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五个月宝宝如何早教育五个月宝宝如何早教育 五个月的宝宝如何早教育 申明:本文部分内容来自网络公开文档~如有侵犯知识产权,请联系QQ:2271540409 一、5个月的宝宝生长发育指标 动作发育: 5个月的婴儿显得要懂事多了,体重已经是出生时的两倍。口水流得更多了,在微笑时会唾涎不断。如果仰卧在床上,可以自如地变为俯卧位。坐位时,背会挺得很直。当家人扶宝宝站立时,他能够直立。在床上翻身变俯卧位后,很想往前爬,但由于腹部还不能抬高,所以爬行受到一定限制。 5个月的婴儿会用一只手去够自己想要的玩具,并能抓住玩具,但准确度还不够,往往一个动...
五个月宝宝如何早教育 五个月的宝宝如何早教育 申明:本文部分来自网络公开文档~如有侵犯知识产权,请联系QQ:2271540409 一、5个月的宝宝生长发育指标 动作发育: 5个月的婴儿显得要懂事多了,体重已经是出生时的两倍。口水流得更多了,在微笑时会唾涎不断。如果仰卧在床上,可以自如地变为俯卧位。坐位时,背会挺得很直。当家人扶宝宝站立时,他能够直立。在床上翻身变俯卧位后,很想往前爬,但由于腹部还不能抬高,所以爬行受到一定限制。 5个月的婴儿会用一只手去够自己想要的玩具,并能抓住玩具,但准确度还不够,往往一个动作需要反复好几次。洗澡时,会很听话,还会打水玩耍。 5个月的宝宝还有一个特点,就是会不厌其烦地重复某一个动作,经常故意把手中的东西扔到地上,拣起来又扔,可 以反复到20多次。也常常会把一件物体拉到身边,推开,再拉回,反复动作。这是孩子在显示能力。 感觉发育: 5个月的婴儿会用表情表达自己的想法,能区别亲人的声音,能识别熟人和陌生人,会对陌生人做出躲避的姿势。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 睡眠: 5个月的孩子每昼夜睡15-16小时,夜间睡10小时,白天睡2-3觉,每次睡2-2.5小时。白天活动持续时间延长到2,2.5小时。 5个月的婴儿睡眠明显减少,玩的时候多了。如果家人用手扶着宝宝的腋下,孩子就能站直。5个月的孩子可以用手去抓悬吊着的玩具,会用双手各握一个玩具。如果叫到他的名字,他会对着你笑。在仰卧的时候,双脚会不停地踢蹬。这时酌事宝喜欢和人玩捉迷藏、摇铃铛,还喜欢看电视、照镜子,对着镜子里的人笑,还会用东西对敲。宝宝的生活丰富了许多。 家长可以每天陪着宝宝看周围世界丰富多彩的事物,可以随机应变地看到什么就对他介绍什么,干什么就讲什么。如电灯会发光、照明,音响会唱歌、讲故事等。各种玩具的名称都可以告诉宝宝,让他看、摸。这样坚持下去,每天5~6次。开始孩子学习认一样东西需要15~20天,学认第二样东西需12~16天,以后就越来越快了。注意不要性急,要一样一样地教,还要根据宝宝的兴趣去教。这样, 5个半月时就能认识一样物品了,6个半月时就会认识2~3件物品了。 二、5个月宝宝语言游戏 ?辨认物品 抱宝宝到灯前,关闭台灯,再打开台灯。在这一明一暗的过程中,妈妈说“灯”,继续多次后,让宝宝用手去摸灯罩,凑近去看灯开灯灭,然后抱开宝宝,问宝宝“灯呢,”如果宝宝用目光盯住灯的方向,就说明学会认灯了。 如果宝宝的兴趣在其他物品上,也可依此法认其他物品。 ?单手握物 宝宝对于乒乓球大小的小玩具能稳稳地抓在手中。宝宝用五个手指和手掌心抓握小玩具,对喜欢的东西抓得又快又紧。这可以练习手眼协调、快速抓住东西的能力。 ?手足戏球 宝宝仰卧时,会将自己的双脚举起,并用手去抓。此时把一个大球或一个吹鼓了的塑料口袋放在宝宝脚上,让宝宝用手、足去抓去踢,或将塑料袋吹满气,用小绳子扎紧,吊在宝宝手脚都能够够着的地方,这样宝宝双腿上举的能力会越来越好。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 相信奇迹~www.xiangxinqiji.com ?