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三星笔计本电脑花屏与黑屏故障分析与维修三星笔计本电脑花屏与黑屏故障分析与维修 三星Q45/X11笔计本电脑花屏与黑屏的故障分析与维修 摘要:本文主要是分析三星Q70/X11两个典型的笔计本电脑,使用NVIDIA独立显示芯片,出现开机花屏~黑屏故障的原因。然后详细讲解故障的解决方法~其中会涉及到笔计本主板芯片级维修用到的手工拆除、焊接BGA芯片的具体过程~还有BGA芯片重新植锡球的方法。供从事本专业维修技术人员参考。 关键词:NVIDIA显示芯片 BGA焊接 显示芯片植锡 故障 维修 测试 引言: 三星的笔计本电脑从2003年开始~大部分机型是在中国苏州生...
三星笔计本电脑花屏与黑屏故障分析与维修 三星Q45/X11笔计本电脑花屏与黑屏的故障分析与维修 摘要:本文主要是分析三星Q70/X11两个典型的笔计本电脑,使用NVIDIA独立显示芯片,出现开机花屏~黑屏故障的原因。然后详细讲解故障的解决~其中会涉及到笔计本主板芯片级维修用到的手工拆除、焊接BGA芯片的具体过程~还有BGA芯片重新植锡球的方法。供从事本专业维修技术人员参考。 关键词:NVIDIA显示芯片 BGA焊接 显示芯片植锡 故障 维修 测试 引言: 三星的笔计本电脑从2003年开始~大部分机型是在中国苏州生产~早期的产品如:X10、X15、X30是采用INTEL855芯片组~NVIDIA Go5200独立显示芯片。之后的M50是采用INTEL915芯片组~NVIDIA Go 6600 独立显示芯片。然后是R55、X11、R25是采用INTEL945芯片组~NVIDIA的独立显示芯片分别是:GF-GO7600、GF-GO7400、GF-GO7300。2008年后生产的Q45/Q70是采用INTEL965芯片组~NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT的独立显示芯片。上面列举的这些机型都是采用INTEL芯片组并搭配NVIDIA的独立显卡~这些机型在使用两年或两年以上的时间后~发生故障频率最多的是开机黑屏或花屏~产生故障的最终原因都是显卡出现不良引起的。本文就用三星Q45AV08机器来做具体的故障分析与维修。 一、三星Q45-AV08电脑黑屏、花屏的故障分析 三星 Q45-AV08 参数: 处理器型号:Intel酷睿2双核 T7250 主频/2GHz 二级缓存/2MB 主板芯片组:IntelPM965 标配内存:2GB DDRII that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energy-saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of party 显卡芯片:NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT 显存/位宽/类型:128MB/64bit DDRII 硬盘参数:160GB5400转 光驱描述:DVD刻录机 光驱内臵 屏幕尺寸:12.1英寸 LTN121AT05 这款机器是三星公司2008年上半年开始生产的~AV08是Q45系列中配臵比较高端的产品。GF 8400M GT是新一代Geforce8显卡~有16个流处理器,换算过来相当于8个管线,~支持DirectX 10~支持PureVideoHD高清加速~3D游戏性能属于中高端。当它有性能问时~ 就会出现开机黑屏或是画面出现很多竖的条纹~花屏等现象。要想彻底解决这类故障~就必须得重新更换全新的显卡芯片~并处理好主板上CPU与显卡的散热问题~机器才能正常使用。三星Q45主板原装的显卡芯片GeForce 8400M的具体型号是:G86-603-A2~更换上去的显卡型号是:G86-631-A2~是因为这它的升级版~它的温度系数要比原来处理的好~显卡在工作时~特别是在运行较大的3D游戏时~它所产生的温度很高~要是CPU的散热口与散热风扇堆积灰尘~散热不良~显卡长期在温度高于80?状态下工作~就会因过热而出现花屏~黑屏的故障。现在例举三个常见的与显卡有关的故障现象进行分析。 1、开机出现黑屏,无任何显示。 开机黑屏但是可以看到自检的指示灯亮~硬盘指示灯在闪烁~还能听到机器进入操作系统的提示音~能确定机器已经在工作了。说明问题出现在显示部分~用外部的显示器通过数据线与笔计本电脑的VGA端口连接~发现外部显示器可以正常显示。初始怀疑屏线或是LCD出了问题~但是替换正常的屏线与LCD~故障依旧~问题应该是出现在主板上了。那么在主板上~首先要找到屏线与主板连接的插座位臵,LCD-CONN,~然后用万用表与示波器分别测试LCD-CONN每个输出端 ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement potalla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy2 口的电压与信号是否正常。以下是Q45 WXGA LCD CONNNECTOR 电路图: 用万用表电压档测得:21、22、23脚VDC_INV 的电压为19V~说明LCD背光驱动板的供电压是正常的。24脚LCD3_BKLTCTRL 背光灯亮度控制信号~25脚LCD3_BKLTON 背光灯开关控制信号均无电压输出。,正常情况下~24脚的电压是在0.8v-3.3v间变化~25脚的电压是3.3v, 2、3脚 LCD_VDD3V LCD屏供电的电压正常。用示波器测试8、9脚~11、12脚~14、15脚~三组色差信号的输出端~都没有信号输出。从以上测出的数据~可以判定为主板上的显卡芯片出了问题。 2、开机后屏能看到背光灯有点亮,但无图像显示,而且还伴有两声“嘀嘀”的报警音。 这种故障我们可以借助电脑诊断卡工具来测试~三星的笔计本电脑有工厂提 供的专用的800电脑测试诊断卡。打开电脑底部的MINIPCI盖~取下WiFi无线网 d the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installatigh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepain accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the consturation of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for3 卡~诊断卡与电脑主板上的DEBUG500插座连接。然后开机~诊断卡显示的两位十六进制数跑到“38”的位臵后停止。从读数上~我们基本已经确认的是机器的CPU~内存~南北桥芯片都已开始工作。我们可以查一下代码对照表,38: 完成显示通电信息;即将读出新的游标位置。 RAM测试正在进行或者地址故障,FFFFH),从代码表中可以看出主板在自检的过程中~跑到视频显示部分时停止出错。