首页 > 不同年龄患者人工膝关节置换术后疗效与围手术期并发症分析


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不同年龄患者人工膝关节置换术后疗效与围手术期并发症分析 不同年龄患者人工膝关节置换术后 疗效与围手术期并发症分析 周一新邵宏翊唐竟唐杞衡 【摘要】 目的探讨不同年龄段患者接受人工膝关节置换术疗效和围手术期并发症。方法对 2004年1月至2005年3月在北京积水潭医院接受人工膝关节置换的212例患者300膝进行回顾性 分析,将患者按不同年龄进行分组。对不同组别进行膝关节评分(KSs评分)并统计系统与局部并发 症。结果不同组别患者通过人工膝关节置换手术KSs评分均获得提高,并且70岁以上进行双侧人 工膝关节置换的患者膝关节功能提高优于其他各组(P
不同年龄患者人工膝关节置换术后 疗效与围手术期并发症 周一新邵宏翊唐竟唐杞衡 【摘要】 目的探讨不同年龄段患者接受人工膝关节置换术疗效和围手术期并发症。方法对 2004年1月至2005年3月在北京积水潭医院接受人工膝关节置换的212例患者300膝进行回顾性 分析,将患者按不同年龄进行分组。对不同组别进行膝关节评分(KSs评分)并统计系统与局部并发 症。结果不同组别患者通过人工膝关节置换手术KSs评分均获得提高,并且70岁以上进行双侧人 工膝关节置换的患者膝关节功能提高优于其他各组(P
l。各组 术后膝关节评分较术前明显提高。采用方差分析检 验提示各组患者膝关节评分提高程度组间差异无统 计学意义(,=1.241,尸=O.291)。 2.膝关节功能评分:各年龄组患者术后膝关节 功能评分均较术前明显提高,差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.01);其中F组患者提高程度明显高于其他5 组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),而其余5组间 提高程度的差异无统计学意义(表2)。 表1不同年龄组膝关节评分(分) 3.术后并发症:术后共有26例患者出现29次 不同程度的术后并发症。发生主要并发症共5例, 其中死亡病例l例,患者为女性72岁,诊断膝关节 骨关节炎,术后第3天突发胸痛呼吸循环功能障碍, 考虑为肺栓塞引起。急性心肌梗死患者l例,经治 疗后好转。一过性意识障碍患者l例,查CT未见 明显病变,保守治疗后好转,考虑为短暂性脑缺血发 作。上消化道出血患者1例,考虑为应激性溃疡,使 用奥美拉唑保守治疗好转。频发心房颤动伴快速心 室率患者l例,转入CCU治疗后好转。出现严重腹 泻患者4例,其中3例伴严重水电失衡。肺炎肺不 张及血氧降低患者8例,其中3例转入ICu,并有l 例进行气管插管呼吸机辅助治疗,所有患者均痊愈 出院。出现严重水电失衡患者4例,其中3例为腹 泻合并,另l例为糖尿病术后合并酮症,经保守治疗 好转。出现尿潴留患者2例,均延长了留置导尿时 间。出现深静脉血栓患者2例,其中l例行下腔静 脉滤网置入溶栓治疗。出现伤口局部血肿渗出2 例。随访过程中2例患者发生假体周围感染,均行 假体取出临时间隔物置人,并进行二期翻修术。 本次研究中共22例患者发生系统并发症。单 万方数据 侧不同年龄段A、C、E3组并发症发生率分别为 5.6%(4/71),7.4%(2/27),26.9%(7/26),3组并 发症发生数差异具有统计学意义(,=9.539,P= O.008);其中E组2例患者发生主要并发症。双侧 不同年龄段B、D、F3组并发症发生率分别为: 4.9%(2/41),14.3%(4/28),15.8%(3/19),3组 并发症发生数差异无统计学意义(r=2.420,P= O.298);其中B组1例、D组2例患者发生主要并发 症。数据显示随着年龄增大,术后并发症发生的可 能性也增大。 4.不同年龄阶段患者术前ASA分级比较:不同 年龄组患者术前AsA情况,≤64岁以下I一Ⅱ级 105例,Ⅲ一Ⅳ级7例;65~69岁,I一Ⅱ级47例, Ⅲ一Ⅳ级8例;≥70岁,I一Ⅱ级32例,Ⅲ一Ⅳ级 13例。术前AsA分级为Ⅲ一Ⅳ的患者在各年龄组 的患者中所占比例分别是6.3%、14.5%和28.9%, r检验进行统计学分析显示差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。同时出现术后并发症的患者中术前平 均ASA分级为2.62。 讨 论 高龄曾被视为人工膝关节置换术的相对禁忌 证。高龄患者往往合并较多的内科疾病,容易延长 术后康复时间并增加围手术期并发症。本研究也表 明随着患者年龄的增高,ASA为Ⅲ一Ⅳ的比例也逐 渐升高,与国外文献报道的老年患者存在较高的并 发症一致H引,但是国内很少有研究报道年龄对手术 效果和术后并发症的影响。随着手术技巧和麻醉技 术的提高,有文章报道不同年龄阶段术后并发症和 效果并无差异怕刁J。此外,临床上部分患者双侧膝关 节均有严重病变,一次手术置换双侧人工膝关节相 对于单侧人工膝关节来说不仅仅是手术时间、术中、 术后出血量简单的叠加。Lane和Hozack【81的研究 表明同时进行双侧人工膝关节置换术后并发症的发 生率较单侧为高。但Cohen等[91研究发现双侧人工 膝关节与单侧人工膝关节置换术后并发症的发生率 并无差异。因此本次回顾性研究将患者的年龄按≤ 64岁、65—69岁和≥70岁进行划分,同时对于进行 双侧人工膝关节置换和单侧人工膝关节置换手术的 患者进行分组,从而分别研究。 本研究表明,不同年龄阶段患者通过人工膝关 节置换手术均能获得膝关节疼痛的缓解和膝关节功 能的改善,这一结果与相关文献的研究结果相吻 合¨m12J。在膝关节评分提高的程度上不同年龄阶 段患者无显著差异,而在膝关节功能评分提高的程 度上有一定差别,70岁以上同时进行双侧人工全膝 关节置换的患者膝关节功能的提高程度优于其他组 患者。我们认为导致以上结果的原因在于该组患者 术前双侧膝关节功能障碍较重,且高龄组患者普遍 对手术效果预期较低,患者对功能改善更为满意。 因此高龄患者接受双侧人工膝关节置换术后疗效并 不逊于年轻患者,甚至手术后功能较年轻患者获得 更大程度改善。 P明血i等¨副研究了膝关节置换术并发症与患 者年龄、BMI以及术前ASA的相关性。