

2017-12-26 23页 doc 118KB 13阅读




杭州到横店影视城杭州到横店影视城 温州到横店影视城 A、福州到温州南 (88.5)元,7:18-9:29(2:11分),8:00-10:01(2:01分),8:19-10:20(2:01)温州游客可至温州火车站乘坐火车至义乌后11:03-16:51(5:48)-51.5,11:55-17:46(5.51)-46.5,13:13-18:27(5.14)-46.5 去车站的公交;K6路、K8路、K13路、K20路、K21路、22路、206路、300路、301路、302路、303路、305路、306路、307路、308路、309路、405路、...
杭州到横店影视城 温州到横店影视城 A、福州到温州南 (88.5)元,7:18-9:29(2:11分),8:00-10:01(2:01分),8:19-10:20(2:01)温州游客可至温州火车站乘坐火车至义乌后11:03-16:51(5:48)-51.5,11:55-17:46(5.51)-46.5,13:13-18:27(5.14)-46.5 去车站的公交;K6路、K8路、K13路、K20路、K21路、22路、206路、300路、301路、302路、303路、305路、306路、307路、308路、309路、405路、407路、805路、Y101路至义乌江东汽车客运站换乘班车至横店。 B、乘坐汽车的游客可至温州汽车客运西站乘坐班车到东阳后,换乘班车或打的至横店。温州站第一班车发车时间为上午8:40,车程约为4小时。 福州到横店四日游 出发日期:11月24日 福州?温州南 8:00发车 10:01抵达 (高速G56) 用时2小时01分 票价:88.5 返程11月27日 温州南?福州 16:43发车 18:50抵达(高速G55)用时2小时07分 票价:88.5 共?708 11月24日 温州义乌 当日行程: 10:01到达温州南火车站, 乘机公交车81路或15路专线(2元)到火车站广场下车步行约 50 米到温州火车站,大概1.5到两小时,打的也就10元,到温州火车站,做13:13到18:27的火车K552到义乌。从火车站坐K805到终点江东汽车站全程1小时,票价:2.5元到3元。夜宿义乌江东汽车站附近酒店,也可夜游义乌~新雅图酒店 江东中路107号(时代广场南300米处)乘车路线:K20、K21、Y101路在五爱下车即可,离车站1.7公里。138元,莫泰168(义乌宾王路老火车站店)义乌市车站路148号(近宾王路) 市中心区域(市民广场), 离车站1.9公里,99元。义乌百瑞酒店(原义乌雷迪森大酒店)地址:金华义乌市江东中路346号(近篁园路),0.9公里,128元。义乌海景宾馆地址:义乌市南门街421号 市中心区域(市民广场)0.8公里,138元 美食:名菜:三丝敲鱼、锦绣鱼丝、爆墨鱼花,鱼丸、鱼圆、敲鱼、灯盏糕(解放北路与鼓楼街的交叉路口的扁头灯盏糕)、双炊糕。温州的五马路、人民路有美食娱乐街,江滨路有夜市~ 购物:瓯绣、欧塑、泰顺漆筷、乐青细纹刻纸,特长欧柑、瓯江凤尾鱼、乡巴佬鸡翅、香仁蛋、龙湾杨梅等,中百商场、金益三百年老店 温州景点:?江心屿旅游区8:00-23:00, –鹿城区江滨路江心码头,乘6、28、29、31、42、20路公交到江心码头,再坐船渡轮到江心屿,岛内可乘坐电瓶车,25元含来回轮渡,部分景点加收3-5元。(中国四大名胜孤屿之一瓯江蓬莱,江心十景) ?瑶溪:温州市龙湾区瑶溪镇,乘坐6、9路公交车直达 10元 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village ? 雁荡山 住:昆明马街宾馆(50元/人) 11月25日 横店:东阳市横店镇万盛街42号 当日行程:义乌?横店 从义乌江东客运站--横店每天最早一班车是06:00,最晚一班车是17:50,中间循环发车,20分钟一班。路程1个小时,票价10元。入住酒店宾馆管景点接送, 美食:包氏鹆坊、沈岩春的牛杂馆、东阳土菜馆、清明上河图的对面有家人民公社 景点:视城共有七大景区,分别是秦王宫景区、清明上河图景区、江南水乡景区、大智禅寺景区、广州街香港街景区以及明清宫苑、屏岩洞府景区。市区抵达各个景区之间除了旅游巴士之外还有三轮车现在的市价也从以前的6元涨到了10元。 旅游公交环线:后岑山(游客接待中心)-西山加油站-岭南宾馆-明清宫苑-广州街香港街-屏岩洞府-高尔夫训练场-星河大酒店-旅游大厦-国贸大厦-明清民居博览城-度假村-梦幻谷-秦宫苑-清明上河图。07:00—17:00,每隔15分钟一班 第一个景区是清明上河图景区。8:00-16:30,票价95元。《影视特技真人秀-笑破天门阵》地点:点将台。《大型古彩戏法情景剧-汴梁一梦》10:30、13:30地点:开封府剧场 介绍:清明上河图影视拍摄基地是“东方好莱坞”--横店影视城最具魅力的新景观。清明上河图影视拍摄基地参照我国宋代著名画家张择端绘制的《清明上河图》长卷,同时对开封市进行考察,对宋代建筑和绘画资料进行了全面研究,并结合影视拍摄需要,耗巨资,历时一年,于一九九八年十二月建成的。该基地占地500亩,分九个景区,各自相对独立,又互相联成一个整体,气势恢宏、风光旖旎,各景区的重要景点,风格独特,细细品味,妙趣横生。画舫美丽精致、牌坊高耸林立、花卉争奇斗艳。登上巍峨挺拔的景门城楼,近可俯瞰基地全貌,远可眺望整个横店城。汴河蜿蜒自东而西穿城而过,河水清澈,波光粼粼。河岸柳树成荫,微风吹拂,翩然起舞,河里鱼儿成群,历历可见,桥梁独特壮观,走上跨度40米,宽 11.5米、高5.8米的虹桥,好似踩着彩虹上了天,真是心旷神怡、美不胜收。无论是开封府还是蔡童相府,一处处建筑,四角高挑,飞阁流檐,色彩浓丽,令你目不暇接,啧啧称道,叹为观止。它生动地再现了北宋都城汴京城的社会风貌、风土人情,给人以一种穿越时空,走近历史的悠远感觉。但它出于宋代而不拘泥于宋代,可满足汉代后,民国以前为历史背景的影视拍摄 第二个景区秦王宫景区,8:00-16:30,票价120元。 《梦回秦朝》演出:9:10、10:30、13:30、15:00。