学练180度翻身 宝宝学会俯卧翻到仰卧后,让宝宝将左右翻身的办法联合起来,加上玩具诱导,学习翻身达180度。经常练习翻身,使宝宝的视觉、听觉、触觉等知觉与运动结合,为继续翻滚以至360度翻转打基础。 ?藏猫猫,找妈妈 妈妈用毛巾蒙脸同宝宝玩藏猫猫,妈妈的脸时隐时现,宝宝被逗得开心极了。之后,可把毛巾蒙在宝宝脸上,让宝宝自己把毛巾拉下来,或把一些衣服和帽子等物品放在宝宝够得着处,宝宝会把衣服或帽子蒙在脸上再拉开,和妈妈藏猫猫 三、五个月的宝宝选择什么玩具 5个月的婴儿能看清东西并能记住它们,听到声音就会转过去。这时正在学习使用自己的手指,他已经了解了手的一些用途,手能自由地活动,能够主动抓东西,能用手拍东西,抓住并摇动不同的物件或用手将有趣的玩具往嘴里送,还知道用手捡起非常小的东西。他俯卧时,会用双手支撑,长时间地抬起头来东张西望。还能做一些较大的动作,能翻滚或举起手要别人抱等很多小动作。这时他们需要用玩具或者借助生活中的一些常见常用的实物来有目的地来帮助他们发展,来增加他们全身和四肢的活动。这时父母应该多和他一起游戏玩耍,你可为孩子挑选以下几种类型的一些玩具: 1、发展视觉的玩具:选择色彩鲜艳的脸谱、镜子、洗澡玩具、塑料、图片、小动物、动物造型之类的玩具; 2、发展听力的玩具:选择小摇铃、拨浪鼓、八音盒、风铃能发出悦耳动听的声音的玩具; 3、发展触觉能力的玩具:选择不同质地的玩具,如:绒毛娃娃、丝织品做的小玩具、床头玩具、积木、海滩玩的球。 4、6个月以前的婴儿视线会追随着镜子的移动而移动,给他准备一个镜子,婴儿看到镜子中的自己认为是个“小伙伴”,对这个小伙伴的亲昵友爱的反应,实际上就是对他人、对周围环境的信任感和安全感的体现,这些正是社会性内容的一部分,这对培养婴儿社会的亲和性和对丰富婴儿的视觉体验都很有好处。 四、5个月宝宝辅食选择 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level qu早教就上:www.xiangxinqiji.com ality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 从妈妈为宝宝选择辅食的那一刻起,基本就决定了宝宝将来喜好的口味,而宝宝偏食,很大程度上是因为妈妈辅食选用不当造成的哦! 很多妈妈们发现,从宝宝出生时起,他虽然什么都不会表达,但已经会用奇怪的表情来与妈妈进行沟通了,而沟通过程最多的时候就是在吃东西的过程中。比如说尝到甜味时,他们的表情比较放松,一副十分享受的样子;当尝到酸味时,他们的嘴唇缩紧,表情古怪;当尝到苦味时,他们会张开嘴,做出看起来十分痛苦的模样。对于咸味,反应和对甜、酸、苦的反应则不同。刚出生时,他们不能分辨咸味,但到4个月时,他们开始喜欢咸味,这种变化可能是为他们开始吃非流食做生理准备啦。 这种不同的味道反应,与以后宝宝的饮食习惯是紧密相关的。因为偏食就是对某些口味过于偏爱,对另外一些食物和味道非常排斥。 如果妈妈在宝宝早期给他们品尝的食物种类越多,他们就会有越广泛的味觉,以后就乐于接受各种食物。如果给他的食物比较单一,宝宝的味觉发育就可能不够发达,以后接受食物的范围也会比较狭窄,而且不那么愿意接受他从未吃过的食品和味道。特别是有些妈妈,为了宝宝吃的开心,只选宝宝乐意吃的味道和食物,长此以往,宝宝就形成了偏食的习惯。 为了让宝宝味觉的发育更发达,以后不挑食,愿意吃各类食物,妈妈们在宝宝添加辅食的过程中就要非常注意选择了。 五、五个月宝宝早教~ 宝宝什么年龄对颜色有感知能力, 视觉是人成熟最晚、发展最慢的一种感觉。虽然基本视觉皮层能在怀孕7个月时从胎儿眼中接收讯号,但视觉通道的神经细胞在出生后数月仍不成熟,对宝贝来说,世界大都是模糊的。 宝宝从出生三四个月就有了对色彩的感受力。0-3个月的宝宝已经对鲜艳的色彩、强烈的黑白对比感兴趣,色彩对于这个年龄段的宝宝而言,可以说是有一种难以抗拒的吸引力。随着宝宝视觉系统的发育成熟,到了4个月左右,宝宝对色彩就有了感受能力,可以通过认识色彩、感知色彩,来享受美的世界。