认为老年患 者术后具有较高的并发症发生率可能与高龄患者术 前存在更多的合并症有关。本研究中共26例患者 发生术后并发症,其中局部并发症4例,2例为手术 切口血肿,2例为假体周围感染。从本研究来看2 例感染病例均为70岁以下患者。另2例切口血肿 患者年龄也为70岁以下患者,经保守治疗后好转, 因此考虑局部并发症与年龄无明显相关性。 本组病例中,术后系统性并发症共发生22例 (25人次),既往有研究报道75岁以上患者中术后 并发症的发生率较高,并且并发症往往与患者术前 状态有相关性【14。51。本研究发现随着年龄的增加, 患者手术后并发症发生率也有所提高,高龄组患者 ASA分级明显高于低龄组患者,我们认为高龄患者 术前存在较多的合并症,并且由此导致患者术后出 现较高并发症。因此对于进行人工全膝关节置换手 术的高龄患者,术前更应重视调整患者全身状态,治 疗合并症,术后应密切监测并发症的发生,及时进行 相应处理。 本研究提示膝关节置换术后最频发的并发症是 肺炎或肺不张,而对患者构成生命威胁的则主要是 循环系统并发症。发生这些并发症的患者往往术前 就合并有心肺功能不全。因此对于高龄以及需要进 行双侧人工全膝关节置换手术的患者需要更好的进 行围手术处理。需要更仔细的术前检查,甚至包括 详尽的肺功能检查、心脏的运动实验和冠状动脉造 影¨61。术中、术后手术医师需要和麻醉医师密切配 合,制定详尽的输血和输液计划,维持患者循环呼吸 系统的稳定。在术后康复阶段,应鼓励患者早期进 行功能锻炼,早期下地活动以减少肺炎或者肺不张 的发生,同时提高患者术后的功能。 本研究发现虽然老年患者在膝关节置换术后发 生并发症的几率相对较高,但是并发症的发生率总 体上并不是很高,同时术后并发症大多为次要并发 万方数据 ·836· 症,发生严重主要并发症的概率较低。老年患者接 受膝关节置换术疼痛可以显著缓解,改善关节功能, 因此只要术前更为重视患者的合并症,给予正确的 围手术期处理,年龄并不是限制手术的因素。 参 考文 献 Bu∞helFF,Bu∞helFFJr,Papp∞MJ,et|I.Twer吐y州 训删鲫0f删scalbeariIIg肌drot鲥llg讪Id而kn∞ Iel山ce咄ltB.ClinO^IIopRekR髓,2∞1(388):4l踟. 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BACKGROUND: Recent HIV therapies have improved life expectancy in HIV positive patients. For the purpose of the following retrospective investigation, we analyzed the results of total joint replacement in HIV positive patients. This study exemplifies orthopaedic treatment options and perioperative problems in HIV positive patients. Our population included a high proportion of hemophilic patients. DESIGN AND METHODS: Between 1988 and 2000, we performed 55 endoprosthetic procedures (20 total hip replacements (THR), 33 total knee replacements (TKR), two shoulder replacements) in 41 patients suffering form HIV. Thirty patients are afflicted with hemophilia, seven patients were intravenous drug addicts. The mean follow-up was 81 months (2-14) years. Patients were seen annually; either the Harris Hip Score or the Knee Society Rating System was applied. RESULTS: The following septic complications were observed: a mycotic abscess of both hips 5/10 months after bilateral THR, two early infections following coxitis in patients with intravenous drug abuse, and one further case of septic loosening after 15 months in one patient after THR. Furthermore, one aseptic loosening of a THR after 14 months in a hemophilic patient was seen. After TKR, two early infections in patients with intravenous drug addiction were seen. The total complication rate was 12.7%. A coherency between the infection rate and the CD4+ count was not seen. DISCUSSION: An analysis of the results shows that the complications occurred in patients living under difficult social circumstances. Whereas total joint replacement in hemophilic patients with or without HIV seems to be a fairly safe procedure concerning the postoperative infection rate, intravenous drug abuse increases the risk. Functional outcome does not differ from an HIV negative population both in the TKR and THR groups. 