

2017-12-03 11页 doc 39KB 62阅读




常见药物的别名常见药物的别名 果糖:(FOD)哌替丁:(杜冷丁)山莨菪碱(654-2)胞磷胆碱钠(COP):甲氧氯普胺(胃复安):环磷腺苷葡胺(心先胺):去乙酰毛花苷(西地兰):二丁酰环磷腺苷钙(力素):二乙酰氨乙酸乙二胺(可之):三磷酸腺苷辅酶胰岛素(ATP-COA-RI):地西泮(安定)呋塞米(速尿)间羟胺(阿拉明)地塞米松(Dex)苯巴比妥(鲁米那钠)二羟丙茶碱(喘定)steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 al...
常见药物的别名 果糖:(FOD)哌替丁:(杜冷丁)山莨菪碱(654-2)胞磷胆碱钠(COP):甲氧氯普胺(胃复安):环磷腺苷葡胺(心先胺):去乙酰毛花苷(西地兰):二丁酰环磷腺苷钙(力素):二乙酰氨乙酸乙二胺(可之):三磷酸腺苷辅酶胰岛素(ATP-COA-RI):地西泮(安定)呋塞米(速尿)间羟胺(阿拉明)地塞米松(Dex)苯巴比妥(鲁米那钠)二羟丙茶碱(喘定)steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 盐酸异丙嗪(非那根)毛花洋地黄甙丙(西地兰)中枢神经系统药物:地西泮,安定;苯妥英钠,大伦丁钠;盐酸氯丙嗪,冬眠灵;阿片又称鸦片,其中吗啡占20%(纳洛酮,解救吗啡中毒);盐酸哌替啶,度冷丁;喷他佐辛,镇痛新;咖啡因,三甲基黄嘌呤。外周神经系统药物:肾上腺素,副肾碱;盐酸麻黄碱,麻黄素;沙丁胺醇,阿布叔醇;马来酸氯苯钠敏,扑尔敏;盐酸普鲁卡因,盐酸奴佛卡因。循环系统药物:普萘洛尔,安;维拉帕米,异博定;steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 卡托普利,开博通;利血平,利舍平,蛇根碱。消化系统药物:西咪替丁,泰胃美;奥美拉唑,洛赛克,奥克;多潘利酮,吗丁啉。解热镇痛和非甾体抗炎药:乙酰水杨酸,阿司匹林;对乙酰氨基酚,扑热息痛;布洛芬,芬必得」肿瘤药:环磷酰胺,癌得星;多柔比星,阿霉素;紫杉醇,泰素」生素:阿莫西林,羟氨苄青霉素;先锋霉素IV,头孢力新,头孢氨苄;先锋V,头孢唑林;先锋必,头孢哌酮;头孢拉定,先锋VI。化学治疗药:氧氟沙星,氟嗪酸;steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 左氧氟沙星,来立信,可乐必妥;诺氟沙星,氟哌酸;环丙沙星,环丙氟哌酸,希普辛;异烟肼,雷米封。维生素:维A,视黄醇;维D2,麦角骨化醇;维D3,胆骨化醇;维C,抗坏血酸.普萘洛尔,心得安阿替洛尔,胺酰心安硝酸异山梨酯,消心痛硝苯地平,心痛定曲克芦丁,维脑路通氢氧化铝-胃舒平沙丁胺醇,舒喘灵醋酸甲羟孕酮,安宫黄体酮甲氧氯普胺,胃复安(灭吐灵)甲硝唑,灭滴灵去甲肾上腺素,正肾素肾上腺素,副肾素15AA,肝安9AAsteel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should ,肾安消旋山莨菪碱,6542头孢噻肟钠,治菌必妥头孢曲松纳,曲而喷托维林,咳必清诺氟沙星,氟哌酸呋喃唑酮,痢特灵洛贝林,山梗菜碱尼可刹米,可拉明拉米夫定,贺普丁吲哚美辛,消炎痛吡罗昔康,炎痛喜康复方氨基比林,安痛定去痛片,索密痛酚氨咖敏,扑感敏利巴韦林,病毒唑小檗碱,黄连素异烟肼,雷米封胞磷胆碱,胞二磷胆碱乙酰谷酰胺,醋谷胺罗痛定,颅痛定氨咖黄敏胶囊,速效伤风胶囊苯海索,安坦苯妥英纳,steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 