网膜有广泛的血管阻塞、成纤维组织浸润、晶体后纤维增生,可因而致盲。 ? 溶血性氧中毒:常规吸氧治疗一般不会出现。 4) 氧中毒的预防与治疗 ? 了解氧中毒的诱因并最大可能的去避免,是最好的预防措施。除个别易感人 群外(难以预防),疲劳、精神紧张、过度兴奋、高热等都可能成为诱因。 ? 常规服用一些具有抗氧化作用的药物:如维生素E、维生素C、谷胱甘肽、 胡萝卜素等。此外也可应用抗氧化酶,如超氧化物岐化酶(SOD),正试图 做成药物。 ? 无论出现哪一类型的氧中毒,一旦出现均应立即停止吸高浓度、高分压的氧, 改吸普通空气,大部分情况可自行恢复。 活性氧与氧自由基 生命时刻都离不开氧,体内的氧过多或过少时都会对机体带来负面影响。 1、活性氧:活性氧是指氧的某些代谢产物和一些反应的含氧物质。 2、氧自由基:在活性氧当中有一些是自由基,若不配对的电子位于氧的位置则称为氧自由基。生理状态下,氧进入机体后产生一定量的“氧自由基”,主-要包括超氧化自由基(O)、过氧 化氢(HO)、羟自由基(HO)、氢过氧基(HO)、22221活性氧(ROS)、氧有机自由基(RO)、单线态氧(O)等。氧自由基的清除主2 要靠“超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)”来完成,这些氧自由基在体内的产生与清除始终保持在一种动态平衡状态。 体内适量的氧自由基对生物体是有好处的,它可以促进前列腺素、甲状腺素、凝血酶元、胶原蛋白、核糖核苷等的合成,此外氧自由基还有解毒和杀菌的作用。目前市场上卖的一些室内氧吧,从某种程度上利用的就是其杀菌机理,以达到空气消毒的作用。 氧、臭氧、负氧离子有何区别 wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine 1、氧(O) 2 也就是平时所说的氧分子,在空气中的浓度为21%,越靠近地球表面氧浓度越高,大部分都集中在地球表面20千米的范围内。 作用:氧是生命的源泉,是所有动植物新陈代谢过程中的必需物质。 2、臭氧(O) 3 臭氧又称新生态或原子氧,是O的同素异构体。氧分子在太阳紫外线辐射2 和闪电作用下,部分分解的氧原子与氧分子结合而成(O+O=O).化学分子式23为O,比通常O多了一个活泼氧原子,大气中臭氧的分布随纬度和季节的不同32 以及昼夜交替而变化。特别是在地球表面20,30千米的范围内臭氧的含量最高,对地球具有保护作用。 作用:臭氧是一种强氧化剂,在常温下极不稳定,随时可以分解成氧分子和氧原子,这时的氧原子具有极强的氧化能力和分解能力。因些臭氧具有杀菌消毒、除臭防霉、清新空气等功能。我国规定0.15ppm接触8小时为安全时限,超过此时限对人体则有害。通常家里用臭氧处理过的水洗菜、洗衣服、泡肉等要考虑到臭氧浓度过高、时间过长对人体的害处,应慎重使用。 -6注:1ppm=1×10体积浓度, 3-1、 负氧离子(O) 简单地说,就是捕获了一个电子的氧分子,无色、无味,可在气流的作用下转移、扩散。在正常情况下,空气分子显示中性(不带电),在宇宙射线、紫外线、微量辐射、雷击等作用下,使空气分子失去一部分围绕原子核旋转的电子,这些逸出的自由电子带负电荷,又会与其他中性气体分子结合,使它也带负电荷,因为氧俘获自由电子的能力远远大于其他气体。因些空气中生成的负离子绝大部分都是负氧离子。但负氧离子不稳定,很容易丢掉一个电子而变成臭氧。在空气中一般可存活几秒钟到几分钟,它的产生和消失会维持动态平衡。 负氧离子的形成和消失与环境的大气压、光照程度、空气湿度、温度、风速、雾气等多种气象因素有直接关系。一般情况下,空气负氧离子的浓度晴天比阴天多,夏季比冬天多,上午比下午多,海淀、高山、森林及绿化带周围的负氧离子的浓度高,可达到每立方厘米2000多个,比城区高出5,10倍,而室外又比室内高出2,3倍。负氧离子多少,是衡量空气是否清新的重要标准之一。据世界卫生组织的规定,负氧离子的浓度每平方厘米不低于1000,1500个,为清新空气。 作用:空气中的负氧离子有去除尘埃、消灭病菌、净化空气的作用。所以我们应该多到户外活动多亲近大自然,多呼吸负氧离子浓度较高的新鲜空气。负氧离子对人体的作用尚在起步研究段,一般认为可经过呼吸道或皮肤刺激引起神经反射,影响人体全身各系统,能促进新陈代谢,预防流感及增强机体抗病能力。通常认为室内有负氧离子发生器就可改善室内的氧浓度。 wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, contraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic requirements (1) learning content: diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Graves disease, thyroiditis, and Cushing's syndrome, as well as, the original primary hyperaldosteronism pheochromocytoma tumor. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diabetes type, etiology, clinical features, treatment, diet principles; the pathogenesis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Graves disease etiology, clinical and laboratory and treatment; II skills required: correct history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine
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