2.外文期刊 Khan.RJ.Fick.D.Yao.F.Tang.K.Hurworth.M.Nivbrant.B.Wood.D A comparison of three methods of wound closure following arthroplasty: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial. We carried out a blinded prospective randomised controlled trial comparing 2-octylcyanoacrylate (OCA), subcuticular suture (monocryl) and skin staples for skin closure following total hip and total knee arthroplasty. We included 102 hip replacements and 85 of the knee.OCA was associated with less wound discharge in the first 24 hours for both the hip and the knee. However, with total knee replacement there was a trend for a more prolonged wound discharge with OCA. With total hip replacement there was no significant difference between the groups for either early or late complications. Closure of the wound with skin staples was significantly faster than with OCA or suture. There was no significant difference in the length of stay in hospital, Hollander wound evaluation score (cosmesis) or patient satisfaction between the groups at six weeks for either hips or knees.We consider that skin staples are the skin closure of choice for both hip and knee replacements. 3.外文期刊 Borghi.B.Casati.A Incidence and risk factors for allogenic blood transfusion during major joint replacement using an integrated autotransfusion regimen. The Rizzoli Study Group on Orthopaedic Anaesthesia. The efficacy of an integrated autotransfusion regimen, including pre-donation and perioperative salvage of autologous blood, was prospectively evaluated in 2884 patients undergoing total hip (n = 2016) or knee arthroplasty (n = 480), and hip revision (n = 388) with either balanced general, regional, or integrated epidural/general anaesthesia. Allogenic concentrated red blood cells were transfused in the presence of symptomatic anaemia or when haemoglobin concentration was < 6 g dL-1 (10 g dL-1 in patients affected by cerebrovascular or coronary artery disease) after all salvaged and pre-donated autologous blood had been transfused. A total of 278 patients (9.6%) received allogenic blood. Risk factors for allogenic blood transfusion were: preoperative haemoglobin concentration < 10 g dL-1 (after autologous blood pre-donations) (Odds ratio: 8.7; 95% CI: 6.5-16.8; P = 0.004), hip revision versus hip or knee arthroplasty (Odds ratio: 5.8; 95% CI: 3.9-8.5; P = 0. 