地点:秦王宫景区西望楼 《英雄比剑》演出:8:40、11:00、13:00、16:20.秦王宫东偏殿。 介绍:是为历史巨片《荆轲刺秦王》的拍摄而兴建的一处气势磅礴、场面壮观的拍摄场景。皇家的奢侈,王者的气象,真实的艺术,皆展现于此。 秦王宫景区由前后广场、中宫门、主宫和燕国华阳台等27处大型建筑集合而成。高大的城墙,巍峨的城楼,以雄浑的气势表现了西秦北地的粗犷。当你登临驻足,看到箭楼高耸,垛口起落,从了望口和射口向远方望去,你的思绪也跟着穿越了黄尘古道,那金戈铁马,刀光剑影,似入眼际;那厮杀阵阵,鼓角声声,犹震耳边。宽敞的十米台阶前,等距离地分列着四条高达丈许的石雕飞龙。 雕刻精细,图腾生动,张牙舞爪,显示出一种威严。上下是以重九之数的99级入殿台阶,9作为权威性数字,被纳建于此,喻意长久、久长、永久的意思。主宫(又名四海归一殿)分前 arty branch Secretary of teamthe p onsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catchf party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not respning o, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, traiin the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. FirstThe work style of the party members and cadres ganizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. rove leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party orr, impand make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each othecers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), ork style. Requires team members to actively think, active offioriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovationrank, of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Fsting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept oriented and team building. Persi-Is teambuilding, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village-2 殿、过殿和后殿,前后纵深达120多米。殿内建筑构造则采用了大跨度的斗拱,以使穹隆高耸,气势雄浑,几乎无与伦比,仅用以支撑穹顶的大柱就有142根。四海归一殿透出的是秦王吞并六国,一统天下的凌云壮志。 秦王宫西邻的华阳台,是影片中燕国太子登基的地方。这座三级高台式的建筑,与秦王宫风格迥然,又相互辉映,让人们在重读春秋战国史的同时,又谐调地展示了秦、韩、赵、燕的同期建筑文化特色。中宫门是皇宫内最为复杂的建筑。它的特点是由两楼平行相对而建,中间有一条布设机关的复道组成。更为惊奇的是在高米两楼之间横空设有一木质球道,两楼相应设有球室,这便是秦王戏球之所。这种古代游戏渐渐演化为今日的门球和保龄球。中宫门楼将城门与大殿隔成两大广场,在前广场上,沿中宫门城墙东西各建两座阙楼,古代做贮存兵器布卫设防之用。构成了一个和协的建筑体系。 秦王宫景区不仅建筑雄伟,而且基地内还陈列着大小不一的战国秦朝时期的青铜器、古乐器、大钟、大鼎以及各种兵器、马车、旌旗、战鼓,五花八门的官服、兵服、民服、鞋帽等物品,可供拍摄同类题材的影视剧的道具所需。 第三个景点明清宫苑:8:00-16:30 票价:130元 《清宫秘戏-鹿鼎记》10:00、13:00、15:00地点:明清宫苑湖广会馆。《八旗马战》9:00、14:00或11:00地点演武场 介绍:是集拍摄、旅游观光、节庆典礼等功能于一体的特大景区,占地1500亩。景区按照拍摄的需要,用影视城特有的营造方法,仿造我国唐朝的礼制,宋元的营造方式,融汇了明清及民国等时代的许多建筑风格。景区内荟萃了北方的故宫宫殿、皇家园林、老北京等三大建筑系列,再现了元明清等不同历史时代燕京的官府民居、街市店铺和宫殿风貌。其金碧辉煌的帝王宫殿、富丽堂皇的龙阙凤檐、气势恢弘的皇宫广场、成为当今游人深宫探幽、寻古访旧、观赏千年古都燕京胜景的一个好去处。 在“明清宫苑”这样的特殊环境里,各大影视剧组可以演绎种种深宫秘史、传奇故事;四海来宾可以观赏到历休的许多趣闻逸事、老北京的市井风貌、世间百态,在妙趣横场景中,感受到中华文明古国悠久的灿烂文化。 第四站:广州街香港街景区8:00-16:30 票价:95元 《怒海争风》10:00、15:00地点:维多利亚港。《大话飞鸿》11:00、14:00地点:奧海剧场 介绍: 广州街景区建于1996年,是为配合谢晋导演拍摄历史巨片《鸦片战争》而兴建的,是横店影视城的发祥地。1998年又扩建香港街,古道纵横交错,珠江穿城而过,还原再现了一个十九世纪的广州、香港的街市风情。广州、香港在横店相偎相依、接壤而处。 广州街美景簇拥,有艺术地重建的“十九世纪南粤广州城市街景”;代表“珠江”及“广州市内小河”的人工湖泊;还有重现当年的“十三夷馆”和“天字码头”等景观。生动形象地再现了鸦片战争前后广州的市井风貌,是现代游客观赏清代时期广州城市社会街景的“风俗画”。 香港街整个布局利用荒野坡地优势设计,分布着皇后大道、香港总督府、维多利亚兵营、汇丰银行、上海公馆、和翰园等十九世纪香港中心城区的众多街景。