在开机的时候有两声“嘀 嘀”的报警音,这也是显卡出错的报警音。那么从这两方面来分析判断~可以基本确定是主板上的显示芯片出了问题。 3、开机后,屏幕图像出现很多蓝色坚的条纹,有时还会出现变色等花屏现象。 笔计本电脑出现花屏的现象~只有三个部位:LCD~屏线~主板上的显卡芯片。我们通过电脑上的BGA端口外接显示器观察~发现也是出现花屏的现象~这也就排除了LCD~屏线出故障的可能性。最终也可以判断为主板上显卡芯片的故障。 上面所描述的三种故障现象都是由于显卡芯片出问题引起的~那么要修复好这些故障~就必须更换主板上的独立显卡芯片~下面我们将详细的讲解如何来更换显卡芯片。 二、三星Q45-AV08电脑黑屏、花屏故障的维修 三星Q45主板的整体外观如下图: steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement potalla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces ins4 图中红色箭头所指的部位就是NVIDIA GeForce 8400M显卡芯片~具体型号是:G86-603-A2~接下来要做工作就是把显卡芯片从主板上拆除下来~然后换上全新的显卡。这里需要说明的是:本文所用的焊接工具是BGA热风枪~手工进行焊接的~不是用专用的BGA返修台预设好程序进行自动焊接。BGA封装IC内部是高密度集成~由于制作的材料不同~所以不同的芯片耐热值是不一样的~温度调节的掌握尤为重要~一般好的热风枪温度是0?-450?无级变温调节的~焊GeForce 8400M显卡一般在280-340?左~温度过高或焊接时间过长会损坏芯片。风量的设臵也很重要~根据不同芯片的大小~PCB板的面积大小及厚薄度~要调整好合适的风量~风量过小会使被焊芯片受热不均匀~影响焊接质量~风量过大会吹跑周围的小电子元件~或者是BGA芯片在没有焊接上去前就因为风量调的过大而移位。Q45的显卡芯片位臵在主板的边缘处~采用热风枪焊接~如果焊接的方法处理的好~是不会引起主板的变形,X11机型的显卡主板是单独的一块~可以从主板上拆除下来~显卡板面积小~焊接时也不会导致它变形。但是三星R55、R70、R700这些机型的显卡在主板的中间位臵~是不能用热风枪直接焊接的~因为不能保证 tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepain accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the consturation of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required ford the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installatigh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.5 主板的上下两面同时加热~受热不均匀而导致主板出现向上凸或是向下凹~这样焊接在主板上的显卡会出现虚焊或者焊点短路的情况~最终的结果是故障现象更加严重~甚至损坏整块主板。这类主板必须要用专用的BGA返修台才能焊接同。 1、拆除BGA显卡芯片 三星Q45主板上的元件是采用无铅焊接的~一般无铅的焊锡熔点要比有铅的焊锡高50-60?。GeForce 8400M显卡表面积不是很大~我们在热风枪上装一个合适的风嘴~温度设定在320?就可以了~风量调在第二级。在用风枪拆除显卡前~需要把CPU~内存条~BIOS电池取下来~然后在显卡的底部注入足够的助焊剂~这样可以使助焊剂均匀分布在PCB板与IC之间~便于拆除。用镊子~配合热风枪加焊IC~松动后小心取下。注意所有的焊接操作要在防静电的桌子上进行~而且手上要带静电手环~要最大限度的减小因人为因素而导致的主板损坏。如下图: saving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement potalla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone used6 2、清洁PCB板上的残余锡球 取下显卡芯片后~要对PCB板上留下来的残余锡球进行彻底清除~为焊接新的显卡做好充分的准备。先用恒温电铬铁边烫边刮掉PCB板上比较大的残余锡球~然后用吸锡带再次清洁PCB板上的细小残余锡球~再用毛刷~沾上洗板水~彻底清洁PCB板上的污渍。如下图: on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required ford the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installatigh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepain accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the consturation of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d7 3、焊接新的显卡芯片 清洁完残留在主板上的锡球后~就可以进行新显卡的焊接工作了~更换之前要在PCB板的显卡芯片位臵涂上助焊剂~将热风枪设臵为150?以最低风量轻轻吹~使助焊剂均匀分布于芯片焊脚的表面~为焊接作准备。PCB板上有IC的定位线~对准定位线~把显卡把臵好~然后轻轻用手压~使IC与PCB板完全接触在一起。如果新的显卡芯片是有铅的锡球~那热风枪的温度设臵在280?~如果是无铅的锡球~那温度应设在320?。热风枪的风量设在二级~风口距离芯片8-10mm左右~均匀的吹焊芯片~用镊子轻轻的碰触芯片的边缘~如果芯片能够水平左右晃动~风枪就可以移走~等到芯片冷却后~焊接就完成了。如下图: ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement potalla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy8 4、清洁主板,测试机器 显卡焊接成功后~需要用洗板水把芯片内的助焊剂从PCB板上彻底清洁干净~如果不清洁或是清洁不干净~芯片的锡球内藏有杂质~会因漏电~导致显卡不能正常工作~或者缩短显卡的寿命。清洗完主板后~把CPU~内存条~BIOS电池重新装上~然后连接LCD显示屏~接上DC+19V电源~然后用镊子碰触POWER开关针脚~开机自检灯通过~然后显示屏出现SAMSUNG LOGO画面。