0001) and inability in obtaining the number of pre- donations required by the Maximum Surgery Blood Order on Schedule (Odds ratio: 3.4; 95% CI: 2.7-4.1; P = 0.0001). The incidence of perioperative complications, including wound infection and haematoma, as well as myocardial ischaemia, respiratory failure and thromboembolic complications, was higher in those patients requiring allogenic blood transfusion (29.8%) than that observed in patients receiving only autologous blood (6.6%) (P = 0.0005); while the mean time duration from surgical procedure to patient discharge from the orthopaedic ward was shorter in those patients not receiving allogenic blood transfusion (12 days; 25-75th percentiles: 8-14 days) than in those patients who required perioperative transfusion with allogenic blood (15 days; 25-75th percentiles: 10-17 days) (P = 0.0005). In conclusion, this prospective study highlighted the clinical relevance of applying an extensive and integrated autotransfusion regimen in order to reduce allogenic blo 4.外文期刊 Moonen.AF.Thomassen.BJ.van-Os.JJ.Verburg.AD.Pilot.P Retransfusion of filtered shed blood in everyday orthopaedic practice. The efficiency of post-operative cell saving after major joint arthroplasty has been demonstrated in prospective studies focusing on blood management. In everyday practice, however, it is likely that transfusion policy is followed less rigorously because of a slackening in attention to blood management, with a reduced efficiency of post-operative cell saving. The primary research question of this retrospective study was whether the number of allogeneic blood transfusions administered to patients treated with a retransfusion system was similar to the results found in a preceding prospective study. A total of 438 patients treated with the Bellovac ABT retransfusion system were analysed in which the majority was operated on a total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The amount of retransfused shed blood, the perioperative haemoglobin levels and the number of allogeneic blood transfusions were registered. The average amount of retransfusion was 152 mL in THA and 410 mL in TKA, whereas the allogeneic blood transfusion rate was 8.4 and 5.1% in both groups, respectively. The average percentage of allogeneic blood transfusions administered in this study (i.e. 7%) proved to be marginally higher than the percentage found in a preceding prospective study (i.e. 6%) because of slackening of attention for transfusion policy in everyday practice. Limited bone resection procedures such as resurfacing THA or unicompartmental knee arthroplasty were associated with very limited shed blood and low risk of allogeneic blood transfusion, indicating the doubtful cost efficiency of using a retransfusion system in these patients. It can be concluded that the efficiency of the retransfusion system in everyday practice was similar to the efficiency shown in a preceding prospective study focusing on blood management. However, continual training of the clinical team is crucial. 