大伦丁苯巴比妥钠,鲁米那吡硫醇,脑复新吡拉西坦,脑复康异丙酚,丙泊酚(得普利麻)维拉帕米,异博定间羟胺,阿拉明酚妥拉明,利其丁桂利嗪,脑益嗪去乙酰毛花苷,西地兰D普罗帕酮,心律平美西律,慢心律倍他司汀,培他啶卡托普利,巯甲丙脯酸复方甘草合剂,棕色合剂西咪替丁,甲氰咪胍干酵母,食母生多潘立酮,吗丁啉酚酞,果导葡醛内酯,肝泰乐复方甘草酸单胺,强力宁氢氯噻嗪,双克呋塞米,速尿螺内酯,安体舒通steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 缩宫素,催产素肾上腺色综,安络血氨甲苯酸,止血芳酸酚磺乙胺,止血敏亚硫酸氢纳甲萘醌,维生素K3硫酸氢钠甲萘醌,维生素K4叶绿醌,维生素K1利血生,利可君双嘧达莫,潘生丁异丙嗪,非那根氯苯那敏,扑尔敏地塞米松,氟米松泼尼松龙,强的松龙泼尼松,强的松氢化可的松,皮质醇曲安奈德,康宁克通丙酸睾丸素,丙酸睾酮甲基睾丸素,甲睾酮己烯雌酚,乙底酚(求偶素)氯米芬,克罗米芬格列本脲,优降糖苯乙双胍,降糖steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 灵甲巯咪唑,他巴唑丙基硫氧嘧啶,丙噻优多柔比星,阿霉素表柔比星,表阿霉素他莫昔芬,三苯氧胺地芬尼多,眩晕停亚叶酸钙,甲酰四氢叶酸钙维生素,,抗坏血酸氯化钠,生理盐水(N.S)葡萄糖,G.S葡萄糖氯化钠,G.N.S地西泮,安定艾司唑仑,舒乐安定氯硝西泮,氯硝安定咪达唑仑,力月西(咪唑安定)汞溴红溶液,红药水过氧化氢,双氧水高锰酸钾粉,P.P粉乙酰唑胺,醋氮酰胺阿米卡星,丁胺卡那霉素苄星青霉素,长效青霉素steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 头孢噻吩,先锋1号头孢噻啶,先锋2号头孢氨苄,先锋4号头孢唑林纳,先锋5号头孢拉定,先锋6号头孢羟氨苄,先锋9号头孢哌酮,先必锋复方磺胺甲恶唑,复方新若明(SMZ)多西环素,强力霉素米若环素,美满霉素依托红霉素,无味红霉素阿昔洛韦,无环鸟苷异丙肾上腺素,喘息定依托泊苷,足叶乙甙布桂嗪,强痛定哌替啶,杜冷丁复方愈创木酚磺酸钾,非那根合剂林来氟米特--爱若华速力菲--琥珀酸亚铁可霉素,洁霉素复方肝浸膏steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should ,肝铁片(力勃隆)替比夫定--素比伏代丁--阿德福韦酯硝酸异山梨酯片【消心痛】硝苯地平片【心痛定】吡哌酸片【PPA】藻酸双脂钠片【pss】西咪替丁【甲氰咪呱】茶苯海明【乘晕宁】沙丁胺醇【舒喘灵】苯乙双胍【降糖灵】格列本脲【优降糖】甲硝唑【灭滴灵】维生素B2【核黄素】复方磺胺甲基异恶脞【新诺明、SMZ】苯妥英钠【大仑丁】潘生丁【双嘧达莫】痢特灵【呋喃唑酮】盐酸吗啉胍【病毒灵】双氢克尿噻【双克】 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should
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