这里30多座象征英国殖民统治的欧式建筑,构成了当时香港政治、经济、文化中心的“维多利亚城”。 别具一格、引人入胜的景致吸引许多新婚燕尔和剧组明星来此拍摄取景,至今已有数百部影片在这里独立制作完成,《鸦片战争》、《潜伏》、《归航》、《雍正王朝》、《百年沉浮》等,不胜枚举。独特的文化旅游更是让游客奔向走告、纷至踏来。 屏岩洞府8:00-16:30票价80元 介绍:是浙江省省级风景名胜区,为道家修行之福地,素有“江南第一洞天“之美誉。沿着陡壁建有三清殿、 k, putd the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the worove the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improveThe work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and impr fectiveness. eak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team efare w utual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizationsffice and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mthe Oork style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-vationn major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innoecision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions ooriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science d-Is teamHealthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect villagebuilding, improving overall quality. -f grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of teaman end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction o 3 玉帝、黄大仙、八仙、天师等道家祠观。峭壁、幽洞、红叶、悬空建筑是景区的四大特色。典型的丹霞地貌构成了陡直的屏岩,怪异的洞穴,茂密的森林,加之栈道、亭阁、天门、洞窟、缆车等景观,风光旖旎而又自然天成。 屏岩洞府以奇峰异洞、奇山怪石著称。奇,就奇在山峰的东南面如刀削一般,而山峰的顶端居然平缓连绵,并不是突兀而起、直入云端,远远望去恰如一道无法逾越的天然屏障,给人强烈的视觉冲击。怪,就怪在山中有一个深不可测的“斤丝涧”。岩石历经日积月累的风雨侵蚀,显得石呈千态、怪模怪样,在大小不一的山洞里嵌入尊尊佛像,又勾起游人无限遐思。峰叠百重、壑深泉幽、林木森森,这大自然鬼斧神工的杰作,奉献了秀美风光的同时,也成为各类题材影视剧的理想取景地。魔幻片《寻龙夺宝》就取景于此。 景区内拥有目前浙江省内最长的观光索道,在安全舒适的缆车里可以饱览广袤的林海,还可俯瞰整个横店的秀丽风光。景区内常年云雾缭绕,漫步其间,似乎游览仙境之感。饮屏岩甘泉,赏山林美景,四季轮回 里各有姿态,体验养生之旅。 住: 东阳横店再来宾馆 东阳横店花厅路16号 138元。 第三天 上午 横店 下午义乌 当日行程: 上午 横店 下午义乌 8:30出发 下午到横店镇康庄路(国贸大厦)红绿灯附近。每隔30分钟一班车,车程大约一小时,到义乌,夜宿义乌。 ? 中国国际商贸城-义乌市椆州路(乘坐101、121市场专线车、122路公交可到),时间: 9:00-16:30 景区由八个区块组成,其中ABCDE区一至三层分别经营花类、玩具、 饰品、工艺品、四楼开办了中小企业直销中心】台商馆,东辅楼为外贸企业采购中心。 FG区一到三楼经营五金、电器、箱包、电子、钟表、雨具等六大行业,四楼开设生产企 业直销中心及韩商馆、香港馆、四川馆、安徽馆、江西九江馆、新疆和田馆等精品交易 区,五楼设外贸采购服务中心,中央大厅二三楼设大型旅游购物中心、中国小商品城发 展历史陈列馆,东辅用房设银行、餐饮、物流、邮政、移动、连体商务楼、写字楼、四 星级酒店等配套服务、开设环线观光车。H区主要经营文化用品、体育用品、眼睛、化 妆品、拉链、纽扣、配件皮革 ? 宾王市场 以批发日用品、杂货见长有大件的物品是10件起卖的, 大部分的价格 比市场上的要便宜一半 2路 [我要纠错]市区线路 杨村 夏6:00-18:00 冬6:00-17:40 会展中心 夏6:00-18:00 冬6:00-17:40 间隔时间:9-18分钟 2路车的经过站点: 杨村? 波塞顿服饰(城镇职校)? 浪莎袜业? 黎明松门山(稠江中学)? 华凯彩印 (赵龙集团)? 笑雪服饰(泰蕾丝花边)? 精灵彩印(锦都豪苑)? 下傅? 实验小学 (江南小区)? 后成? 妇幼保健院? 司法局? 解百义乌购物中心(朝阳门)? 天 成大厦? 中医院? 之江大酒店(华丰宾馆)? 稠城三校? 三叉口? 白天鹅宾馆 ? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 宾王市场? 宾王客运中心(通信市场)? 会展体育中心 (西)? 