

2017-09-26 20页 doc 56KB 26阅读




装修房子的步骤装修房子的步骤 装修房子的步骤2927人阅读 装修房子的步骤(自己的房子自己做主) 详解装修流程装修流程菜鸟入门 一前期设计 在前期设计中,我们必须还要做的一件事,那就是对自己的房间进行一次详细的测量,这除 了让你购买建材时准确外,在结算时更能免遭被黑。测量的主要内容包括: 1. 明确装修过程涉及的面积。特别是贴砖面积、墙面漆面积、壁纸面积、地板面积。 2.明确主要墙面尺寸。特别是以后需要设计摆放家具的墙面尺寸。 二、主体拆改 进入到施工阶段,主体拆改是最先上的一个项目,主要包括拆墙、铲墙皮、拆暖气设 配、换...
装修房子的步骤 装修房子的步骤2927人阅读 装修房子的步骤(自己的房子自己做主) 详解装修装修流程菜鸟入门 一前期设计 在前期设计中,我们必须还要做的一件事,那就是对自己的房间进行一次详细的测量,这除 了让你购买建材时准确外,在结算时更能免遭被黑。测量的主要内容包括: 1. 明确装修过程涉及的面积。特别是贴砖面积、墙面漆面积、壁纸面积、地板面积。 2.明确主要墙面尺寸。特别是以后需要设计摆放家具的墙面尺寸。 二、主体拆改 进入到施工阶段,主体拆改是最先上的一个项目,主要包括拆墙、铲墙皮、拆暖气设 配、换 塑钢窗等等。说白了,就是把工地的框架先搭起来。 三水电改造 在水电改造和主体拆改这两个环节之间,一些菜鸟可能知道,还应该进行橱柜的第一次测量。其实所谓的橱柜第一次测量并没有什么实际内容,因为墙面和地面都没有处理,橱柜设计师不可能给出具体的设计尺寸,而只是就开发商预留的上水口、油烟机插座的位置,提出一些相关建议。主要包括: 1. 看看油烟机插座的位置是否影响以后油烟机的安装。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 2. 看看水的位置是否合适。 3. 看看上水口的位置是否便于以后安装水槽。 对于橱柜的第一次测量, 稍微有经验的菜鸟完全可以自行完成。水路改造完成之后,最好紧接着把卫生间的防水做了。厨房一般不需要做防水。有菜鸟一直认为装修开始之前,一些主料应该事先。俺大师要说的是,除非是主体改拆需 要用的主料,否则,诸如瓷砖、大芯板等主料的进场时间应该在水电改造之后。因为电路改造如果涉及地面开槽的话,瓷砖、大芯板码放的位置不当的话,工人搬来搬去很是麻烦。 四、木工木工、泥工、油漆工是施工环节的“三兄弟”,基本出场顺序是:木工、泥工(瓦工)、油漆 工。基本出场原则是谁脏谁先上。 五、贴砖 如果工人忙得开的话,工长一般会在“木工老大”还没有结束的时候就让“泥工老二”进场贴砖,这很正常,因为两者本身没什么冲突。“泥工老二”作业的过程,还涉及以下三个环节的安装: 1. 过门石、大理石窗台的安装。过门石的安装可以和铺地砖一起完成,也可以在铺地砖之 后,大理石窗台的安装一般在窗套做好之后,安装大理石的工人会准备玻璃胶,顺手就把大理石和窗套用玻璃胶封住了。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 2. 地漏的安装。地漏是家装五金件中第一个出场的,因为他要和地砖共同配合安装。所以, 菜鸟们在开始逛建材市场的时候,应该赶早儿买地漏。 3. 油烟机的安装。油烟机是家电第一个出场的,厨房墙地砖铺好之后,就可以考虑安装油 烟机了。 泥工老二”离场,这时候可以约橱柜第二次测量了准确的说,在厨房墙地砖贴完并安装完油烟机之后,就可以约橱柜第二次测量。 六、 刷墙面漆“油工老三”进场,主要完成墙面基层处理、刷面漆、给“木工老大”打的家具上漆等工作。准 备贴壁纸的菜鸟,只需要让“油工老三”在计划贴壁纸的墙面做基层处理就可以。此时,当“老大”、“老二”、“老三”相继离场之后,很多菜鸟会认为自己的装修结束了,其实按环节来数的话,三分之一还不到。大家之所以有这感觉是因为,人们普遍理解的装修只是装修的“施工环节”,其实装修的“安装环节也是装修的重头所在。 、 厨卫吊顶 作为安装环节打头阵的厨卫吊顶,还是在延续对家的“包装”。厨卫吊顶的同时,橱卫的防潮吸顶灯、排风扇(浴霸)应该已经买好了。