这时让宝宝感受色彩,培养敏锐的色彩感觉,对宝宝的智力发展和培养绘画兴趣都大有裨益。年轻的爸爸、妈妈要抓住最早时期用较好的帮助宝宝辨认颜色,这对宝宝的智力发展和培养绘画兴趣都是大有益处的。但是,宝宝对颜色的认识不是一下子就能完成的,而必须经过不断训练和培养。 宝宝认识颜色的一般规律是什么, 宝宝认识颜色是有一个科学的发展规律的:红――黑――白――绿――黄――蓝――紫――灰――棕(褐色)。按这个顺序去认识颜色将事半功倍,而且教孩子认识这些颜色时一定要注意的是方法。不能一股脑教给他认,而是这个星期教他认黄色,在生活中就只指一切包含黄色的物体给他认,下一个星期只认蓝色,认识生活中所有含蓝色的事物,如此类推,很快他就会掌握全部颜色保证不易忘记,就是靠着这种方法,有些宝宝快满两岁时就已经认识了十种颜色了,进而推广到粉红等一系列浅色系列分辨也没问题。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 相信奇迹~www.xiangxinqiji.com 父母怎样利用日常环境,让宝宝爱上颜色, 尽管4个月的宝宝,他的色彩视觉能力就已经接近成人的水平,但真正的色彩认知学习约在孩子1岁半前后进行比较适宜。色彩学习比较于“香蕉、苹果”等形象事物学习要难得多,色彩的学习过程要更抽象、更难识记,容易引起混淆。因此,对于1岁以内的宝宝,父母主要是在生活中多为宝宝创造五彩缤纷的世界,让宝宝爱上色彩。 1、装饰一个五颜六色的宝宝房。心理学家研究发现,婴儿一般比较喜欢黄色、橙色、浅蓝、浅绿等较为明快的颜色,在这种色彩环境中成长的孩子往往智商较高。由此可见,父母在居家布置上,应充分考虑色彩效应,使孩子拥有一个欢快、明朗的色彩环境。在宝宝的小居室里贴上一些色彩协调的画片,在小床上经常换上一些颜色清爽的床单和被套,小床的墙边可以画上一条七色彩虹,或摆放些色彩鲜艳的彩球、塑料玩具等,充分利用色彩对他进行视觉刺激。 2、给宝宝穿各种颜色的衣服。宝宝衣服的色彩应该多一点,灰暗色调的、明亮色调的服装都要有,否则很可能因为长期看同一色系,导致视觉迟钝。但注意,不要选择颜色鲜艳、浓重的衣服,或经过抗皱处理的或漂白的童装,因为这类衣物的甲醛含量较高。 3、在宝宝的视线内摆放些色彩鲜艳的彩球、塑料玩具、彩色图案的布书等,如果是能发出声响的彩色玩具,宝宝会更喜欢。由于4-6个月大小的宝宝视力范围很有限,因此父母有时候也可以抱起孩子,让他们近距离观察各种色彩。这不仅对宝宝进行视觉刺激,也对大脑发育有良好的刺激作用。 4、到6个月大的时候,宝宝已经能盯着某种颜色或转动头部看到别的颜色时,爸爸妈妈要经常指着这个玩具对宝宝说:“这是红气球”,“那是小白兔”,“这是黄花”等用语言加以描述,加深宝宝对颜色的感知。日常生活中的物品都是宝宝感知色彩的好道具,随时随地都可进行。 5、和宝宝玩些小游戏。家长还可以拿着玩具和孩子玩“躲猫猫”。一边在宝宝眼前摇着彩色玩具,一边将玩具藏到身后。在宝宝疑惑时,再猛地将玩具在孩子眼前亮出来。当玩具瞬间出现在宝宝眼前,他会一下子变得高兴。而这个过程对视觉刺激效果是非常好的。 如何教宝宝认识颜色、辨别颜色呢, 1、多为小宝宝提供一些丰富的色彩,可以在宝宝的居室里贴上一些色彩调和的画片挂历,在宝宝的小床上经常换上一些颜色温柔的床单和被套,小床的墙边可以画上一条七色彩蜡。在宝宝的视线内还可以摆放些色彩鲜艳的彩球、塑料玩具等,充分利用色彩对宝宝进行视觉construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level qu早教就上:www.xiangxinqiji.com ality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 刺激,对宝宝辨认颜色有很大的帮助。 2、当宝宝能盯着某种颜色或转动头部看到别的颜色时,成人可以指着这些玩具对宝宝说:“这是红气球”,“那是小白兔”,“这是黄花”等用语言加以描述,加深宝宝对颜色的感知和记忆。 