没有花屏~黑屏现象~ uration of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required ford the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installatigh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepain accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the const9 测试正常。如下图: 这样整个的维修过程就基本完成了~然后就是装机进行全面的显卡性能测试~一般情况下~运行3dmark06测试两个小时~不会出现花屏~黑屏~画面很流畅~而且显卡温度控制在80?以内~那么这台机更换BGA显卡维修成功了。 talla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement po10 三、三星X11CV05花屏故障的维修及显卡芯片的重植锡过程 三星X11笔计本电脑~出现开机花屏~黑屏的现象~也是因显卡不良引起的。它采用的是NVIDIA GeForce 7400的显卡~用在三星电脑上的具体型号是:GF-GO7400-B-N-A3~这款电脑的独立显卡并没有焊接在主板上~而是单独的一块显卡板~可以从主板上拆卸下来。要更换显卡板上的显示芯片~与Q45机器的维修方法基本相同~甚至更容易些~所以就不再赘述了。这里我们着重讲显卡芯片的重植锡过程~显示芯片在焊接的过程中没有控制好热风枪的温度与风量~或者是PCB板的防变形没有处理好而导致芯片焊接出现短路或虚焊现象~这种情况本身芯片并没有坏~把它拆除下来重新植上锡球后~可以再次使用。下面将详细讲述重植锡的全过程: 1、清除显卡芯片上的残余锡球 芯片焊接失败后~需要把芯片重PCB板上拆除下来~然后用恒温铬铁与吸锡带把芯片上的残余锡球清除干净~再用洗板水清洁芯片上的污渍~最后用棉布把芯片擦拭干净。如下图: 2、芯片固定在植锡台上,布好植锡网,在网内倒入锡球。 把芯片固定在植锡台的夹具上~均匀的涂上一层助焊剂~然后把 NVIDIA in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the consturation of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required ford the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installatigh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepa11 GeForce 7400显卡的植锡网固定的另一个夹具上~盖上植锡网使之与显卡完全吻合。然后把规格为:0.65mm的锡球倒入网内~用像名片类的较硬的纸片轻轻的刮开锡球~使每个网孔内都能嵌入锡球~再把多余的锡球清除掉。如下图: 3、显卡芯片的焊接 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement potalla12 锡球放臵好以后~用热风枪把锡球完全焊接在芯片上~一般重植锡的锡球都是有铅的~所以风枪的温度设定为280?就可以了~风量打到一级最小档~如果风量过大可能会因控制不好~导致锡球跑出来。在用风枪加热的时候~一定要确认所有的锡球都完全熔化~并用镊子轻触锡球~感觉它已经粘到了芯片上才算焊接成功。焊接好后~从夹具上取下芯片~观察是否有没焊上去的锡球~或是锡球的位臵偏离。这种情况可以用小的热风枪有针对性的补焊一下就可以了。如下图: 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepain accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the consturation of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required ford the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installatigh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi13 做完以上的三个步骤~显卡芯片的整个植锡过程就完成了。不管是更换Q45主板的显卡~还是重植X11显卡芯片~在维修的过程中~都要注意:防静电要做好~工作台面要保持干净。热风枪风嘴及电烙铁头不要挨着电源线~以免发生事故~要注意高温部件~避免烫伤。热风枪在焊接完显卡后~不要立即关掉风枪~应该把它打到冷却档~让温度慢慢降下来后~再关机~以免发热丝因热量散不出来~损坏热风枪。热风枪与恒温烙铁长时间不使用时~也应关掉电源~延长使用寿命。 结束语: 笔计本电脑出现花屏、黑屏~是一种常见的故障现象~特别是用到NVIDIA公司的显卡如:GF8400、GF7300、GF7400、GF8600系列的独立显卡芯片~不光是三星~还有IBM、惠普、SONY等等。在实际的维修中~遇到花屏、黑屏的故障~基本上都因显卡不良引起。所以在主板的芯片级维修中~更换显卡尤为重要。本文针对三星Q45/X11机型做了故障的分析与维修~只是根据自己在实际的维修中发表一些个人见解与维修经验,难免有不足之处~希望各位专家谅解与指正:: 参考资料 1、三星笔计本电脑维修手册。 2、三星GSPN系统内的三星Q45电脑原理图。 附图一:Q45笔计本电脑的原理方框图 talla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t-performance, performance and energy ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement po14 附图二:Q45笔计本电脑显卡芯片原理图 gh an2.5 turned received pieces installation 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer hi 2 pre buried pieces processing 2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put linered 2.tments qualified testing. Stone used steel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepain accordance with the construction plan of the specification and the file size in the appropriate authority inspection deparsaving performance in front of the construction should be -sure rainwater leakage in