菜鸟们最好把橱卫吸顶灯、排风扇(浴霸)同 时装好,或者留出线头和开孔。 八、 橱柜安装 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 吊顶结束后,可以约橱柜上门安装了。顺利的话,一天的时间可以完成。同时安装的还有水槽(可以不包括上下水件)和煤气灶,橱柜安装之前最好协调物业把煤气通了,因为煤气灶装好之后需要试气。 九木门安装 在橱柜安装的第二天,早在一个多月前木门应已测量完成,现在可以约安装了。顺利的话,也是一天的时间,装门的同时要安装的合页、门锁、地吸、菜鸟们应该事先准备好相关五金。 【备注】木门的制作周期一般为一个月, 所以,为了让工期衔接紧密,要在主体拆改完成之后尽早让木门厂家上门就门洞尺寸进行测量。关于门洞的处理,大家需要注意一点,如果家里门洞的高度不一致,需要工人处理成等高才好看。 十、 地板安装 在木门安装的第二天就可以安装地板了,顺利的话,也是一天的时间。地板安装需要注意以下几个问题: 1. 在地板安装之前,最好让厂家上门勘测一下地面是否需要找平或局部找平。 2.地板安装之前,家里铺装地板的地面要清扫干净,要保证地面的干燥,所以清扫过程不要用水。 十一、铺贴壁纸 在地板安装的第二天,家里收拾干净了,就可以约壁纸铺贴了。顺利的话,同样是一天的时间。有条件的话,铺贴壁纸的当天,地板应该理地板provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 上遗留的壁纸胶交给拓荒保洁也没问题。铺贴壁纸之前,墙面上要尽量做到“什么都不要有”。 十二、开关插座安装 十三、灯具安装 装灯,没啥好说的。装完灯,家里就亮了,告别了装修期间100瓦的白炽灯泡刺眼的强光,感觉不错。 十四、五金洁具安装 之前买好的上下水管件、卫浴挂件、马桶、晾衣架等等,一并就都装上 前面那些“大件”装好之后,家里十分“生冷”,等到灯具、五金结局装好之后,家里就“活了,真的“活”了。一点不夸张地说,你第一次打开水龙头看着水哗、哗的流,心里都会挺美;第一次在家里新装的马桶出恭,都会感到有成就感。对了,你可以给它起个不错的名字:“女座” 十五、窗帘杆安装 窗帘杆的安装标志着家装的基本结束。 十六、拓荒保洁 拓荒保洁之前,不要装窗帘。拓荒保洁时,家里不要有家具以及不必须的家电,要尽量保持更多的“平面”,以便拓荒保洁能够清彻底扫。 十七、家具进场 家具的购买时间,最早也要在水电改造完成之后,这样选择家具的基本尺寸范围我们心里才大致有数。有些菜鸟在装修还没开始之前,已经急着把家具都订了,这没什么必要。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 十八、家电进场 到了这时候,家电该进场的进场,该安装的安装,准备入住了~ 十九、家居配饰 家居配饰是家装的最后一步,而且已经有装修转为装饰了,包括窗帘的安装都属于家具配饰环节。至于买窗帘,最好在订好家具之后,以免风格冲突。家具配饰还包括可以考虑买一些绿色植物、挂墙画、摆设工艺品…………总之,入住之后,你就可以自由发挥了。这个时候,你已经由菜鸟荣升为装修大师了。 省钱秘笈:绝对让你省钱的 9个装修要点省钱, 要点, 秘籍 1.展示柜不作壁板 木板要省钱也可以从壁板动脑筋。柜子钉壁板除了有防潮的功能外,还有受重的考量。若壁面没有渗水的问题,没有放置重物,可以不要钉柜子的壁板。像主卧这面展示柜,主要是要 让屋主放置个人收藏品及化妆品,所以设计师并没有钉上壁板,这样既省钱又有美感 做一下保护;没条件也没关系,把清厨房要省钱一定得要从 2厨具及磁砖下手,考量到预算,设计师全部采用国产用品。本来台面是用珍珠板,但因为屋主想要人造石的台面,预算又不足,设计师就很大方地送了人造台面。 3.三面铝窗造型最省钱 阳台女儿墙上,本来就有架铝窗,但因为太过陈旧,设计师将原有的铝窗拆除,再换上新的铝窗。铝窗最省钱的作法,就是用三面铝窗,搭配5mm厚的强化玻璃,若是用格子的造型铝窗,价格得多1倍。通往后阳台的落provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 地门,屋主本来希望能作格子状的落地铝门较有变化,但预算实在不 足,设 土建改造阶段 ? 