5.期刊论文 王晓永.张卫国.吕德成.李洪敬 金属对金属全髋关节置换与全膝关节置换术后早期钴铬钼离子的释出 -中华骨科杂志2009,29(10) 目的 研究金属对金属伞髋关节置换与全膝关节置换术后早期患者体内钴、铬、钼离子的释出情况.方法 选择2007年5月至2008年3月实施的金属对会 属全髋关节置换10例,全膝关节置换8例.假体选择采取随机原则.分别于术前和术后第2、6、12、24周采集静脉全血,应用双聚焦电感耦合等离子体质谱法 测量钴、铬、钼离子在血浆样品中的浓度.结果 (1)金属对金属全髋关节置换及全膝关节置换术后患者血浆中钴、铬离子水平增高,于术后2周开始至6周 增高明显,6周时离子浓度达到峰值,6周后离子浓度逐渐下降,12周下降至2周水平,24周离子下降趋势逐渐减慢.(2)金属对金属全髋关节置换术后6、12、 24周钴、铬离子浓度低于全膝关节置换术患者.(3)使用锻造工艺假体患者术后血浆钴、铬离子浓度低于使用铸造工艺假体患者.(4)两组患者随访半年内 钼离子浓度与术前比较差异均无统计学意义.结论 钴铬钼合金金属对金属全髋关节及全膝关节置换术后血浆钴、铬离子浓度均高于术前,离子浓度增高趋 势相似. 6.期刊论文 王琦.张先龙.沈骏.蒋垚.邵俊杰.沈灏.曾炳芳 "低风险"人群初次人工关节置换术后的深静脉血栓 -中 华骨科杂志2007,27(2) 目的 研究"低风险"人群在人工髋、膝关节置换术后深静脉血栓的发生情况.方法 2003年2月至2005年4月,准备行选择性初次人工关节置换术的"低风 险"患者136例,其中全髋关节置换术73例76髋,全膝关节置换术63例72膝,年龄46~84岁,平均68.5岁.具有深静脉血栓高危因素的患者排除在研究之外.患 者术后均未采用任何方法预防深静脉血栓,于术后6~8天行静脉造影或根据临床表现急诊行静脉造影.怀疑肺栓塞的患者摄胸部X线片及CT加以确诊.结果 全髋关节置换术73例76髋中,22髋(28.95%)发生深静脉血栓,其中近端栓塞14髋,远端栓塞8髋;全膝关节置换术63例72膝中,33膝(45.83%)发生深静脉血栓 ,其中9膝为近端栓塞,24膝为远端栓塞.全髋关节置换组与全膝关节置换组的深静脉血栓发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=4.515,P<0.05);两组间近端 血栓发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(x2=0.988,P>0.05);两组间远端血栓的发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=11.348,P<0.05).发生肺栓塞1例 (0.74%).临床症状对深静脉血栓的阳性预测值为52%.结论 初次人工关节置换术后"低风险"人群深静脉血栓的发生率为37.16%,而临床表现并不能作为诊 断深静脉血栓的可靠依据.临床上应建立起一套安全有效的方法降低深静脉血栓的发生. 7.期刊论文 田华.宋飞.张克.刘岩.TIAN Hua.SONG Fei.ZHANG Ke.LIU Yan 阿司匹林预防关节置换术后血栓栓塞性 疾病的疗效和安全性研究 -中华医学杂志2007,87(47) 目的 探讨阿司匹林对预防人工关节置换术后静脉血栓的疗效和安全性.方法 回顾行全膝和全髋关节置换的240例患者.其中全膝关节置换157例,全髋 关节置换83例.分为两组,甲组100例,于术后第1天起给予阿司匹林抗凝;乙组140例,给予低分子肝素抗凝.通过观察比较下肢深静脉血栓、肺栓塞、心脑血 管意外的发生率和出血、感染的发生情况,评价阿司匹林在人工关节置换术后预防血栓栓塞性疾病的疗效和安全性.结果 甲组使用阿司匹林术后出现深静 脉血栓13例(13.0%),有症状深静脉血栓7例(7.0%),疑诊肺栓塞3例(3%),心脑血管意外2例(2%);乙组出现深静脉血栓、有症状的深静脉血栓、疑诊肺栓塞 和心脑血管事件分别为10例(7.1%),4例(2.9%),3例(2.1%),8例(5.7%),两组差异均无统计学意义(P值分别为0.129、0.130、0.675、0.156).阿司匹林组术 后出血量、血红蛋白下降量、血肿发生率、感染发生率分别是(693±480)ml、(32.9±18.0)g/L、1例(1%)、0例(0%),LMWH组分别是(649±521)ml、 (36.4±21.9)g/L、3例(2.1%)、2例(1.4%),两组之间差异均无统计学意义(P值分别为0.501、0.177、0.495、0.230).结论 阿司匹林和低分子肝素对关节 置换术后静脉血栓栓塞疾病的预防疗效相近,出血和感染风险无明显区别.阿司匹林口服给药方便、费用低、患者依从性好、无需监测并对术后心脑血管 事件有良好的预防作用.阿司匹林可作为人工关节置换术后预防静脉血栓常规方案之一. 8.期刊论文 赵亚珍.周鲜花 人工全髋关节置换术后深静脉血栓形成的护理干预 -临床护理杂志2008,7(4) 目的 探讨系统护理干预对全髋关节置换术后下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)发生率的影响.方法 将80例接受人工全髋关节置换术患者随机分为观察组和 对照组,各40例,观察组给予术前健康知识宣教,包括饮食、功能锻炼的方法、术后早期进行主动与被动功能锻炼等,对照组采用常规护理.结果 人工全髋 关节置换术后DVT发生率观察组低于对照组,有显著性差异(P<0.05).结论 术前、术后积极的护理干预能有效降低全髋关节置换术后DVT的发生率,改善预 后. 9.期刊论文 王效
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