3、当宝宝长到快1岁,咿呀学语时,成人和宝宝可以一起做“我说,宝宝指”的游戏。例如:你指着几种颜色的气球问“哪只是红气球,哪只是蓝气球?”让宝宝用手去指,指对了就亲亲宝宝,并说:“宝宝真乖,这是红气球。”如宝宝指错了,就说:“再看看,哪只是红气球?”宝宝还是指不出,成人就要反复指着红气球说“这是红气球。”宝宝认识红色以后再认识绿色。也可变换说:“这是红气球呢,还是绿气球?”让宝宝学发“红、绿、蓝”的音。还可放上各种颜色的玩具,让宝宝按成人的要求拿出同颜色的玩具。 4、宝宝到1岁多时,成人可用各种颜色笔画些宝宝熟悉的植物、动物、水果等,如:太阳、草地、花朵、树叶、苹果、小鸡、小狗、小兔、小鸭等,并边画边说:“这是红太阳,这是绿色的草地,这是小黄鸡”等等。也可把各色蜡笔放在一起,让宝宝帮助拿颜色,如画红花,成人可说“请宝宝拿红蜡笔给爸爸画红花„„”只要反复训练,方法得当,循循善诱,宝宝到3岁时,完全可以认识“红、黄、绿、黑、白”五种颜色了。 七天教宝宝辨认颜色好方法 每周只教一种颜色,每天以不同的方式复习巩固。可先从主色调开始。 下面以红色为例说明: 第一天:妈妈手拿一件红色的物品,一边说:“红色的苹果(举例,下同),红色。”,一边把物品在孩子眼前让他看。然后重复说几遍红色。把物品放在身后藏起来,以免宝宝分散注意力。另外找出一红色物品,一边摸着物品一边说:“红色的衣服”,一边将物品举到宝宝眼前让他看见。如此重复大概五至十分钟,如果发现宝宝注意力转移,即可停止。 第二天:重复第一天的活动,并找出其它红色物品或家具。如果宝宝已经会说话,可以找出一个红色物品,问他:“这是什么颜色?”如果他不回答,妈妈自己回答:“红色”。每次都应让宝宝指着或摸着物品说:“红色的苹果,红色。” 第三天:花三分钟左右复习第一天的活动。然后带着宝宝把家里的红色的物品,家具等找出来。每找出一样妈妈都要提问:”这是什么颜色?”而且都要让宝宝摸着物品说:“红色”。如果宝宝不会说话或不愿说,妈妈可以自己回答:“红色的苹果,红色。”一边说一边指着物品上的红色。或把宝宝带到户外,让他找找红色的东西,找到了最好能用手指着或摸着说:“红色的花。” construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 相信奇迹~www.xiangxinqiji.com 第四天:花3分钟左右复习第一天的活动,给宝宝一些有图案的纸,给他一只红色的蜡笔,告诉他这支蜡笔是红色的,让他把纸上的画涂成红色。妈妈可先做个示范,一边图一边说:“红色, 红色的花。” 第五天:花三分钟左右复习前几天的活动。然后把一些红色和另外一种颜色的物品混在一起,让宝宝把红色的物品找出来放在篮子里或一边。最好妈妈先做个示范。找出一个红色的物品说:“红色”,并将其放在一边。 第六天:给宝宝读一两本简单的图画书,每读完一页,就让宝宝把此页上红色的东西找出来。妈妈需先做个示范。比如可以指着第一页的苹果说:“这个苹果是红色的, 红色。”一边说一边指着红苹果。 第七天:用红色的橡皮泥复习。宝宝每做好一样,家长都可以问:“这个小球是什么颜色?”他若不回答就自己回答:“红色, 红色的小球”。也可在纸上画一样水果或简单图案,给宝宝一张红纸,让他把“红色的纸”撕成小片,然后贴在所画的图案上。贴完后问他苹果是什么颜色,然后强调“红色”。 如果宝宝已经完全掌握了红色这一概念,就可以介绍另一种新的颜色了。 更多早教知识,请登陆网站:www.xiangxinqiji.com construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level qu早教就上:www.xiangxinqiji.com ality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the
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