进场,拆墙,砌墙; ? 定做的门、橱柜、浴柜、家具、散热器等进行初次测量设计; ? 凿线槽,水电改造; ? 封埋线槽隐蔽水电改造工程; ? 做防水工程,卫生间(厨房)地面做24小时闭水试验; ? 卫生间及厨房贴墙面、地面磁砖; ? 定做的门、橱柜、浴柜、家具等进行复尺测量。 2)基层处理阶段 ? 木工进场,吊天花板、石膏线; ? 包门套、窗套,制作木柜框架(定做除外); ? 同步制作各种木门、造型门(定做除外); ? 木制面板刷防尘漆(清油); ? 窗台大理石台面找平铺设; ? 木饰面板粘贴,线条制作并精细安装; ? 墙面基层处理,打磨,找平; ? 家具、门窗边接缝处粘贴不干胶(保护边)。 (3)细部处理阶段 ? 墙面刷漆最少三遍,先刷前两遍; ? 家具油漆进场,补钉眼,油漆; provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work ? 处理边角、铺设地砖,过门石; ? 铺地板及地板下防止地板甲醛、霉菌、病菌污染的地板伴侣; ? 定做的门、橱柜、浴柜、家具、散热器等进场; ? 灯具、开关、插座、洁具、拉手、门锁、挂件等安装调试; ? 墙面漆涂刷最后一遍; ? 清理卫生,地砖补缝,撤场; ? 装修公司内部初步验收; ? 三方预约时间正式验收,交付业主。 (4)入住准备阶段 ? 家具进场; ? 各类电器产品及窗帘布艺等饰品进场; ? 初步卫生保洁; ? 清除剩余的装饰材料并擦拭掉挥发性装饰物质,如油漆、胶等; ? 全部装修完毕7天后或入住前进行室内空气质量检测; ? 进行必要的室内空气污染综合治理; ? 使用炭中炭等辅助祛除家具内部的空气污染及异味; ? 整体卫生保洁; ? 择黄道吉日搬家入户。 城市人家装修企业平台为您解答:1办理开工手续——2自行测量——3前期设计——4主体拆改——5木门厂家上门测量——6橱柜第一次测量——7水电改造——8卫生间防水——9主料进场——10木工——11贴砖(安装窗台、地漏)——12安装油烟机——13橱柜第provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 二次测量——14刷墙面漆——15厨卫吊顶——16通煤气——17橱柜安装(同时安装水槽、煤气灶)——18木门安装——19地板安装——20铺贴壁纸——21散热器安装——22开关插座安装——23灯具安装——24五金洁具安装——25窗帘杆安装——26拓荒保洁——27家具进场——28家电安装——29家居配饰——30搬家 新房水电布局及装修设计具体方案 新房装修水电布局及装修设计具体方案 一卫生间(卫生间做防水) (一)开关插座位置设计: 功能设计要求 使用状况:卫生间要安装照明电灯(防水防潮)排气扇,浴霸,电热水器 2、安装2个插座:第1个安装在洗脸池旁边墙壁上(要有带防水盖及控制插座的开关),用于插电吹风;第2个安装在墙上,用于插电热水器。 3、安装5个开关: 第1个和第2个开关安装在卫生间入门的外上,不能装在里面,分别控制卫生间照明电灯和排气扇; 第3个、第4个和第5个开关安装在洗脸池旁边墙壁上控制浴霸灯(注:浴霸有几个灯正常就决定几个开关) 4、卫生间还要安装一个热水器的温控盒,请参见图片。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work (二)出水口位置设计: 1.冷热出水口要2个:洗脸池 淋浴器离地1.1米左右,混水阀冷热水之间:15cm 2.坐便器出水口1个; 3.洗衣服(洗拖布)一个冷水出水口。 二(厨房(厨房做防水) (一)开关插座位置设计: 1.功能设计要求:(1)使用状况:厨房要使用一个照明灯,抽油烟机,消毒柜,排气扇,电磁炉,电饭堡,微波炉及冰箱等。 2.安装6个插座: 第1个安装在抽油烟机墙角边(到地面高1.6米左右),用于插抽油烟机; 第2、3、4个安装在墙上厨房吊柜下方 (到地面高1.4米左右)要带开关功能,一个要用多用插座,可以并排安装),用于插电磁炉,插电饭堡; 第5个安装灶具柜台下方的墙上,用于插消毒柜; 第6个安装墙角边,用于插冰箱。