会展体育中心 (共24站) ganizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. rove leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party orr, impand make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each othecers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), ork style. Requires team members to actively think, active offioriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovationrank, of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Fsting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept oriented and team building. Persi-Is teambuilding, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village-arty branch Secretary of teamthe p onsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catchf party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not respning o, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, traiin the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. FirstThe work style of the party members and cadres 4 6路 [我要纠错]市区线路 江东客运站 夏6:00-18:06 冬6:00-18:10 老火车站 夏6:00-18:06 冬6:00-17:50 间隔时间:8-16分钟 6路车的经过站点: 江东客运站(南)? 江东客运站(东)? 篁园服装市场(金达电器公司)? 浙商证券 (恒风物业)? 义驾山? 义乌市国际贸易服务中心? 宾王客运中心(通信市场) ? 宾王市场? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 老火车站 (共10站) 7路 [我要纠错]市区线路 黄杨梅灯具灯饰专业街 夏6:00-18:06 冬6:00-17:48 江南下朱 夏6:00-18:06 冬6:00-17:48 间隔时间:7-14分钟 7路车的经过站点: 黄杨梅灯具灯饰专业街? 达威拉链(幸福居委会)? 恒风交运(交通驾校)? 外国 语学校(绣湖中学/北苑医院)? 浙中生产资料市场? 义乌装饰城(私立群星学校) ? 物资市场? 发电设备厂(货运大楼)? 市公安局(华丰宾馆)? 之江大酒店(华 丰宾馆)? 孝子祠(东方医院)? 白蚁防治站? 孝子祠小区? 川纳服饰恒源祥(新 百鞋业)? 宾王市场? 宾王客运中心(通信市场)? 会展体育中心? 永胜小区 ? 基督教新恩堂(东洲花园二期)? 东洲花园? 下王? 江南下朱 (共22站) 9路 [我要纠错]市区线路 香山小学环线6:00-21:30 间隔时间:8-17分钟环线 9路车的经过站点: 香山小学(胜利菜市场)? 金特力公司? 雪峰旧货市场(宇航制笔)? 开发区学校 (复元医院)? 南方联? 菊园小区? 儿童公园? 人寿保险公司? 篁园市场(金达 电器公司)? 浙商证券(恒风物业)? 义驾山? 义乌市国际贸易服务中心? 宾王 客运中心(通讯市场)? 宾王市场? 川纳服饰恒源祥(新百鞋业)? 孝子祠小区 ? 颐和大酒店? 五合院餐饮(沪江路口)? 金华一百天成店? 绣湖小学? 百大 有加利(川纳服饰梦洁家纺)? 九三学社门诊部(香山路口)? 香山小学(胜利菜市 场) (共23站) 16路 [我要纠错]市区线路 家具市场 夏6:00-17:50 冬6:00-17:50 会展中心 夏6:00-18:20 冬6:00-18:00 间隔时间:12-24分钟 16路车的经过站点: 义乌家具市场(官清畈)? 恒风驾校? 留雅(慎福五金)? 营区(沈村)? 市运管所 (利达汽修)? 土木建筑工程有限公司(稠江一小)? 恒风交运(交通驾校)? 外国 语学校(绣湖中学/北苑医院)? 浙中生产资料市场? 义乌装饰城(私立群星学校) ? 物资市场? 义乌三中(怡乐新村)? 老火车站? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 宾王 市场? 宾王客运中心(通信市场)? 会展体育中心(西)? 会展体育中心? 永胜小 区? 国际博览中心(江坎头)? 下王? 江南下朱? 青口小学? 江干村? 玮琳饰 品? 下湾小区? 下湾 (共27站) 804路 [我要纠错]干线线路 山口 夏6:20-21:10 冬6:20-21:10 火车站 夏5:40-20:30冬5:40-20:30 间隔时间:8-20分钟 804路车的经过站点: 山口? 端头? 江东四小区? 会展体育中心? 宾王客运中心(通信市场)? 宾王 市场? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 秦塘客运站? 北景俱乐部? 省机电技校? 