distortion performance, performance and energye the same background, the same pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind presust us1) covert acceptance is thetypeset by the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone many time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (s at the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progres tioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5)related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of posi-tion must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed works. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspecfinished product-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semin and supervision of partyructioes ready. 2. the scope of previous construction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the consturation of the project schedule, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilitithe d on 2.12 sealed rubber injection 2.13 clean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required ford the cross box measurement positioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installati15 -performance, performance and energy ortione pattern, size error in 0.5mm stone. Air infiltration properties, stone curtain wall wind pressure rainwater leakage in disty the owners ' consent before they can purchase and order under the program, each stone must use the same background, the sameset bance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is thetypcomplete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptmpliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-o acceptance of concealed works quality inspection must be carried out according tfinished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore it-, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semithat construction site cleanonstruction (1) project outline: to understand the site profiles, familiar with the construction and supervision of partyous c, technical information, tools, machinery, apparatus, materials, personnel, temporary facilities ready. 2. the scope of previclean ending 2.14 construction Qian prepared 1. Description Project Manager required for the duration of the project schedule n 2.13sitioning and put line 2.9 cross box installation 2.10 installation 2.11 stone plate installation 2.12 sealed rubber injectiotion 2.6 vertical box installation 2.7 vertical box correction and acceptance 2.8 layer high and the cross box measurement potalla2.3 measurement and the measurement results figure draws 2.4 vertical box positioning put line 2.5 turned received pieces inssteel keel, installation job main including following steps: 2.1 construction Qian prepared 2.2 pre buried pieces processing he file size in the appropriate authority inspection departments qualified testing. Stone usedsaving performance in front of the construction should be in accordance with the construction plan of the specification and t16
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