(注意:插座最好买带开关功能的,)。 3.安装1个开关:安装在门入口处控制照明灯;注:装地砖时要先装门,厨房装修时要跟整体厨柜一起装。 (二)出水口位置设计:冷热出水口1个:冷水用于洗菜池及日常用水,热水用于洗碗池。 三(客厅和餐厅 开关插座位置设计: 1功能设计要求: (1)使用状况:客厅要安装液晶电视及DVD provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work ,安装电视背景墙的背景灯,飘窗墙上要安装空调,茶桌旁边要插茶具电器,电话机,电脑网线。 房屋装修房屋装修流程房屋装修注意事...房屋装修效果图...房屋装修经验房屋装修设计(2)客厅中间要安装吊顶集成灯,要安装餐厅灯和过道灯。 2.安装8个插座: 第1个装在液晶电视背景墙中央(电源位离地 1.1-1.3米左右),用于液晶插电视;第2个和第3个(可并排)装在电视背景墙下角落,用于插DVD、组合音响和冰箱等; 第4个,用于插空调; 第5个茶桌底下地板安装地板插座,用于插茶具电器; 第6个(要带开关功能,可以并排)安装在沙发靠飘窗角落; 第7 个安装餐厅墙边; 第8个安装过道墙边。 3.安装4个开关: 第1个总开关(依据集成灯的灯数量决定总开关要几个分开关)安装在沙发背景墙右边,用于控制客厅中央吊顶集成灯; 第2个开关安装在沙发背景墙右边,用于控制电视背景墙背景灯; 第3个和第4个安装双控开关在大门入口处左边墙壁上,用于控制餐厅灯和过道灯。 4.电脑网座口:用于插电脑。6(视频线(HDMI 线俗称高清一线通):从客厅连接到主卧及客房注:一般我们都把DVD,数字电视机顶盒,卫星电视机顶盒放在客厅,所以只能在客厅看电视;而我从客厅多布了一条视频线连到房间的电视,就用这个红外转发系统来遥控客厅的数字电视机顶盒等设备。HDMI线俗称"高清一线通",可以同时传输高质量的视频和音频。 四. 阳台(阳台做防水) provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work (一)开关插座位置设计:1.功能设计要求:(1)使用状况:阳台要安装洗衣机及阳台灯; 2.安装1个插座:插洗衣机; 3.安装1开关:控制阳台灯。 (二)出水口位置设计:出水口要2个:一个洗衣池冷热出水口,一个是接入自动洗衣机的冷出水口。 五.主卧 (一)开关插座位置设计: 1.功能设计要求:(1)使用状况:主卧要使用电视,电脑,电话,飘窗的墙上安装空调,中央照明灯,床头灯; 2.安装6个插座:第1个安装在飘窗墙上方靠中间位置(但不要安装在床的正对方,可以安装在床头墙上或旁边),用于插空调;第2个安装床对面的墙中央下方,用于插电视及DVD;第3、第4 个(可并排)安装在飘窗墙角边,用于预留电脑使用,可预留、可不预留;第5个安装在床头柜上方,第6个安装在衣柜角边,用于预留其它电器使用。(注:安装插座原则最好安装墙与墙相交的角边,方便床位置变动 3.安装2个开关:第1个安装双控开关在主卧门入口墙上,用于控制照明灯;第2个安装在床头柜边墙上,用于控制床头灯。 4.电脑网线座口:用于插电脑。 5.电话插座口:用于插电话机。 6.视频( HDMI线俗称高清一线通):从客厅连接到主卧及客房 六.儿童房 开关插座位置设计:1.功能设计要求:(1)使用状况:儿童房要安装台灯及电脑,飘窗墙上要预留安装空调,中央照明灯,及床头灯。2.安装3个插座第1个装在办公桌下,用于插台灯及电脑;provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 第2个是装窗户上方墙上用于插空调;第3个是安装在儿童房床头柜 边,用于冲手机等。3.安装2个开关:第1个安装双控开关在门入口 处,控制中央照明灯;第2个安装在床头柜边,控制床头小灯。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work
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