电力 ove the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improveThe work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and impr fectiveness. eak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team efare w utual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizationsffice and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mthe Oork style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-vationn major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innoecision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions ooriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science d-Is teamHealthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect villagebuilding, improving overall quality. -f grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of teaman end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction o k, putd the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the wor5 大楼(大塘下)? 上里角塘? 临时停靠点? 莲塘(看守所)? 新后傅? 宾派实业 ? 华灵拉链? 文渊文具? 凌云三小区(后明塘)? 后里(恒风汽车城)? 义乌英 菲尼迪(北站小区)? 何界? 火车站 (共23站) 361路 [我要纠错]干线线路 秦塘 夏6:00-18:00 冬6:10-17:40 大陈 夏5:50-17:30冬6:00-17:20 间隔时间:8-12分钟 361路车的经过站点: 大陈二村? 大陈一村? 金袖一族? 永宝制衣(桥头)? 上仙姆? 东大彩印? 大 陈加油站? 鳄王服饰? 施宅路口? 万事达服饰? 大陈新政府?临时停靠店 ? 樟树脚? 八里桥头? 西张? 岭背? 岭背开发区? 塘里蒋? 新乐? 蒋宅 ? 胡宅? 苏溪? 苏溪镇中路口? 苏溪镇政府? 苏溪派出所? 金三角工业区 ? 马丁? 长府? 徐丰? 徐樟塘(湾头下)? 上西陶? 上西陶南? 荷叶塘中学 ? 下西陶中心路口? 联云彩印厂? 荷叶塘?过溪楼村? 下沈? 宗宅? 西张路 口? 公路养护所? 麻车? 楼西塘? 东前王村? 西力村? 国际商贸城? 国际 商贸城(西)? 国际商贸城一期?宾王小学? 产权交易所(赵宅文化市场)? 宾王 市场? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 秦塘客运站 (共53站) 363路 [我要纠错]干线线路 秦塘 夏6:30-18:10 冬6:55-17:40 苏溪 夏5:50-17:00 冬6:10-17:20 间隔时间:8-15分钟 363路车的经过站点: 蒋宅? 胡宅? 苏溪? 苏溪镇中路口? 苏溪镇镇政府? 苏溪派出所(车站村) ? 金三角工业区? 马丁? 长府? 徐丰村? 徐樟塘(湾头下)? 上西陶? 上西 陶南? 荷叶塘中学? 下西陶中心路口? 联云彩印厂? 荷叶塘? 过溪楼村? 下 沈? 宗宅? 西张路口? 公路所? 麻车? 临时停靠点? 国际商贸城三期(南) ? 国际商贸城(东)? 国际商贸城? 国际商贸城(西)? 国际商贸城一期? 宾王 小学? 产权交易所(赵宅文化市场)? 宾王市场? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 秦塘客 运站 (共34站) 367路 [我要纠错]干线线路 秦塘 夏6:45-18:00 冬7:05-17:30 前店 夏6:10-17:10冬6:20-16:35 间隔时间:40-60分钟 367路车的经过站点: 前店? 前店南? 下西陶中心路口? 联云彩印厂? 荷叶塘? 过溪楼村? 下沈 ? 宗宅? 西张路口? 公路养护所? 国际商贸城三期(北)? 国际商贸城? 国际 商贸城皮革辅料/配件市场? 国际商贸城H区(西I)? 国际商贸城(北)? 国际商 贸城二期? 国际商贸城(西)? 国际商贸城一期? 宾王小学? 产权交易所(赵宅 文化市场)? 宾王市场? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 秦塘客运站 (共23站) 201路 [我要纠错]市区线路 义乌市行政服务中心(365办事大厅) 6:00-21:20 国际商贸城 6:00-21:20 间隔时间: 7-15分钟 201路车的经过站点: 义乌市行政服务中心(365办事大厅)? 交通运输局(星火)? 王前山? 万羽针织 (王前山)? 东方国际村? 黄杨梅? 迪元酒店(幸福社区)? 百思得包装? 宝仕 德制版公司(浪莎袜业)? 开发区学校(复元医院)? 南方联? 稠州中学(华润油漆 f party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not respning o, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, traiin the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. FirstThe work style of the party members and cadres ganizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. rove leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party orr, impand make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each othecers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), ork style. Requires team members to actively think, active offioriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovationrank, of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Fsting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept oriented and team building. Persi-Is teambuilding, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village-arty branch Secretary of teamthe p onsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch6 公司)? 稠州公园? 篁园服装市场? 北方联? 义驾山?国税局(宾王市场)? 宾 王市场? 宾王小区? 曲苑小区? 宾王中学(年画挂历专业街)? 福田珠宝饰品专 业街(汽配专业街)? 福田工艺品专业街(珠宝饰品专业街)? 临时停靠点? 福田 社区? 银海小区? 国际商贸城三区 (共27站) 818通宵班车路 [我要纠错]干线线路 南方联 夏21:35-5:48 冬21:35-5:48 火车站 夏20:50-5:15冬20:50-5:15 间隔:17-34分钟 818通宵班车路车的经过站点: 火车站? 何界? 义乌英菲尼迪(北站小区)? 恒风汽车城? 杨七(畈田河)? 杨 街(高桥)? 游览亭? 嘉得莱集团(柳青路口)? 成龙集团(建新毛纺)? 远东服饰 ? 曹道(通达合板)? 下山头(宝德彩印)? 义乌市消防指挥中心? 明通电子 ? 中国人保? 物资市场? 发电设备厂(货运大楼)? 市公安局(华丰宾馆)? 之 江大酒店(华丰宾馆)? 义乌博物馆(园林管理处)? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 宾王 市场? 国税局(宾王市场)? 义驾山? 北方联? 篁园服装市场? 稠州公园? 稠 州中学(华润油漆公司)? 南方联 (共29站) 大陈线夜班车路 [我要纠错]干线线路 宾王市场 夏18:10-22:10 冬18:10-21:30 大陈 夏17:40-21:20 冬18:55-20:35 间隔时间:10-20分钟 大陈线夜班车路车的经过站点: 大陈一村? 金袖一族? 桥头? 上仙姆? 东大彩印? 大陈加油站? 鳄王服饰 ? 施宅路口? 万事达服饰? 大陈新政府? 樟树脚? 八里桥头?西张? 岭背 ? 岭背开发区? 塘里蒋? 新乐? 蒋宅? 胡宅? 苏溪? 苏溪镇中路口? 苏溪 镇政府? 苏溪派出所? 金三角工业区? 马丁? 长府? 徐丰? 徐樟塘(湾头下) ? 上西陶? 上西陶南? 荷叶塘中学? 下西陶中心路口? 联云彩印厂? 荷叶塘 ? 过溪楼? 下沈? 宗宅? 西张路口? 公路养护所? 麻车? 楼西塘? 东前王 村? 西力村? 国际商贸城? 国际商贸城(西)? 国际商贸城一期? 海亚特宾馆 ? 宾王中学? 曲苑小区? 宾王小区? 宾王市场 (共51站) 371路 [我要纠错]干线线路 秦塘 6:50-17:50 阳光新村 6:00-16:40 时间间隔:30-40分钟 371路车的经过站点: 秦塘客运站? 家电市场(稠州医院)? 宾王市场? 产权交易所(赵宅文化市场) ? 宾王小学? 国际商贸城一期? 国际商贸城(西)? 国际商贸城二期? 国际商 贸城(北)? 雪峰大酒店? 国际商贸城三期(南)? 临时停靠点? 麻车? 公路养 护所? 西张路口? 宗宅? 下沈? 过溪楼村? 荷叶塘? 联云彩印厂? 下西陶 中心路口? 荷叶塘中学? 上西陶(南)? 上西陶? 徐樟塘(湾头下东方之星) ? 徐樟塘? 义乌工业园(万应殿)? 月白塘? 商翔集团? 梦森服饰(王升塘) ? 欧意集团? 阳光新村 ?佛堂古镇 城区乘312、311、316公交可到。 美食:火腿、风味小吃“金华夜堡”、火种神仙鸭、拔丝金腿、金华汤包、兰溪鸡果子、 第四天温州 早上7:34分坐火车K8885到温州13:50,用时6.16分 The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and impr fectiveness. eak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team efare w utual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizationsffice and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mthe Oork style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-vationn major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innoecision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions ooriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science d-Is teamHealthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect villagebuilding, improving overall quality. -f grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of teaman end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction o k, putd the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the worove the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improve7 下午D3117,从温州南17:47到福州南19:57,用时2.10分 D6248从福州南20:11到福州20:28,用时17分 旅游提示 1、在横店有很多黄牛,比如坐东阳或义乌到横店的班车,车上售票员会跟你说,去景区有小车接送的,其实他们是把你转卖给下家拼团,所以你要很明确告诉他你去哪,或者已经订过票了。 2、乘坐横店的人力车也是一样,不要跟他说你去“横店影视城”,因为这不是一个地点,他会给你随便带到某个地方,你一定要明确跟他说,你去哪个景区,哪家酒店,或什么路上。要不然,你又变一次猪仔。 3、夏天横店还是蛮晒的,记得要带遮阳伞和防晒霜。另外要玩梦幻谷水世界的话,记得带泳衣,省得临时去买了。 , grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, traiin the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. FirstThe work style of the party members and cadres ganizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. rove leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party orr, impand make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each othecers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), ork style. Requires team members to actively think, active offioriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovationrank, of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Fsting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept oriented and team building. Persi-Is teambuilding, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village-arty branch Secretary of teamthe p onsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catchf party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not respning o8 are w utual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizationsffice and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mthe Oork style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of w-vationn major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innoecision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions ooriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science d-Is teamHealthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect villagebuilding, improving overall quality. -f grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of teaman end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction o k, putd the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the worove the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improveThe work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and impr fectiveness. eak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team ef9
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